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Posts posted by CreepinDeath

  1. I hope I'm posting this in the right section...


    I've been having this idea going through my head tonight and I decided why not post it. We currently have Tactical Alerts that show up at times that provide certain rewards and an emblem. After what has been happening today with discussions on void keys I thought why not create tactical missions that reward Void Keys tied to the tier on the planet and mission run.




    Tier 1


    Mercury: Tactical Missions Exterminate and Capture (Rewards T1 Void Exterminate and Capture)


    Venus: Tactical Missions Defense and Survival (Rewards T1 Void Defense and Survival)


    Earth: Tactical Missions Interception, Mobile Defense (Rewards T1 Void Interception and Mobile Defense)


    Mars: Tactical Mission Sabotage (Rewards T1 Void Sabotage)


    Also, the tactical missions can only be run if you're within a certain conclave (like tactical alerts). The tactical missions are located as mission nodes on the star chart but are only able to unlock them when certain criteria are met:


    1. All missions within the Tier are completed (example: Tier 1 would be Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars)


    2. You hit the maximum conclave allowed for the tactical missions (example: Tier 1 Conclave is 100 - 300 so you must hit 300 once)


    3. You complete a special alert before the tactical mission is unlocked which appears as a node where the tactical mission will be located (might be a good way to bring assassination alerts back)


    Once all criteria are met to unlock the tactical mission node it remains unlocked. Also, the faction that you must face changes daily.


    Now on to how the rewards should be handled and this is not what I thought of yet.


    Should it be where in non endless missions it should not be guaranteed after every mission or should it be guaranteed? And for endless missions, should it be guaranteed at Rotation C but also has a chance to drop on Rotation A and B? Or should they just use the same point system that current tactical alerts use and for every certain points you obtain you earn a key for that mission type? Also, the points earned only apply to the mission type being run.


    What do you all think about this idea? I thought this may be a good way for people to earn T1 - T3 keys while adding a bit of challenge (though I doubt it will still be challenging for the vets) or just a refreshing change on how Void Keys can be obtained.


    Thanks for reading my fellow Tenno!


  2. So i love sniping in every game and if i can i play Sniper... BUT  i cant or want not play with them in Warframe Because of the Crossair the have. Its a huge disadvantage.


    Why dont give them normal Rifle Crossair just more zoomed would make them way better.


    But so like now the Pistols are the better Snipers.

    It used to be that way but if I recall correctly, people asked for a change to have the feeling of a scope and this is what DE gave us. Made me stop using the Vectis completely because the scopes are so busy that it's too distracting.

  3. There is not much to say about them: They are pests. Suddenly popping up with missile salvos that hit so hard not even a shipment of Red Bull is going to get your wings back. Even with the nerfs to their missiles, they still are a major pain. However, nerfs are not the solution to this problem (seriously, stop trying to fix every problem with nerfs).


    Let's think about their missiles for a bit? What is the most annoying part about them? Their damage or the fact they seem to come at you from angles you cannot think of looking at (except if you're staring into a crowd of Grineer)?

    Players do not have any opportunity to evade missiles that approach from directions their view is currently not directed at. A missile warning, either through sound, HUD prompt or both, would be a massive boon to the average Archwing player.


    A locked-on message along with an indicator showing where the missiles are approaching from would help greatly.

  4. Just something quick. When I tried extracting from Merrow, Sedna after defeating Phorid the extraction animation played and showed my mission rewards but when the extraction completed I was put back at the beginning of the mission. The information displayed shows as if I'm in my Liset but I couldn't move. Also, I was playing solo and during the extraction sequence when it shows the mission rewards I couldn't exit the sequence early to get back into my Liset. The only way to exit was to Alt+F4. I saved a copy of the EE.log if required.



  5. What they should have done is a token system. Complete a targeted mission and get a token. X tokens buys a sigil/mod/etc

    I like this idea. Maybe they could make a hybrid. Keep the rep system to rank up once to unlock the alerts and the alerts are used to award tokens. Also, as one alert is completed another one is generated in another part of the starchart.

  6. I just solo'd one round with Rhino Prime and lvl 26 odonata, max imperator, and rank 19 oronix. I had a lvl 4 corrosive projection on with max shields and max armor. The trick I used was to always keep moving and trying to capture towers. I tried to not focus on enemies too much and engaged only when absolutely necessary (using melee as my main attack). Also when they started capturing towers I kept, at best, trying to go to the previous tower they just captured (as they tried capturing their second tower I would head to the tower they just captured as at times they would head completely away from me). This way the large horde would stay away and I only needed to engage the odd straggler. I have to admit, it does get really intense when you're close to 100% but one round netted me 15 proof fragments.

  7. This was discussed way back when the Founders pack was ending and to me none of the founders that replied seemed to have a problem with allowing non-founders into the Design Council. I didn't reply and I have no problem with it. Certain criteria has to be met before even being invited. I don't see a problem here if it helps the game improve.




    Also, if you look at this picture of the Founders pack the only "Exclusive" items are the Excal Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime advertised as an Exclusive Founders Set. There is no mention under Design Council that it is "Exclusive".



