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Posts posted by stoybot

  1. Ehm, you can easily get 1,200 cryotic in 1 run with a random squad, That's 4 runs. Given that extractors take a bit over a minute and a half to complete the excavation, and that you can deploy 2 at a time, it will take you less than 2 hours to stock up on cryotic. If you go to Triton, you'll even get keys and cores on the side.

  2. They changed the spawn rate and enemy types for the waves to improve performance. You kill a lot less enemies now, and the ones you kill the most give poor affinity. I added forma to my Volt and went to a T2D to level him up. Surprise, surprise, it barely reached rank 9. I got so annoyed I set up a Draco XP farm and got him to 30 in one run. DE can complain all they want, but if they keep nerfing affinity gains in missions, more and more people will flock to nodes like Draco.

  3. Yeah, the resets need to go, but I don't want a game where we can go that damn fast again. I mean, I'm pretty sure we can with a bit of finagling and wall-latching, which actually looks baller, I just don't think it should be so easily accessible.

    After all, the level art guys deserve to get paid, right? If we go that fast we don't even need tilesets that look cool, which is a shame.


    I'd be the first to admit that being able to reach the raid Injector, startng from the door, with just 3-4 swings of the Ceramic Dagger is quite broken. I agree, we don't need that kind of speed. Realistically, I'm asking for a 30 to 40 percent default velocity increase for bullet jumps. Also, it would be cool if the velocity was based off of the frame's current movement speed. A max strength Volt is actually slower when bullet jumping, which seems a bit ridiculous to me.

  4. Yup, another thread about Parkour 2.0. Before I make my point, let me preface this by saying that I absolutely loved the old system. I like going fast, I like being mobile, and you couldn't pry my Ceramic Dagger and Tipedo - for tilesets with a lot of vertical movement - from my cold, dead hands.


    After playing around with Parkour 2.0, I have to say I fell in love with it. I wanted to farm Nullifiers and Sniper Crewmen, so I went to Europa survival with my Hydroid - my God was it fun, especially since I had to solo it (not a very popular node apparently). Since Hydro is somewhat squishy, past 15 minutes you really have to watch out. In the past I'd dash around to avoid enemy fire and relocate, but now I could do the same, and return fire while doing it. Also, since the vertical maneuvarability is so much better, it felt like I had a lot more freedom compared to dashing around horizontally to avoid the floatiness of air melee.


    Speaking of floatiness... this is my only gripe with Parkour 2.0 - Bullet Jump's velocity. It doesn't feel "bullet-y" at all. I tested it with Loki and a maxed Mobilize and it was still very underwhelming. I get that you can build up momentum, but truth of the matter is, none of the tilesets are big - and obstacle free - enough to accomplish that realistically. I did a normal raid earlier and got somewhat bored by the travel time during the first part.


    Furthermore, given how underwhelming the effect of the mobility mods is, I don't think the amount of work they require is worth it at all. You equip Rush on Loki and the results - in terms of sprint speed - are immediately clear. You equip Mobilize and the effect is barely noticeable.


    By increasing bullet jump's velocity, you won't be sacrificing movement control either. Double jump + aim glide already provide a similar functionality and precision of movement.


    On a side note, carpal tunnel won't be gone until Toggle Sprint option makes sprinting permanent and you only walk when holding down Shift. Right now it resets constantly with all the bullet jumping and is absolutely worthless.

  5. Has anyone figured out Pacify's damage reduction cap? I'm assuming there is one because with power strength mods, you can go over 100% damage reduction. Trinity's 99% Blessing, while extremely good, falls off at the very high end, and currently the best damage reduction can be provided by using Blessing and Link in conjuction for 99.75% reduction. Trouble is... it only works for Trin herself. If Equinox's Pacify provides anywhere near 75% reduction, then she would be quite useful. Now, I'm aware that, outside endless missions, such high level content doesn't exist yet - and 99% is good enough for raids - but it isn't something to be ignored.

  6. Yup, lost a nightmare raid earlier today because the person hacking got stuck on the first-door console during the hijack stage, The core glitched through the door and hit the second electricty trap without anyone being near it. Needless to say, we were all quite baffled. We did a normal raid prior to that and encountered the back and forth issue. We thought it was a host bug and switched hosts, but nada... Won't be doing any raids until this is hotfixed.

  7. If you want guaranteed status procs, use weapons with elemental base damage. Physical damage procs have a 4-times probability of occuring compared to elemental procs. This is why the Marelok tends to knock enemies back more often than proccing more useful effects. Tysis, Quanta Vandal/Amprex, Lecta are my go-to weapons for reliable status. I don't even bother with status builds on other weapons unless they have a high fire rate, large magazine size, or very quick reload.

  8. 50% power strength to Pilfering Swarm gives 50% loot chance.


    Nekros has 90% chance to drop loot and can cast it several times on one corpse.


    Nekros far better choice.


    I've not tested it yet, but it depends on how it's applied. Is it additive or multiplicative? Even if it's additive, it's still quite powerful. A max power strength Hydroid can have a guaranteed 4-loot roll - as opposed to 84% chance - with a 34% chance to drop 5 times the loot. Is that better than running with Nekros? I'm not sure, but I'll definitely run some tests.

