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Posts posted by -10no-GCoda

  1. Вера не позволит :3

    Можно отправить подарок, 5 ключей за 75пт, или модов обычных, там цены адские.

    Еще есть крдиты, 90пт за 30 000 кредитов, пусть локти кусают что платину на них потратили а толку никакого )

    Еще пачки наностор или сплавов можно отправлять.

  2. response about bugs specifics, kinda off topic

    Weren't the insane scores made by the (1) Iztal Archwing rather than the Velocitus? Velocitus could use ita punch through to its advantage, but nothing more (2) afaik.

    And regardless, the players in this case were using actual game mechanics to achieve the scores. It's not a (3) bug they used like it was in the survival event.

    1. I dont really know about Iztal damage stuff.

    2. velocitus was doing this


    3. If you talking about first survival event, i don`t remember much. If you talking about mutalist Incursions, i can assure you, we did not use any bugs, main thing was mirage for blinding(disarming shooting infested and disarming drones) and nova+trin for damage. I am not sure if it can be reproduced now, since damage from nova antimatter drop changed with guns we used then. but i am sure 3 hour survival still can be done with enough effort

  3. nevermind this offtopic

    I still see it as some kind of weakspot system.

    Finally, weakspot that was tiny and hard to find, it was a fuel pipe on reactor, in you put a bullet inside tiny hole in a pipe it will deal more damage than shooting to armored part.

    Finally weak point was not giant red colored thing that hard to miss, it was tiny spot with a little bit of logic...But no, it was a bug, not a feature, other way around this time

  4. Assuming you were the developer and you have nearly perfect logs (meaning you see Bertha hit the certain spots ones, Caesar all the time...) - still you don't know if it was intended or not. Since you don't know which "certain spot" was hit, you cannot just recalculate the score like there was no bug at all)


    If i had perfect logs id remove all damage dealt to "spot" but kept normal damage from other teammates.



    I am really interested in your oppinion what actions you would take and where is "your line". This topic is not about what DE did and what you think about it, but what you would do!


    I would remove exploited results but keep fair results, i am pretty sure around 1 - 1.5kkk was possible with energy refill and power spam.

  5. It's beta. It's immoral to NOT use the bugs. 

    i feel like beta its just a excuse, they got platinum sales, and promotions on steam, ads of new addons and stuff. and whole archwing stuff works like game in game, basicly DE is developing new game instead of fixing main one, i am not angry or something, i am happy with archwing and new content. 

    I just feel like they need to add real beta update server, with crazy new stuff and prototypes, for some percent of people who willing to write good bug reports.

  6. If I tested it thoroughly before release then I'd probably stick to normal schedule (take a vacation). Most of the exploits found in this event were easy to spot which is a sign of sloppy QA testing. 

    Host migration exploit was reported before first wipe.

    And "certain spots" was mentioned in a topic about first wipe.


    But to be fair, DE is kinda going in weird direction, viver gate, last event.

    It looks like they care about mental health of filthy casuals a lot XD

  7. Скорей всего баг, сделай скриншотов со всех сторон и отправь в поддержку. Возможно у других будет подобная проблема.


    Попроси кого нибудь поводить по крайним миссиям, может первая и откроется

  8. Нет, если там только один фрейм то даже и смысла мало.


    Аккаунт можно переименовать за 200пт, почту можно изменить только с помощью поддержки.

    Начиная с 2 ранга можно торговать, так что сможешь просто передать модули со старого аккаунта на новый.

  9. They should start with something and refine it as it goes.

    Everything can be exploited, i think we will see people trading +1 for plat or cores, if you want +1 you can play with someone, pay him plat, and wait for upvote.


    More upvotes you have, more your upvotes should matter, karma system.

    And with enough upvotes you can downvote with a cost of your upvotes.

  10. Писали ребята с X-Box 360,что играют,но я не расспрашивал как оно.В любом случае пойдёт,когда была запущена игра на X-Box?Какой X-box На тот момент существовал?То-то и оно.


    На 360 в варфрейм?

    Нагло врут, даже на главной странице warframe.com логотипы PC PS4 XBOX ONE


    А вообще рекомендую попробовать Steam In-home Streaming

    Я геймпадами не пользуюсь, но играть со старенького ноута в новые игры весьма возможно, можно подключить к телеку и оставить в другой комнате, требования к железу весьма небольшие, единственное что возможно прийдется обновить это роутер

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