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Posts posted by stoybot

  1. by your logic, your formula is deliberately designed to only make lots of RoF Mods better. which it is. calculating how much time can be spent firing only works one way, it doesn't favor stacking RoF Mods because then you spend more time Reloading.

    the entire point of it is identifying what percentage of possible firing time you spend shooting rather than Reloading.


    'sustained gap' isn't a thing.


    All right, looks like this will be my last post here... But before I take my leave, I'll prove to you that according to your formula, a Sweeper with 0.01 fire rate (1 shot every 100 seconds) and reload speed of 1.5 seconds is a better status weapon than a Sweeper with a fire rate of 2 (2 shots every 1 second) and reload speed of 2 seconds. Ready?


    (20/0.01)/(20/0.01 + 1.5) = 99.9% uptime

    (20/2)/(20/2 + 2) = 83.3% uptime


    I rest my case.

  2. -snip-


    Is this a joke? Do you not see that your equation is deliberately designed to produce lower numbers with slower reload speed regardless of the fire rate? Hell, remove that 90% RoF mod from the third loadout and your "uptime" - whatever that's supposed to be - becomes better than an unmodded Sweeper. If "uptime" is what matters, why run an RoF mod in the first place? Oh, right, because the Sweeper is not providing reliable CC without it. Oh wait, that means RoF is important in status application...


    1 / (Magazine / (Magazine/RoF + Reload)) will give you the "sustained" gap between each shot, which is 0.8 seconds for 90% RoF + TP, and 0.457 for 180% RoF.

  3. It's mildly annoying but not a particularly big problem with most primes. The Vectis Prime on the other hand... Not only does it do less damage, but the additional magazine bullet in the Prime is pretty useless when you have Lie in Wait equipped - which you should use to make snipers viable. I'd even put up with the damage loss, but the reserve ammo totally ruins the Prime for me. I spend so much time running around collecting ammo with the Vectis Prime that it's not even worth it.

  4. also, instead of going off the deep end with RoF Mods, replace one of them with Tactical Pump.

    in the long term, it's going to be better. it won't spray in the short term as much, but in the long term it will be spending more of it's time shooting, and less down time where it's not protecting you. (until it's dead, but the only thing you can do about that, most won't do)


    And while it's shooting, it will be FAR less effective at protecting you, even though it will have 0.462 seconds less down time.


    Magazine / Fire Rate + Reload Speed will give us the time it takes to empty a clip and reload - the shorter the better in terms of applying status.


    Tactical Pump + Shotgun Spazz: 16.19

    Shotgun Spaz + Frail Momentum: 9.14


    That's a 77% difference, meaning the 180% RoF build is 77% more effective at applying status over time. If you think this is overkill, let me remind you that, even though you can push the status of Sweeper Prime up to 69.8%, it's still an IPS weapon, and the fact that you're only using 180% elemental damage means it will proc elemental status far less often than expected - only 31% of the times it procs a status effect. Furthermore, a fast rate of fire ensures that the most common proc - impact - is actually good enough to disable the enemy while the Sweeper is shooting.


    TL;DR: I'll gladly jump off the deep end with RoF.

  5. Good guide. Here are a few notes:


    Damage is not 500, never has been: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/533046-concealed-explosives-or-3rd-elemental-mod-on-spira/#entry5981419


    Concealed Explosives is also a much better damage mod compared to a 90% elemental on anything that isn't the Spira, as Darzk points out later in the linked thread. It's not just utility, it's a great damage mod as well.


    Hikou Prime with Concealed Explosives is currently my favourite way to take down Nullifiers quickly. It has certainly replaced the Glaive Prime for me.

  6. I asked a few clanmates and they were having the same UI issue but claimed they experienced no difference in movement speed


    Interestingly, my Rhino seems just as fast as it used to be when I was running around the dojo but not during missions. I did a few runs with other frames, switched back to Rhino and his speed was fine... I did find this thread, which is quite recent: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/3m3lgh/psa_rhino_arcane_vanguard_helmet_currently_broken


    Guess it wasn't only me. However, it doesn't seem to be a widespread issue.

  7. It's been quite a while since I last used Rhino and yesterday I noticed for the first time that he was quite slow - much slower than he used to be. I checked my settings and sure enough, something seems to be wrong:


    I saw some recent videos of Vanguard Rhinos that were doing just fine so I'm wondering what might be causing the issue. I swapped back and forth between helmets, changed frames etc., but the speed remained 1.0. Any Vanguard owners who can confirm this bug on their end?

  8. Can you confirm if its not just a visual thing? The wiki has for the longest time said, one the page for Arcane Enhancement, under Effects, second sentence, top line, "The effects do not stack", with the fourth sentence saying that bit on the same enhancement being triggered? There is a good chance that the timer at the top for the duration is without any effect, like when you use a negative duration Saryn build with Regenerative Molt, the timer on Regenerative Molt will remain even if your Molt ability expired by its one second timer and not being destroyed by enemy attacks, and even though the timer is still there for Regenerative Molt, you do not gain any health from it.

