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Posts posted by stoybot

  1. Cephalon Capture is currently a complete joke, and if it wasn't giving so much reputation, I wouldn't even bother with it. Parkour 2.0 already makes it incredibly easy to kite - as long as you're reasonably good at it - and when you don't have to worry about shooting anyone, you can keep at it for as long as you want. The only reliable way to counter that are cheap instant AoE abilities (I'm looking at you Oberon) or something like Bullet Attractor.


    There's this one Oberon player that I encounter from time to time and he's got it down to a science. Grabs our Cephalon and immediately starts kiting and collecting energy orbs. He doesn't even bother shooting anyone until he's got 100 energy, at which point he casts his Reckoning on our Cephalon carrier, kills him with a Lex Prime and scores. If he's not carrying, he'll kill the enemy carrier with a Reckoning and Tigris instead. I've lost to that guy even with a team of experienced players, and while he's a one-trick pony, it's incredibly hard to counter him unless my team controls the energy very well and is running Mags/Oberons as well.

  2. Globe is incredibly easy to deal with for just one reason - player perspective. You can take cover, and as long as you can see the edge of the globe, you can burst it down without having to worry about the Frost shooting you back. Its size is a limitation.


    As I said before, it's his EHP that's the problem, and just to illustrate that point... Frost Prime is the only frame that won't get 1-shot by a fully charged Opticor (body shot). A weapon that is meant to 1-shot can't burst down that fattie.

  3. Frost Prime, Braton Prime, Jat Kittag. It's getting kinda boring to play against the same loadout. I've seen up to 3 people running it in the same game. The problem with Frost isn't his abilities, it's the fact that he's so damn tanky. I pump these fatties full of Vectis bullets, yet unless I land a handshot, they'll just kite until their shields recharge or they find a health orb. Now it would be nice if headshots with snipers were easier to land, but alas, Warframe is way too fast-paced (not to mention the absolute joke that is the Vectis damage).


    Frankly, I don't see any downsides to playing Frost, and with Parkour 2.0, mobility is no longer an issue for him.

  4. The pyro in me also wouldn't mind a 100% fire proc.


    Some men just want to watch the world burn...


    I actually favour a status chance decrease, but then again, I'm not a huge fan of flames.

  5. Also didn't work tonight, hu? :P


    Even the low ranks in my team got you quite often. Your K/D was smth like 14/10 - some lowies in my team had better just with their "starter weapons"...




    Tone down heat proc in general: +1 !


    You might want to refresh your memory. I had 20 kills and 17 deaths on one of the maps, with the rest of my team rank 1-4 newbies, whose combined kill count was about 6. I tore through your team on my own. Granted, a lot of them were pretty mediocre. The other map I was 8/14 in a 1v3... I'd say it worked pretty well, especially going up against your Twin Grakatas, which are a weapon I equip and only use on people who annoy me. That's how bad I feel about using it. :-)

    As far as tonight's testing, I'd say the Final Harbinger S&A is still top-notch, but I was countered very well by a few chanelling Scindo's and Galatine's. One-hitting even a Valkyr... Also, an Iron Shrapnel Rhino made me rethink the decision to go melee-only. Knock-down when I approached him, Jat Kittag to the face while on the ground.


    I'll probably go back to a more regular setup just because I'm getting bored of PvP with this weapon. My KDR went from 1 to 1.3 since I started using it, yet I don't feel like I've become a better player. No pain, no gain.


    I also agree about nerfing the heat proc, although that would have to alter the way status works for only 1 particular weapon, which doesn't seem particularly consistent. A full Null Warning combo (which takes about 2-3 seconds to execute), would kill any of the more squishy frames, and if they happen to get away, the heat proc kills them. I noticed at least a third of my kills were on enemies that managed to get away.

  6. I was playing a laggy PvP match that, for some reason, wasn't displaying my HUD properly. I couldn't see the kill progress nor my minimap. At the end I got a strange reward:




    I figured it was just a display glitch, but after I checked my inventory, sure enough, everything was doubled.

  7. Hello since I was on the receiving end of OP's Silva Aegis+Final Harbinger, I should say it's definitely not overpowered. Pretty easy to avoid the melee. 


    However, I do feel  Silva Aegis is slightly better than Ack Brunt: 


    stat-wise, Ack Brunt has 32 slash, 4 impact, 4 puncture. Silva has 33 heat damage. Ack Brunt has attack speed of 0.833, Silva has 1.0. On paper it looks like both have around 33 DPS.


    --But, (a) Silva Aegis procs heat DOT very often and that adds to its DPS; 

    (b) Ack Brunt's mostly slash damage has negative modifier vs. Tenno's ferrite armor (although I'm not sure whether Tenno has proto shield or just regular shield. If regular shield, then heat has no negative modifier; if proto shield, heat has -50% modifier which decreases Silva Aegis' DPS). 


