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Posts posted by BlackCoMerc

  1. There are some misconceptions about Loki. First, that Loki is himself powerful. This simply is not true. Secondly, that that power is easy to come by. It is not; unlike so many other frames - Rhino, I'm looking at you here, and Nova, too - simply maxing Loki does not make him good. Or even especially useful. There are barriers to entry for a really useful Loki that I think people fail to consider when bemoaning his perceived power level.


    Because as stated, Loki is not powerful. What he is, is very good at two distinct things: Crowd control and evasion. Is this powerful? Remember, this is not Saryn; Loki can take away guns and even confuse enemies (more on that in a bit) time and again - so long as he has energy.Likewise, with Invisibility: he needs energy to fuel the fire. But Loki's CC does not kill enemies. Eventually, when the energy runs low - and that will take a while, provided you are at max efficiency - you're going to have to either run away or deal with them. And unlike so many other Ultimates out there, you have to use your weapons, your play skill, to do it. 


    TL;DR - Disarm: It severely gimps enemies, especially at max efficiency, but it does not kill them for you. That you have to do yourself at some point.


    And the same thing goes for Invisibility. Sure, Loki can maintain it for entire missions. At maximum efficiency, Energy Siphon alone is sufficient for this trick. At maximum energy efficiency. Notice that clause again. What people fail to realize though is this: Invisibility is Loki's Iron Skin. This is his tank, and its the only one he has. The only one. If you're Rhino, or even your Nova, takes a shot or two, chances are you wont be dead yet. The same cannot be said of Loki, who almost always needs energy set aside for Evasion tactics because of a total lack of a Tank.


    TL;DR - Invisibility: Its only good at max efficiency, and in the late game, letting it lapse, even for a second too long, means instant death.


    What folks fail to understand is this: Loki has severe drawbacks one must suffer, in order to make him useful. Where some frames - a lot of frames - become useful the minute they reach Rank 30, this simply is not true of Loki (or Nyx, for that matter). Loki ( and Nyx) virtually REQUIRE Corrupted Mods in order to be truly useful contributors to a team, not to mention at all viable for solo play. And Corrupted mods are hard to come by. 


    Corrupted mods require 4 players, all with good frames and good weapons and the time to play together. Of course this can be shortcut by trading Plat. But that is not a cheap option either, nor a guarantee. Not everyone has a surplus of these mods to sell. 


    Nor are Corrupted Mods the only barrier to a useful Loki. Even once you have them, you STILL cant have everything. You can have a Loki with permanent Invisibility, alright - but he wont be able to max out Range for Disarm. And maxing Range for Disarm means shorter duration for Invisibility. Just as with the barrier that is the necessity of Corrupted mods, trade offs in his load out limit Loki's effectiveness to a degree few other frames experience or suffer from. And with each limitation, the player piloting Loki is forced micromanage their play sessions and keep a constant watch on the action as well as ability times, enemies who still have weapons, etc. 


    TL;DR - A truly useful Loki is neither easy to obtain nor simple to pilot. He must be Maxed. He needs Energy Siphon - hard to get. He virtually requires Corrupted mods - Fleeting Expertise, Overextended AND Narrow Minded - for truly useful team builds. This is no easy feat. And once you have all of these things in place, you're still watching enemies for guns you have not disarmed, the Invisibility countdown timer, the action and threats on your screen and moving along the mission route - all at the same time. Neither obtaining, nor building nor even piloting a truly useful, contributory Loki is easy, and this is something players should consider before crying out for a Nerf to this wondrously synergistic, tactical frame. 


    One more thing: The problem isnt Saryn. Or Mesa. Or Loki.


    The problem is that Energy Efficiency is allowed to apply to Ultimates to the same degree it does less powerful abilities. Mesa and Loki are not the problem; Streamline + Fleeting Expertise is.

