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Posts posted by BlackCoMerc

  1. Its the very first quest they've ever made, I'd cut them some slack since they just got better and better afterwards


    Whats there is good. I should have played that up more. Its bare bones but good. And the concept - a guaranteed frame for doing a quest - is one I love! I just wish they would revisit and finish this. Wouldnt take much - just one mission, or maybe two if they wanted to do the Argon Crystal separate. 


    But yeah, its darn nice, knowing you will get a frame in exchange for a quest. Very fun, even if I would prefer a different enemy type.

  2. Rare crates should be extremely rare. A 75-90% chance of them appearing is kind of ridiculous, it would take all the awe out of them. Raids have a 100% chance of having at least 1 if I recall correctly, and as the closest thing resembling an end game it is something you have to work toward. Seriously, an extermination mission is one of the first nodes a new player unlocks, with sabotage not far behind it. Since most of the drops from rare crates aren't something you need dozens of, being able to farm them in large quantities is just a bad move. DE would never support it, since you can get half hour affinity/credit boosters, and it would take a lot less than half an hour to find one, making free boosters way too practical for Warframe's F2P model to work.


    Finally, after doing too many sabotage missions, finding caches is just frustrating and a lot of players (myself included). We don't need to just take parts of missions that work and copy/paste them into other mission types. Sabotage missions are amazing because they are such a nice change of pace. If extermination missions got them, that verity would be lost. Plus, not everyone likes searching the map to hunt for caches.


    I would support an optional mini-boss in extermination missions if implemented properly. It would need to be less intense than an assassination mission, and for the sake of realism not available on every node every time. Sometimes a Grineer squad doesn't have a secret miniboss that you can kill.


    Affinity boosts for kills in these mission types would be great. They are nowhere close to practical for leveling gear in their current state.


    Good points all. 


    Perhaps instead of the genuinely "rare" crates Raids and other missions sometimes feature, DE could simply add better loot or more loot drops to the non-endless missions. It was never my intent to endorse super rare items on each of these; I should have been far more clear than I was there. 


    What I would like to see is roughly this: Running 4-5 Sabotage/Exterminate missions should net me roughly the same affinity and opportunities for loot that I find on one 4-round Interception of a 20 minute survival. 


    Obviously, spawn counts on Sabotage and Exterminate will never rival those on Endless missions. Instead, I would recommend DE increase the odds of loot drops on these missions. Enemies on a Sabotage mission should have an additional 20% chance to drop loot and enemies and on Exterminate missions should have roughly a 35-50% chance - at least - to drop loot (other than ammo, energy and health orbs). 


    If we couple greatly increased drop chances with double affinity I feel these changes alone would be sufficient to see more people run them.


    As for the mini boss, I wholly agree: Not on every mission, every time. That is one thing that should be an RNG, with one condition: When it does happen, it provides additional, guaranteed rewards, up to and including rare stuff like good mods, frame BP, weapon BP, etc. As for the chances of the mini boss or "elite squad" I am thinking...20-25% chance. Frequent enough its worth running and not often enough that it happens every other run. 


    An alternative way to handle mini bosses on Exterminate: 50% chance of spawning until it does so. After that, 20% chance and then, finally, a 10% chance for the third one and beyond. The chance could reset with Daily resets, and the declining chances simulate greater precautions taken by the enemy after losing an Elite squad or unit. 

  3. I like the idea of quests for Warframes that guarantee the frame at the end. I do. Its something we need more, guaranteed rewards and quests or mission types leading to them. 


    Unfortunately, the Mirage quest is...badly done. 


    Throughout the quest Lotus talks of a "Hidden" or "Lost" warframe. As if the Mirage frame is something...mysterious. Something from a bygone era or a past long dead. 


    So you go on three lackluster missions against the worst enemy type in the game (Infested) to claim the parts. You dont do anything different on these missions. Just kill enemies, survive and destroy a hive. The obtaining of the frame happens in the background, and is handled "off stage" by the Lotus. Does nothing to make the player feel like this is a quest to find this Warframe specifically. This just feels like another mission, where the reward happens to be a Warframe.


