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Posts posted by stoybot

  1. I have read your guide and I had to test it for myself in the simulacrum. You are right about fire rate affecting spread.


    I've tested my Kohm with and without fire rate mods and the difference is very noticeable, here's the thing though (just my opinion incoming):

    It feels so damn sluggish without any fire rate mods, even when spooled up. 


    It's like a completely different weapon. More ammo efficient, but it feels like some very slow rifle. Time needed to kill also seemed to increase, even though I was hitting enemies with more pellets each shot.


    For the record - this is my Kohm build: http://goo.gl/Qt6UuY

    I upload it here just as an alternative. I'm sure there are better builds but this one works well too.

    (though if anyone has ideas on how to improve it - feel free to share)


    Oh, I agree. I don't like the Kohm without any fire rate mods on, but it's the only way to make it viable late game, where its damage output is supposed to really shine. I don't think it gives it more of a shotgun feel, but the sluggishness is quite irritating. Clever use of Tainted Shell in your build by the way! I'll give it a shot.


    EDIT: I tested it and really like the build. You are taking a significant hit when it comes to ammo economy, but the tight spread makes the effective ammo economy slightly better. It's a lot more enjoyable to play with a faster spool-up and a good spread. I wouldn't take the build to a very long endless mission, but then again, I wouldn't take the other Kohm builds either. I'll definitely be using your build when I need to chop up some enemies for my Nekros - which, sadly, is all the use I can find for Kohm these days. Thanks for sharing!

  2. At this point i realized you are trolling.

    No category = not tradable


    De would need to add a category for the sentinel, however and just like the event weapons that many tried to trade, DE needs to implement the tradability of said item, but as of now you had like a 2 year warning regarding whether or not the item is tradable or not.

    For 2 years no category was added for extractors, sigils, sentinels.....

    You can't really say it was a suprise.


    You want the sentinel to be tradable? grab a chair and wait.


    The one that's trolling here is the person who keeps ignoring what I'm saying and puts words in my mouth. Historically, all Sentinels could be obtained either through the market, by farming them in Void missions, or by BUYING them from other players. This is the first sentinel that you can't obtain in any of those 3 ways. I never disputed the fact that there's no category for the Prisma Shade, which makes it impossible to trade. You keep repeating this as if I ever questioned it. I never said I was surprised either. What I'm saying is that it should be tradeale based on the way DE have treated exclusive items historically. None of you have addressed my argument so far, and all I get is the "no category = not tradable" statement, which I never disputed. Frankly, I don't know how to make this any MORE clear.


    You are wrong. Historically they have never allowed fully built sentinels to be traded. And in warframe whether it is fully built or just parts/blueprints has always made all the difference. 


    For the purpose of trading in Warframe how you get parts in trading actually matters a great, great deal, because historically being allowed to trade fully built anything is rare. They allow some limited weapons now, but that isn't even that recent. What would be the purpose anyway? So that people can fleece people later in trade chat and ask for 3000 platinums for Prisma Shade? 


    You have provided no arguments why they should make it tradeable, the burden is on you to explain why they should do a bunch of extra coding to allow something to be tradeable that has never historically been tradeable in that form before just because you want them to. You need to explain why, not us why not. 


    "I want" is not an argument. 


    Very precious of you to tell me what an argument is when you rebutted a strawman. I made an argument for why it makes sense for items like the Prisma Shade to be tradeable, I never said "I want" without providing reasons. And then you go on to tell me that, historically, you could never trade a built sentinel. Yes, I'm very aware of that. My argument was still not addressed. Also, bringing up trade "fleecing" is completely irrelevant to the discussion. All it does is poison the well through an appeal to emotion.


    For you two and anyone else who has trouble or refuses to read my arguments, here are the relevant parts of what I said:


    If you think items like sigils and cosmetics aren't tradeable because they don't fit a category, then you haven't played the game long enough. Items that affect gameplay/mastery rank and are obtained outside specific events are, generally, tradeable. Why do you think that the only tradeable cosmetics are arcane helmets?


    Historically, all Sentinels could be obtained either through the market/clan research, by farming them in Void missions, or by BUYING them from other players. This is the first sentinel that you can't obtain in any of those 3 ways. I never disputed the fact that there's no category for the Prisma Shade, which makes it impossible to trade.


    I'm getting tired of repeating myself so I won't even bother replying unless a counterargument is made.

  3. Crowds? I have doubts. Max a few stacked on each other gets blast proc... Raksa fears everything around you eaven Nullifiers.


    Well, it's not as effective as Howl in terms of CC, but it's more reliable. The Carrier will happily keep shooting anything that gets near you and will keep single targets disabled almost permanently. With Seeking Force and Vicious Spread, I often see it knock down/stun whole groups of enemies. Again, Howl would be better, it's just less reliable in my experience, maybe because I move very fast with the Volt.

  4. Yeah I'm with atom, I still use pretty much the same build, it is just not as effective (still kills, less loot).


    Transient, Intensify, Streamline, Fleeting, Pilfering, Natural Talent (+2 survival mods).

    I use Natural Talent because although the animation isn't as bad as say Nekros' Shadows, when you only have 12% duration you'll be casting it a lot!


    I have messed around with adding Stretch and Blind Rage into the mix, but Stretch doesn't seem to help much, and now you don't get extra loot from going over 200% power strength, I just prefer casting more often with better efficiency.


    Edit: I should say Stretch works, but I'm often targeting specific mobs for certain mods, so find it counter productive.