  2. Drop rates are ridiculous all over. 


    We ran 4 T3 Mobile Defense tonight (god I am sick of defending things in this game). Three of the four we got a Form BP as our reward. On the third of four we got a Soma Prime barrel. 


    One of our clan mates said his goodbyes at that point out of frustration. I cant blame him. 


    This is pushing people away from the game. DE really needs to step in and figure something out.

  3. This may have been said before. In fact I am certain it was. But it bears repeating:


    The real problem with mods, slots and limited space is Redirection, Vitality and Steel Fiber. Not their cost; not the (ridiculous) cost in Credits and Cores to rank them. Sure that's bad. But that is still just a symptom and I am looking at root causes here. 


    The real problem with mods and slots and limited space is that Redirection, Vitality and Steel Fiber exist in the first place. 


    There is no reason why Frames should not reach the maximum potential for Armor, Health and Shields simply achieving rank 30. Imagine how much easier the game would be to balance, if you knew what the maximum for those three attributes would be on every frame. Imagine how much less frustrated players would be, if they no longer needed to give up 2-3 slots per frame to enhance things that already exist, as opposed to creating new play styles. Imagine how much happier everyone would be with this one, simple change.


    Dont get me wrong. I still think Vigor and Armored Agility should exist. I do. These mods offer multiple bonuses or buff more than one stat. That should require a Mod Slot. But simply maxing Armor, Health and Shields should in no way require mod slots in the first place. The current system forces us to limit play style-specific builds for the sake of buffing things that already exist on the Frame, makes balancing later game content more difficult and in general frustrates more people than it makes happy by a fair margin, I do believe.


    Bake in Redirection, Steel Fiber and Vitality and let mods change play styles as opposed to just buffing existing parts of a frame.

  4. After the twins, like the Constellation. 


    A common theme in Astrology and Horoscopes is that Gemini's tend to have two, usually opposing, sides. Sometimes caring, or thoughtful or introspective, while at others reckless and carefree and abrasive. 


    Anyway...given the dual nature of the frame, and the themes of Warframe, I thought perhaps Gemini would be a good name for the frame. Seems to fit.

  5. After the twins, like the Constellation. 


    A common theme in Astrology and Horoscopes is that Gemini's tend to have two, usually opposing, sides. Sometimes caring, or thoughtful or introspective, while at others reckless and carefree and abrasive. 


    Anyway...given the dual nature of the frame, and the themes of Warframe, I thought perhaps Gemini would be a good name for the frame. Seems to fit.

  6. What we would have at this point:


    Hunter - a lithe, probably female, Warframe intended for browns, greens and a camouflaged looked.




    Armor: 65

    Shields: 100

    Health: 75

    Energy: 100

    Sprint Speed: 1.05

    (above stats subject to tweaking, of course)




    Cloak - 25 Energy, then 5 Energy/sec to maintain


    Hunter melts into her environment, becoming one with the terrain as long she remains still. While cloaked, Hunter gains +50/75/100% Crit chance and +50/75/100% Crit damage. Moving (not turning) deactivates Hunter's Cloak.


    Magnetic Net - 50 Energy:


    Hunter launches a fast moving projectile that opens into a Magnetically charged net. The net pins a target to the ground for 10/15/20 seconds and deals 50/75/100 Magnetic damage immediately. The target suffers an additional 10/15/20 Magnetic damage per second while pinned. 


    Snare - 75 Energy:


    Hunter surrounds herself with Snares. Snared enemies suffer 50/75/100 Finisher damage and a bleed proc, and are held in place for 4/8/12 seconds. While Snared, enemies are subject to finishers and any hit from a ranged weapon is an automatic critical hit. 


    Sirius - 50 Energy; Reduces overall energy by 50% while active*


    Hunter summons her faithful robotic hound Sirius. Sirius has his own health, shields and armor, improved by Power Strength. Sirius gains bonuses from any mods equipped to an active Kubrow, including abilities to unlock lockers, pin targets and dig for loot, and can heal and revive Kubrow in the Squad. While Active, Sirius uses radar to reveal nearby enemies on mini maps throughout the Squad.