    And then...it ends. Abruptly. After you find the Chassis, the quest is over. Except...you dont have the Warframe Blueprint itself. So...how do you get the BP for this long lost Warframe?


    You buy from the friggin market. For more credits than the entire question chain awards.


    Because of course you do. 


    DE tried on this one. They did. But they came up one mission shy of finishing the quest and never bothered to do so. This quest needs one more mission. And it needs to take place, in the Void. And it needs to guarantee you TWO things: The Frame BP, AND the Argon Crystal needed to craft the frame. Had I not had that one remaining crystal, after all the other recent changes, that might really have been the final straw for me. Honest.


    Please fix this quest, DE. Its a neat idea, but literally no one really enjoys fighting high level Infested. Too many knockdowns, too many screen effects (honestly, it hurts the eyes, it really does) and other games do "horde mode" far better than this one. Not to mention, you need to add that last mission, cause this ending is...it bespeaks a lack of polish and quality and just seems like you didnt care enough to give this the time and effort it deserved.

  4. I have said it in these forums time and again: no one - literally, NOT ONE PLAYER - actually LIKES or ENJOYS the life support mechanic. At best its tolerated, amidst constant grumbles about how we just want to run missions without babysitting numbers or coffins or extractors. Just once. 


    And now not only has DE decided to keep it, they have doubled down on making it more rare and scarce. 


    So much for fun.

  5. The below is NOT an end all solution for these missions. What follows is a quick fix that DE could implement with their current tech, that would make these missions more rewarding and us more likely to, you know, actually run them.  


    How to fix Exterminate and Sabotage - the Quick Fix:


    -Enable between 1-3 Caches in EVERY Exterminate, everywhere:


    Will this mean players receive more rewards per mission? Sure. But those same players will just skip Exterminate now, and go to Draco or Survival missions. Which means they will receive still MORE rewards than this now anyway. So why not make Exterminate more lucrative where loot is concerned?


    -Double Affinity for ALL kills, in BOTH mission types:


    Right now players just go to Interception and Survival missions, and receive exponentially more Affinity per mission, than running Exterminate or Sabotage will give them. So lets make the non-endless missions more rewarding in terms of XP and let players choose to run whatever missions they want in  order to level. And lets do it WITHOUT increasing the amount of affinity needed to level ANYTHING.



    -Rare Containers - 75-90% chance to spawn - Exterminate & Sabotage:


    Again, players will just go run more lucrative missions anyway. So why not let some rare stuff drop on these missions with high regularity? If you DONT do it, players will just to the places where these things DO drop and get them there. Again, player choice.



    -Mini Bosses on both missions (Optional):


    Highly dangerous but rewarding optional fight on each of these missions. Defeating it means a 10,000 affinity bonus, 10,000 credit bonus and a guaranteed Rare reward based on the rank of the mission. 


    If you DONT do it, players will go to areas and missions where these sorts of things WILL drop. So why not let them drop here and let us pick the missions we want to run?



    These are all pretty easy. Minus the boss fight, these should be hot-fix levels of easy to implement. So please, DE - you're taking Survival away from low ranking and solo players. Give us back something, like the ability to actually receive rewards from the missions we WANT to run.

  6. Survival was a fun, effective way to "beat" the grind. Or at least to reduce it. And you know DE cannot have us doing that.


    Its reached a point where DE are determined to see just how much grind players will put up with before they really do quit. 


    I'm pretty close to showing them. My Borderlands collection could use another playthrough; even their RNG is better than this. And to boot, those games feature missions that are actually fun. So that's about one year off from Warframe if I go that route, and all the money I was spending to support going with me. 


    This is not a contest, DE; we are not opposing forces, us players and you Devs. Make your game fun and we will play it. And spend money on it. But if your plan is to drive Plat sales by driving up grind and player inconvenience, you really WILL lose us.

