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Posts posted by Genitive


    just replace all previous 'pause/hold' combo inputs with either forwards/back/block/left/right



    I personally don't mind hold combos, but if they're going to interfere with charge attacks, maybe it's better to change how they work. Binding charge attacks to the reload button could solve a few problems, but not all.

  2. Hello Tenno,


    as you already know, the introduction of charge attacks messed up melee a little. I decided to create this topic in order to track things that changed and/or require attention. So if I forget about something or you have some ideas, please post here.



    Here we go.


    1. Obsolete melee attack before charge - holding E results in doing a standard attack and then charge, which unnecesarily prolongs charge. This is especially an issue with thrown weapons.


    2. Holding E does not break combos - this relates to thrown weapons and blade and whip (and possibly gunblades, but I don't have one). Before U18 it was possible to break melee combos to throw a weapon. Now only basic combo is breakable by charge; when you hold E while doing a stance combo you finish the combo instead of throwing/charging.


    3. Running backwards - when performing back directional melee combo your character moves slightly backwards. I know I don't have to press back all the time while doing a combo, but it was much more convinient before U18, because I was able to press back, run forward, perform the combo I wanted, and forget about the world. I would like to see that back.


    4. Hold combos seem to work differently now - bear with me. Apparently holding E now counts as two attacks. So, when there was a combo like E E holdE E E  you had you had to press E twice and then hold E to do a combo. Now the situation is that you have to press E once and then hold to make a desired combo.



    This is everything I've noticed so far. 


    During the last devstream it was stated that some improvements are being made to the charge mechanics, but let's not forget about the stuff mentioned here.

  3. I actually don't hate the idea. It's unique and different from what's always done. I even like the operator talking and such.


    What I don't like is how weak and out of place the operator's lines are. 90% of the time they aren't even relevant to what's going on. Like I'll kill a few enemies and then just suddenly "We fought with honor!" ... Okay dude, that's cool I guess. Not sure what made that relevant, but okay!


    Run along a hallway... "My Warframe is strong!" ... This can actually be priceless when you're playing Hydroid.


    "I remember these creatures from the old war, I heard they devour their victims..." - Somehow, assuming these Tenno actually remember everything they did when they actually thought they were the Warframe, this wouldn't be something they'd just now be thinking about. They'd already be familiar with dealing with the infested, so sure they have their memories again now, but it's not like this is suddenly a whole new experience now, is it?


    Steps to improving this:


    1: The voice actors aren't too bad, but get more, and get better writers for their lines.

    2: Make the lines be more relevant, less random. The last thing we need is Ordis 2.0. Make them carry on responses with NPCs and bosses, or actually comment on the situation itself rather than just random rambling.

    3: Add multiple personality types. Maybe I want a more serious character, or a more nervous/uncertain one, or a smug pompous baro-esque fancy pants, or a completely insane lunatic that laughs like a maniac while killing enemies like Mirage is depicted as doing in her quest.

    4: Add a pitch editor. It'd be nice to be able to adjust the pitch/tone of the voice, and this really isn't difficult to do.

    5: Add what I suggested here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/577229-spoiler-warningimproved-communication-for-teamplay-without-microphones/#entry6534440


    Do that, and this will be good.


    Now the only thing we need is the operator saying 'it's the Grineer.' But yes, more voices and more relevant lines would be great.

    I like the tone of the Tenno, though. The serious, maybe even gloomy voices kind of fit the people who destroyed an entire civilisation. Morevoices would appeal to some people, but would make it harder for others to project themselves onto their character.

  4. Hey OP, you should look at it from a different perspective. The Tenno do control warframes from a distance, but while being in a warframe they still had to learn all their badass moves. Like in Avatar, where the main character was on a wheelchair and had to get accustomed to moving in a new body. In a sense, we are both ninjas and kids (kind of; I like the stone-cold murderer thing above). Not to mention that the Tenno themselves had no idea they had another body hidden in the void.


    I haven't read anything about prototype Rhino before but sometime I feel like the Operator is talking to us warframe. They(we) are controlling the warframe but they talk to it as if it has it's own mind somehow. I may be over thinking this but this is what I feel like when they talk to us.

    What makes more sense is that they talk to other Tenno (because co-op stuff), although it is not implemented too well, like other Tenno in a squad can't hear other operators. The quality of the lines is a completely different topic... Though I like a few of them.

  5. All im saying is spectral scream needs a buff and vex armor needs to be recastable or drain energy cause losing all that added damage and armor in mid battle on high leveled enemies e.g. the high leveled enemies in sorties, then u have to get all the damage and armor back which in most cases ends up in need of revive. I know how he works i have tried all builds i can on him and arcanes but vex armor is what makes him so awesome and having a duration on him is his limiting factor.

    Keep in mind that making Vex Armor drain energy would make Chroma very vulnerable to energy drains. I wouldn't like that. Instead, buffs could decrease over time after Vex Armor deactivates.


    Here is the list of changes I would make:


    1. Spectral Scream:

    - increase status to 100%

    - make damage continuous


    2. Elemental Ward:

    - increase range

    - give fire aura health regeneration

    - remove toxin aura and give toxin proc to bullets instead


    3. Vex Armor:

    - nah... it's good

    EDIT: On the other hand:

    Vex armor should NOT require more shields than Chromas base shields.



    4. Effigy:

    - reduce energy cost slightly

    - make it play Skyrim theme every time it's active

  6. After some time in a mission I stopped being able to roll and use melee attacks. I don't know what causes it, but it has happened twice already. Everything is back to normal after leaving the mission, but there is know way to turn melee and roll back on during missions.


    I remember the same thing happening after the introduction of u17.


    Has anyone else encountered this problem?

  7. I don't. I hoped they would look like Mios charge attack before u18. They charge too long and there is really no reason to use them. There is also this one attack before the charge that seems pointless. Also, thrown weapons suffer from the change because it takes slightly more time to throw them. In general, I preferred the old system.

  8. Because that is how the system currently works. I put my first lens on Trinity. I 100% regret it, but i bought another 2 put them on things like Ash, and Ember and grind my focus out. You can either adapt to the way the system works, or be left behind by all the people who are doing it the way you're opposed to doing it. 

    Why should I? Don't you think the game should provide equal opportunities to every playstyle, rather than force to adapt?

  9. That's a completly valid theory, but I believe the answer is more simple. I think that these transmissions are written in such a way to represent the operator talking to the rest of the squad. Lotus also uses plural forms in her transmissions regardless of the number of players in a squad. Of course I might be wrong, but without any further evidence I will stick to my interpretation.

  10. use antimatter drop instead of m. prime

    That's not that simple. The problem is that the way affinity is applied forces you to play in a certain way. Why should I switch from a setup I enjoy just to maximize my focus income? That's not how it should be.

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