    Sirius deals primarily Puncture damage, and has the following priorities while active:


    -Revive Kubrow: Sirius revives any fallen Kubrow in the Squad.


    -Guard Hunter (if Hunter is cloaked, and no Kubrow needs a Revive) Sirius prioritizes enemies closest to Hunter


    -Take Down VIP: If a Capture target is nearby, and Guard Hunter and Revive Kubrow, are not needed, Sirius will chase down and pin the VIP.


    -Fight: If above priorities are not needed, Sirius will engage enemies, beginning with the closest to Hunter


    -Unlock: If above are not needed, and a locker is near, Sirius will attempt to unlock it


    -Dig: If none of the above are true, and the Squad is not moving, Sirius has a chance to locate and dig for loot



    Powers Affected by:


    -Power Strength: Increases Crit damage from Cloak, Net and Snare Damage and duration (makes nets and traps tougher and longer lasting), and Armor, Health, Shields and Damage for Sirius


    -Efficiency: Reduces cost of all abilities, as well as per-second cost to keep Cloak active. Reduces Energy drain for Sirius, but only at 50% of usual efficiency improvements (Sirius is energy hungry).


    -Range: Increases range for Nets and perimeter radius for Snare. 


    -Duration: No Effects/Benefits







    -Ranger's Shroud - Cloak Override: Hunter can move while Cloak is active, but cannot attack. Cloak now increases speed by 5/10/15%


    -Corrosive Netting - Magnetic Net Augment: Nets deal 50/75/100% Corrosive Damage (replaces Magnetic) and are larger, pinning targets as well as any enemies within 2/4/6m of target.


    -Trapper - Snare Augment: Any Snare that captures an enemy is now replace 1/2/3 times


    -Hellhound - Sirius Override: Sirius gains +100/200/300% shields, health and armor, and 25/50/75% Puncture damage dealt, but loses all priorities except Guard Hunter and General Combat. 



    Thanks to everyone for helping hunter evolve. One last thought: We could also call the Frame Orion. In mythology, Orion was a proud Hunter who it was said could best any creature he pursued. Sirius, the Dog Star, is so named because it is the brightest star in the hound-shaped Constellation Sirius.


    The so-called dog days of summer earned their nickname because, in the northern hemisphere, during the hottest part of summer, the constellation Sirius appears close to the summer sun in the day time.


    In the cold, clear skies of Winter, Sirius, the faithful hunting hound, sits at the feet of his master, Orion. The Hunter. 

  7. Wow some really great ideas floating round in here. 


    I actually really do like the idea of a Zanuka like pet the Hunter summons. I have one more suggestion for it, and its a radical one; never been done on any frame and it totally changes the way Powers and Energy are handled to date:


    As opposed to a duration limit, have the Pet be a toggle. When you call it, it costs 25 energy up front. Then, it reduces your overall power by 25 or 50% while its active. In other words, its a constant drain on your frame energy to power the pet.


    On the flip side, the pet could have:





    -Kubrow abilities, such as unlocking lockers, digging up items or pinning capture targets. 


    The idea here is that this should be a pet that you can, if you choose, keep with you throughout a mission, for a price. YOUR pet; almost a familiar; not just a 'summon robot' ability. To justify this, though, the pet would have to be really good - maybe a robotic Kubrow with Puncture damage as opposed to slash and the above Kubrow features.


    As for laying traps to surround yourself...I was shooting for synergy there. Cloak yourself and fade chameleon like - i like that suggestion - into the background. Stay that way until Energy runs dry or you move or attack. While cloaked, surround yourself with traps, activate your damage bonus and call in your pet to guard you or take down enemies that make it through traps. I really wanted to synergize these abilities and get the idea of a Hunter preparing to take down prey. 


