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Posts posted by stoybot

  1. I've played plenty of Mirage in raid and never had any problem without Natural Talent. With recasting Prism every 2-3 seconds any new enemy will get stunned.


    Redirection is a placeholder. You might replace it with Natural Talent. However, if I was given a choice of Primed Flow or Natural Talent I would always pick Primed Flow.


    Oh, I'm not questioning the Flow choice; in fact, I run it myself:




    Very useful in nightmare raids - especially 4 or 5-man ones - or when your EV Trinity isn't particularly good.


    If you're casting every 2-3 seconds, then I suppose it doesn't really matter whether you have natural Natural Talent equipped or not. I don't do that because it stun-locks enemies in their spawns and the EV Trin often runs out of easily-accessible targets. I also can't afford to cast that frequently when running with my usual group - we tend to move very quickly through most stages so I'm blinding on the go - often mid-air. In well over 100 normal and close to 50 nightmare raids, I can't recall a single situation in which Redirection would've saved me from getting killed. The mod is rather useless against raid-level enemies, particularly when you're running Mirage.

  2. Interesting...I didn't know this. I see on my Chroma (Guardian on helm and Grace on Cape) proc'ing all the time. The 2 timers running next to each other of the effect been proc'd until timer runs out.


    I was not aware that the effects were been over written by the other enhancement proc'ing...I also tried to find more info on this but could not find any info regarding different enhancements proc'ing while another is active.


    They only get overwritten if the Arcanes are of the same type.

  3. The blind animation (the one with enemies scratching their eyes) last longer then casting. You don't really need Natural Talent. Flow allows you to last longer without need of EV Trinity. (useful in stage 2.1)


    It's not about duration, it's about casting speed and reaction time. You want to be able to throw out a blind as quickly as possible when enemies spawn near you. One common reason people fail nightmare raids during the 2nd stage is because the Mirage can't react adequately to new enemies spawning as the core approaches particular areas. For example, pad on the upper floor in the first hijack room. Enemies start spawning to the left and right of it as the core approaches the electricity, and inexperienced Mirage players, who have already blinded the whole room, often react too late, which may result in the person standing on that pad dying or getting dragged off. Ideally, your Vauban player will have already placed Bastilles on those spots, but that doesn't happen very often - and you don't always run with Vaubans. Redirection doesn't give you anything as a Mirage player. With the best CC ability in the game, you should be able to finish stages 1 and 2 with 0 or close to 0 damage taken (Redirection won't save you from Vay Hek's rockets in stage 3 anyway) - Enemy Radar/Enemy Sense + Animal Instinct are the keys to doing that.


    TL;DR - Redirection gives you nothing as a Mirage player - your best defence is your Prism. Natural Talent allows you to react more quickly to enemies spawning near you, which can sometimes be the difference between a failed raid and a successful one.

  4. Melee - and heavy melee in particular - is quite powerful against inexperienced players and not particularly threatening against experienced players. Mind you, a newbie swinging a Galatine is far more dangerous than a newbie with a Braton Prime. Considering the fact that there aren't many experienced players around, it's no surprise that melee is getting a lot of flak. A Frost Prime with a Galatine is charging my Vectis Mag? Press 2 and shoot him in the body - dead. Managed to sneak up on you? Bullet jump away, press 2, aim glide, shoot him in the body - dead. The Galatine Frost might still one-hit me while I'm distracted fighting someone else though... If you stay mobile, that's generally not an issue, but sneaky melee players will still get you from time to time.

  5. No, I play whatever I want and have rarely received any complaints. If I'm contributing to the squad dynamic, people don't seem to care much about the loadout I run. If someone behaves poorly, I just use the ignore function. Now that I think about it, I've ignored far more snowflakes that endlessly complain about meta builds and loadouts... There's also one benefit that comes with a high mastery rank - lower MR players generally feel reluctant to complain and most high MR players understand that you've reached a point where you need variety and lots of experimenting to remain engaged.

  6. I personally would swap out the High Voltage for Rime Rounds making Viral instead of Corrosive, because the Corrosive proc doesn't do anything for bleed damage, which already ignores armor. The Viral proc makes the bleeds twice as effective.


    As for FF, if you don't have it replacing it with Hammer Shot would work well; adding extra overall status chance instead of just making Slash more likely.