  7. Barely survived 5 minutes solo. Had to use two supply drops for O2. And this was Saryn, mind you, blowing up whole crowds at once. 


    So here is yet another mission I will no longer play. Let's see, so far, that's:





    -Rescue (because no one - and I mean no one - actually LIKES escort missions; they are so bad this has been a Trope/Meme for ten years)

    -And now, Sabotage


    So tell, DE, what's left? For me to go play another game? Good...because that's where I am going, and I plan to take my money with me.

  8. We need a new reason to play, besides unlocks and loot. So how about a Shifting War front?


    What if the Grineer and the Corpus did their own thing, in the background? For instance, the Corpus win an Invasion. Those nodes become Corpus spawns, as opposed to Grineer spawns. If they stay that way for a day, or a few hours, this would prompt a Grineer counter-attack. Or another Invasion by the Corpus on more tiles on that same world. 


    IAs the Corpus take more territory, the Grineer would be willing to pay ever more in terms of rewards for our assistance - as would the Corpus. 


    If things shift too far in favor of one or the other, a faction might call in a merchant ship for supplies, opening up chances for us to raid its vaults. Or they might pay us to perform a Spy or a lucrative Sabotage mission on their behalf, which could influence their standing in the Invasion. 


    With a shifting, dynamic warfront, we could open up new, lucrative missions through our own actions. This means that each time we log into Warframe, the game would be different, making us eager to 'see whats happening today' with the shifting battles.

  9. I agree. Survival is a lobotomy.


    Agreed. Survival and Defense both. Terrible, boring, repetitive experiences.


    If only Sabotage, Mobile Defense and Exterminate were a little tougher, just a tad longer and much more rewarding. Its weird; this is a game about Space Ninjas. Assassination, Exterminate, Sabotage and Spy should be the flagship missions.


    If I want to do Horde Mode all day, I will go play a game designed for it.

  10. Lets take a couple of mission types, jam them together and get players moving around large maps, fulfilling a variety of objectives before they leave. 


    For instance: Infiltration


    Drop in and carry a data packet to a terminal (Deception). Defend it while it downloads stolen info (Defense) with enemies presence based on Map alert levels. 


    Once the data is downloaded, it reveals any of the following:


    -Hidden Caches: Gather the loot


    -Sabotage Targets: Take them down


    -High profile target (assassination)


    -Or more terminals with sensitive data to download, which can then bring on their own missions once data is downloaded



    Finally, once any objectives that spawned are completed, we need to eliminate the remaining enemies (Exterminate) and Extract. 


    However, one catch remains: Since the mission parameters were somewhat uncertain, there is a small chance that the ship will not be able to pick extract us immediately. This can spawn one last, 3-5 round or 2-3 minute Defense mission while we defend the extraction point prior to the the arrival of the Liset.


    I feel these random chances and branching missions would keep players on their toes. And providing a high chance for at least one loot cache per mission gives incentive to run them.


    This would be far more appealing than the normal, single goal non-endless missions are at present and should be pretty doable with current tech or without too much overhead. 

  11. As so many have said, Divebomb needs to be built into Tailwind. Something like this:


    -Make Tailwind a toggle that drains energy, like Maim or Effigy


    -When you toggle it off, if your cursor is point down, you go into a Divebomb


    Once we do this, we can give Zephyr a useful second ability. My recommendation: Wind Blast/Gale Blast/etc. Zephyr could emit a blast of hurricane wind that knocks all enemies around her away. Enemies close to her are launched backward and ragdolled. Enemies further out are either stagger, or blown backward to a much lesser degree and then staggered slightly.


    The Augment for Gale Blast could turn it into a Vacuum effect that pulls instead of pushes, for variety and different strategies. Or do anything besides "Armor of enemies affected is reduced by X for Y" cause...really, thats getting old.