  9. Rhino's Roar would buff your Hydroid 50% at base strength. It wouldn't even need any power strength mods. It would also buff your weapons, your melee, and allow you to move around while roar is active. Equinox requires max power strength to give you 50% to your powers only. It also requires you to stay in range of Equinox and requires energy for every skill cast while in the presence of Equinox, and to keep the skill up, which can be difficult when Equinox is running Blind Rage.


    Roar doesn't buff power strength, only damage, so it would be useless for a Pilfering Hydroid.

  10. Pacify and Provoke: One of Night Equinox's better skills, it offers a damage reduction for enemies that come into range of the skill. However, the damage reduction is limited by its range and power strength, while Trinity's is not. The skill also drains energy when more enemies come into range, while Blessing is a one-time cast. Day Equinox offers power strength to allies with this skill. My tests have shown a 50% increase in power strength with max power strength mods (284%). While this seems useful, it is greatly outclasses by Rhino's Roar and any single-target augment mod such as Freezing Force. Also the skill drains energy quickly with no efficiency mods, and it requires allies to stay in range to receive the buff.

    Outclassed by: Trinity's Blessing, Rhino's Roar, Any augment mod


    My Hydroid would appreciate a 50% power strength buff. In fact, I'd even take Equinox over a Nekros for my 2-Hydro farming runs. Other than that, yeah, I pretty much agree.

  11. All right, compiled all mods except for the corrupted magazine/reload one and cleaned up the screenshots. So far, I'd say the only must-have mods are Adhesive Blast, Covert Lethality, Seismic Wave (for all the Jat Kittag fans), Mobiilize, Lightning Dash or Firewalker (for the CC potential), Patagium and Final Harbinger.

  12. Covert lethality seems pretty sweet. I just one-shot a level 95 Heavy Gunner without even putting a catalyst in the Karyst.




    After a few additional tests, Covert Lethality doesn't seem to be affected by any other mods (displays the same number visually) yet it one-shots everything I've tested it on. Level 95 Heavy Gunner Eximus? No problem, a Ceramic Dagger with 1 mod equipped takes care of it. Daggers are a lot more relevant now.

  13. rank 10s full already you must have some serious coin and cores on you mate.


    Here's my secret: I never click apply fusion!


    Lightning dash seems pretty good from my Simulacrum tests - a guaranteed electricity proc when hitting enemies with bullet glide.

  14. Adhesive Blast

    Covert Lethality

    Combustion Beam

    Concealed Explosives

    Seismic Wave

    Depleted Reload



    Lightning Dash

    Ice Spring

    Toxic Flight

    Battering Maneuver

    Rending Walk

    Piercing Flight



    Shattering Impact



    Final Harbinger

    Final Harbinger Combos


  15. Banshee can survive most enemy encounters on the star chart and void, but when it gets to the higher level, if a bullet so much as scratches you, you're out. The way you play at that level is: (1) Cast sonar to find out where the enemies are. If they're around the corner you (2) cast Silence for the short stun duration, immediately get in line of sight to (3) knock them down with Sonic Boom and proceed to dispatch them (while continuously knocking them down). You end up wasting a lot of energy playing this way.


    One very simple improvement - albeit less realistic given how sound waves work - is to remove the line of sight requirement for Sonic Boom. Better energy economy and better survivability.

  16. An assassin frame is incredibly good at killing enemies... Shocker! Truth of the matter is, Ash's bladestorm damage is irrelevant. I got bored of farming Triton the regular ways and have been running it with Ash (in PUGs) over the past few days. It's been an interesting experience. If my team mates are good, runs are a breeze. I can keep killing without effort even at 3,000 cryotic - unless a whole bunch of eximus units show up. If my team can't defend the extractor very well - crowd control and globes/shields, I'm absolutely useless. I can lock down certain entries but aside from that, I'm dead weight. And the thing is, good squads don't even need an Ash to keep kiling past the 3,000 mark. They'll just bring shield disruption or a shield polarize Mag and kill everything with their weapons. If I didn't deal close to 50% of the damage for the mission and wasn't occasionally reviving downed allies, my team would rightly complain that I'm not contributing anything...


    I can certainly see how Ash's Bladestorm can be quite powerful at the lower levels, but it's the only thing that keeps him relevant past that point.

  17. People would say that's how they play the game.. however fact is... most of the people who farm Draco on a daily basis AFK or Alt tab easily especially when playing mesa, that by no mean is really playing at all, rather just be there, afk do other things while not actually be on their screens and having a good time with other players. That ain't fun at all, it's not the way DE had wanted, nor is it the way the community should be defending this type of rotten gameplay. I ain't against efficiency, but don't try to call it efficient or using any brains in that matter when anyone can do that.

    You can ask any other people outside of these forums, defending this poor play style and ask them if that's really playing or actually earning something real to reward yourself when you're doing nothing, I dare anyone to try recruiting people to play this game while showing how they are playing Draco to them. That ain't normal, it ain't healthy and the core game-play and rewards needs to be fixed so that people won't abuse maps like Draco all the time.


    Do you mind making an actual argument? I suggest you also look up the definition of efficiency.

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