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Posts posted by rawr1254

  1. 1: Have no idea if this is a bug or not but a lot of the time if I place the shield pickups I  or allies pick up all 3 instead of one each.

    2:the shield values are sometimes inconsistent. Sometimes Ill pickup a 155 regen value sometimes a 50 regen value. So are the values divided amongst the  orbs? And is that intentional? And from the first issue itd make sense since I would be picking up all 3 sometimes and sometimes only 1. Also my modded values are 102/s so 50 and then 155 makes no sense

    Edit: I think what was happening for the 1st one was an allies companion was picking it up and I cant see that in the UI however the 50/s regen despite mods sometimes still exists

  2. 2 hours ago, negasik said:

    I also have this issue at first I thought it was my internet connection but apparently it's not! :c

    Dont know if you wanna wait for a fix from them or not but a fresh reinstall fixed it for me

  3. Since 28.0.1 my game fails to launch. I have tried re-verifying multiple times and every time it wants to optimize about 2 gigs of data however if I let it do it it takes almost 5 seconds which isnt normal.

     I tried not optimizing and it wont start that way either.

    Had no issues with 28.0

  4. If you shoot it instantly itll do no damage you have to shoot it at preferably an asteroid or a crewship and then wait about 1-2 seconds then shoot it. Pretty much wait for it to glow a bit brighter

  5. 5 hours ago, ZetekP said:

    I don't know if you have tested it recently, while it moves and is taller, resonator + mallet should still aggro melee enemies, but instead right now it seems to pacify them like you didn't even have mallet active.

    They still chase it though right? I always saw chargers chase it but could never attack it

  6. Yea its been like that since release. This is only cause of the height of the mallet hitbox on the resonator and apparently chargers cant attack in an upwards direction. An ancient/moa/boiler however can still hit it. So I dont know which should be done either let chargers attack in an upwards direction or decrease the height of the mallet on top of the resonator or make it so hitting the resonator also pools into the mallet.

  7. He really just needs a full rework. His kit involves charging his 4 and then doing nothing else. maybe casting 1 here and there but other than that his abilities very very rarely get used. And this is from personal experience and seeing other people playing him.

  8. If you want to free up a slot to play with Id go with heat as you could make a viral combination and then the heat would be left over for armor reduction. 

    Now if say youre getting a nukor that has innate radiation then itd be best to go with something like toxin  and then youd wind up with a viral rad heat combo when its fully modded

    Most of the other weapons will again probably be better to be heat and this is only cause of the current meta of viral + heat

    Ogris is again an exception so long as you plan to use nightwatch napalm on it. Napalm add heat regardless of mod setup so you could then have say viral or corrosive, rad and then heat would proc from the napalm mod. But if you dont plan to use napalm with it then go with heat but if you do then radiation.


    • Like 1
  9. I like the way you went with Ice Wave. Id rather the augment give an armor boost temporarily to synergize with his globe. This could also let it strip armor too. 

    Freeze just really needs to be a larger area of effect. that and freeze needs to fully freeze an enemy and enemies that come within 5m of the enemy get also frozen solid for half the duration. I feel this would give a huge incentive to use this ability a bit more. I also at another time suggested turning this into a trap ability in which you'd place the traps and enemies that get near it would be frozen solid in a pretty decent AoE like 7m base so at max range itd be almost a 15m freeze aoe that can be place outside of your globe which is where you want the enemies anyway

    And it terms of the passive it really just doesnt feel like enough still...I mean when hes had what he has now for the past couple years he needs something with a wow factor. So something like each enemy with a cold proc when killed has a chance to explode in the same essence as ice wave only in a radius around the enemy instead of a cone

  10. This'd be nice. Have something similar to a day/night cycle where corpus are more dominate and then youd see some grineer come in and fight some corpus just walking around and vice versa. And then  have events of infested come in and take over the city and its our job to cleanse the city. As we cleanse it we would have grineer and corpus come in however theyd be our allies in the fight, similar to crossfire only for both factions vs infested. And I would LOVE to see some kind of cutscene that actually shows the infestation process for some of the enemies.

    • Like 3
  11. On 2020-05-25 at 12:51 PM, Cosmicblues said:

    I thought up some warframe augment mods and wanted to know what you guys thought.

    Chroma 1. Dragoon fire - augment for spectral scream, converts it to a charge ability. Hold to charge energy and release to give a self buff. The buff applies to the next ability used. If spectral scream is used, fires a massive ball of your element, dealing 1000 damage in a large area at max rank + proc of that element for 35% of enemy's max hp. Massive AOE fire explosion and burn, melt enemies with poison, freeze them solid with frost, or laugh as groups of enemies take damage from the projectile then shock each other with high damage arc lightning. OR, you can cast elemental ward and convert that buff into an enhanced elemental ward. A full charge will apply a damage bonus to that aura's damage and triple the AOE size for the duration of the ward. Even more better, the conversion applies to your effigy, so it will also charge up and fire dragon rockets.

    Mag 1. Scrap shield. Augments crush. Casting crush on enemies inside magnetize's bubbles will give Mag a ferrite armor health buffer for each enemy effected. Works well with magnetized discharge.

