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Posts posted by stoybot

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I honestly had no idea.


    I initially started the thread to bring into light something wrong, as there was no way to that amount of kills would have been normal. However I do hesitate to modify the original post. This thread got very popular and if a lot of people take note of the exploit, all hell might break loose.


    I am also positive that the ones that do it a lot have macros for it, otherwise it would be impossible to do it all day long. Now the ones that kept bashing me for the whole thread should notice why I said that pressing some keys to kill them all indefinitely is never a good idea. The "hardcore" players that do that don't even play the game and still have the best results.


    Your thread, your decision. However, do note that this exploit hasn't been fixed so far because no one reported it. I won't point any fingers, but some people in this thread knew about this method - or similar ones - but kept quiet about it. I don't have a problem with people farming efficiently, but I take issue with bot farming. The best way to draw DE's attention to this is to generate some noise, and then they can check their internal tracker and figure out which nodes are being used to do this.


    Also, this particular way of exploiting the spawn rate doesn't depend on shield polarize. It's a really low level node, so you can easily kill with both pull and crush. SP is just the most-cost efficient way of doing it.


    Finally, OP is completely off the mark as far as identifying the problem. You don't want to publicize the exploit, but you want to draw attention to a non-issue that might lead to Mag's best ability getting the nerf hammer?

  2. Whats new? Ever played Io/ Jupiter or any other Corpus Mission with a save spot?


    What's new is the spawn rate... Io has nowhere near this spawn rate, it spawns nullifiers, and you can't bot it. I just tested it, and the numbers OP reported are completely realistic; you don't even have to no-life for them.

  3. Quoting myself for context:


    There are 168 hours in a week. Assuming the guy didn't sleep, eat, or take bathroom breaks, he was killing about 9,000 enemies an hour. Doing this on Triton? Please... Are you sure this isn't a leaderboard bug or the fault of a node with bugged spawn rates?


    Before you starting beating the nerf drum, do some simple calculations. Assuming the person slept for 7 hours a day, he'd have to kill over 12.5 thousand enemies an hour, which is completely unrealistic. That number goes even higher when you factor in meals, bathroom breaks, and well... life.


    Aaaaand I was right:



    It would be nice if you could edit the original post with this information OP. 10 pages for something that is obviously impossible without an exploit...

  4. The biggest reason for me is not related to kubrows per se; it's the frame item pick-up range. I enjoy gunplay, yet I don't enjoy running around and getting out of position just to sustain my energy and ammo supply... in order to continue fighting effectively. I wouldn't mind doing that a few times, but the high rate at which you kill enemies in Warframe, particularly in endless missions, makes the task boring and inefficient. When collecting ammo, energy, and life support hinders my movement across a tileset, I'll take a Carrier to get around that problem. Any experienced FPS player knows that positioning is often more important than good aim. This is why I find the comments about Carrier being a companion for noobs pretty amusing.


    In my opinion, it's not even a sentinel vs kubrow question - it's Carrier vs everything else. Defense-type missions excepted, my Raksa and Huras are way better than the other sentinels; I wouldn't stick 5-6 formas in them otherwise.

  5. There are 168 hours in a week. Assuming the guy didn't sleep, eat, or take bathroom breaks, he was killing about 9,000 enemies an hour. Doing this on Triton? Please... Are you sure this isn't a leaderboard bug or the fault of a node with bugged spawn rates?


    Before you starting beating the nerf drum, do some simple calculations. Assuming the person slept for 7 hours a day, he'd have to kill over 12.5 thousand enemies an hour, which is completely unrealistic. That number goes even higher when you factor in meals, bathroom breaks, and well... life.

  6. something of note that I have seen since I've been toying with the snyoid simulor in PvP.

    every shot has been yellow, so I have a feeling this bug may not have been fixed or only fixed in PvE.


    In PvE, the weapon still headshots on pretty much every hit. Some - myself included - have speculated that the wording in the bugfix implies AoE headshots were removed only from the statistics at the end of the game. AoE headshots work just fine on other weapons as well.


    I'm giving PvP a break at the moment, but I have a loadout that I only use when the teams are very unbalanced - skill or numbers wise - and the opposing side takes advantage of it by moving together as a team. I consider it pretty cheap and boring - not much skill involved - so I rarely play it. Saryn + Simulor + Glaive Prime. As long as you're decent at Parkour 2.0, you'll inflict a lot of misery.

  7. In addition to what others have already said, don't forget melee reach and multi-hit combos. If you swing a Primed Reach Galatine in the middle of a crowd, you'll waste a ton of energy and overheal (get back more HP than your maximum health pool). Melee weapons are, as usual, hard to quantify numerically. Most people choose Life Strike's rank based on combat testing. For example, a Scindo Prime hits so hard that you'll be getting your HP back with just 1-2 hits even under heavy fire, particularly if you use a combo like Tempo Royale's Bold Reprise.


    I've found that rank 1 LS is pretty good on slow, hard-hitting weapons such as the Scindo Prime, while rank 2 is good for fast weapons with lower damage per hit - like the Prisma Dual Cleavers (with a Berserker build). In fact, the only melee weapon in my arsenal that has a rank 3 Life Strike installed is the Glaive Prime, and I use it occasionally for ranged healing.

