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Posts posted by Grom-84

  1. Lool i wish i had you problems with sensors, having around 100 of them and i even don't know where i got them, maybe it's excavations or i don't know... my problem is that i only had 3 catalysts for the whole time spent in game(180h +) and only 1 reactor!!!! that is insane, and not those orokin cells/rubedo/circuits or whatever stuff which laying on the floor like dirt.


    Ah! i remember where i got them - infested defences with nekros, mesa and greedy mag you can pull 6-8 per mission.

  2. They fix maps problem, it takes some time though. So its worth posting. Grineer maps have some glaring visual issues since U16.

    Yes! exactly, greneer tileset suffering the most! and exactly right after U16. I just wonder why people so unaware and haven't noticed those things, i'm asking sometimes in a chat during the mission about those visual issues and everybody saying that they are fine. Also bloom, particles, glow and color correction went wrong for some reason.

  3. i have around 100 quits but 90 % of them because of - host rage quited, connection lost, monsters didnt spawn as they should, coudn't piсkup a key, stucked doors, absenсe of a mission goal for some reason, capture target spawned right in front of the escape elevator, stupid alarm triggered and data purging began at vault B while i was soloing, in vault C, and everything was calm... and many other glitches.

  4. The only complaint I have is how they hang on the back. They both should be parallel to each other. Not one on the shoulder and the other on the lower back. It looks strange for 2 long swords.

    Or crisscrossed at the back but not like this "L" looking type of their placement.

  5. Идея хорошая мне нравится почему бы и нет, но... мы же знаем алчность людей, такой цены что ты предложил - не будет, будет как с формами или аркейнами, сначала ты должен будещь заплатить 100 платины потом неделю погимороиться проходя глюкавые непроходимые миссии и мониторя все алерты на предмет награды каких нибуть координат, и только потом ты сможещь свою нову превратить в прайм или наоборот) вобщем я полагаю если и сделают чтото подобное, то будет дешевле просто купить.


    Но вот товарищ постом выше предложил действительно простой и гениальный выход - тупо купить скин за 50 платины.

  6. I think that overall concept of the armor and shields must be reworked to make some sence. For example i found it strange that shields are good against puncture damage but slashing and impact damage easily penetrate them... or heavy thick greneer armor is bad against arrows? seriously? - it doesent make any sence, because arrows must stuck in thick armor doing to the wearer only light scratces, but they must easily penetrate through shields, which are supposed to be good against energy based and srapnel/slash weapons.


    Also i have noticed very little difference in warframe's armor wether it is 65 armor 190 armor or 600 armor the survivability is the same and depends mostly on Shields/Health pull.

  7. I won't acсept any nerfs even for those frames/weapons which i dont like, but i'd gladly accept stupid mob's aim bot nerf to some reasonable 40-45% of accuracy instead of this always hitting hitscan madnes from all corners of the room with 100% delivery((

  8. Yes, yes, yes! after this updates i also started to notice "improvements" in visuals. 

    Can someone tell me whats this?





    Or this?




    Somebody wants us blind or what?


    And here the picture looks almost like negative photo




    Before these changes there was a fine deecent bloom




    And now everything looks like tastless nuclear disaster




    Also i've noticed fov issues the picture looks distorted and squashed now.


    Inaproppriate shading behaviour on some objects



    This vent thing on the wall placed in a fairly dark area, yet it looks like it is lit by some invisible light spot, or even self illumination is turned on.

    This is an another example




    This is how this door supposed to look like



    Weird iron skin visuals. Also weird lightning behaviour where the interior of the cave lit almost the same way as an exterior.




    I don't want to hijack the thread just want those issues to be fixed as soon as possible to further enjoy the game.

  9. Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

    Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

    Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

    NO! Add a cooldown for 30seconds for disarm and 1 minute for invis!!!! And you'll see how numbers of loki's will shortly decrease dramatically!

  10. I'm partialy agree with the topic starter. I'll try to make it short and share my thoughts on Rhino also so we can argue and discuss them further.