    The problem with a Bleed build is that you generally end up taking multiple shots to get enough bleeds stacked to kill a high value target, and then have to wait ~7 seconds for the Bleeds to tick off, meaning that you're either wasting a lot of ammo shooting things that are going to die from the bleeds or you're standing around getting shot at while waiting for the bleeds to finish ticking. Either way, it doesn't work very well for most frames, and it's tough to maintain a high enough kill rate to keep a survival going.


    By the time you reach the point where damage-focused builds stop doing the job, you're prettymuch at a point where bows don't do so well compared to other weapon types - you no longer need spike damage, but need sustained DPS to burn down enemy targets.


    Viral damage on a build that procs the elemental damage only about 13% of the time a status is applied; on a weapon with a low fire rate like a bow no less... If you had actually used it, you'd know that you rarely see elemental procs on this build. Indeed, if the elemental proc was more reliable, I'd actually equip radiation instead - helpful for when you can't find the hidden Ancient quickly or if you want to draw fire away from yourself. OP asked about T4 solo, and as a solo player, you'll rarely reach the point at which viral outperforms raw damage - assuming the recent changes to viral didn't turn it into a garbage proc, which I haven't had the time to confirm yet.


    The corrosive damage is to help deal with the biggest bullet sponge in the void - bonus damage against Ancients is also quite nice - and the damage you deal, particularly with headshots, is not insignificant at all compared to viral. Yes, bleed is your primary damage-dealing mechanism, but to kill faster you want every shot to count. True, you do end up using more ammo than is necessary to kill an enemy, but you're still firing far fewer shots compared to a Paris - and you also kill much faster.


    As for kill rate, I used to do 1h T4 solo survivals with this build and dying was a bigger problem than running out of life support. I'd never attempt a 1h T4S with a Paris Prime. In fact, the Bleed Dread used to be one of my favourite anti-armour weapons before I discovered the Tysis (and got bored of bows).


    Lastly, I have no idea what you're talking about with regards to bow DPS. Whether you're applying low damage quickly or high damage slowly doesn't matter in sustained DPS calculations - factoring in the ratio of damage versus application time is the whole point of sustained DPS measures. Need I remind you that the Rakta Cernos is one of the highest sustained DPS weapons in the game? I haven't come up with a good formula for red-crit sustained DPS, but from testing against level 100 enemies, the Dread seems to perform as well as some of the other top-tier weapons. Mind you, it isn't a Vaykor Hek, but it still kills very fast and has a pretty good ammo economy.

  7. Covert Lethality used to work with blinding abilities like Mirage's Prism but then it was nerfed. Now Ash's Teleport seems to be the only way to make use of CL in endless missions - where it's actually relevant. I very much doubt silencing blinded enemies will open them up for CL finishers but I haven't tested it - even if it does, it will be nerfed very quickly. Lastly, Bladestorm has never benefitted from melee mods - Fury/Quickening seem to be a bug - so if you could somehow open up a group of enemies for finishers, you'd still have to kill them manually; I've tested it and CL doesn't work with Bladestorm.

  8. I build my Nekros for shield of shadows and facetank the peeps coming at me. Despoil and shild of shadows, long duration and strength build.


    Macros be damned.


    Pretty much how I run mine and I'm quite happy with the build:




    My only complaint is that Desecrate should require fewer casts to go over every enemy you've killed. Less pressing of 3, more killing...

  9. The top 16 players on the weekly-top-killers leaderboard have all been mags for a while now generating between 700k to 2 million+ kills a week.  I can only imagine how many mod drops that is.  


    I don't know what they're doing exactly but pretty sure Mag is the top killer in the game.  GG Peacemaker Mesas.


    They're bot-farming: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/527512-mags-shield-polarize-overused/page-10#entry5927122

  10. can someone show me a bleed dread build.

    also are the mods piercing caliber and fanged fusillade good in Paris prime and dread respectively?

    thanks for the responses btw


    Here you go:




    This is an anti-armor Dread build. Fanged Fusillade greatly increases the slash proc rate due to how physical damage is weighed against elemental for status chance. Lowering the corrosive damage relative to slash and boosting the status chance makes enemies bleed non-stop.


    As for Piercing Caliber/Fanged Fusillade on bows, I'd say Fanged Fusillade is worth it, while Piercing Caliber is not. PC, even though it will give you more damage per shot, will cause the Paris to proc puncture a lot more, which is somewhat useless compared to corrosive. With a dual stat elemental mod that boosts your 180% corrosive damage, you'll deal only a bit less damage per shot, but you'll also proc corrosion a lot more. If the enemies are taking up to 2-3 shots to die, PC is worth it. Past that point, I'd go for something like High Voltage or Malignant Force in its place.