    Same build I run on my Hydro after the nerf. Works quite well. I'll sometimes slot in a Primed Flow as well. I never add range mods; it's better to keep the area of effect small, particularly with how unreliable the tentacles can be.

  5. I like both, but for different reasons. For me, the biggest selling point of sentinels isn't the sentinels themselves, but 1 particular weapon - the Sweeper. Mod it like this and watch it knock down or stun whole crowds: http://goo.gl/2l8K4B


    I like to speed run high-level missions with a Volt (no Vitality/Redirection, only Shocking Speed), and I've noticed that my Sweeper keeps me far safer than my Raksa/Huras. On the other hand, sentinels tend to die quite easily in endless missions, so you lose the protection of the Sweeper rather quickly. I find good uses for both, it's not a question of either-or. I do wish I could strap a Sweeper Turret on one of my kubrows though... Just putting it out there.

  6. There isn't a category for it so it can't be traded... You lot know that adding a category isn't particularly difficult, right? Well, unless DE follows programming practices that would get them fired in most places. I imagine the most challenging part would be ensuring that the weapon is transfered along with the sentinel.


    Whether they choose to allow trading it or not is the question, and so far you haven't provided any arguments as to why they shouldn't, apart from stating that historically you couldn't trade sentinels... which is false.


    Primed sentinels can't be traded either, you can only trade the parts and parts are different from a fully built product.


    Dang it! I've been cheated! The table I bought from IKEA came in parts so it's not really a table. This discussions is a bit too metaphysical for my taste. For the purposes of trading in Waframe, whether you get the final product in parts or pre-built is completely besides the point.


    I'm glad that you're a long-time player that can identify tradeable items immediately... But that's completely irrelevant to what I said.


    If you think items like sigils and cosmetics aren't tradeable because they don't fit a category, then you haven't played the game long enough. Items that affect gameplay/mastery rank and are obtained outside specific events are, generally, tradeable. Why do you think that the only tradeable cosmetics are arcane helmets?

  7. Yes but only the parts. Not the Sentinels themselves. Same with Prime Warframes.


    That' not really accurate if you are comparing it to the Prisma Shade though. 


    You don't just trade someone Carrier or Wyrm Prime, you trade them the parts and the blueprint and they make it themselves. 


    There is currently nothing in the trade UI to support trading an entire fully built sentinel, so it is extremely doubtful we will ever be allowed to trade this one. 


    By the same logic, weapons like the Mara Detron shouldn't be tradeable either. The Detron is built from parts that are difficult to acquire and not tradeable, while the Mara Detron - a fully built weapon - can be traded.

  8. Since trading was introduced ( since 2013? ), sentinels haven't been tradable.


    Sentinels don't have a category on the trading ui since forever, it was rather obvious (just like prisma extractor and prisma armor sets) that it could not be traded.


    Prisma doesn't define the tradability of a certain item.


    Carrier Prime and Wyrm Prime are tradeable.

  9. If you want a more accurate estimate, pick 3 from the Berserker Buffs dropdown on the right. You can also check Chanelling depending on whether you plan to channel. Don't forget that melee weapons have combo damage mulitipliers, can hit multiple enemies at the same time, and specific stances can add tons of damage. Overall, though, even the best among them are not on par with the top-tier primary and secondary weapons.

  10. Leaderboards could be a great idea in terms of endgame-motivation and could give players with maxed out gear more reason to play the game and actually do stuff with all their gear.


    Leaderboards for longest T4 Survival time, Interception and Defense waves, one that tracks the shortest raid times and so on. Maybe have different ones for different group sizes (1-4 players for T4 for example)


    Options -> Profile -> Leaderboards


    As for raids:






  11. Not sure if a troll or actually avoided all the bad people... Seriously part of this community is toxic as hell. Glad you've enjoyed it so far and I hope you won't meet any mean people anytime soon.

    Also be aware of scammers.


    Not sure if too jaded or hasn't played other games. Having spent many, many years in the Counter Strike and Dota communities, Warframe's playerbase, even though it has its problems, is far more welcoming and helpful.

  12. Kubrow commands are really needed. The doggies are quite lovely, but their AI, without any manual input, can be quite clunky. Using a combination of the mark and a wheel-command interface (like the one for Gear and Emotes) will add so much more to them. There's a reason why most game that provide you with an AI companion give you control over how that companion behaves. AI can have a lot of problems on its own.

  13. Good overall build, and as others have suggested, you're better off with Quick Thinking instead of Redirection. However, the "disarming" aspect of the build is not great. Unless you use energy restores or have an EV Trinity around, you'll struggle to spam Disarm, which is your job in groups.


    This is the build I run just about everywhere: http://goo.gl/yIe1tt


    Only exception are raids where I'll be carrying the bomb, in which case I slot in Primed Flow and replace Enemy Sense with Irradiating Disarm. I'd sometimes replace Stretch/Rush with Irradiating Disarm depending on what I need for a mission. Notice how with the Arcane Essence helmet you only lose about 3 seconds from your Invisibility duration, while at the same time, you have max efficiency to spam your abilities. Even with 1 from the top Fleeting Expertise (assuming you don't have the helmet), you'll still have a very good duration.


    Enemy Sense is there so you can always know when and where to take cover for recasting, how to optimally utilize your disarm, and when to watch out for stray bullets with Irradiating Disarm builds. I have many years of experience with games that require map awareness so it didn't take long to adjust to this playstyle, but that might not be the case for you. I still recommend you give it a try.


    I wouldn't recommend this build if you're new to Loki though. You'll die a lot. I still occasionally die when one of my allies decides to come near me when I'm reviving, but that's a problem all Loki players face.

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