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Posts posted by stoybot

  1. Or you could just go about your day (presuming you mean in game) and earn that 20k rep passively by just playing the game.  You only need the rep to get stuff to play the game with more mods anyway. Or instead of just one or two stages do 4-6 and get the 20k anyway.


    Your pressumption was wrong. I don't do Draco when I plan to play for a few hours. Also, there's a lot more you can do with that reputation. Selling syndicate mods and weapons (or giving them away to friends), as well as free syandanas for arcanes. Doing 4-6 runs instead of 1 is not efficient, and that's what Draco is all about. I'm not arguing with the bad habits that it forms. I've seen the MR10+ "Draco-children" that can't find their way around another tileset, and I think it's a pretty bad idea for beginners to start there. Unlike many others, however, I recognize that people have a choice in how they play and respect their decisions.

  2. I am asking DE to actually fix MOST of the issue with a rework to allow Trinity out of her role as a battery charger and give her a playstyle that removes her from being a nukers... forums won't let me say.


    You know she can be played in other ways, right? No one has ever complained about my Blessing Trinity. Need an incredible damage resistance for the entire team? Want to nuke a level 300 Heavy Gunner in a few seconds? Strip enemies of their armor? No problem! There's a diversity of playstyles that she allows for, which is why she's one of my favourite frames.


    Ah, but let's face it, you want an Energy Vampire nerf. The energy loophole is caused by a lack of cooldowns. Simple as that. The energy system is supposed to be the limitting factor in ability use, but Trin's EV acts as a cooldown resetter. Given that the game was designed without a cooldown system in mind, implementing one would require a massive amount of rebalancing work.


    Also, let's not ignore how much EV streamlines the game, especially at the higher levels. Raids, for example, would be a lot less fluid if we had to camp energy restores every 3-4 minutes.


    Lastly, no one actually forces you to play with a Trin+Nuker setup.




    P42W and every acronym near it(IE Rhino's old p22W) all needs to be removed and forgotten, the game will be much healthier for it and you guys can stop developing enemies that screw with everyone else's powers just because _a few frustrated grinders/farmers_. 


    Way to poison the well.

  3. After taking part in one of many thousands of the daily 'exploits' using Mesa on Draco and stopping after 4 rounds, I wondered what was the point.


    Exploit, despite its negative connotation - "unfair advantage" - which you are implying here, can also mean "making full use of a resource." If I want to burn through 20,000 reputation quickly and go about my day, Draco is one of the most efficient ways to do it. I can solo Draco with Loki until very high waves... so what?


    It's so easy to go 4 rounds anyway and it's a heck of a lot more fun than:

    a) being Mesa who gets close to zero XP;

    b) being Trinity who gets yelled at for either not having any enemies left to EV or not being in the SnowGlobe and trying to explain why between EVing enemies every 4s;


    Or you can run 2 Mesas, each of whom is going to get roughly half the XP, and the Trin can comfortably refill one of them while the other one is shooting.


    If you find normal Dracos to be fun, go for it! I think that's perfectly fine. You can queue in public and you'll find a lot of people doing the same. But if you want to convince me to drop efficient XP farming, then you're missing the point of why people do it.

  4. But, I used usual loki, meaning I _had_ his skin.


    Pretty back whacked when I realized the prime carrier sentinel doesn't allow use of the normal sentinel appearance skin _which I purchased_. DE please allow it!


    Case in point: Immortal skins. You buy them, they work on both prime and normal frames. As for completely changing the model... The Excalibur Proto-Armor skin changes the model... and can be equipped on Excalibur Prime.

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