    EDIT: You don't need that many formas on the Dread for the build I shared.

  11. Depends on the level of the enemies. A Bleed Dread (Dread modded for bleed procs) outperforms the Paris against heavy armor, but it kills more slowly at mid to high levels. When it comes to very long endless missions, however, a Bleed Dread really starts to shine, especially with headshots. Bleed damage, which ignores armor, receives the headshot and headcrit multipliers. A few months ago I was testing the Dread on a level 95 heavy gunner and was able to one-shot him (multishot headshot with 2 red crits).

  12. If you're comfortable using bullet jump + immediate double jump + aimglide tap for low-ceiling areas and height modulation + roll into crouch drop kick, which is currently the fastest method to traverse any terrain as far as I know, then bullet jump mods are, undoubtedly, the best option. If you're only bullet jumping, Rush might be a better option on fast frames. However, bullet jump mods will give you more speed across the board as bullet jump momentum isn't tied to frame speed. For a good demonstration, have a look at this:


  13. That alert is a lot more intense than the description might lead you to believe.


    20 Waves filled with insane amount of enemies, with some miniboss type enemies thrown in.


    You're going to want a defensive frame (eg Frost, Zephyr, Limbo) on the team, and some serious crowd killing power (eg: Synoid Simulor, Tonkor, Saryn, Mesa, Ember).


    Mag Prime + Lex Prime = Easy


    But yeah, a bit too intense for a Catalyst perhaps.

  14. Well, if nothing else this justifies the thread existence. The fact that this is a specific, probably automated exploit that is basically a plat-farm for those using it is important.

    That said, it drives down the average price for 10-rank mods so is it really a bad thing overall?


    Players will benefit from lowered prices, but there are many unseen costs as well. The subject is off topic so I'll keep it brief.


    Off the top of my head, fusion energy inflation will:


    1. Disenfranchise legitimate sellers who can't compete with bots.

    2. Disenfranchise fellow players who can't compete with the resources of your bot farm. Their effort won't be rewarded relative to someone who's running a program/macro instead of playing. In PvE, this isn't game-breaking mechanically, but from a psychological standpoint, it absolutely is. Would you bother participating in a marathon in which your opponents can break the rules and use bikes or cars?

    3. Flatten the progression curve - even veteran players don't have all mods maxed, yet all of a sudden, you'd be able to purchase cheap rank 10 mods due to inflation. This will likely disenfranchise some veterans who worked hard to build up their mod collection.

    4. Crush down progression goals - this point is related to 3. A big part of progressing through a game is reaching the "end game." It's veterans who tend to set and push the standard for what end game is; with some of them leaving and the gap between newbies and veterans closing, new players will have less to look forward to. That perfect build you have in mind won't be a long-term project but a matter of farming a few parts, selling them, and then buying all the mods you need. Some may view this as a positive, but if the game engages people increasingly less, people's friends lists will continuously dwindle - and playing this game solo is the easiest way to burn yourself out.

    5. Player-base quality erosion - If legitimate players get pushed out by botters who are willing to break the rules, then the overall quality of the player base will plummet. It takes a certain mentality and personality to disregard the rules of a game, and the people who blatantly do that aren't particularly fun - and that's putting it mildly - to have around.


    All of these points are merely observations from a long history of ruined games. For example, botting destroyed Diablo 2 for many people - myself included - and is the reason why I never bothered with Diablo 3. D2 eventually reached the point where botters were handing out extremely rare runes like candy on Halloween. New players would drop in, max out their gear in a week or two, get bored and leave. A small, core group of dedicated people kept playing for a while, but their numbers quickly dwindled. D2 is obviously not a direct comparison to Warframe, but I like WF and would hate to see it go down a similar path.

  15. Adding Split Chamber will fire a pre-merged "two-stack" ball, but since they're pre-merged, it doesn't have the AoE merging pulse that you'd get from merging two separate balls together (e.g. tapping M1 twice without SC on). It's just a single ball that's fired, except it counts as a two-stack instead of a one-stack ball.

    If you fire again with SC on, your two-stack ball merges with another two-stack ball and instantly deals the damage of a 4-stack merge (225 base damage, as opposed to the 175 damage that you'd get without SC) and forms the item-sucking singularity right away.

    Note that since the maximum base pulse damage (225) happens at 4 stacks, your pulses won't get any stronger with additional shots while SC is on since the stack count is already capped.