    TL;DR: fought OP's Silva Aegis with Ack Brunt, both using Frost Prime, Ack Brunt lost most of the time. 


    Hey, ele, nice playing with you. You didn't face a Martial Magnetism S&A, which is what I was talking about in my post. You're also a lot better than I am, thus capitalizing on my clunky movement. When I was testing it with MA, I could land pretty much all of Harbinger's combos. Without it, I miss a lot of them due to my... lack of skill. As for overpowered, I don't know. It's not a pre-nerf Kittag, that's for sure. In the melee category, the mobility and DPS of the weapon are pretty scary. I went melee only, no abilities, pretty much the entire night and burned through 20k rep very fast. Will test it some more tomorrow, maybe with Excal and Ember.

  8. Worked so well for you last match didn't it.


    Inexperienced players are going to get stomped by most things. That doesn't necessarily make it OP.


    Yeah, at least 1v2, sometimes 1v3, and still getting lots of kills with a rank 0 newbie on my team. Going up against your Latron Prime and S&A Ember and a Rhino that had a Gorgon (not sure). Given how laggy U.S. servers are for me, I'd say that's pretty good. Didn't even break a sweat.


    Also, I don't have Martial Magnetism equipped. Too boring.

  9. You...can't put relentless assault and martial mag on the same weapon...you can only have one or the other.

    Quick melee spamming has been around for a while, and Silva Aegis isn't the only weapon you can do that with *looks at the Kronen, Boltace and Skana*

    Oh, sorry. Forgot the "or." Fixed now.


    Final Harbinger's mobility is what makes all the difference here, combined with the fact that no one has a mobility advantage by equipping, say, a Bo Prime.

  10. Pick a tanky frame, equip Silva & Aegis, and mod it with Relentless Assault or Martial Magnetism, and Final Harbinger. Now go enjoy PvP Archwing style - press "melee" to win. It's perfect for spoiling people's fun, especially on small maps! Also, whoever came up with the idea of Martial Magnetism, props to you! Fun trumps skill, am I right?

  11. So far tonight, I've lost 4 matches because of a massive lag spike that throws most people out of the game and disconnects us from the host. With 17,000 more rep to burn, I think I'll give up soon...

  12. Here's an even faster way. Solo Mantle (Capture) + Volt:




    I also end up picking up a decent chunk of neurodes when running around with Shocking Speed.


    I've bred over 40 kubrows and I've farmed most of the eggs the old-fashioned den-busting way. This is by far the fastest way I've found.

  13. Personally, I run both:




    A bit of an expensive build and you only need 3 forma if you don't care about the Exilus slot. With this build, you've got very good EV and a little over 3.4k effective hp. Combining tankiness with support works quite well on an EV build for when things go wrong in a squad. You could remove primed flow, put stretch in its place and equip intensify for maximum energy restoring, but I've not found that to be necessary in practice, and no one has ever complained about my EV. 30% power strength only translates to about 14% more energy restored anyway.



    With Enemy Sense and Animal Instinct on a Kubrow/sentinel, you don't need to "press 3" to find EV targets (Link with this build has 47m range vs 48m enemy radar with Enemy Sense + Animal Instinct).

  14. Jat Kittag got nerfed and I tried conclave again. Now my game freezes every 15 seconds or so for about 3-4 seconds. Best of all, it doesn't seem to freeze for others so they happily kill me in the mean time. Seriously...

  15. So I decided to try out PvP in U17. I joined a game with my pre-17 loadout (Volt, Lex, Bo Prime, only swapping the Daikyu for a Vectis Prime). I ended up in a game where pretty much everyone was using Frost and wielding either a Jat Kittag (vast majority), Kronen, or a Kogake. Lordy... As most of you can probably guess, I got completely destroyed. When I wasn't getting one-shot, I was perma-stunned or knocked down for the entirety of the game.


    See, with Parkour 1.0, you could have a mobility advantage over cheap melee-spammers. It took some skill, but you could avoid them with moderate success. Good luck doing that now with Parkour 2.0... I wish PvP rewarded skill, but alas, you only need the "skill" to pick the right loudout. Time to give PvP another long break.

  16. Small question, is the Kohmak as strong as the Kohm on the secondary side? Should I use them together or save for a more ammo efficient weapon?


    It doesn't have the same damage output as the Kohm, but amongst the secondaries, it's second only to the Brakk in sustained DPS (if you're going for headshots, there are better weapons out there). The innate punch-through and high spread make it ideal against crowds, and the faster spool-up makes it a lot more fun to use. It's one of my more used secondaries and my go-to weapon for Triton. Even with Gunslinger equipped, the Primed Pistol Mutation will keep you topped up on ammo. I've yet to run out of ammo on this thing, even though its ammo economy isn't great. Personally, between the Kohm and the Kohmak, I'd pick the latter.


    If you like shotgun-type weapons and shooting in the general direction of enemies, I think you might enjoy the Kohmak.

