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Posts posted by BlackCoMerc

  1. Thanks for all the feedback. Really happy to see others enjoying these recommendations.


    About Wind Blast: Yes, it is similar to Sonic Boom. I get that. I really do. But I also feel this is a power Zephyr should have. I mean...its a high powered, directed gust of wind. No armor piercing; no real damage to it. Just a space clearer. In this way its more about clearing a path for movement than about killing enemies. 


    That said, I would wholly support an ability that allows Zephyr to hover as opposed to this. Maybe even strafe while airborne for short periods. This ability would give you a few seconds to take down choice targets unobstructed and could be used as a launching off point for a Tailwind. 


    Whether Wind Gust/Gale Force remains or not, I want to stress once more: Unlike Banshee's ability, its not about damage; its about ragdolling enemies and clearing space. Essentially, its an ability that aids in level traversal, using hard, directed wind gusts - something I feel fits Zephyr thematically and mechanically. 

  2. Short and sweet; the no-fluff approach to overhauling Zephyr:


    Passives: Reduced effect of gravity on this Frame (same as now)


    Shields/Armor/Health: Unchanged





    1. Tailwind: No mechanical changes; reduce cost slightly. This is really only a travel ability.



    Dive Bomb: Gone (hear me out; see Augments section below).



    2. Wind Blast (Replaces Dive Bomb): Zephyr releases a strong gust of wind in a cone in front of him. Closer enemies are knocked down; those further away are staggered (the force dissipates quickly with distance)


    3. Turbulence: No functional changes. Possibly make it a toggle; otherwise, leave it be. Its the reason to use Zephyr.


    4. Tornado: Tornadoes spawn where the Crosshair points. They follow Zephyr (slowly) as he moves forward, flanking him two on each side. This makes them somewhat more predictable in terms of their crowd control. No other changes.





    1. Dive Bomb - Tailwind Augment: Casting Tailwind while Zephyr is in the air cancels Flight. Zephyr immediately performs a Dive Bomb, knocking down and briefly stunning enemies within the radius of the blast he creates on impact.


    2. Gale Force: Wind Blast becomes a Hurricane, blasting outward in a radius from Zephyr. Enemies within the radius are knocked down, and then confused for a several seconds on regaining their feet. 


    3. Jet Stream: Dont change a thing. DO add Melee Weapon attack speed increase (small one; 10% or so).


    4. Funnel Clouds: The smaller Tornadoes flank Zephyr front and back, moving before and behind him. Proc chance of all Twisters is increased slightly. 



    Reasoning for this rework: Zephyr is a great frame. He/she is fun to pilot. But Zephyr is also next to useless for anything other than rapidly traversing map tiles. While the frame shines in Deception missions on maps with height changes and long, open rooms/areas, it remains subpar to Loki even here in a lot of ways. Right now, the only reason to play Zephyr is the fun of traveling with Tailwind and the utility of Turbulence. Zephyr is a great solo frame, but a terrible team mate.


    What Zephyr needs is a bit of crowd control, with some increased predictability thrown in to make it more useful. Wind Blast gives Zephyr survivability against Melee enemies (and actually makes the frame potentially useful against Infested, the which it isnt now). Coupled with the Augment, Zephyr has the ability to buy time and space for itself and others nearby. 


    Changing Tornadoes to flank Zephyr and move with her, accomplishes two goals. First, it makes Zephyr's Crowd Control more predictable for team mates and groups. This helps everyone in the Squad to function. Second, it demonstrates Zephyr's mastery over a fickle, powerful element. This is very thematic and makes the frame appear more powerful without making it over the top powerful in terms of game play. 


    I hope you will consider these relatively minor changes to Zephyr. It is, in a lot of ways, my personal favorite frame. Unfortunately, I find it left by the wayside in almost every instance, because in every mission, something else would just be...better.



  3. We just ran eight waves of a T4 Interception today. Nyx kept the enemies under control the entire time, using Chaos. We never even struggled. And I have done the same myself. 


    The key: Shorter Duration. Use Fleeting Expertise to improve her Efficiency and reduce Duration. Shorter Chaos is better. Though, a toggle would be better still. 


    As for Psychic Bolts, yeah...its useless.

  4. How about Alerts that offer Prime Weapon parts or the BP for a part, as a reward? We need to do something; forcing people to hang in until wave 15-20 of a T3 Defense mission as the ONLY way to get a certain Prime part isn't fun. 