    And that being the case, I had a thought:


    -Merge the cloak and damage bonus While Cloak is active, your shots get incredible bonus damage. BUT moving deactivates cloak. 


    If we merge the Cloak and Damage bonus, we have room to keep the Magnetic Nets and make the Kurobo the Ultimate, so it can be a really good companion and not just a gimmick second or third ability. Meanwhile we introduce a reasonable check and balance to the dramatic increase in Crit damage and Crit chance, because the player cannot move around and keep the bonus intact. 

  8. perhaps. just note that some of these Challenges overlap on each other, i.e. playing one way will accomplish either. if you can choose more than one Challenge, that would mean you'd get both without any further 'actual Challenge'.

    also duly note that these Rewards would be adjusted because in this state some of these are quite Exploitable for SpeedFarming.

    This is why I think one Challenge per mission is best. Still easy to speed farm, but then, everything is easy to farm somehow. If that fact reduces grind then...good.

  9. What follows is something that I believe will be both:


    -Easy to implement, from a technical standpoint, and that 

    -Improves non-endless missions significantly, or at least offers drastically increased incentives to run them


    Mission Challenges: Select the challenge you want to take on at the beginning of the mission. Then, if you achieved the challenge during the mission, you receive the bonuses from that Challenge. Limit one or two challenges per run.





    -"No Ultimates/Warframe Ability" Challenge:

      - +5,000 Affinity,

      - 50% chance at rare reward (from A or B rotation lists of rank equivalent Survival or Defense missions)


    -Weapons Only:

      -Weapons Only: No Frame Abilities may be used

        - + 10,000 Affinity

        - 100% chance of rare reward 


    -No alerts

      - 5,000 affinity

      - 100% chance of rare reward, from rank equivalent Spy 2.0 lists





      -Get in, Get Out: No Kills

        - 5,000 Affinity

        - Rare from A/B rotation, rank equivalent


      -No Alarms:

        -5,000 Affinity

        - 100% chance of rare from rank equivalent Spy 2.0 list


      -Under 5 Minutes

        - 10k affinity

        - 50% chance of rare reward


      -No Ultimates: NO Ultimate Abilities Used

        - 5k affinity

        - 50% chance of rare reward (or 10k affinity and no extra reward; Deception is pretty easy as is)





    -No Alerts

      - 10,000 affinity

      - 100% chance of rare from Spy 2.0 lists


    -No Kills:

      - 10,000 affinity

      - 100% chance of rare reward from Spy 2.0 (this would be hard indeed on Sabotage missions)


    -Weapons Only - No Frame Abilities may be used:

      - 5,000 affinity

      - 50% chance of rare reward


    -Under 5 minutes

      -10,000 affinity or 

      - 5,000 affinity and 100% chance of reward



    All Non-Endless Missions:


    -No Deaths/Revives:

     - 2500 Affinity

     -One reward from a list containing 1xR5, 3xR5, 5x R5 Fusion Cores


    -Solo Run - (Rank Appropriate Runs Only; Mission must meet or exceed Rank of Frame/Highest Rank Weapon used)

     - 1R5 Fusion Core for successful completion of any Non Endless mission in solo mode

     - 10% bonus to affinity earned and credits gained at end of mission, for successful solo run



    Of Note:


    -Player must choose what challenge they intend to meet on beginning the mission (during selection)

    -Player, and not the game, is responsible for adhering to self imposed limits to earn a bonus


    Lore Reasoning:


    As mentioned during mastery test dialogue, a Tenno is just their Warframe. Or their guns. Or their abilities. Or their Ciphers. A Tenno is all of these things, combined with their reflexes, intellect and skill. 


    Using these challenges forces Tenno out of their comfort zone and keeps them in practice with all of their tools and weapons. Offering them incentive for doing so makes it more likely Tenno will stay in balance, well trained in a well rounded skill set.

