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Posts posted by Grom-84

  1. Well, no restoring health without paying some kind of price.  Whether that's paid in credits for health packs, limiting frame choice, or choosing your mods to allow for recovery.


    The mod options could certainly use an expansion - lifestrike and equilibrium aren't exactly a plethora of options - but I'm opposed to a modless option.  If it's strong enough to allow players to ignore health while modding, it will just make shields dominant again.  If it's not strong enough to do that, then what would it accomplish? 

    Ignore me, i'm just evil and mean) trying to be in a general mindflow) because it seems it's a sort of good tone to oppose anything which can make a game a bit easier and less redundant for those who not spending much money on consumables, and some guys seems like gladly cut out their own limbs only not to let the others to achive what they achieved a bit faster.

  2. I was happy to catch him at least, so i shut up and taken my primed heated charge (although all parts spent on ducats in platinum equiv. would be enough to buy primed fully upgraded point blank) But no, we need to leave things as they are to encourage speculations to maintain overblown prices on primed mods trading and omnoomomomom)  

  3. Of course i agree with you( same here tried transmutation on different mods and combinations 10 times 8 of them returned me useless archwing mods and the others were redirection and piercing hit or something similar. And i dont believe that this is caused by random, there are patterns like you'll need to transmute 4 kubro mods to recieve mod for a primary weapon.

  4. You all wanted challenging enemies, there you have one.


    He's not challenging but cheap, jumping from the behind and killing rhino in iron skin with full hp and shield without any possibility to throw him off.


    There must to be some clue to recognize where he is, maybe by dust clouds on the floor or his footsteps, something, and some way to avoid his leap attack, but not by the qte nonsense of course if possible. imo.

  5. "Then people who don't use the EXP farming suffer since it has basically become crazy slow to level, i.e. not even worth it."


    Yep, and arn't they suffering because of abscense of a cores and constant need to farm them or of lost exp, which is going into black hole after they lvl up their equipment? I am for example. 


    "Even if you did that, people would then farm these mods, level them using the farming method. Then sell them to people who aren't farming. Overall it would cause Fusion to be pointless if any change is affected."


    Thats what happening right now actually and everyone seems ok with the mods market. But this is how i see the situation if such feathure will be implemented in future - People will level up mods quicker using extra polarities slots while playing the game + cores, the price on upgraded mods lowers lets say 2 times, and instead of 100 P for Narrow Minded (whatever just abstract price) it will cost 50 and less for others, as a result some guys who havn't bought anything starts to think about spending some $ on P to buy a few mods maybe.

  6. historically, Players in Video Games don't seem to mind a process being quite long, as long as the journey there is enjoyable.

    long term goals are acceptable provided the means to the goal is something Players enjoy doing.

    it might not bother you that people skip intended goal lengths, but it's not your pocket that suffers from Players being able to 'been there, done that' too quickly.

    you can be free from all of these problems if it's just not tied to the XP system in the game though. then you can make something that's varied, interesting, and is a fair length for everyone, because it'll take about as long for everyone.

    ex. getting points for the Simaris Syndicate is a flat system. you get about the same points for scanning any Enemy, and about the same points for synthesizing a target. this means that everyone will do the required actions about the same number of times to get N points.

    as long as the tasks required are enjoyable and interesting, then the controlled length of the goal means everyone gets a fair experience.

    (personally i'd just toss out the idea of 'XP' as it's a very antiquated ideal anyways, and instead have systems that appropriately award the Player for completing tasks, not by putting a drop in a bucket, but instead giving awards that are tuned to what task in particular they have done. 5 second brainstorming - 30 'levels' to Equipment, but instead of farming Enemies, complete tasks. some would be basic and include Killing Enemies, but would also include many other things that are not just Killing. completing a task would award a percentage of a level based on how well it was completed, if related to Enemies, then what Level it was completed at, Et Cetera.

    this ends up making a path as long or short as you want it, just like XP, but it feels far less repetative than XP as a horizontal system allows Players to mix things up for themselves, focus on things they like doing, Et Cetera.

    but this is a completely different thread).

    I dont like to discuss syndicates because, as you said in your prev post it's an another topic, but in few words i wasn't impressed by them because their missions are the same as regular ones, their motivation and relations are questioning, and i felt no sympathy to any of them to chose, it's simply another source of mods obtainable by spending time on stuff that you are not interested in.


    As for the money and developers pockets, i don't know... there are a lot of content on which you can spend your money instead of this leveling system, on animations or different colors, because these things will make your character standout but not those numbers in stats windows which nobody won't notice. I bought p, but i did this because i liked this game, and not to overcome some limitations or because of beeing impatient - hell no) and i don't think that i'm alone thinking this way)

  7. Yee) yesterday i made Miter and Hikous for leveling, was quickly dissapointed by this Miter, found it ridiculous that a gun that throws sharp blades (it appeared that this gun shoots some jumping rubber blades instead of deadly disks which may cause massive criticals, bleeding and panic) at the enemies and was outperformed by some shurikens thrown by hand! And then i made Pantera... I thought that nothing can be worse than that Miter - Wrong Again©! And each of those weapons costs ~200-225 P at store! They are not worthy to spend even 2 P on them!