    One of the greatest things about Warframe is the ability to log in and do missions of the type you're in the mood for at the time. Except...getting Prime parts robs players of this freedom. It forces them to do some of the least fun missions around, such as defense, and to do them repeatedly and for long enough at a stretch that they really can wear out their welcome. 


    So how about it - Alerts for Prime Parts or Prime Part BP? Bout time we did something with all those useless, credit-only alerts anyway.

  5. Grineer Manic needs to go. His teleporting and super fast movement speed are annoying. Not challenging. Not difficult. Not engaging. Annoying. His ability to pounce and pin you down robs players of control over their own character. This is never, never a good thing in a game. And there's too much of it in Warframe already (see also, Infested); we dont need more of this sort of thing. Lastly...he bugs. Constantly. Dying for one client, but not another. Getting stuck inside terrain. He's annoying, frustrating and riddled with bugs and needs to go.

  6. Lets start:



    Loki disarm. Irrad disarm

    Nova Molecular Prime

    Frost Globe

    Mesa Peacemaker

    Valkyr Hysteria

    Saryn Masma

    Limbo Riftwalk

    Hydroid tentacle spam

    Excalibur new 4th


    Weapons Primary:

    Braton Prime Damage

    Amprex Damage. Chain fire is broken and too OP

    Boltor Prime damage and recoil

    Dread critchance

    Paris prime critchance

    Torid ammo count

    Opticor Ammo count

    Tonkor Crit chance and ammo count

    Phage damage

    Quanta/quanta vandal altfire too much damage

    Synapse single fire damage

    Soma and soma prime crit damage or base damage


    Weapons Secondary

    Synoid gammacor (Still too op), needs damage nerf.

    Marelok or vaykor marelok. Too much damage

    Rakta balistica Damage too high

    Brakk too much damage,rate of fire too high

    Detron or mara detron Radiation damge should be switched to puncture, because all plasma weapons deal puncutre damage.

    Magnus or Akmagnus, too much critchance.

    Furis alfuris or dex furis, too much fire-rate. Damage is fine

    Atomos. Broken like the amprex. Chain fire is too OP

    AkJagara. Damage too high

    Aksomati They were fine, DE buffed it too much. Nerf reload rate back to what it was.

    Hikou or Hikou Prime or Despair Too much damage.


    Melee weapons

    Most have too much damage

    Notable examples:


    Scindo prime or scindo


    Bo or Bo Prime

    Tipedo Too good as copetring

    Dakra Prime

    Jat Kittag



    Carriers vacuum is too good. Needs to be reworked or removed.



    They outclass sentinels. They need to be nerfed, especially the mods.



    Ancient Hooks

    Bombards Homing missiles

    Nullifiers Shields/bubble should go down much easier, especially with hard hitting guns.Spawn rate needs nerfing

    Mutalist moa jumping

    Manic erratic teleporting too offten

    ancients debuff auroas. All of them.

    Hellions Too much damage

    Gunner,bombard mandatory close range AOE needs to be reworked.






    In order for WF to be balanced, these things need to be looked at. If someone advocates to nerf one of such thing, it is only a bandaid fix, it doesnt address the core problems of the game.

    If anything need to be added, post down below.


    Either everything needs to be reworked or nothing. There is no middle ground here.


    You've got to be trolling. Seriously.


    So you would rather nerf every decent weapon and frame ability available, as opposed to giving enemies more reasonable armor and health scaling? You do realize your suggestion just creates more damage sponges, right? Right? 

  7. First off, saying

    "Well at the very end of the game when you have everything and your fighting level 999999999 enemies you cant spam abilities cause you'll die"


    Is a really bad thing to actually say, mainly because all thats saying is that the only time you dont have to spam abilities to kill everything in the room is when the game reaches such a difficulty of scaling that it becomes impossible to do so. And basing the whole of the game on that logic is flawed as faw-


    In regards to EasyMac's comment about |) if the game is to easy for you, go play solo.) -

    The funny thing is my point still stands, say if i ran into an ODD solo with the right warframe and the right build, i could spam my way to a really decent level simply by spamming 4. (Like miasma for example)(or by spamming vortexes and shooting a single dread into the ball)

    I just think that since the game has SOO many weapons and SOO many warframes now, that their abilities should actually be utilised. and not simply just for the "Well its there if you feel like it" value after you reach a certain part in the game.

