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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. The enemies seeing them isn't the problem, I'm talking about other Tenno who haven't completed the quest yet.

    Oh, I somehow missed that. That could indeed be a problem. Maybe people who haven't finished the quest can see us as light, and the rest can see the normal form.

  2. The warframe pulling a sword out doesn't necessarily means conscious. I've argued before it may just be a security measure kicks in, since look at how the frame are not even moving until stalker literally put his hand on the operator. You can argue it's for dramatic effects but the fact that the warframe lies helplessly on the floor probably just turned alot of players away. Also that quote, never heard that one before. I've only heard the chair one before. It may be that the fatigue caused by uses of warframe can actually be manifested on the operator, who knows.

    I also saw a theory that it was the Lotus who controlled the warframe at that moment. Or maybe the connection between the Tenno and warframe is more complicated than we think.

  3. You'll see next to your power bar another symbol. When it charges up you press 5 to use it.

    I'm not sure if you need to have the lens equipped on your gear or not to use it though.

    You don't have to have lens equipped. But it doesn't do much yet. Need to pump some mastery in it.


    Geez, I feel like it's a different game now.

  4. Since some of you claim that warframes are remotely controlled and there is an organic body inside. So crafting a new warframe would mean making also a body with it, right?




    Yeah, I don't buy it.


    And why do people think that the Tenno and the Operator are two different beings? Yes, Ordis calls us 'operators', but he might as well call us captains. 

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