  10. Thanks for the feedback. Spectre turrets are solid idea.


    Also, good point about being able to slow walk like Chroma. Some movement might be necessary, but too, I had in mind that the turret would be pretty powerful and able to devastate enemies for a short while pretty well. 

  11. Thanks for moving, Devoid, and sorry bout that.


    I like the idea of his having a companion he can summon, in the style of Zanuka. I also toyed with passive bonuses to shields, armor, health and damage for Kubrow. 


    Thanks for the feedback.

  12. "Monolith is the heaviest, and most well protected, Warframe to date, Tenno. Dont get in his way."


    Monolith is a Tank. Or rather, he redefines what it means to be a Tank in Warframe. 


    Appearance wise, Monolith is huge. Tall as Limbo, wide as Rhino. Broader than Rhino prime in the shoulders and chest. A massive, muscular Warframe, metallic and armored in appearance. He carries a small, potent cannon on one shoulder, which normally remains dormant drops in close to his shoulder.




    Armor: 800

    Shields: 50

    Health: 75

    Energy: 100

    Sprint Speed: 0.8





    Blast Cannon - 25 Energy


    Monlith fires his blast cannon at enemies in his Crosshair. The target and all enemies within 5 meters suffer a Blast proc and are knocked down. Blast Cannon deals 50/100/200 Damage, split between Blast and Impact.


    Burst Cannon - 25 Energy


    Monolith's shoulder cannon switches to burst fire mode and tracks enemies not within Monolith's line of sight for 10/20/30 seconds. Burst cannon fires a 3/4/5 round burst, dealing 10/15/20 Puncture damage with each round, to targets hit. 


    Turret Mode - 25 Energy, then 5/sec


    Monolith anchors himself in place, unable to run or walk (he can still turn), and can only fire his shoulder cannon. During Turret Mode, the alt-fire button fires cannon blasts, dealing 200/400/600 Blast damage to the target and enemies in a 5/10/15m radius. The primary fire button fires bursts of 3/4/5 rounds dealing 10/15/20 damage per round of Puncture and Slash damage. 


    Barrage - 100 Energy (Requires Turret Mode Active)


    Barrage overrides Monolith's Turret Mode, replacing either fire mode with a Barrage of weapons fired from the shoulder turret and built in mini-launchers on Monolith's shoulders or wrists. 


    Each use of Barrage fires miniature homing rockets that deal 50/100/150 Puncture/Impact damage and stagger targets, and a round of land mines/bombs that impact in a 5m radius around Monolith, dealing 100/200/300 Blast damage and staggering enemies who are not knocked down by the blast. 





    Laser Blast - Blast Cannon Augment: Replaces the Blast project with a beam laser dealing 25/50/75 Magnetic damage per burst.


    Rapid Fire: Burst Cannon Augment: Burst cannon switches to full automatic fire, suffering a slight accuracy reduction in tracking in exchange for a 10/20/30% damage bonus and slight Puncture increase.


    Enhanced Tracking - Turret Mode Augment: While in Turret Mode, Monolith and allies track enemies on mini maps. (This enables the player to anticipate incoming enemies and swivel to meet them, and time Barrages.)


    Blast Wave - Barrage Augment: Enabling Barrage sends out a blast wave. Enemies within a 5m radius suffer a Blast proc and are knocked back, clearing space for Monolith to operate.



    Monolith - who I could also see named as Bastion or Tower - is my attempt to create a Frame built first and foremost as a weapon. Most frames incorporate angles and sleek, mysterious looks to go with their half-magical nature.


    So I asked myself...what if Lotus wanted a Weapon. Just a Weapon. A frame that channels energy into powerful onboard weapons and systems that behave in powerful, controller, militaristic ways.



    So tell me what you think of an enormous, armored, walking tank frame with built in cannons (whose most powerful modes dont go all Mesa and auto aim for you). 





  13. "Hunter is crafty, Tenno, and dangerous. Dont let him set his sights on you."


