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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. A better solution is to use a decent frame, in my opinion. Also, Rhino can use ironclad charge to raise his armor, which is incredibly useful on a bunch of enemies. What was your power strenght, if I may ask?

    Lol you are.. Wow you are just SO INTELLIGENT

    YES! who needs a frame that is just bad because of poor design? FORGET THEM! who cares if people love that frame?

    Wow you're ignorant.

    Instead of your dumb suggestion why don't we improve rhino slightly more rather than being like "lol this frame is bad you're dumb for playing it"

  2. To get at least 50 seconds on electric shield you can run..

    Assuming all builds use a max primed continuity and a rank 4 fleeting expertise

    Rank 10 narrow-minded and stretch to give you 79% range

    Rank 7 narrow-minded to give you 53% range and no stretch so you play constitution to maintain duration over 50 seconds. This build and the above are the same except you trade 26% range for increased knockdown recover which is integral in higher level play on top of the little difference between 53% and 79% and volt Prime has a passive where shock has infinite range if the enemy is in LoS on top of overload being meh so you only lose range on speed buffing your squad.

    Finally you can run rank 6 narrow-minded and pulse arcane in order to reduce the loss of range from narrow-minded whilst still achieving over 50 seconds on electric shield

    Like I said before I've been running the second build for a bit now as I don't mind the drop in range from 79-53 as the knockdown recovery is too amazing to pass up

  3. Only posting this because of the last 2 comments as they're quite interesting.

    For a while I've used max narrow minded and stretch but recently I've slapped on a rank 7 narrow minded and took off stretch entirely. Volt's arcane pulse helmet is interesting too because it allows you to essentially gain 1 rank in narrow-minded without sacrificing further range penalty.

    My electric shields last 51 seconds, I used to run a build with arcane pulse that allow me for 60 second shields but I figure the slight bit of extra duration wasn't worth affecting the quality of my other abilities anymore than it truly needed to.

    Once you hit that 50 second mark with electric shields you don't need anymore duration than that. No point in making volt a one trick pony just for 10 more seconds.

  4. Yes pleeeease. I actually thought it did increase those for a long time, it only makes sense that it would.

    Also can it um... not screw with your FOV whenever you use it? I really really hate that and it's the reason I rarely use Volt even after all the work I went through to get Volt Prime. >.>

    I'm all for that as well, I don't mind the FX of it but I know so many that do and I don't truly see much point in it, we get it DE, we're going fast!

  5. It's hard for me to want DE to get rid of Bounce Pads even though parkour 2.0 changed a lot. The fact that it's so versatile should really be more of an inclination for more abilities to be created in a similar matter rather than being bashed at for being "outdated"

    I'm really on the fence with this one but I think most people would stop complaining if it didn't affect fellow tenno on Vauban's squad.

  6. Guys just get a primed pistol ammo mutation and call it a night.

    After 40 minutes is beyond the scope of intended gameplay. Anything that can deal with that sustainably can do so because it's overpowered.

    Raids bro..


    Lv 80

    And 40 mins in a T4S is beyond the intended scope of gameplay?


  7. Trin is one of those frames that really couldn't care less about base stats.

    Energy pool increase would be meaningless due to EV.

    Health isn't as good as the shield buff trin got simply because trin only has 15 armor and most trins that aren't EV builds are blessing builds that blow themselves up for max blessing anyway.

    I'm very happy they buffed her Sprint to 1.1 as 1.0 is so sluggish I can't stand it.

    Shield is kind cool since you can more easily run "non try hard" builds and use that one augment that gives over shield slightly more effectively.

    Armor on her is meh its not like they could give her 300, and she's a healer so she shouldn't really have armor anyway.

  8. Yeah that's why I said at least because anything lower than that is absolutely useless, but yes I agree 90% would be a much better target.

    Exactly, you said at least 60 when they should be at least 90.

    Nonetheless I'm glad you posted this thread

  9. I'm assuming op, the reason is that most MR 8 players do not have all the maxed mods (primed mods, r10 staples like narrow-minded etc) and these players feel entitled and don't want you to join.

    I'm MR 17 and I usually don't care who I play with, I enjoy variations in skill amongst a team and never use mastery as an assumption of skill.

    Skill doesn't mean the same thing as mathematical statistics, I'm sure many of these players do not believe you are unskilled but rather you have not acquired fully optimal builds.

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