  17. "Did you read the post you quoted?" he says after clearly not having read the post he quoted. Good job.

    I never said anything about grineer either and you just bring them up anyways.

    "But that build was clearly meant for Grineer."

    Inherently bad since you're just giving a player who wants a build one that works only against one faction. For all I know he'd go and blindly use that build against every faction.

    And why is alloy not a common scenario for you? It's pretty much the dominant armor type in the void and is extremely present in any Grineer mission where enemies are at least level 15.

    But let's just make it simple for him:

    Element combinations for shotguns:

    Grineer: Radiation/Viral

    Grineer with 4 Corrosive Projection auras: Heat/Viral

    Infested: Corrosive/Blast

    Corpus: Magnetic/Heat

    Void takes the same ones as Grineer.


    I can't possibly list all the faction-specific damage types (and how you mod for them) when people ask for builds. Don't have the time and I assume people have a general knowledge of how elements work. Alloy may be the dominant armor in the void, but corrosive procs strip armor regardless of its type, which is why they're better against armored units - 25% less armor with just 1 proc increases your damage significantly even against alloy. Corrosive also helps with the biggest bullet sponge in the void - the heavy gunner. If you're using slow-firing weapons that don't have a lot of status, I suppose radiation/viral would be better.

  18. Whether you use a 4-element combo or not depends on what enemies you're facing and if they have armor or not. Corrosive/blast is worse? Depends on the faction. Ferrite armor protects against, so it's not what you want to use against Grineer, but against Infested it gives you an overall massive bonus against heavy infested units.

    Also, using Sweeping Serration is an equally stupid idea if you want to fight armored enemies.


    Did you read the post you quoted? I explicitly say that a corrosive/blast combo is bad against armored units and made no reference to infested... The reason why a 3-element combo tends to do better is because the dual-stat mod can boost the primary damage type and receive the bonus damage, while giving you additional status. Magnetic/gas is bad againt corpus, corrosive/blast is bad against ferrite, and viral/radiation is bad against flesh/cloned flesh. And those are the 3 scenarios I generally mod for (void/Triton). Against infested, corrosive/blast will, indeed, give you the most bang for your buck. Modding against alloy, I'd pick radiation/viral only because of how powerful the viral proc is - radiation/toxin with a dual stat mod will actually give you more damage against alloy, but the viral proc is just too good.


    Also if you bothered looking at it, the Kohm build he's talking about is modded for viral/heat and is intended to be run with 4 corrosive projections. Sweeping Serration, in that scenario, is not a stupid idea. However, as was pointed out in the linked thread, a dual-stat mod like Frigid Blast will actually increase your DPS against cloned flesh more than the 120% additional slash damage (the damage against flesh is identical but you get more status with the dual-stat mod). I've since replaced Sweeping Serration with Frigid Blast in that particular build, but left it as it is in the thread because it's what I used for testing.

  19. Add an arcane grace to the mix (for non-fire builds) combined with a Vaykor Marelok/Scattered Justice Hek and he's damn near impossible to kill in capable hands. I like the fact that he's not a press-4 to gain invulnerability frame either. If you're not careful with your shields, high level enemies will burst you down in seconds. Great frame for levelling weapons in Draco PUGs.


    Effigy is very useful for the initial blind. I use it for CC (while activating capsules or reviving), not damage. It could use some DE love though. Scream is garbage. If I'm close enough for knockdowns, it's usually because I'm running melee, in which case I can simply block.

  20. Why dual stat? Just use a regular elemental mod.


    The build he's referencing already uses 3 90% elemental damage mods in addition to Sweeping Serration. A 4-element combo has significant drawbacks in terms of damage and modding as well. With a 4th 90% elemental instead of a dual stat mod, he'll be losing 4,800 sustained DPS against cloned flesh in that build (viral/radiation as opposed to viral/heat), and won't gain any of the additional status chance. A corrosive/blast combo is also worse against armored units compared to corrosive/heat with additional status.


    Everyone here is talking about level 80+, and several here are probably thinking of level 200+.


    AOE helps, but is not vital. Any weapon can become multi-target with punch through modded in. If you are talking about the Tonkor, Torid and Amprex, they are used because they are extremely powerful, even against single targets, with the AOE effect being even more on top of that.


    Try fiddling around with the Warframe Builder weapon comparator. It's generally a useful resource (use it as guideline, not gospel). It lists the Soma Prime as #14 for burst DPS primaries, #9 sustained DPS.


    What Warfarme Builder doesn't factor in are critical headshots, which are the reason why the Soma/P outclasses the Boltor and most other primaries in terms of damage. I quite like the fact that the Soma rewards skilled handling.


    These days I find the Tonkor (another weapon that is quite monstrous with headcrits) more fun to use, but if I don't know what I'm going up against, I always pick the Soma. I still consider it the most reliable weapon in my arsenal.

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