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Everything posted by LokiTheCondom

  1. Wrathful Advance's SFX used to be present on all Heavy Attacks as long as the ability's crit buff is active, but at some point after Update 34 the SFX broke completely and was only present on a few melee classes and is only heard when the ability is targeted on enemies. This fixed the issue with other melee classes lacking the SFX on-target, but the growl is still absent when said buff is active. Maybe it's not that gamebreaking of a bug, but the sound was one of the things that made Kullervo enjoyable for me and it gives that sense of raw power behind every Heavy Attack. Further deets in this thread
  2. > Fixed Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance missing SFX on Heavy Attacks. Update 35.5 dropped with this gem but sadly as shown in the video the SFX is still missing when Wrathful Advance is active, unless it's not meant to do so and only present when enemies are targeted rather than remaining for the duration of the ability On the bright side, he now growls for all melee weapons . Tested for both as a host and client
  3. Fixed Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance missing its special sound effect when performing a Heavy Attack, as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1381691-kullervos-wrathful-advance-no-longer-growls-on-heavy-attacks/ As excited as I was to see it being mentioned as a fix in the recent update, sadly Kullervo is still rather quiet when it comes to heavy attacking while his 1 is active. It's completely absent on other melee weps too, as Scythes would demonstrate. I've tested both as a host and client but the growl is still missing mostly
  4. Fixed Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance missing its special sound effect when performing a Heavy Attack, as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1381691-kullervos-wrathful-advance-no-longer-growls-on-heavy-attacks/ Sadly it's still broken :( Pls I want my angry melee man back
  5. I recall Kullervo (or any frame with Wrathful Advance infused) would let out aggressive growls when said ability is active whenever heavy melee attacks are performed. Now the growl can only be heard from heavies performed on enemies targeted by Wrathful Advance, even then it's inconsistent on many melee classes. Would be nice if this could be look at it, as it was a nice verbal cue and adds a sense of strength to every hit while the ability is active.
  6. Aite probably in the lower or null list of priorities, but is the Vaenn Heavy Blade skin meant to be held with 2H as per previewed in the market? During the devbuild Reb showed it held with 1H and even Kullervo uses it with 1H in promotional materials including his bossfight so I was looking forward to using it with 1H as well If the market preview implies otherwise probably gonna hang onto my plats for this. It's a shame cuz certain weapon skins like Blodgard is able to switch the idle stance of greatswords.
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