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  1. Yes, thanks! Forgot about this one. I'll add it to the list
  2. Hello! Here is an updated list of the bugs that still persist, with some mentioned from the forum post. Most of the bugs mentioned have been found with me being a CLIENT. Bugs mentioned in the last forum post that still remain, described shortly: (full descriptions are in the forum post): Extreme freezes for clients [Video] Framerate randomly starts dropping after the "entering the arena" cutscene, for all players except the host. framerate eventually hits 0, then after a while the game unfreezes and the player gets a host migration. I assumed it had something to do with "Gas Nullify Flying Spaceman" and electricity procs, but it is not unique to the "Gas Nullify Flying Spaceman", any other "Gas" enemy could be continuously zapped by 255 electricity procs every in-game tick. EE.log file can be provided. Ropalolyst grabs players during stun/recover animations [Video] If the boss has his weakspot/hp destroyed while he is in the middle of a grab animation, the boss is able to grab anyone until the stun is over, potentially greatly surpassing the default grab window of ~1 second. Ropalolyst interaction broken Still happens but behaves a bit differently - after the CLIENT player successfully climbs the ropalolyst, they fly the it into the charged capacitor but nothing happens. Meanwhile other players don't see the ropalolyst move at all. Bugs not mentioned in the last forum post: No control on grabbing the ropalolyst As soon as the player tries to climb the Ropalolyst, it starts falling down. looks like the Ropalolyst Interaction Broken bug, but you can only control the camera and the ropalolyst falls down by itself. This ends in two ways: The player falls into a pit - their screen goes black. To restore the vision they must guide their warframe to the pit again. The player lands the ropalolyst onto the ground/platform - after some time passes they are thrown out as a warframe seemingly without gravity (runs on thin air) or not being able to get out as operator until they find a way to climb the ropalolyst again. Incorrect aiming direction Sometimes the ropalolyst shoots off into the distance, barely moving their beam if at all, seemingly aiming at something far beyond the fight arena, missing the player completely. The boss might turn around and shoot there instead of shooting at the player. It might shoot the player and then suddenly do a 90deg turn to shoot at nothing yet again. Might have something to do with being too close to the capacitors. Joining players might fall through a map endlessly [Video] If the player manages to join when the cutscene is just about to begin, then after the cutscene they might find themselves in the darkness. After falling far enough, they will respawn still in darkness, but with the arena slightly visible in the distance yet outside their reach. The cutscenes that happen during/after the fight REFUSE to teleport the player into the arena or to extraction. Immediate Warframe grab and kill on ropalolyst laser beam finisher [Video] [Video] At the final boss stage, after getting Ropalolyst's hp to 0, it is stuned for 3 seconds. Player must use the console to defeat the boss. As long as the console is used before these 3 seconds pass, the boss will die even after recovering from the stun. The issue is the boss sometimes has enough time to GRAB any nearby player after recovering from the stun, and the beam ends up killing both the boss and the player it's holding. In the video my warframe was grabbed while my operator used the console. The operator survived. The warframe died. Operator could not transfer back into warframe. Operator void sling stops functioning after a couple slings (after the boss has died) After defeating the ropalolyst, if player gets out as operator and attempts to void sling to extraction (especially if done immediately after the cutscene), their void slings have a chance to stop working after 4-5 slings. I guess the Ropalolyst somehow cancels your void slings even after death, but in this case the void sling never comes back once nullified. Ropalolyst can't damage the Capacitor by shooting INSIDE it Self-explanatory - sometimes the boss flies too close to the capacitor, and instead of shooting at the surface of the model, the boss gets its hands in it and the beam gets emitted from inside the capacitor. This can not damage the capacitor. Flying into the capacitor does not always trigger cutscene (thank you Hexerin for mentioning this) If the ropalolyst is touching the capacitor before & while you climb on it, it won't start the "Ropalolyst is slammed into capacitor" cutscene after climbing. Will have to fly away and back into it. If the ropalolyst stops touching the capacitor and then touches it again mid-climb, the ropalolyst gets slammed earlier than usual. This is why sometimes when you start climbing on it, it can seemingly immediately get slammed into the pillar. Minor issues: On interact, Ropalolyst is higher priority than ziplines Too many times i've seen people grab the boss by mistake when trying to jump from zipline to zipline. The ziplines stay even after the capacitors & ziplines are visually removed Self-explanatory: the boss is slammed into a capacitor. The capacitor is removed as well as the zipline leading to it. But getting to where zipline used to be and pressing Interact might make you run on an invisible zip-line (works for some ziplines, doesn't for others. Might be a Client-exclusive bug) Misunderstanding of the final stage - The boss fully heals itself Many people who fight the Ropalolyst for the first time get stuck on the final stage. They shoot the boss, get its hp to 0 - and it completely regenerates after 3 seconds. Whereas in the first two bossfight stages it's stunned for 15-20 seconds instead. More often than not people call it a bug. Misunderstanding of the bossfight - almost nothing guides the player More often than not it takes new players far too long to understand the steps needed to defeat the boss. It would be really nice for the current steps/objectives to be waypointed conditionally (nobody near capacitor - yellow waypoint on capacitor. someone near capacitor - red/yellow waypoint on the boss, depending on if it has shields or not, the player is grabbed - red waypoint on ropalolyst's hand, etc) The boss walks off stage Rare. When the boss in on the ground (mostly at the final stage), the boss walks off the platform, gets teleported back near the edge, then walks off again... This makes it hard for players to hit it with the beam. Visual issues - When client, in the animation of climbing onto the boss, warframe is often not aligned properly to the ropalolyst. - In the intro cutscene, when playing as operator before the cutscene begins, there is a chance the operator will be used in the cutscene instead of warframe, leading to stretched operator models.
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