  12. Plenty? You mean handing in medallions - cuz that's all thats left after you take away the need to physically visit Simaris and Teshin. I see your point in terms of convenience - but it definitely renders all the work already done in Relays completely pointless - so its hardly a good idea.


    Actually, eliminating the use of relays is a GREAT idea. 


    Just because a lot of work went into something that failed to be appealing, does not mean it should remain in game. Relays are boring delays to actually playing the game. I cringe every time I have to visit one, with its forced slow run speed, tight FOV and useless walk just to get into the place. 


    Just give me menus in my ship and I will blissfully never visit a Relay again.

  13. I'd honestly rather they just give frames a natural vacuum radius. Smaller than Carrier starts with, so Carrier still retains a purpose but better than nothing at all. Vacuum starts at the lowest rank with 5m range in front of you and 7m range to the sides according to the wiki, so just give everyone a baseline 2.5m in front and 3.5m to the side and you've already made an improvement. For people who don't metric, 2m is about the height of a person, and 3 is basically 10 feet. You wouldn't be sucking them out of the sky like Carrier does but it'd be preferable to having to TOUCH the item to pick it up, sometimes you need to keep moving.


    Agreed. This game was supposed to be all about movement and momentum and having to stop constantly and readjust to pick up loot a scant meter or two away is just...frustrating.

  14. I never get grappled by Scorps or ancients if I can see them.  Arm goes back, charges for about 2 seconds, arm comes forward and ROLL TO THE SIDE.  Drakk masters again, have a 20m range on their throw attack, and is easy to dodge.  Things falling through the map though is a problem with the map, not the mob.


    But things being ABLE to fall through the map because you took them away from a player mid combat is a problem with the game period.


    As for seeing the enemies first...when was the last time you did a high level Infested mission? They honestly make my head hurt, with the number of screen effects at any one time. You cant see ANYTHING of use, more less the one specific enemy trying to grapple you.

  15. The following are some badly needed Quality of Life changes covering a range of topics throughout the game:


    -Stop robbing us of control over our characters:


    Hooks, knockdowns, tar, disarming...there's far too much of it. It isnt fun and it does not increase challenge. Its simply annoying.


    -A (drastic) improvement to the reward system is badly needed:


    The game offers literally no reason to run more dangerous, high ranking missions beyond a quick means to level gear. No matter how high we go, the rewards remain the same: Common mods, orokin cells and other useless garbage. No incentive exists for running higher rank missions.


    -More rewarding Non-Endless Missions:


    I have not run an Exterminate or Sabotage for any reason other than Syndicate rank in weeks. And I dont plan to do so any time soon. And I wont even run Deception missions for that any longer, for the most part, as they bore me to tears and offer no rewards. You've more than 200 places on the star map and only the ones named Draco, Sechura or Titan matter.


    -More Archwing Missions:


    We need Interception missions for Archwing in between Earth and Uranus. Somewhere we can level up our stuff or just do something beyond the same Exterminate missions.


    -Better Loot


    I dont know the answer to this one. But crafting items and credits are NOT loot ITEMS. They are icons attached to largely meaningless numbers and leave me feeling like I was rewarded literally nothing on a mission wherein this is all I receive.


    -Endless Missions without Babysitting:


    This needs to happen. Standing around a coffin waiting on waves of enemies gets old. Quickly. I use T1/2 Defense keys for Dragon Keys now. I have zero desire to ever run another defense mission. Ever. They are boring beyond my ability to describe in words.


    As for other Endless modes...Excavation is Mobile Defense writ large. Nothing more. And the quick escalation of armored enemies gets frustrating fast.


    Lastly, about Survival: The Life Support mechanic is tired. Really, really tired. Also, frustrating. We want - and I frankly believe this tiny piece is true of ALL Warframe players - we want an Endless mission without the babysitting or the forced limitations. We want to delve deeper into enemy territory, push our luck against foes who grow increasingly tough in a believable manner and decide for ourselves when to leave. Without being forced to bring a Nekros or Hydroid along every run. 