  8. Try looking for them.  None of the usual sites have any VIP hacks for warframe.  I spent a lot of time working with PWE to ban cheaters in BLR (some people were dumb enough to post some of the sites' public forums with the same ign as in game; most of the time you'll see their admins advertising by hacking in game too which has never happened in warframe)  so it's not like I don't know where to look.


    If you don't search in Chinese or Russian, then you're not covering a huge chunk of the hacking and player base.

  9. Depleted Reload for high sustained DPS, or a damage mod for high burst DPS. If you go to missions where enemies are taking more than a few bullets to kill, use the sustained DPS build. Otherwise, burst DPS is fine. Depleted Reload is also better when facing crowds (especially with manual reload).


    Sustained DPS:



    Burst DPS:



    For maximum damage, you want to go for critical headshots with the Vectis, so I don't recommend Heavy Caliber.


    Personally, I always run the Depleted Reload build as it gives me high damage per shot and allows me to quickly take out multiple priority targets (usually Disruptor Drones in nightmare raids).

  10. 1. Ninkondi with Atlantis Vulcan - Blazing Vortex is nuts.

    2. Scindo Prime with Tempo Royale - High mobility, crowd control, and great damage.

    3. Galatine with Primed Reach and Cleaving Whirlwind - Spin to win with Broken Bull.

    4. Redeemer - Brutal ground finisher that is easy to pull off. Stealth charged attack also does crazy damage.

    5. Glaive Prime - Great utility and versatility. Good for killing Nullifiers and healing yourself from a safe distance.

  11. In my opinion, Arcane Rage is the best overall arcane. The effect of Victory can be accomplished with health restores. Grace/Avenger are excellent on tanky frames (Ice Chroma and Grace, Trinity and Avenger). By the time the arcane effect starts to matter, you generally don't want to get shot for it to be triggered because you'll die instantly. If you're planning to get only one arcane, stay away from the ON DAMAGED ones. You want it to be useful on all frames for that Arcane Revive.

  12. Here's the precise wording in the patch notes:


    Fixed AoE damage counting towards earning a ‘headshot’.




    I just tested the Secura Penta and headshots/headshot crits still work with AoE damage.


    The text makes it seem like they removed it from the headshot statistics, which might explain why AoE headshots are still a thing. Either that, or they completely messed up the bugfix.

  13. 5 elemental mods is almost always a bad idea. 4 is pushing it. 6 is right out.


    So if you have a Primary with 10% chance 2x dmg Crit that doesn't use Heavy Caliber, especially if it has a fast ROF, and even moreso if it's an accurate weapon, you should probably check in the Builder to see if a Crit build beats sticking 4-5 elements on it.


    The Simulor is a bit different in that it doesn't really make good use of Split Chamber, using Heavy Caliber in its place. Also, I'm not sure Shred is as necessary on it as people say. It's convenient, but then you can simply fire into the air to avoid collision with enemies. So I'm inclined to think the best build for it is simply:


    Serration, Heavy Caliber, Point Strike, Vital Sense, 4x elemental



    Finally, don't bother getting rid of the D polarity. You're going to be using Rad Viral, Corrosive Cold, Viral Electric, or Corrosive Blast on this weapon, all of which use that D slot.


    Shooting in the air decreases the effective radius of the explosion.


    Also, Corrosive/Blast is a terrible combination. You're better off boosting the Corrosive damage with a dual stat mod and thus improving the proc rate of Corrosive (relative to the other elements), the status chance, and your overall damage against ferrite.

  14. There's no alternative to the damage multishot provides, so people are better off slotting an ammo mutation mod to offset the increased ammo consumption. You'll end up with 1 additional mandatory mod and fire rate mods will be used even less. So less damage across the board and less modding variety. Does this seem like a good idea to you? Knowing DE, they'll just nerf the existing multishot mods and people will end up replacing them with other damage mods. If swapping one damage mod for another means variety to you, then I guess you'll be pretty happy with the change. Personally, I won't be.

  15. Well, I just tested an unmodded Synoid Simulor against an Ancient Healer. UI consistently showed 349 damage on a normal hit (double the expected 175) and 1398 on a critical hit (quadruple the expected value). This means that every hit received the 2x headshot multiplier and the 4x headcrit multiplier. When this is nerfed, Suda fans can legitimately start complaining about the Synoid Simulor... On a side note, it was doing the same (base) amount of damage regardless of how many orbs I stacked, which shouldn't be the case. It never reached the upper listed damage per stack (225), so it's dealing less damage than intended.

  16. Two main reasons:


    1. You get more sustained DPS with a crit build.


    2. AoE headcrits appear to still work.


    This is how I run my Simulor on Triton:




    The punch-through is for utility in close-up fights. Less bouncing around of the orbs makes for easier singularity formation. If I wanted even more DPS, I'd replace Shred with Vile Acceleration.


    This build has a sustained DPS of 14,450.2


    This one...




    ...has a sustained DPS of 13,142.6


    Combined with headcrits, a crit build is currently your best option. Just shoot above the crowd.


    Finally, because critical damage is applied per enemy in the AoE as opposed to per shot, it's more reliable than it seems.

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