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Posts posted by Grom-84

  1. Same story bro( I played with this gun alot and had my fun. Yesterday i could kill enemies like lvl 38-40 with my loadout of mods and today this ting isn't capable to oneshot poor lvl 1 greneer marine on the excavation mission. Look at the damage stats they were 15-15-45 AND NOW IT's 6-6-18!!! NICE! I have no primary weapon now. This thing is garbage ammo waster now. I liked bullets trail and arc I even could correct my fire and snipe some enemies behind a cover with it, also it seems like kohm have no more punch through and random spread pattern is terrible(

  2. Hello. Yesterday I farmed for Loki and Nova parts, built them, and started to build the actual warframes... But today i realized that i even have no actual parts of those warframes in a foundry neither building warframes in progress! except 1 Loki helmet. I ask for a compensation for my used resources, time and credits. 


    ps It is strange, because some other items in progress were just intact and building in a foundry now.

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