    The games hella fun, ive got like almost 3K steam hours on it, so all of this is just my opinion.

    Notice that all of the newest enemies that DE introduce, are Specifically designed to combat ability spam? The new stealth grineer, and the nulifier corpus? They are literally the only time that some people even decide to use their primary weapon xD and thats only because they have to.

    XP farming thats happening now, and has always been a problem within the last half a year, how did it happen? Because people can literally go hours into defences/interceptions just pressing 4 and 2.

    May i refer to Warframes "By the number" graph for January to Febuary? - Out of every single power in this game, the 5 most used abilities by a HUGE margin, are skills that are spammed constantly.


    they even said themselves that "when players find something that works, they use the hell out of it."


    Just saying as GENERAL FEEDBACK as a player, that personally, the game for me is too much about efficiently killing rooms by spamming abilities


    Key Question: Who cares?


    Seriously, so what. If players want to utilize certain abilities more than others, who cares? Let people alone to play the game the way they choose to. It really, really is that simple. 

  8. Get rid of energy. Replace it with cool downs. Remove efficiency mods altogether. Boom. Much easier to balance things.


    Oh god no. Not this. Never this. Cooldowns are ridiculous. They remove any sense of tactics or strategy and leave you staring at a cool down counter as opposed to the action on the screen. 


    No. Not cool downs. I for one am out the moment that happens.

  9. Excalibur does not need a Nerf. Period. 


    The new Mesa and the Reworked Excalibur are obviously the beginnings of a trend wherein damage-based Warframe abilities will scale better to end game. And this is something that NEEDS to happen. So let it alone and give DE time to catch the other Frames up, as opposed to wanting a Nerf for everything you personally dont like.

  10. The Greed Pull debate has renewed the focus on Efficiency in playing Warframe. And its brought to light some serious concerns. Chief amongst these: The game is not player friendly. 


    Grind walls. Wait walls. Frame and weapon resets (Formas). Everywhere you look, you see a lack of respect for players, their time and their efforts. So I propose a change.


    I have a vision for Warframe as a Player Friendly game. A game where our time and effort are respected. A game where player ingenuity is honored and appreciated - not constantly nerfed into oblivion. To get there, I propose a redesign based on Core Values such as:


    -Respect for your players:


       -Reward Ingenuity and Cleverness; dont nerf it (as with Greed Pull)


       -To each their own: How some play the game isnt hurting others; let people play their way


    -Respect the Player's time and effort:


       -NEVER waste a player's time. Wait walls should not exist. Missions should not require repeating 5 times.


       -NEVER wipe a player's efforts. Resetting Frames and Weapons due to Formas is insulting and discouraging.


    -Focus on Players, not Monetization Strategies


       -A focus on mentizing the game drives away players - and this, revenue - in the long run due to grind walls.


    -Remember THIS: Your Vision is the foundation for your game; your Values are your foundation for your Vision.



    With these things in mind, we move to Proposed Changes:


    Frame Abilities: 


    Don't change abilities just because players find creative methods for using them. We should reward player ingenuity, not punish it. If some other, very vocal, players dont like how other people play the game, too bad. Choosing to, for instance, combine Mag, Frost and Mesa, isnt hurting anyone else. Besides, its the grind wall, not the Greed Pull, that is the problem.



    On Grind Walls:


    Respect our time. Dont place arbitrary time barriers between players and rewards. If we run a mission, reward us. Dont force us to repeat it 3 or 5 or 100 times for a reward. This is disrespectful of a player's time. That said, increasing rewards based on how many times we choose to run a mission, is fine. And it might even help you figure out which missions we genuinely enjoy as opposed to run just for the reward.


    On Loot Tables:


    Tables are diluted with junk. Credit Caches on Excavation missions. Orokin Cells on Tower missions. We simply see too much junk we dont need on loot tables. Please, remove it; its insulting to us and our time to constantly see this stuff. These are rewards that are not in any way commiserate with the amount of effort we put in to get them and its a terrible decision to have them where they are.


    On RNG:


    We need more weighting in favor of things players do not already have. Some RNG is necessary; I get that. But lets face it: The Platinum trade market exists and provides a guaranteed way for players to shorcut the Grind. We need other ways to reduce grind that does not involve simply having someone give us what we need.