    Hydroid 1. Manhunter Augments undertow. Hydroid no longer turns into a pool, instead becomes humanoid liquid. While in this form, hydroid moves normally and can cast abilities, but cannot shoot or melee. Tentacles will emerge from his body and grab up to 8 enemies at a time scaling with power strength, applying finisher damage faster the fewer enemies he is holding at once. When recast, slams all carried enemies together dealing 1.25x finisher damage and ending the ability. Makes undertow actually match the fast paced action of the game.

    Nova 1. Core collapse. Augments null star. -75% max neutron stars, stars no longer seek out enemies. Stars now grant 15% damage reduction per star. When nova takes 300 damage pre reduction, a star detonates, dealing a 250 damage explosion proc and priming enemies in an 12 meter aoe around her. Now you can build and play nova for something other than slowva and have some mobile survivability to boot!

    Nekros 1. Spiteful spirits Augments defile. Corpses that roll to spawn a drop also spawn a soul punch projectile that seeks out a random nearby enemy. Deals the same damage as soul punch.

    Valkyr 1. Razor wire Augments ripline. Disables the grapple hook function, ripline now has a cone AOE around the cast target, grabbing enemies within the cone for 800 slash damage and a guarenteed slash proc. Valkyr just needs an option to not be focused around her 4.

    Ash 1. Hail of knives. Augments blade storm. Changes the function of the ability to a summon. Casting 4 now creates 3 (scales with ability strength) specters of ash for 12 seconds (scales with duration). Specters will aggro nearby enemies and are immune to damage, they will attack using ash's wrist blades as a claw melee weapon. Holding the ability down will cast the ability normally and equip the player with said weapon for the duration of the ability. The blades adopt the damage, crit, and element of ash's currently equipped melee weapon and gain bonus damage scaling based on power strength.

    Banshee 1. Sheer force Augments sonic boom. Violently explodes enemies below 12% health (scales with power strength). % increases to base 25% for enemies under the effect of silence.

    For Chroma Id rather see a rework before augment ideas tbh sorry

    Mags augment there makes more sense to be for Polarize instead of Crush and it kinda goes against her kit as a whole which revolves around her shields and ferrite revolves around health which you dont want being hit as her.

    Hydroids actually sounds pretty cool. I just fear the drain theyd wind up putting on the ability

    Novas idea here really mimics the current one she has for her 1 to the point of almost being the same but slightly different Id rather the current one change to that instead of adding another augment

    For Nekros lets make Soul punch useful and then we'll talk about this

    Valkyrs are you talking like cast then grab similar to Nidus? Cause that would be extremely helpful to her playstyle as a melee based frame.

    Ash no for spectres. AI is trash dont need anymore of these

    Banshees would it just to be to blow them up or will it do more? Kinda makes no sense.Would be cool but still makes no sense. And would definitely be nerfed with everyone running max range and str then spamming it


  12. I would love to see rumblers have no duration. This would be great for the ability. The only downside I see is the petrification of the cast might get less use so in addition to the on cast petrification I feel they should be given a chance to petrify on hit. This would make them very much more useful as part of his passive and now his augment. The thing I feel is they shouldnt really be built to do is to kill they should be built to aggro, ragdoll enemies, and cause petrification effects while also being pretty tanky. But at the same time the petrification they give shouldnt overshadow the ability Petrify itself

    • Like 1
  13. Id just be happy if something like letting Defy grant an increase in combo counter gain per hit as well as the armor bonus. In my experience the only reason I stopped using the ability altogether was because it took me forever to build up the counter. And in turn with the combo counter, I dont see it on the wiki but if it doesnt already give his staff and honestly every exalted weapon the same combo multiplier that Atlas has. so a 25% damage increase per multiplier.

    And then change the stance so it has a melee combo that opens enemies to finishers more so you can take advantage of the huge damage bonus that the ability has from finishers but it rarely even used.

    And while your clone is out every time you do a finisher, if an enemy setup for a finisher is in range(say and enemy 10m from who your doing a finisher on) it does one too. Kinda like a mini Ashs clones.

  14. So been running a bit of ESO lately. And Im currently using a Kuva Ogris /w Napalm and a Riven on it. Now Im not sure what is causing this but Im using Atlas and very very inconsistently Ill just all of a sudden die from this weapon. And there were a few times I got lucky an noticed I had a few procs on myself when I shouldnt be getting this kind of proc from the enemies Im fighting(Rad and corrosive procs). And this is with an Atlas Prime and it appears to ignore the shield gating as well as Ill just instatly die like pre-stagger.

    Edit: Tried like crazy to get this to happen in simulacrum and it would not happen no matter what I tried.

    I finally got it to happen and I still cant tell what causes it:



  15. 2 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

    It does nothing and prevents you from using an actually good augment. Peculiar Bloom is a better mod than this.

    How does it prevent you from using a good augment? It's bad so dont use it?

  16. If it's an exilus mod weakness shouldnt be the problem, usability is. 40m radar when every enemy dies anyway is useless.

    Kinda like with Novas Portal augment. It's a speed buff and that's it. The buff itself doesnt matter really but it isnt like you get the buff and then .1 seconds later you lose the buff.

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