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  1. The restrictions on weapons need to be grouped together a bit more, dual secondaries should be grouped together with the singles like another variant, like the aklato should be grouped in with the normal lato group. Most of the twin variants of secondary weapons don't have any kind of significant upgrade and so they're stuck back just past the introduction of Damage 2.0 introduced over ten years ago. Magnus has the magnus prime, akmagnus is stuck right where they were in 2014, Lex Prime and vasto prime have incarnon forms, the aklex prime and akvasto prime are right where they were when they were introduced. If you're getting these in this level of content, stuff like the aklato, single bolto, afuris prime, single cestra, are all completely dead picks for this game mode, while their other variations are at least a bit better(you can probably tell the Aklato really weighs on my mind for this game mode).
  2. As I can see it there were two groups of people on the forums, people who liked playing Dante with huge overguard as his tank and stuff, and people who were using Chroma and the freshly reworked Inaros who rely on taking damage for their kit to function properly. The changes to Dante's overguard are terrible because they make neither of these groups happy. As Dante with a power strength build I can easily still give the entire party 10,000 overguard with three casts which for the star chart is probably never going to go away for the entire mission. However as a Dante player that overguard as a personal shield for just him lacks any possible scaling mechanic like say Rhino's iron skin does. There isn't a way to make it scale up to some of the content we have today like netracells, I'm just going to be casting full body animations all the time, or I could just... play any other frame that can naturally survive on these difficulties. I mean my Protea can just lie on the ground like a slug with a full batch of level 200 steel path enemies attacking her for as long as I feel like, she is literally unkillable in netracells. It feels bad that these changes went through because we're meeting in the middle where nobody is happy, Inaros/Nidus/etc. and Chroma players can still be spammed with overguard as a negative interaction, and Dante players lost over half the tank they got from casting three abilities in a row. So everybody knows more changes are coming, but I don't think anybody is exactly happy with the changes made so far to Dante. For me especially this is frustrating because I know more changes are coming that will likely shake up how I need to build Dante so even though I literally just got him I shouldn't be doing anything with him because tomorrow the devs could just be like "Dante rework, we're nerfing him again, these abilities are changed". The worst part for me is that this batch of negative co-op interactions in a co-op game isn't over because there are others that are likely to crop up(I haven't seen anybody bring up Harrow and the Laetum and similar incarnons yet, but the next frame that does anything with crit chance is sure to bring those up).
  3. I was in a mission where we killed everything that showed up, EVERYTHING, it took five minutes to get the first key. A key dropped five minutes in. One. Please for the love of god make the keys spawn faster or do something, no gruzzling, no nothing, just killing enemies for five minutes before a single key shows up. I'm done farming stuff from this node, but progress on the node felt dramatically slower than any other disruption node in the game by a mile.
  4. Loid has voice lines saying "AS I PRE-DICTED" and similar lines to that to tell the player "you can't damage the thing from outside the shield". however even if the only shots you ever fire off at it are from inside the shield and kill the target, in solo mode, with your gun model literally clipping into the objective, he will still spam the lines saying "you screwed up, you can't damage them from outside the shield".
  5. Right now Malice has the worst possible design for an acolyte because he can cast "magnetize" on you causing you to one shot yourself and this has no visual effect and it's sound is essentially silent. Everybody knows you can roll and it goes away but there is no indication as to WHEN you should roll other than "oh I died". Is there any way this effect could get some kind of screen filter for when it's on the player? Like the entire screen gets tinted green or something? That way there is counterplay to it beyond "roll all the time". Especially since this effect basically will always one shot the player, it would be really nice to know when I have to roll.
  6. How is the shotgun mode on the kuva zarr a crutch? Did you stop reading my comment the instant I brought it up or do you genuinely think shotguns in this game are a crutch?
  7. 1. the Zarr/Kuva Zarr should have 3-5x as much ammo with ammo drops 3-5 times larger, cannon AOE shots should cost 3-5x as much ammo, and the shotgun mode should only cost 1 ammo. This would bring the shotgun mode back from being entirely useless without allowing massive AOE spam again. 2. Kohmak/Twin Kohmak need to have their ammo counts and ammo pickups looked at, they get less ammo pickups than something like the pandero despite being ammo hungry weapons. They aren't even very good at full spool especially not for the ammo economy they've been saddled with. During the sweeping changes it's clear they were put in with a lot of other semi auto weapons and not with the full auto weapons. They also need at least double the reserve ammo because they were slammed hard by the nerf to secondary merciless. 3. The Athodai would be a nice weapon to use more often but it has a very low max ammo pool and you need to choose when building it if you want bad amounts of max ammo for it or ammo mutation. It would be very nice if this weapon with an option to dump 24 rounds in one go had comparable ammo to say the pandero. 4. Most automatic pistols shouldn't have the same max ammo as something like the magnus which goes through ammo dramatically more slowly.
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