    We need more dedicated quests for Frames that are not locked behind wait walls and grind walls (looking at Mesa here). We need reward tables for Exterminate and Sabotage that are more like those for Spy, and changes to these missions to make those rewards more deserved. We need more guaranteed good rewards and less junk.


    On Missions:


    Exterminate, Sabotage and Deception need to change. We all know it. They become pointless at a certain level or after a certain amount of time. I posted under Mission Feedback yesterday so I wont rehash it here, but they need to change.


    On FORMAS:


    Now we get to the controversial one. Using a Forma should NOT reset a frame/weapon to Mastery Rank 0. Its insulting to have our hard work wiped away like that. 


    I propose this: Using a Forma will Polarize a slot with the chosen Polarity, as it does now. HOWEVER, it will NOT reset the frame/item to MR0. Instead, each slot will cost 1 additional Forma. For instance, the first change costs 1 Forma, as it does now. The second slot costs 2. The third 3. And so on. If a player uses a Forma on every slot on a weapon or Frame, they receive a small bonus on that item - maybe reload speed, fire rate, reduced recoil, power efficiency or strength; thinking a 5 - 10% bonus, nothing drastic. But using the Forma should NEVER wipe out our hard work and time spent ranking something.


    Now, yes, this WILL generate complaints from long time players who had to walk that grindy walk. I get that. But this will benefit EVERYONE going FORWARD - including the complainers. In other words, learn to live with it and benefit from it. Other than during a known Beta test, there is NEVER a valid reason for wiping out a player's hard work and effort. It increases grind for the sake of grind and is insulting to players. And it WILL drive players away from your game, and their revenue with them. 



    Remember the Core Values of this proposal: Respect for Players, and for their Time. A player-first focus; not a focus on monetization strategies. If players like your game they will support it. If you try and force them to constantly spend money in order to monetize the game, they will simply leave. Usually, in droves, once the novelty wears off. 


    These Values should form the foundation for your Vision of the game moving forward.

  11. Extermination, Sabotage and especially Deception need better rewards. Especially the first two. They become almost...pointless, at a certain point in the game. Once you've got a couple of powerful weapons with a Forma or two on them, there is literally no point to doing these missions; the rewards simply are not sufficient.


    So...how about we fix that?


    Exterminate - Every mission of this type has a chance to spawn:


    -Field Commander (1-3 per mission): This is an optional mini-boss with very good loot. They do not leave their tile sets; you must go to them. For each one you choose to beat you gain the special loot and bonus affinity. 


    -Base/Site Commander: Boss. Rare drops; optional; stays on the boss tile set area. Larger affinity bonus if you choose to engage and succeed.



    Deception - Has a chance to:


    -Become an optional Exterminate against an Elite squad your hack discovered is onsite. You can extract, or take down the Elites. Elites would drop better than average loot. Bonus affinity if you win.


    -Become a Spy mission, with 1-3 Vaults. Spy 2.0 mechanics and rewards for the Vaults you choose to take on.


    -Become an (optional) Defense/Mobile Defense mission, where the hack goes bad. You can run for it and get a Mission Completed or remain for the Defense and get bonus Affinity.


    -An Escape mission. The Deception was detected. If you get out (Extract) before the timer ticks down, you carry out precious data with you. If you dont, the data is scrubbed. Bonus affinity/rewards for making your escape in time.


    -Become an Assassination mission: A high ranking enemy was found during your Deception hack. If you choose to take them and succeed, bonus affinity and loot, with a the loot being rare or far better than usual.


    Sabotage - Has a Chance to:


    Do any of the above, once the sabotage is completed. 


    Always turns into an optional Exterminate mission once the Sabotage is completed, with a larger than normal number of enemies to take down. If you choose to Exterminate as opposed to leaving, bonus affinity and a chance at a bonus reward item of better than normal value. 





    -No one of these additional, optional mods could happen more than twice in a day to a given player. The only exception: A player has experienced one of these events twice while playing solo or as a Squad Leader and joins another squad, where that leader has not seen the event twice. This would, I believe, help with the immersion factor. You arent always going to discover a Vault or Elite Squad or Commander...but when you do (insert meme here).


    -All additional content is optional. Lets not punish people who really do just want to get in a quick Deception mission for Syndicate points and move on. BUT doing OPTIONAL tasks, means better rewards. 