    Hunter is, well...a Hunter themed Warframe. He focuses on ranged damage as well subduing and taking down single targets, no matter how powerful. 




    -Health: 100

    -Shields 75

    -Armor: 100

    -Energy: 100

    -Sprint speed: 1.10





    Crack Shot - 25 Eenrgy: 


    Crack Shot increases critical chance and critical damage with Bows and Sniper Rifles by 50/75/100% for 10/15/20 secs. 



    Magnetic Net - 50 Energy:


    Magnetic net fires netting at a single target, knocking down and pinning the target for 10/15/20 seconds. Pinned targets take 25/50/100 Magnetic damage from the netting, and 10% of this damage over time while pinned. Pinned enemies are susceptible to finishers.



    Cloak 25 Energy, then 6 Energy/Sec


    Hunter cloaks himself in invisibility while stationary. While Cloaked, Hunter gains Stealth bonuses to all damage dealt. (Stacks with all other damage bonuses Hunter deals). Moving will decloak Hunter.



    Snare - 100 Energy:


    Hunter surrounds himself with Snare traps. Snared enemies suffer a Puncture and Bleed proc, and are pinned in place for 10/15/20 secs. Pinned enemies are subject to Finishers and all Critical hits deal Finisher damage as opposed to normal damage types. 



    Mod Affects:


    Power Strength:


    Crack Shot - increases damage dealt. 


    Net: Increases strength of Netting, increasing magnetic damage and duration of pin effect


    Snare: Stronger snares pin enemies longer and deal more initial damage on snaring them. For each 50% increase in power strength, Hunter will automatically refresh each Snare when it snares an enemy. (at 150%, double the snares; 200% triples them). 





    One Shot: Crack Shot deals Finisher damage to unshielded enemies. Damage increases by 10/20/30%.


    Big Game Hunter: Net augment. Significant increase in size to the Net. Capable of snaring target and any enemies within 1/2/3 meter range. 


    Corrosive Trap: Snare Augment. Snared enemies suffer a Corrosive Proc, reducing armor by 20/40/60%.



    Hunter is frame intended for those who want to play the Sniper. He specializes in taking down single targets and in guarding himself against a rush while he does so. This is for players who want their weapons, and not their frame abilities, to win a fight. 







  14. I am all for changing Nekros, if for no other reason than I have absolutely no motivation to play what should be the coolest themed frame in the game. He should be terrible, dark and foreboding. A brooding figure presiding over Death and the Dead, captured inside a Warframe. 


    Instead we get...+30% chance of loot. Which, when you have a properly built Hydroid, is absolutely pointless. And the rest of what Nekros does - damage and controlling crowds with his raised minions - can be done better by just about anyone.

  15. If they want to nerf Loki all they need to do is remove Irradiating Disarm. 

    Before that mod he was a great frame but not so much of an easy choice for most content. I will be very, very disappointed if they change any of his skills because of all the Warframes in the game it feels like the one with the most thorough design. The synergy between his skills should be a staple for other frames to aspire towards, not something that should be altered because the other frames slightly missed the mark in some cases. 


    This. Good lord, this. 


    Copy and Paste this into every thread asking to Nerf:




    -Mesa (except to add movement and LoS to her Peacemaker)


    Frames are slowly being reworked. And it does seem lately that more synergy exists in frame abilities. At least, for the most part. So yeah...maybe Loki was just an early example of it working correctly. 

  16. Low Duration really is the way to go with Nyx. If your Chaos lasts too long, you end up with one or two enemies its still affecting, a mob that isnt CC'd and no way to recast (see also: The Loki Problem), making Duration bad. So yea...Fleeting Expertise and lower that Duration. Then, just spam it. Really helps to solo Defense and Excavation missions (especially the latter - again, see also, The Loki Problem). 


