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Everything posted by Jamie96

  1. Having trouble with Cross Save linking. I am primarily a PC player, loaded up iOS Warframe through the first tutorial, got back on the Orbiter. Now I would like to link/merge the accounts, and seem to be stuck in a loop. I logged into my PC account on the website, went to the Cross Save page and selected to connect iOS. I provided my login(entered credentials, not FaceID), and all it did was log me into the iOS account on the Website. If I go to the Cross-Save page then, it just asked me to login or sign up for a PC account...so I log in, and am back to the homepage under my PC account ready to try all over again!
  2. That's just it, it's not an issue with BPM...this is an issue even in Deck Desktop Mode, which is just regular Steam. But this alternative launch option works in both Desktop Mode and Game mode, which leads me to believe this is an issue with their Steam deployment/launch options/settings. I'm not a Steam developer so I don't know for sure, but this fix we have makes me feel this is not a passive issue and it is something being actively pushed from the Steam side. Maybe a leftover from when they did support Steam Controller? Because this fix is still running Steam, still on the Steam Deck, and works even in Game Mode, so it cannot be something Warframe is looking for, it's something exclusive to the default launch context.
  3. The "alltogether" command is a little backwards. If you use: STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/230410" %command% -cluster:public -registry:Steam then it works, and should even if you use SD Card since compatdata is always on SSD. Therefore, all together, together, this is the fix, credits to Nuanulla and Reddit's kooleech, with some adjustments from my own tests(I for example use the Launcher instead of the direct game to get updates): Given that this works, I think the next stop is the Steam forums and Steam Deck feedback line to see what Valve can change in Proton as an official fix. But it does work, so I'm happy.
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