    I finally got around to testing it today. Using Ash Prime with Arcane Grace and Arcane Trickery, I allowed myself to get health damage until my Grace procced, and then I used my Bladestorm to proc Trickery. Trickery procced while Grace was active and I saw my health regenerating while I was invisible. My tests confirmed that two different arcanes can be active at the same time - it's not a visual bug.

  9. CE gives more damage, but the AoE can hurt you as well as the enemies. CE performs best on the Hikou/Prime as the fire rate is higher, but it's a valid choice for the other throwing weapons as well..


    With a maxxed Hornet Strike, adding in another 90% element would add ~160 damage per hit, while CE adds 250 (and can easily headshot).


    Going for headshots is the most effective way to utilize the Spira though, and the elemental mod will receive the 2x headcrit and 3.2x crit multipliers, which puts it ahead of CE on the Spira. However, if you're not going for headshots, CE is definitely superior to an elemental mod.

  10. Shield Polarize Mag:



    Shield Transference gives you way more shields than Redirection and has lower drain.


    Combat Nekros:



    You can replace Intensify with Blind Rage, but if you cut into the efficiency, your 150 energy pool won't allow you to cast Terrify right before Shadows of the Dead. Without Natural Talent, SotD's casting animation leaves you vulnerable for a long period of time; at higher levels, you'll get shredded, particularly if you run solo with it - as I often do.


    Desecrate Nekros:



    The duration and power strength are there in case things go wrong and I have to spam Terrify to keep my team safe.

  11. Go in game and actually test these builds out. Because if your just looking at the numbers your not testing the actual weapon functionally. I remember when the Prisma Skana came out and people started comparing numbers of the Skana to the Dakra P. Most people looked at the numbers and assumed the Skana was better but in game the Dakra was still superior.


    "Whatever lives long is gradually so saturated with reason that its irrational origins become improbable."


    Fact is, the Prisma Skana was never better than the Dakra Prime in terms of raw DPS, and if you actually bothered looking at Warframe Builder's numbers, you'd clearly see that. But I suppose it's easier to repeat what Mogamu said in a video where he never showed the WB calculations despite criticizing it for being inaccurate relative to in-engine performance... Also, speaking of in-engine performance, I guess a 1,000 damage AoE proc that strips armor doesn't make a big difference in practical DPS.

  12. I realized my math was a bit off when I woke up today but Warframe Builder already has it in its database so I might as well use its damage calculator from now on:


    Spira: http://goo.gl/ZImnSU

    Silent Lex Prime: http://goo.gl/eXt7eK


    I'll let you be the dudge on which is the better stealth weapon...


    It's still better than the Despair but I encountered a pretty big issue when I was levelling it up - every second shot ends up below the previous one. Seriously, half the shots end up below where you want them to be on a weapon that really benefits from headshots... I'll assume it's a bug.

  13. I... might actually need to do that. Thank you for proofreading like I requested


    I'm comparing strengths vs strengths. Gunslinger Despair vs crit-build Spira. In that regard I don't see the problem


    The problem is that both weapons benefit from increased fire rate - Gunslinger also raises the overall DPS of the Spira. In a maxed-out Spira build, replacing a 90% elemental mod with Gunslinger gives you 5,835 more burst DPS and 1,437 additional sustained DPS.


    However, by far the biggest issue is not comparing maxed-out builds given the damage scaling difference between a crit weapon and a non-crit one.

  14. OP, your math is wrong and your comparison is unfair.


    You need to subtract 1 from the crit multiplier because you're calculating additional damage from crit.


    You're comparing a Gunslinger Despair and no-Gunslinger Spira - not apples to apples. Furthermore, a crit weapon like the Spira scales multiplicatively with damage mods, while the Despair scales more or less linearly. With maxed out builds, a no-Gunslinger Spira still outperforms a Gunslinger Despair by 5.3k burst and 5.9k sustained DPS. When you factor in headcrit multipliers, the DPS gap only widens. The Spira is not a sidegrade, it's a significant upgrade.

  15. I ran a few calculations and with 345% elemental damage (Primed Heated Charge) and Primed Pistol Gambit, the Spira does 27,713 burst DPS and 19,795 sustained DPS. It's slightly ahead of my trusty Akmagnus but it also has far less status. Weapons like the Lex Prime leave it in the dust of course, but it's definitely the best kunai at the moment. For comparison, the Despair goes up to 18,528 burst and 13,026 sustained DPS (with 345% elemental damage, Bore, and an Expel mod. Given the 4x multiplier on headcrits, the Spira is very far ahead of the Despair.

  16. This is how I'd build a melee Zephyr: http://goo.gl/BaJ9KJ


    Quick Thinking/Rage is pretty standard with Life Strike on your melee. Rest is crowd control and Turbulence with a good duration. Forma the Aura to whatever polarity you want. With Rage, you won't really need efficiency - just let the enemies shoot you if you need some energy.

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