    -More Methods for Obtaining Corrupted Mods


    Because Derelict missions are boring and old hat. Not to mention, no one - literally NO ONE - wants to run anything other than Exterminate in Derelicts because its easier to obtain Corrupted mods without mobs or with a limited number. (And before you say, Hey, Look at all those people running Survival there, its because you FORCED them to do it in order get Prime frames and very likely NOT because they wanted to). 





    This is the big one. The really big one. And here is what it means:


    Dont make us run the same mission 5 times to get a reward. Reward us per run, up to five times. Then, if we feel like running the same mission a second or third time we will. And if we dont, we wont. Forcing us to run a mission 5 times for fewer credits than a single run of Sechura is wasting our time. Period. Its insulting.


    Respecting our time also means more guaranteed drops and less RNG. I know you, DE, believe that grinding keeps people playing your game. But it doesnt. For every one person running a mission, desperately hoping for that precious prime part they need, 5 are talking in online forums about how they will not play Free To Play "grind fests" like Warframe. You believe you are retaining players, but for every one you retain, you drive away entire groups of potential players, to say nothing of the veterans and "late gamers" who have spent money and time on your game and now, instead of continuing to do so, are actively looking elsewhere for entertainment. 


    Increasing the grind isnt going to keep players playing longer. Its going to drive them away in larger numbers. And prevent even larger numbers still from ever playing your game at all or for any length of time. 


    Players play games they enjoy. And right now, I for one am struggling to enjoy Warframe.





  16. There are far, far too many things in this game that rob players of control. From the Scorpions and Ancients, to all the Eximus knockdowns and even the forced stagger from the slow moving roller balls. It is quite frankly ridiculous and it needs to change. Not to mention, the 90 degree angle of fire on the hooks is just sad. It looks more like a bug than an intended feature.

  17. Third round of Draco (run the legit way, not the Mesa farm) and we get: 3 uncommon fusion cores. This after two common mods, mind you.


    Three rounds of wasted time. Utterly, completely wasted. Not one rare drop. Not one rewarding piece of loot, the entire mission. And it culminates in one T4 Survival key. A key which will require four players - 3 minimum - all of whom have the time to invest in a 20+ minute mission of grueling difficulty which will itself doubtless yield Orokin Cells, a Forma BP and a prime part we all have already.


    Needless to say, I quite the game after this. Probably for a nice, long break. Long meaning weeks, not hours. I've gotten bad drops in loot based games before, but at least they were mildly interesting. Never before have I received "rewards" from a game so bad they actively made me want to play or do something else with my time. 


    Listen, DE: IF I can run four rounds of Draco - even with a team - I have literally ZERO use for uncommon Fusion cores. I cannot - CANNOT - progress my mods with anything other than R5's at this point. You're giving me stuff that is not just useless. It is actively punishing me for NOT doing something more rewarding with my time. And this is to say nothing of the plainly stupid idea of even allowing players to receive common mods at or above Rank 25 missions - more less rank 35. 


    Why do we bother? Do we enjoy the moment to moment game play of Warframe? Sure we do. But its so much more enjoyable to receive rewards one can actually USE at all in exchange for the time spent partaking of that game play. Because other games also offer compelling game play experiences, except, they dont actively punish me with useless garbage I cant use in exchange for playing. 


    Some games offer compelling, varied loot. Others, a narrative experience. Some offer both, in exchange for my time.


    Warframe keeps giving me the same garbage on Draco I can get running Rank 5-10 Interceptions on Earth. 


    This has gone from frustrating when we first began mentioning it to you who knows how long ago, to just plain dumb. That its still happening is stupid. No other word exists for this. And its made all the more frustrating by the understanding that DE are NOT stupid. Not by long margin.


    No one who can build the compelling game play and world of Warframe is dumb. So please tell me why this "reward" system still exists? Because its actively driving me to play - and spend my money on - other games, and NOT this one.