    Why do these things? Because invisible Loki or Jet Stream Zephyr can turn Deceptions into a joke. Because Exterminate is a fun mode, but absolutely terrible at providing rewards and very repetitive. Because its too easy to plan on bringing the best load out for the known quantity a mission offers. Lets make players think, plan ahead and weigh risks versus rewards. 


  12. Drop rates period are awful right now. Truly awful. We spent 35 minutes in T2 Defense and obtained two 3-packs of Orokin cells, and one rare fusion core. Thats bad enough.


    But for a 25 wave Tac Alert to offer so poor a drop rate is...insulting. For these sorts of events, something good should be a guarantee. What this is, is a test of a player's willingness to grind. And the more we repeat these missions, the more we send a signal that this is acceptable. I did it once; all waves, both events. And I wont - ever - do it again.

  13. Problem: Currently, there are a few "best" guns in the game. These are all Primes. Essentially, non-prime guns are strictly inferior to those made with Orokin technology.


    Result: Limited variability to game play. Players are forced to use certain weapons to maximize damage, especially in late game content.


    Proposed Fix: Calibrations (Stances) for Non-Prime guns. Examples:


    Ferrite Rounds: Rifle Calibration

    Points: 2/4/6/8/10

    Enemy Armor reduced 5/10/15/20/25%


    Precision Firing: Rifle Calibration

    Points: 2/4/6/8/10

    Recoil Reduced 5/10/15/20/25%


    Increased Velocity: Pistol Calibration

    Points: 1/2/3/4/5

    Impact reduces enemy shields 5/10/15/20/25%


    Reweighting: Bow Calibration

    Points: 2/4/6/8

    Reduces draw time 5/10/15/20%


    Lore Explanation: Prime technology is good. Its amazing, even. But its tech the Tenno do not fully understand. Sure Tenno can make and use these weapons. But they cannot tweak and customize them to suit specific needs, because they simply do not understand the tech sufficiently well. 


    Or maybe they do and we can have Auras on all guns; I am ok with some guns being more powerful than others, to be honest. 




    As we can see the possible uses for "Gun Stances" are enormous. These could serve as an equalizer for Non-Prime weapons without an endless escalation in terms of damage. Or they could serve as a new way to enjoy any ranger weapon in the game. 


    Some Auras could increase max ammo, stability or fire rate. Some could reduce enemy armor or shields. Others could increase Crit chance. And all of these would stack with other mods or Warframe Auras. 


    As for how we get these "Gun Stances" that is up to DE. They could be added to loot lists. They could be added as rewards for Alerts. Or both.

  14. Good points. And another concern is that Circuit and Mag would be most useful against the same faction, granted. Hopefully Circuit's less straightforward play style options would count in its favor here. To each their own though, of course.

  15. Chameleon is a cunning foe, sacrificing protection for mobility and stealth. A master of subterfuge, Chameleon can blend in on any battlefield. By the time your enemies know Chameleon is there, its too late, Tenno.


    Appearance: Chameleon has a reptilian appearance, similar to Chroma. Where Chroma is big and bulky (Dragon-like) Chameleon is lean and lithe. A supple lizard.




    Health: 100

    Shields: 75

    Armor: 65

    Energy: 150

    Aura Polarity: Straight Line (Siphon/Corrosive Projection)




    Blend - 25 Energy: Chameleon assumes the identity of a target for 15/30/45 seconds, taking on their appearance completely. Only a halo of energy visible exclusively to Tenno allies marks Chameleon. While taking the shape of an enemy, Chameleon deals 50/100/150% more melee damage to members of that same faction. Taking damage forces Chameleon back into his own shape and appearance.


    Expose - 35 Energy: Chameleon imposes his own appearance on a target for 5/10/15 seconds. All enemies will perceive the target as if it were Chameleon. During this time the target is gifted with increased speed and agility.


    Predatory Focus - 25 Energy: Chameleon gains increased zoom with all ranged weapons for 10/20/30 seconds. While zoomed, enemy critical hit locations are highlighted, and Chameleon gains 50/100/150% bonus critical damage for hits to highlighted critical areas.


    Camouflage - 25 Energy, then 10 energy/second: Chameleon becomes invisible and gains a 25/50/100% damage bonus while stationary. This ability is cancelled when toggled off, when Chameleon runs out of energy or when Chameleon moves other than to attack with any weapon.  


