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Posts posted by -10no-GCoda

  1. Its just a way to treat a symptom(viver) and not the disease(syndicate rep gain).

    Its not even viver, long defense runs were kinda laggy after a while, a looks like not much changed

  2. Rebecca said theres nothing on the calendar for this week besides fixes.

    Nice try.

    thanks, didn't know that.

    but that's not the point, if you bet for no event, you will be happy if event started, and you will be happy if you win plat, more happiness and excitement each week, why not? 

  3. How about platinum bets on updates?

    Maybe we need a system for this, but whatever.


    I can bet 100pt for no event in this hotfix (5th November).

    I can bet 200pt for event next week (12th November).


    With only one person. Just for fun. But we can make it thing, maybe, with guys who will take your plat and make some notes.


    Any takers?




    Lets bet for fix for shield drones stuck on void defence.

    50pt -- they will fix

    100pt -- they say its fixed, but they will stuck again XD

    200pt -- no fix


    It doesnt need to be bets on huge changes

  4. вряд ли у кого то хватит выдержки на 1000, а уж тем более 500 волн.


    Стояли по 10 часов на криотике же, хватит. 


    Если на дамаг давали бан, интересно, за количество волн его не выдадут ли = ))) По всему придерживаюсь мнению многих. DE в этом рассмотрят читерство.


    Это был баг, на ивенте с ульями поляризовали пушки, все таки был хороший кач на 9999 уровнях, все живы, никого не забанили.

    На криотике стояли по 8 часов, возможно даже больше но пару раз выкидовало около 30к очков, скорей было долше чем 8 часов, и уровни мобов толи 3000 толи 5000, убивали, все нормально. Никого не забанили.

    На ивенте выживание соклановци стояли 4 часа, но там время шло медленно изза лагов, реально времени намного больше было, тоже, никого не банили за это

  5. Вчера я стоял 70 волн с рандомным Лимбо и рандомным Некросом, будучи хостом. Ни у кого ничего не крашнулось. Краши - проблемы 32х систем, не х64. Те у кого х32 знают себя, и даже не будут пробовать так тратить время.


    Да вот не правда, 64 бита, все выключил и даже мультипроцесорный рендеринг, постоянно ктото отваливаетсь, ктото крашится. Сорри за оффтоп, но уже третий день пробуем постоять по дольше, сегодня краш на 24 волне, вчера двоих выкинуло на 46 волне сразу после награды, поза вчера меня как хоста крашнуло на 30 волне. И винду переустанавливал, и не всегда я хост, и настройки все менял, все включал, все выключал, и не у меня одного такие проблемы. Или хоста крашит, или выкидывает когото, иногда повторное присоединение до 5 волны получается, иногда даже до 20 волн полным составом стоим. Хотя те кто часто отваливается говорят что с рандомами играется стабильней, может дело в приватных настройках?


    Люди всегда разные, пробовали все хостить по очереди, перебрали все варианты, не помогает. После 15 апдейта началось

  6. Imagine a mission where you had to survive with a huge area to fly in, and occasionally had to go to a hot spot full of enemies to disarm a bomb or something. IDK just an idea but I do get tired of interception. That said, archwing are very new so our options will of course be limited in the beginning.



    i prefer "endless" missions type.


    I prefer endless too, that's why something like excavation will be perfect, or something like endless hive mission in space, those infested ships looks awesome, some tiles even got space stuff floating around, find some hive nodes, plant huge extractor, defend it, and carry extractor to next hive

  7. Am the only one who hate interception?

    I played a lot of of exterminate and sabotage missions, and i like them a lot better.

    I dont like to stay in one place in almost empty space with jet pack on back which i dont even use on damn interceptions...


    Interceptions on those large tiles from exterminate\sabotage missions will be a lot better.

    Some variant of excavation will be perfect. all thosw obstacles and corridors are so awesome, why am i forced to fly in empty space with 2 asteroids?

  8. Hi.

    We were trying for a while to do long defense or survival mission, but someone always crashes, from my experience it is mostly "Multi-Threaded Rendering" in launcher that causing crashes, can i turn everything else on? what settings are safe for long missions, maybe anyone knows what is safe to keep, i want to play with nice graphics, but looks like it is really unsafe...


    Less than 5% of people who use Steam have Windows XP, of any version.


    20% of people in Asia uses XP, and they dont care about steam. 33% in China

    i heard a talk on Steam Dev Days, there is a lot people who play games on Windows XP...in Asia

  10. This won't work because the cost of sigils relative to the amount needed to max rank isn't proportional to the boost.



    That's just the very basic idea. Personally I think 1% is much too low to make it worthwhile, and I think there is much more that can be done with it.


    Even 1% from first rank sygil (2.500) will be worth a lot on last level, you need to get 22+44+70+99+Cost of a mod, so 2500 for 1% will give you ~20k off from your last level.

    But other ones should give more boost to your ranking. 


    I think i mentioned something like this in other discussion, this is too obvious, is think DE will make this happen, or think of something better.

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