    1. Abilities must be recastable at any time to renew them with no nasty cooldowns on them. So much time i was catched on nightmare missions sitting duck behind a crate with 2% of armor left, knowing that eventually i will die in 2 shots, and even if i have enough energy i won't survive long enough to cast Iron Skin -which is bs. Also i have complaints about cooldown on Rhino Stomp. why? It's energy cost already limiting the usage to 2, maybe 3 uses, because you'll need to leave some energy for Iron skin and Roar and not spam it like crazy on the same spot, in fact in some situations on higher level missions i'd like to stomp it in a few places to buy a team some time but i can't because of this nasty cooldown (

    2. Rhino's Iron Skin MUST NOT BE a flat number like 2500-3000-5000 or 9999 or whatever, because any number will only sustain Rhino's agony and push mob's level threshold for him for maybe 20-30 levels higher that's all. The solution may be 90-95% Damage reduction, with Handicaps for Incoming Damage, Immunity to Critical hits during the duration of the Iron Skin and 1.5-2 sec invulnerability during the cast of the Iron Skin and slightly after. The margins for the damage handicaps may be these: 2-16 for single shrapnel hit, 4-32 damage per single bullet hit, 15-120 for single melee hit, 25-200 for Rocket/Ground slam blast, 150-1000 for an arrow hit, and don't know how much for beam weapons... scince they fire rapidly, dealing continuous damage even 1-10 points of damage per hit may be overkill. But so, anyway that's how it may look like in numbers:
    Low level Greneer marine shoots at you 3 round burst, each bullet deals 30 points of damage, overall damage will be 3x30=90 - after 95% damage reduction each bullet will deal 1.5 point of damage, but because of the lowest threshold which is set at 4 for bullets - you'll recieve 3x4=12 damage instead of 4,5.
    And Another situation - High level Greneer marine shoots at you 3 round burst, each bullet deals 3000 points of damage, overall damage will be 3x3000=9000 after 95% damage reduction each bullet will deal 150 points of damage!!! but because of the highest threshold which is set at 32 for bullets - you'll recieve only 32x3=96 damage instead of 450.
    And if the damage after Damage reduction fits into this margins it's may be dealt without cut outs.
    This will prevent low level Rhino's from steamrollin' solo excavations, scince wearing Iron Skin at the begining may be painfull and punishing with low shields/health and in some situations recieved damage without iron skin may be even lower than with it (looool), but it'll pay off in future i hope... or i wish to hope)

    My suggestions on improvement of the Iron Skin are these:

    - Recastable at any time (if you have enough Energy)
    - Duration based ability with 15/20/30 sec of active period, benefiting from duration improvement mods and Capped at 45 sec.
    - With 1/1.5/2 sec of full invulnerability during and shortly after cast, benefiting from duration mods and Capped at 3 sec.
    - Granting 80/85/90 % of damage reduction, benefiting from strengthening mods and capped at 95% DR, with incoming damage thresholds for different types of the weapons (which may vary for pvp/pve surely)
    - Energy costs per cast may be improved to 100 (to prevent invulnerability spams), while benefiting from energy efficiency mods to lower the consumption of the skill.

    As for the Roar skill I think again that simpy adding 20-30-100% of the Damage boost won't do the trick in any way, mobs are getting tough as stone quickly. I think that Roar, instead of giving additional raw damage increase should grant 75/100/125% of Critical Chance and Crit Damage for the party, with caps for those who have already high enough crit chance and crit damage, for example only 12.5% increase in crit chance for those members who have 70% of crit chance, and capped at 85%, and full 125% increased crit chance for those who have less than a 25%, And crit damage capped at x6 multiplier. Also this skill may work only on mobs who were affected by it, because some guys will start to cry that it's OP i'm quit11111!! and so on.

    I'd be glad to see Rhino become a thougher character scince he meant to be a tank, and what now? it's a shame to see how Loki guys are tanking while Rhinos are only an abuse for a party, constantly dropping on the ground like a puppies waiting till some loki guy will revive them(

  11. Thanks for the answer guys,gonna try my luck and wait for alerts that rewards D polarity.

    Even though the chances would be really really tiny though.

    actually, its not that bad . I was able to get Scavengers mods, Steel charge, Rejuvenation and some others useful mods in a few days, don't be shy some times you just need to ask in recruitment to take you to those alerts(if you haven't unlocked those planets and missions) and have some patience of course.

  12. Im exceptionaly fine with the kohm nerf. That thing should be nerfed more. It was OP for a auto shotgun.

    Now you can alll go play with the strun or the sobek.

    Wait till yours favorite gun will be nerfed too and i would be happy).

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