    Play styles:


    Obviously, an efficiency build focusing on Blend comes readily to mind. Doubly so on Deception and Sabotage missions. Beware of Spy missions, though; relying on Blend may not be a good idea in vaults, as Blend requires targets and Vaults often lack an abundance of enemies. But imagine making Capture targets look like you and having their own allies lay the beat down on them while you take your time, catching up to them - while looking like another of their allies. 


    Speaking of Efficiency builds: Focus + Camouflage is obviously powerful. But only when first standing still and then limiting your own field of vision. A sniper pose, if you will. Use it for important shots or highly dangerous targets. 


    I envision Chameleon as the sly reptile cleverly stalking and separating his prey across mostly Exterminate, Capture, Deception and some Sabotage missions. But with Chameleon, what you see, may not always be what you get, Tenno.

  16. Circuit is an "Battlefield Engineer" warframe. His/her focus is not upon dealing damage but upon providing tricks and tools that can turn a battle in the favor of the Tenno. 


    Appearance: Rugged and durable. Large like Rhino, but less muscular and more...bulk. Think of a mechanic wandering through their shop, tool belts hanging off their waist. Large and rugged, not large and ripped. Probably intended for browns, greys, silvers...a metallic look. 




    Health - 75

    Shields - 100

    Armor - 100

    Energy - 100




    Spark 25 Energy: Short circuits robots for a duration of 5/10/15 seconds, with a slight chance that the short is permanent. Permanently disables turrets, cameras and traps. If targeting a console, it will be rendered useless by the controlling faction for purposes of triggering alarms.


    Turret - 10 energy each/2 energy per second each/max 1/2/3 at a time: Circuit deploys a gun turret for 10 energy. The turret will remain active until Circuit recalls it or runs out of energy. Pressing the button again will deploy another turret. Holding the button for one second will recall turrets, beginning with the first turret placed. 


    EMP Blast - 75 Energy: Circuit fires off an EMP blast. Enemy shields within the blast radius are reduced to Zero for 5/10/15 seconds and robots are completely disabled for the same duration, with a high chance of taking high damage. Non-robotic enemies are blinded 1/2/3 seconds, and suffer a Radiation proc with a duration of 4/6/8 seconds of effect.


    Resupply - 100 Energy: Circuit calls down a battlefield supply cache. The cache includes a Large Health and Shield restore, ammunition refills, and guardian turrets. The cache remains in place for 5/10/15 seconds, and turrets will fire at any enemies within range for the duration.




    Hotwire - Spark Augment: Instead of dealing damage, Spark restores the shields of robots, turrets and traps (where applicable) and then takes control of them for the Tenno.


    Infuse Element - Turret Augment: Circuit's turrets are infused with elemental damage and high proc chance. The elemental type is based on Circuit's energy color (as with Chroma)


    Concussion Wave - EMP Augment: Adds a concussion wave to the EMP blast. All non-robotic enemies within the radius of the blast are knocked down and their Radiation proc duration is increased slightly (to maintain usefulness)



  17. Short, sweet: I often cannot log in until 6pm ET (US). Thus, I get shafted out of much if not all of my daily allowance for earning Syndicate reputation points.


    Proposed Solution: make the limit weekly, not daily. Pool the number of points players can earn daily and turn them into a weekly limit that refreshes at 12am ET every Monday.


    Revives and such would still work as they do now. Just proposing this change for Syndicate Rep, to give everyone, everywhere a fair shake at using the allowance instead of losing the vast majority of it.

  18. Agreed. 


    Stealth in Warframe is incredibly flawed. Random enemy placement does not work. We need real AI, with limited patrol radius or paths, and the ability to watch enemies and learn those patrols. We also need fewer - far, far fewer - enemies on Stealth maps. And I dont mean just in the Vaults; I mean all over the map. These Vaults on Spy missions and Prisoners on Rescue missions are supposed to be hyper-sensitive, access-restricted areas. And yet we have 200+ soldiers guarding every single one of them. And any of those common soldiers allowed to simply walk right into a vault any time.


    The Devs need to take a look at games like Dishonored and Deus Ex: HR for ideas on Stealth. Limited but intelligent enemies. Limited, learnable patrol routes and routines. Real Stealth mechanics, like sound radius, line of sight, suspicion level, etc. When the entire map is a Stealth mission with limited enemy spawns and intelligent AI, that I can defeat in virtually any frame without cheesing Invisibility, I will be interested.


    Until then Spy and Rescue are terrible, broken missions with more flaws than fun.

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