    All that said, now I have Irradiating Disarm...I might still use Nyx. For some things. But as part of a team I would rather bring Loki. Sure his Chaos is shorter in time span than even a low duration Nyx, but it also leaves affected enemies without, you know, their GUNS - and I can recast it, you know, whenever.


    You know, the Loki Problem: I dont always let myself be seen, but when I do, its because no has any guns with which to shoot me. Honestly, I am starting to wonder why (other than pure variety) anyone runs any other frame than Loki for any non-endless mission ever created.

  17. Wait.., ur saying Endless fights, resource caches and corrupted mods?

    Oh mamma, seem like ur talking about a new Endless mission for Orokin Derelict.


    Hmm, could have been mistaken there.

    But Corrupted mods during regular missions outside Orokin Derelict..., hmm.

    Unless it's going to be super rare to make the vault spawn, I'm okay with it.




    Anyways, you gets a vote from me.


    Thanks for the Vote. I was thinking that the Vault/Corrupted mod part would be either:


    -A rare spawn/chance thing (divulged prior to mission start, on mission selection screen)


    -A slightly different Catacomb mission, wherein you would know the Vault was there ahead of time but have only a limited number of levels to traverse to reach it. Then, Corrupted Guards spawn after you raid it, and you need to extract with it.


    I actually like the idea of getting Corrupted Mods from the Void, by fighting the Corrupted. Infested are getting...old. Fast.

  18. Good ideas here. Love the combined mission types.


    Couple of things: Please, ditch the "No Ciphers, Hardest Hacking Difficulty" clause. Hacking mini games - not just this one; ALL of them, ever - are sufficiently annoying without taking away the Ciphers we pay credits to craft. 


    No random, forced Archwing segments. Not every player has a maxed out Archwing frame or even enjoys the game mode. Forcing players into this mode without prior notice could mean an auto-fail for a lot of players.


    Still, this is something DE should look at. Might make you think twice about the 'best for this mission type' frame.

  19. "Tenno, we've found them at last - the planetary bases of the Orokin. It seems they dug out great catacombs in which to hide their civilization from the hostile surface of uninhabitable worlds. Delve into their catacombs, Tenno, and unravel their secrets. But be careful. Our scanners indicate that the deeper you delve, the more numerous and more dangerous the Corrupted will become."


    Overview: Orokin Bases on asteroids, planets and moons. These are enormous, randomly generated catacombs (dungeons) using Orkokin/Derelict architecture, with a vertical shaft on the same side of each level. This shaft once served to recycle/vent air and now will serve as a fast-extraction exit for the mission. Each floor is a new level of the Catacombs, and much as in traditional dungeon crawlers enemies grow more deadly the deeper you go. 





    -This is a dungeon dive. Players decide how deep to push and when to retreat. Extraction is available any time after the first level is cleared of enemies.


    -Extraction is handled slightly differently. Players dont backtrack. Instead, they visit the air recycling shaft. These are still functioning - hence, items inside still be preserved - and they still push gases to the surface. In this way, Tenno have a fast exit to Extraction whenever its needed - but a logical reason why they cannot just plunge down INTO the catacombs at the same time.


    -Enemies Rank Up and grow more numerous as Tenno delve deeper (a la survival and time spent). 


    -Extraction is available any time after the first level is cleared.


    -IF players delve deep enough, they may find a Vault, complete with a Corrupted mod. Chances are rare, but if a Vault is present players will be told this before the mission starts in order to prepare (We have detected an Orokin Vault hidden deep inside).


    -Alternatively, Vault-based Catacombs can be different, non-endless missions. Players just need to make X number of levels and then hit the vault and get out. 


    -Every level will guarantee that new loot or rewards are discovered. 


    -Caches have a random chance of spawning (1-3) on these missions. Tenno will know the level the cache is on, or at least how many levels deeper it is, but not exactly where it is located. 



    So...thoughts on Endless, Dungeon-delving missions in Warframe?

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