  8. I wasn't comparing Excal to Mirage. I was saying her Blind effect works the same as Excal's now.





    You're casting upward. As in, high in the sky, which means at that angle it can indeed go past cover. Shoot it at a wall and detonate it, then see if it blinds any enemies behind said wall. And I don't mean a low hanging wall. I mean a literal wall, like a wall beside a doorway.


    Per this video, that is not the case. Mirage can blind through walls. Multiples walls to be exact.



  9. I posted this idea on another thread and though I'd add it here:



    I think they should get rid of the LOS but keep the number of enemies blinded and have radial blind have some characteristics of Ball Lightning.


    - Excalibur raises his sword with both hands (would be cool to see King Arthur's Excalibur) and lightning crashes down.


    - Lightning produces x number of Ball Lightning spheres per rank affected by Power Strength and marks enemies instantaneously from closest to furthest (no RNG please) and detonates.


    - At detonation, use the current blind effect.


    The Wiki states it only produces enough light as a domestic lamp but I'm sure we could hopefully agree since it's a warframe power it could produce enough light to blind someone temporarily.




    I just had a thought on Radial Javelin. I see why people would like a damage buff but why not add a little CC to it? If an enemy is hit with a javelin it automatically gets pinned to a wall. If not dead, the enemy is pinned for x amount of seconds at each rank affected by power duration allowing you and your teammates to finish them off while pinned or worry about the ones that were not hit by Radial Javelin. You can add an animation for the Grineer and Corpus showing them trying to take out the javelin. It's just a quick thought I had to add something other than damage to his ultimate.

  10. I think they should get rid of the LOS but keep the number of enemies blinded and have radial blind have some characteristics of Ball Lightning.


    - Excalibur raises his sword with both hands (would be cool to see King Arthur's Excalibur) and lightning crashes down.


    - Lightning produces x number of Ball Lightning spheres per rank affected by Power Strength and marks enemies instantaneously from closest to furthest (no RNG please) and detonates.


    - At detonation, use the current blind effect.


    The Wiki states it only produces enough light as a domestic lamp but I'm sure we could hopefully agree since it's a warframe power it could produce enough light to blind someone temporarily.




  11. In other news, light still doesn't travel through opaque objects. They nerfed it because it makes sense. Same way pull works on line of sight and you can't ripline or mind control someone through a wall.


    So, how does capping the amount of enemies blinded within LOS make sense since we want to apply "sense" to Radial Blind?

  12. I decided to update my bluetooth drivers to the recommended ones for my bluetooth dongle instead of using the default windows drivers and I haven't encountered this since. I updated the drivers on the day I made my initial post and everything is working so far.

  13. I honestly think the Glaxion would be improved if they changed it form a beam fire to a small charge up time that shoots out an ice blast with a 100% cahnce to freeze an enemy, but not kill them. Meleeing them would do a large amount of damage, if not killing them outright. That would make it much more suitable for crowd control and solve its ammo issues.


    I was wondering what if you kill the enemy while frozen with melee or your secondary that the enemy shatters but releases a cryo blast with 100% cold proc to any enemy caught in the blast radius. The radius could also be increase with firestorm.

  14. This is happening to me too. It seems to happen when you are in the navigation chart. I had mine on solo but wanted to run a void key. I changed it to public and the sound completely cut off. If I exit navigation the sound stays off but if I go back into navigation and change it back to solo the sound comes back. I even tried starting a void key without the sound and when the Lotus transmission comes up only her image pops up but with no text for her dialogue and, of course, no sound.



  15. I've been having the same problem since yesterday. I was on the Reddit page where there is a similar topic and the ones mostly having problems are in the Los Angeles area and they think it's the LA servers.

  16. I actually ran the Cryotic Front on Earth and when I got back into my Liset I got a circular icon like if the game was trying to process everything but I had to Alt+F4. Now I keep getting login failed, check your info. Problem with the servers maybe?

  17. By the behest of Lady Megan, the PC update planned for today has been delayed for tomorrow in the morn. Awaken dear Tenno, with the rise of the sun, and enjoy a new dawn of WarFrame.


    Well, I'll be at work so I won't get to enjoy it bright and early but it's a four day weekend for me. Update Weekend Party! I'm buying the beer!

  18. Then they should have said it will take another day....after all there are thousands of people needlessly forcing themselves to stay awake because they want to put their claws in 14.5

    Also...it IS patch-day...and they teased the hell out of us with 14.5 material...so obviously everyone will assume that it's going to happen like 2 hours ago (lel)


    That's very true but I've been through enough of these updates that I'm used to it. Sso used to it that I don't expect these updates to be on time so I just don't stay up late.


    DE, that underlined part...not a good thing. Please change that. It's not good to be late without prior notice. =)


    Edit: Well, looks like we got our notice. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/298772-status-on-wednesday-update/

  19. Perfect! Some good suggestions! I posted in another thread earlier about the consecutive headshot multiplier so we think alike! I'll update my OP with your ideas.


    If possible (please do it!) just copy paste your post and make a new thread in this sub-forum (with anything else you might want to add) so we can have these posts up every day. If we have enough support (without spamming) maybe we can push for a change!

    Done. Also added one more idea to my list that I will update on here as well.

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