  8. Weapons weren't designed to get max level in a single mission but people found a way.

    You have 2 options: 1. Break the system with your suggestion or 2. make it so slow to level that there is no point in adding it in the first place. Take your pick.

    And i don't see any reason why it should be either A or B, i pick none of them. The team bonus may not be applied to this leveling process, it also can be related to time which was spent in missions, killed enemies during the mission and many other factors diveded by something. I can't provide ready to go solution for exp calculation just given a raw idea to discuss. I just want a game became stuffed less with boring routine like farming cores which you can exchange for some P and then buy yourself a pair of sparkling wings or get a few dots to your mod with 15% gain to damage (which you won't even notice) after spending XX hours of boring stuff which you forced to do but not because you like it (i maybe wrong, maybe farming cores is the most exciting thing to do in this game) <- there is enough of this type of "interesting" pastimes in real life "to enjoy" them also in a game. And i have no problems if someone leveling their weapon fast, it not harms or offends me in any way, i won't quit a game because i progress faster but instead i will if i'll need to level up single warframe for a month, because the monotony quickly tires. 

  9. Thank goodness, im not particulary abusing this feature, but i'd feel sad if it will be removed, it comes very handy sometimes when map shows some crazy misleading routes and you need quickly cross a gap between two bridges.

  10. I'd like to see more maps, for example something like sabotage greneer cloning facility, or destroying corpus transporters in space starting from archwing type mission and than puting the blasts inside the ship and getting away from it. Maybe some enemy definition for the corpus would be great, since they are so boring faction having only those differently colored Isaac Clarke's and differently sized moas as an enemies for the most part. That's what pisses me off.    

  11. Uh, there are survival and defense missions in the star chart that don't require more than Mk1 weapons and unleveled frames to hit 20 minutes with that still pretty much cap your rep in one run.

    I don't care about syndicate's reputation gain, i'm about leveling mods alternative.

  12. But why it is complicated? There must be some test servers where some concepts can be run through, statistic to be collected to tweak the balance (facpalm lol) and at the end result in an interesting alternative. I'm not against fusion cores, they can be used to emergency leveling solution or serve as a some sort of a currency, i just hate when your progress in game got capped artificially, and you need to spend 100 hours to get a single card with 10 shiny balls on them, or donate and buy it from some greedy resellers - ain't gonna happen.  

    And instead of playing a game trying different weapons having fun, you forced to switch to warframes that you don't particulary like only to farm some stuff to max one mod. Imo that's what broken

  13. I have a simple answer - because they are frustrating garbage which offers nothing instead of useless archwing mods and some common resources. 

    Why should i play missions that i hate to recieve rewards which only usefull in those specific hated missions?

  14. Get a hydroid or a nekros and go to town in survival, mods everywhere.  Level up and win.

    Before this i need to have slots, keys, and a proper weapon with good mods, time to build them firstly by parts and then as a whole, mods for them and i have nothing spicial, so simple "get" is not a solution.


    But i understand why you are opposed to this idea seems you have a core->platinum manufacture business)

  15. you do realize they are a different Polarity for a reason, right?

    if we added Mods with an 'O' Polarity, Fusion Cores would have a new Polarity.

    furthermore, having Mods automatically level up would defeat the entire Mod upgrding system.

    i'm sure you'd say 'just tie it to XP' - yeah, that hasn't blown up in our faces before.

    leveling a Warframe or Weapon in 10 or 20 minutes. Et Cetera.

    this can not work out well.

    The exp gain by the mods can be little, nobody speaking about 20 minutes, but at least something.

  16. No, i meant not new mods with "O" polarity, but polarized slots which may level up mods inserted in them. Fusion cores leveling mods, and this slots leveling mods, both will serve for leveling purposes, share the same polarity and everything fits together. 

  17. I just have this idea and thought that ppl may like it. I don't know maybe someone suggested thing like this before, or such thing was in game before, and was removed for some reason, my apologies in this case...


    But anyway here it is... So we have fusion cores that have this symbol "O" on them (lets call this Ohm or Omega it doesn't matter), but they are quite rare, they can be traded for P, and overall imo they are pretty precious to spend 100 of them to recive 15% boost in damage, but we have experience collected during the regular void runs and so on, which goes nowhere after you'll get lvl 30 on your gear. And i thought - what if fusion cores stay as they are for emergency situations (when, for example, you obtained some rare expensive mod and want to level it up quickly, or sell them to buy an extra slot for a weapon), but somehow make it possible to level up mods without cores using exp that already there? This can be done simply adding an extra polarity, which may serve as a leveling polarity inside your gear! Polarity can be inserted into your warframe/sentinel/weapon and level up mods which are placed into these special slots. Those polarized slots may have an "O" icon like fusion cores. This "O" slot won't give any capacity bonuces but will slowly level up mods during the missions (after item with this polarity will reach lvl 30). In future if you don't need those "O" polarities you can convert them to something else, like V or D or whatever, as regular using forma. 


    So what can you say on this? Sory for my engrish by the way i hope you'll get my point.

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