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Posts posted by Grom-84

  1. Hitscan is one-frame calculation while projectile can take up to infinite time if there's no predefined time to live.

    Also, there's a need for a lot of "complex" trigonometry, or else projectiles would spazz all over the place, there's velocity, gravity, chance to both ricochet and punch through, it's all calculated every frame until the projectile dies by running out of time or hitting the target.

    And for the particle effects, ask yourself, how many particles at once can these tablets draw before blowing up?

    I hope developers are not idiots to use particles with infinite lifetime) and those bounces and pellets traveling with sparkles all appeared in old games like UT1999. As for the tablets and phones they are capable to handle something like Doom 3 today which isn't light and none of them melting or blowing up running those games.  


    I wonder why developers instead fixing existing bugs crippling fine weapons. Why the still haven't fixed parallax aiming while you cannot hit an enemy which stands right in front of you, or another one - sometimes you can jump over a crate or a container and will lose your buffs because game considers that you have fallen into a death pit but that wasn't the case! Those are annoying as hell

  2. Anything I want to say to you would get me another warning post, so I'll just let the community tear you apart with vicious personal insults for me. It looks like they're already starting.

    Its mutual you know) and you are pathetic, boring, and the only one thorn apart already, posting the same copypasta in each thread. Bye "100K dps on paper man" enjoy your goodies until next nerf will take them away from you)

  3. Exactly! you summarized the key moments well with a single post. Also i'd like to add one thing about whiners with theirs "100K OP DAMAGE" - it's all situational! after whole team got buffed with auras, skills, and rare fully upgraded mods some of the lucky guy gets a 100K crit and makes a screenshot of it - oh well is that a big deal? I saw some guys got 500K on some sniper rifles - lets nerf them too its op its overkill!  

  4. Hitscan requires no physics calculations compared to projectiles with velocity, affected by gravity and being able to ricochet off surfaces.

    Nah, this stuff not so complex it is faked all of the time with basic geometry and trigonometry there is no need in a complex precise trajectory calculation or gravity and other stuff like that in a game. For example those nice realistic explosions in Battlefield are nothing more than a full motion video or fmv slapped onto transparent planes they have no volume. As for the particle effects today even cheap chinese tablets can draw them well and the performance of those tablets is 100-1000 times weaker than a low end office pc's. So i'm not buying this)

  5. If they felt like it had to be changed for performance, so be it.


    Two issues with this are as follows:


    The changes made to the gun Fundamentally change how the gun plays.


    You can no longer use it from range or to bounce shots.


    I also have yet to see anyone mention if the punch through is still on the weapon. As far as I can tell it is not.


    As a design team you should want to keep it as close to the original as possible while improving the problems that were technically had with the gun = Compromise




    The second and larger issue is a common complaint I have with DE in general - Terrible feedback and reasons for changes.


    They could tell people exactly why the kohm was causing problems not just a generic "performance issue" but they don't.


    This leads to us having to make up our own narrative as to why these things are happening and that will always be negative.


    We are all mushrooms here - Kept in the dark and fed on bullsh*t.

    Punch through is also gone) with bounces. 

  6. "Kohm is now hitscan, that's why."


    Yep multiple instant hits everywhere - on different body parts with different damage multipliers on them, on different enemies with increased fire rate seems legit and greatly "optimized" stuff to calculate rather than few projectile particles Lel)

  7. I dont understand how ->  more pellets with grater fire rate and less damage per pellet "supposed to be easier to handle for the system" than -> less pelets, less, fire rate with higher damage per pellet)

  8. People with wooden pcs reporting performance issues just HAD to ruin my gun huh. My 6 year old pc ran it fine though...

    As i said before in some Kohm related topic - I wonder why devs didn't make a checkbox option for fancy gun's particle effects in game's graphics settings for those who have weak pc's?

  9. I liked long range kohm with particles, with punch through and a bit lower rate of fir at 2.7 unmoded. And those theoretical numbers mean nothing - the weapon feels like crap now. nuff said. 

  10. Just because you don't care doesn't mean the Kohm's apocalyptic DPS made every other weapon redundant. If a weapon has nearly twice the DPS of the next best weapon, it needs a nerf. Would you argue otherwise?



    This is because of a flaw with enemy scaling, not the Kohm. You can't blame the Kohm for the game's enemy scaling issues.



    Don't feel sorry. The Synoid got what was coming to it, and the DPS was hardly lowered at all. The only real nerf was to the ammo efficiency, which forces people to play smarter and use their limited ammo more tactically. I hope the Synoid will come to fill the role that the Twin Wraith vipers did, where it provides extremely high DPS for an extremely limited time.

    And I said the same! The problem wasn't the kohm, the problem is in poor overall weapon's damage scaling with the difficulty)  Why taking away kohm instead of giving some buffs to other higher level weapons? for example - double that pathetic base damage for that goddamned soma/boltor prime. All would be happy this way and would stop whining about numbers, when some previous tier weapons in some *exclusive* conditions outdamages those which are supposed to be the better ones.

  11. btw i feel sorry for those guys who got their gamacors nerfed. People had fun time with it, i was glad for them and wasn't jealous at all.


    And i haven't encountered any "Gpu frying" because of particle trails. As for those who have weaker pc - Why not to make a stupid chekbox in Graphic setting to disable weapon's particle effects globally like it was made for melee weapons for example?

  12. Before the most recent nerf, the Kohm was the only weapon in the game capable of achieving higher DPS than the Synoid Gammacor. Nearly twice the Synoid's, to be precise. Before the nerf, I was of the firm belief that Warframe would have been a better game if the Kohm had never received any stat changes after release, becasue another crappy weapon is preferable to one that makes everything else redundant. The fact that you are now left without a primary weapon is just more proof that the Kohm was poorly balanced, if the 100k DPS wasn't enough already.

    I dont care about what it can be in theory on paper with fully upgraded primed and events mods with 8 formas spent on this weapon, those guys maybe wont notice any difference, for me this shotgun turned into ammo hungry smg. The fact that i left without primary weapon shows how badly weapons scaling with difficulty and enemy's level.  

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