  18. unfortunately I have to agree with op

    my first ever raid was a literally running through everything

    our raid managers specifically told NOT TO KILL ANYTHING   except for scorpions and nullifier thingies

    so.... spending about 20 minutes of running,spamming cc,doing annoying minigames and puzzles only to end up with dissapointing puzzle boss

    ....without killing almost anything....

    I would like my raids to be all about combat,survival and actual teamwork

    just armies of elite enemies with multiple hard boss fights without ridiculous god mode phases or puzzles

    hopefully one day :S


    I think we are on the same page here.


    That said, please do see my new suggestion regarding a change to Survival missions. I think you might like it!


    Also, thanks for chiming in.

  19. Lets get this out of the way first: Survival is not an Endless mission. 


    For the bulk of players Survival has a definitive end. That end might come at 20 minutes. It might come at 40 or 60 or 80 minutes. Regardless of exactly when a lack of life support and/or the game's ludicrous, painfully unfun armor scaling drives you out of the mission, one fact remains: Survival is not, in fact, Endless. 


    With that in mind, let us ask ourselves this: Would we rather have a pseudo-endless mission that frankly gets boring and repetitive while also wrecking our immersion in the game's world and lore by suddenly scaling the same enemies we've been fighting to through-the-roof bullet sponges? Or would we prefer a (still lengthy) mission with adequate rewards that has a satisfying conclusion at either 20 or 40 minutes? 


    (And yes, I know this potentially an "Either Or Fallacy, but again, lets face facts: DE will never grant a truly, no-catches-honest Endless Mission and we know it. No one mission will let us grind literally forever and neither will any amount of RAM in a computer). 


    Personally, I opt for number Two. I want a lengthy survival mission with a satisfying conclusion. To me, the current version of Survival feels like Defeat. There is nothing fun about lasting 20 or 40 or more minutes and then suddenly turning tail and running like a coward for Extraction because...Armor Scaling. Its simply not an enjoyable conclusion to a mission. 


    This being said, here are my proposed changes to Survival missions:


    -Dramatic reduction in armor scaling. Keep it believable.


    -Scrap Life Support. This mechanic is tolerated at best and actually ENJOYED by literally no one.


    -Keep rewards at 5 minute rotations


    -Extraction still available at/after first 5 minutes, with rewards retained


    -A "Soft" Ending at 20 minutes:


      -At 20 minutes normal enemies stop spawning. A full platoon of Elite Eximus soldiers engages you, with mini-boss. 


        -Just making it to this fight means you keep rotation rewards earned to this point, even if you die.


        -Defeating the Platoon guarantees a Rare reward in addition to rotation awards earned so far


        -Once you defeat the Eximus squad, nothing more will spawn for 1 full minute, during which Extraction is available


    -If you stay beyond the Eximus Platoon, normal enemies, resume, with slight scaling toward more toughness (slight)


    -At 39 minutes normal enemies stop spawning for good


    -At 40 minutes, a full fledged Boss and his squad engage you.


      -Making it to this fight guarantees you keep ALL rewards earned so far


      -Winning this fight concludes the mission (no forced run to extraction needed)


      -Winning this fight guarantees a Rare reward, at least 1 tier higher than the Eximus Platoon



    I feel this variation would be much more satisfying than the current "endless" mission type where Elite tenno are essentially run out of town not by difficult, unique engagements but by immersion wrecking armor scaling and a lack of O2. 


    Please, thoughts and considerations.



  20. If I may, this mission is the first of its kind. The devs can take information from this to make better trials in the future. Also if you feel the need to complain to this extent you could also provide some examples of what actually could change it so that it IS interesting to you. Negative feedback without suggestions for improvements achieves little.


    That's just it, though. This isnt the first mission of its kind. Maybe its the first of its kind in Warframe. But every MMO has Raids. And all those Raids feature best-method strategies to run the same level and beat the same boss time and again. This was the same mistake other devs have made time and again in other games and still no one learns from it.


