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Posts posted by Keltik0ne

  1. In days of yore, DE would patch on Fridays, to encourage appreciation of the wondrous bugs they could create.


    Then suddenly it was declared that such weekend frivolities were at an end and Wednesday was now DEployment Day!

    Yea, just don't pick a day, say "this week, unless DElayed", we'll understand.

  2. Looks pretty terrible, maybe the skin wasn't intended for the weapon.

    Then again, it's DE, so they probably tried it on 1 wep and said "job's a good 'un!"


    Give em time, they may fix it, like hot curry and glaciers, they move at a pace of their own.

  3. Given that after some testing it's become apparent that ember can still bullet jump massacre low level content just fine, while has had her high and mid level survival chance slashed, is it safe to say the WoF changes were:

    1: Poorly conceived

    2: Poorly implimented

    3: Poorly tested

    4: All of the above  

    Ember needs a rework, and not by the team that thought her new and improved toolset was a good idea.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Radagosh said:

    Noone actually likes defection, infested salvage, eidolon fights, mining, fishing or bounties: everyone likes the small chance of getting a non crap reward.

    I like raids because unlike anything else in this game they need teamplay and people to understand the mechanics and the tiny tricks in them. I can faceroll everything solo and in teams I'm the reason why  "insert nerfed frame or weapon or both here" gets called op. Just because you don't like them or want to understand them (maybe you changed your name but i don't find any raids done under your account) doesn't mean other people do as well.

    I've done the raids on my smurf account, not overly much though. I don't enjoy them mostly die to bugs and the repetition.

    DE likes them as I said, because the facilitate plat movement and sales, but probably dislike them since only a small percent of players do them.

    If you like them, great. I liked Dark Sectors and it's been a while since they went "away for a little while", so I hope for you DE reworks raids a bit faster.

  5. The ember change guts her use as a CC frame, while giving damage that high level enemies will mostly mitigate.


    Banshee. meh, most people use savage silence builds anyway, with quake only being used to farm a few tighter defence maps, no real change for most people here.


    Mag, not 100% sure this will really do much for magm I'll still play her pretty much the same with 2 spam.


    The changes are all pretty small on the other frames, except zeph, which will still have major problems except for turbulence.

  6. 3 hours ago, Aleksi134 said:

    I dont have spare focus because the focus system is horrible as it is. Its just annoying to grind really. Equinox focus runs are really the only viable grind imo anyway. And then you have eidolons which are good but time specific and you need a proper group.

    Banshee and Mesa are good alternatives to Equin, My overabundance of focus has more to do with lenses in them and normal play than a specific farm.

    (although, my transition to the new focus system was pretty much just max everything and say "finished!")

  7. Factions as a whole are relatively undeveloped, DE tends to forget about the systems they have until the great X.0 reworks the pop out every now and then.


    Welcome to the wheel.


    Also, I seem to have 8 mil+ spare focus sitting around that has 0 use at all, and I'll throw it out there that some people have way more than me.

  8. The proposed IPS changes need a bit more thought:

    Puncture becomes even more worthless, since a minor scaling damage reduction is worthless compared to impact, which is a 100% reduction. However Impact is now worthless, since killing things faster is always preferable to slower kills, and knocking an enemy across the map makes it improbably slow.

    The slash nerfs, well, you kill all slash procing weps except the ones that are close to 100% slash, which you only nerf a small amount. It seems like perhaps you need a new set of eyes to look at the changes, since whoever proposed this obviously has no time to do a good job on it.

    Maybe I'm wrong though, I've been busy and only had 30 secs to look at the changes.

  9. I'm not convinced anyone's doing this on purpose.

    I've seen it happen a lot, and yes, from Russian hosts but since I've been contacted by those hosts and asked what happened almost immediately, it seems more like a network issue.

    To slap an edit in, I've had a lot of teams with players from pretty much everywhere, and other than the occasional lost in translation moment, the community are all pretty much solid, Russians seem to have worse ISPs than most, Germans have better beer etc...

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