    Hopefully that makes sense. It's a bit of a messy weapon to explain.


    Sadly, after testing the SS for a while, the scaling damage per stack doesn't seem to work as intended. I'm dealing the low-end damage regardles of how many stacks I have.

  16. I'll list the arcanes in order - helmet first, then syandana.


    Ash Prime - 2 Arcane Trickeries (helmet and syandana) - Got only one maxed Trickery, but 2 should work even better.

    Loki Prime - Arcane Essence / Arcane Rage

    Trinity - Arcane Aura / Arcane Avenger (might swap out Aura for something else when the Trinity skin comes out).

    Hydroid - Arcane Eruption / Arcane Rage - Eruption used to be amazing on him before the Pilfering Swarm nerf, and it's still quite good.

    Nekros - Arcane Pulse / Arcane Grace - Great with a Despoil build.

    Ice Chroma - Arcane Grace / Arcane Avenger

    Mesa - Arcane Grace / Arcane Avenger - Shooting Gallery and Shatter Shield. I don't have a spare Grace/Avenger set for her helmet so I run with a Grace syandana.


    These are combinations that work quite well in my experience. The rest of my frames have an Arcane Rage equipped for the Arcane revive. Rage, to me, is the best overall arcane in terms of usability.


    I'm not a big fan of Excalibur, but if I had a maxed Arcane Strike syandana, I'd equip it alongside the Arcane Pendragon; should work quite well.

  17. Lots of people have complained about discomfort, yet some still reply with childish comments like "are you a PC gamer or what"... There was even a long thread about it after DE fixed the alt-fire mechanic. I take weapons with this much firepower to very long missions, so even if the firing mechanic isn't a problem for normal missions, the discomfort becomes very noticeable after an hour of using it. Those 2-3 seconds of holding down the fire button add up to a lot after several thousand kills. This is why my Tigris, before I made the Ammo Stock modification, was collecting dust alongside my 6-forma Drakgoon. I get that purists cringe at the sight of a 3-shot Tigris, but if it makes the weapon more comfortable to use, I'll absolutely mod it for 3 shots.

  18. THe one who got 25k kills had 180 common cores which is the same as 36 r5 fusion cores and it's @(*()$ easy to get those cores with botting. So this could very likely influence the max mod market


    It's actually a lot more than that because you get a fair number of rare and uncommon cores too. He just didn't show the whole list.


    I just did a quick test run and after 4,000 kills, I had about 47,000 mission credits without a booster, 36 common cores, 2 rare, and 1 uncommon. According to OP's numbers, people who run bots for a week will get 375 times that amount. We're talking over 17.5 million credits, 750 rare, 375 uncommon (~230 R5), and a whopping 13,500 common cores (equivalent to about 2,570 R5). That's 3,695 R5 worth of fusion energy for a week, or about 7 maxed primed mods. I just tested it, and 300 R5, 250 U5, and 393 C3 are enough to max a primed mod at a cost of ~1.75 million credits. Even at a cost of 2.5 million per mod, your bot farm will still provide all the credits you need for fusion; with a credit booster, you can afford a 5-million credit cost per mod.


    Mind you, these numbers exclude all the additional fusion energy that you'll get from other mods (I got 136 mods in total, so we're talking 97 additional common and uncommon mods). Given that credits are very easy to come by and fusion energy is the limiting factor for the max mod market, kill farming will absolutely introduce inflation. With a bot, you don't even have to play to get this amount of credits and fusion energy. Other sellers can't compete with that unless they set up a bot farm themselves... which, as far as I know, is against the rules. I'm not into selling maxed mods, so I don't know how long it takes to farm the fusion energy for them (haven't tracked how long it takes to max mine either). However, I'm pretty sure you can't max 7 primed mods even if you no-life for a week.


    It's funny to see how people are ignoring or downplaying these simple facts. Since a few of the posters are bot-farmers themselves, I'm not terribly shocked...


    Oh, and I'm pretty sure OP acknowledged that Shield Polarize is not the problem after I pointed out how these numbers are achieved. Frankly, I don't care about his leaderboard complaints, however, his comments about market inflation are pretty valid.

  19. Scott claimed the firing mechanic is here to stay. I too notice the finger strain after using the Tigris for a while. One way I make using the weapon bearable is installing a rank 2 Ammo Stock for 3 shots per magazine. You can blast a group of enemies with the dual shot and finish off whoever's left standing with the 3rd one.

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