    What we need is something new. 


    Like an endless mission where we dont babysit coffins or imaginary numbers. Big, open maps to explore that we can search for loot caches and hidden rare containers whilst devling deeper toward ever tougher enemies. 


    Warframe shines brightest in unscripted situations where players are on the move, taking down enemies and never know quite for certain what comes next. This Raid is the very opposite of what makes this game so good, so why bother.

  21. So YOU are the Guy that everyone yells at during the raid to "DO SOMETHING"!   Thanks for summing that up for us.  Standing around while your buddies hack all the panels,  Stand on the buttons, Carry Bombs, Mark Puzzle Pc's.   Yeah that sounds like the perfect Gaming Strategy......Keep a look out for this guy in recruiting.  


    I have stood on pressure plates, hacked the consoles - or tried to find them, anyway - held off enemies with Nyx and Loki and walked behind that stupid hijack thing twice. 


    No, I dont do nothing. THe problem is that everything this raid has to do, is boring.

  22. The Raid is boring. Its a linear trek through the same scripted sequences every single time. Utterly without any of the unscripted moments that make Warframe fun. There exists one best method for tackling it, and that method is used every single time to bypass enemies and waltz to the boss without any sense of threat or conflict or challenge whatsoever.


    This happened because players have "cracked" your Raid. They have studied it and developed a best practice approach for conquering it. Which is pathetically simple to do, since its utterly the same every single run.


    But that's not the worst of it. The worst of it is, you knew this would happen. You HAD TO know. Because its happened with other Raid in every other MMO ever made. Every one. Ever. 


    And you still wasted countless man hours of development time on a mission that might be fun once. Only ever once. Maybe.


    Except it wasnt. Not even the first time. 


    First, we have 'hacking the impossible-to-find terminals' amidst rampant high level enemies. Yes, because ignoring the enemies in a game in favor of yet another terrible hacking mini game (is there any other kind) is fun. Sure. 


    Then its on to standing on pressure plates, one player at time, completely unable to move and waiting for some scripted sequence of lights to tell the next player where to stand. In a game that prides itself on movement and making players feel like Ninja, you did THIS. This is...frankly, its insulting and offensive and just a decision so poor I fail to see how it made the final cut. 


    Consider that the first player to stand on a pressure plate can stand there for minutes at a time, literally - LITERALLY - doing nothing. 


    Next, we come to the awful Hijack portion of the mission. We literally have to walk a huge object across a room for...reasons. While having Mirage and Loki or Nyx keep enemies we dont even WANT to fight on lockdown, so Trinity can use them for perpetual fountains of energy. 


    Finally, its on to yet another poorly designed, unfun, terrible "Warframe Boss." That's going Meme, DE. "Warframe Boss" will soon be slang for uninteresting boss fights where developers artificially stretch out the time required to win the fight through forced invincibility phases, regenerating health and annoying "minion phases" during which the boss isnt even present or does not engage or allow engagement. And dont forget those pressure plates, because if there is one thing players love, its standing still and doing NOTHING in a game.


    This is the opposite of good, interesting enemy design. IF you must have bosses, see Dark Souls or maybe - MAYBE -the Borderlands games, for some inspiration on the not-exactly-daunting task of making better boss fights. 




    So to sum up:


    -Best practice approach means doing the same thing, every time. Its boring and not worth running a second time.


    -Too much standing still, doing literally nothing


    -Another frustrating boss fight with a forced invulnerable stage that adds nothing at all fun to the battle


    I hope this Raid is not the future direction of Warframe. I highly doubt a lot of players want it to be.

  23. Fleeting Expertise. Period. Duration is nice, but maximum efficiency is a game changer. 


    Overextended. For your Disarming builds, max range is important. Very important.


    Loki is one of a few frames - like Nyx and Saryn - who really need Corrupted mods to reach their max potential. Equinox seems like another, to be honest, and the new Frost as well. 

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