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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Original Tenno: children of Zariman become Void-afflicted but survive due to Technocyte virus/Hayden Tenno genetic lineage. They have power but it is dangerous because of lack of control and use destroys their physical bodies and slowly robs them of identity. Hence, stasis.

    Original Warframes: Void-corrupted Sentients driven mad with pain and robbed of higher brain function/adaptive abilities, trapped in eternal war with the void affliction.

    Technocyte creates the symbiotic bridge: the Sentient forms around the Zariman host (thus explaining gender specificity). The corrupted Sentient finds peace and the child gains a physical form that can amplify/channel/control their specific void powers as they become beings of void energy.

    These are the originals. Orokin scientists find a way to reverse-engineer and weaponize these original frames as production models (standard issue and deluxe "Prime" versions)

    I think we have yet to see an "original" Proto-frame.

    WE are either decendants or clones of the Tenno lineage, using these production-model frames to maintain form and identity.


    A quick question here. Is Hayden Tenno even canon? I've heard various opinions on this and the rest of the Dark Sector game.

  2. Highly doubt Tenno are remote controlled. The Operator IS the Tenno, I don't know where people are pulling this entire theory from...


    Agreed. Warframes being remotely controlled by the Tenno not only would be lame but also wouldn't make any sense lorewise. Why preserve a warframe in cryosleep if its operator is somewhere else? Or why would Valkyr be hurt and angry after Salad V's experments? Besides, doesn't Rhino Prime codex describe a Tenno without a warframe?


    It is more likely that some external force is trying to disrupt/penetrate/hack into our frames.

  3. So this one really bugs me. While wal running/bullet jumping/double jumping characters holster their weapons, or rather weapons teleport to their backs. Also, weapons sometimes do not return to the Tenno's hands, making them hold thin air. Can we make them hold their weapons all the time? It works with other moves such as rolling.

  4. Mam jeszcze teorie 1 Tak Tenno jest jeden a nazwa zbroi to nazwa pierwszego Tenno który nosił te zbroje. Ale teori o jednym Tenno przeczy Valkyr. Bierze moc z gniewu do Corpus aha zbroja się złości?

    Coż, jest na pewno mowa o orgynalnej Valkyr, chociażby na opisie jej sznurków: Remnants of the bonds that restrained the original Valkyr during her time in 'the lab'. A reminder to never forget the torment.


    http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Zanuka_Project - tutaj jest kilka informacji, które sugerują, że Valkyr sterowana przez graczy jest kopią zmodyfikowanej już oryginalnej zbroi.

  5. are you asking for a metal gear solid stealth system or something? or that really punishing kind of stealth where enemies stay alerted forever because they clearly saw a dead body and logically they would never forget about it? 

    It would be nice to see more reactions from the enemies when they see a corpse; causing an uproar or turning on an alarm in my opinion should be a minimum. Right now enemies seem to be blind and deaf most of the time. Not to mention complete indifference towards their dead comrades. Generally I am in favour of npcs doing more than walking around. Mabe we will get an overhaul of stealth and enemy behaviour someday. Who knows?

  6. A co jeśli zbroja warframe jest niczym venom z spidermana? przybiera odpowiednią formę w zależności co wybierzemy, nie da się go całkowicie ściągnąć, jedynie osadzić w formie "guza" na np plecach. 

    Wydaje mi się, że to może być najbliższe prawdy. Może dowiemy się więcej o naturze Tenno w u18.



    Nie wiem czy wiesz... ale ta 1 jest oczywista (np Ordis nazywa nas OPERATOREM). ;D

    Ponadto, bodajże w 'The Limbo Theorem' Ordis mówi: 'be careful when you occupy this frame', czyli jest jeden Tenno co zmienia zbroje.




    Co do Dwemerów, można spotkać jednego w Morrowind.

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