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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. Pretty sure the only reason he didn't want Loki was because of volt. I've played with plenty of lokis with a team comp of volt/nova/Loki/nekros for t4s and have had little issues but its because everyone is a vet and the Loki knows to only disarm when there's multiple bombards.

    In fact that team comp is imo the best possible comp if you want to theoretically play for 7 hours (lol). It takes a lot of busy game play from the volt however in order to maintain 15+ electric shields at all times and you need to ALWAYS have a front layer of shields to protect your back layer of electric shields in order to absorb the blast radius from bombards.

    That's the thing though. He/we only wanted to play 20-30 minutes. That's how nearly all of my Tower experiences are. So we can exclude the 2+ hour strategies. As I'm being rejected by people who only wanna do a 30 minute survival. Radial disarm isn't even needed at that amount of time.

    Keep in mind I'm a fairly new player myself. Only Mastery Rank 4, but I've already achieved perma-invisibility, and I'm working on a radial disarm and invisiblility hybrid build for when I can actually join long survivals and defenses

  2. Kinda weird for the so-called #lokimasterrace to be hated, especialy when it comes to T3/4 (On PC) =))

    Well, jokes aside, I have no problem with Loki players

    Although I cant play him (I like run run bang bang slash, sneaking just not suit me), I relize his value (Because of that one specific Interception Tactical Alert I dont want to mention about -_- )

    I think it just personal taste

    You should give him a try again :). I'm not a stealthy player. When I go invisible, basically that's when I am entering HAM mode. Invisibility to me = how many units can you kill in 19 seconds and how far can you travel? It's especially fun on survivals when you're sprinting down the line of spawned enemies, sliding and slashing the whole way along, and you manage to clear about half of the ship in 19 seconds, with a massive bloodbath behind you.

    It's quite fun to mess with noobs on lower survivals by doing that. 1.) they haven't really seen invisiblity, so it's like the bodies just exploding in front of them (Black energy baby)

    2.) They haven't caught onto jump slashing and sliding for speed boosts yet

    3.) Using perma-invisibility is a great way to achieve a 500% affinity multiplier. Great way to level up melee weapons and silent weapons incredibly fast. Slide into a group of enemies and do a spin move = 5,000+ affinity. Just can't be beat.

  3. I like to take a loki into my T4 pipe camp Survivals, so that after an hour and a half when we all stop doing dmg to the lvl 200 heavies Loki gets to slip by and extract+^_^+ Everyone else goes down on purpose (not hard to do at that point) so Loki can do that. Loki's don't even bother going invis unless Vor attacks or it;s time to extract.

    Consoles need more players like you.

  4. Most people who ask for specific frames have a set strategy they are trying to use, if Loki is not in that frame list then they don't want them to deviate from their plan. Also you know, Loki has a bad reputation for being the trolling frame.

    I can respect people who are looking for specific strategies and what not. The issue is it appears no one has room for Loki in their builds. I even see stuff like "T3 SURV - ALL BUT LOKI WELCOME".

    Kinda ironic that Loki the legendary trickster is the go to troll class. I can see how it can be abused and irritate other players. I will admit I have done some playing around in groups with the switch teleport ability, but ultimately I'm after completion and I won't mess around if me doing so is infringing on completion.

  5. I'm playing Loki as my first ever Warframe, and literally any T3 or T4 mission I try to get into, people say "No Loki".

    I got into one T3 survival by the skin of my teeth. The dude said no to me several times because he only wanted Frost. After about 20 minutes of him saying "T3 SURV 123 FROST ONLY" on the recruitment chat, he finally goes "Fine you can join, but don't F up or else".

    So now that I'm in the survival, one of the other players was Volt with the speed boost ability. I'm a perma-invisibility Loki with a DPS Orthos. Everyone eventually settled into a room with a long hall choke point. The volt guy kept spamming his speed ability, and I was well.. Perma-invis with x4 melee damage. I was running up and down the hall just spamming B, making sure not to go too far down the hall to mess with the spawn points. All I see are body parts flying everywhere, and hearing the constant gore sound that sounds like old pudding being slashed on the ground. The drops were flowing like a well oiled machine, and literally no one was getting damaged, let alone falling and bleeding out.

    Everyone decided to call it quits after only 25 minutes, and I ended with 800 kills while everyone else was in the 200-300 kill range. I stayed in the loot and exp radius to share with my whole team, and I never once went down or disturbed the flow of the enemy spawns.

    So again, why does everyone hate on Loki, when he has he potential to be a team slayer, especially under the right circumstances?

    Don't even get me started on how easy it is to revive when your invisible + decoy + radial disarm + sentinel reviving shield.

  6. Hmm. Try something similar to this and modify as you get things working/mod online.


    All mods installed work flawlessly. 



    Hmm. Try something similar to this and modify as you get things working/mod online.


    All mods installed work flawlessly. 



    I'll give it a try and let you know if it fixes it or not!

  7. Hey guys - So my Carrier is getting on my absolute last nerve!

    Before someone says "put mods in proper priority", I already know about mod placement priority.

    My issue is that NO MATTER how I set the Carrier Mods up, it breaks one or more of the other mods!

    If I put Vaccum in priority 1 - it Nullifies all other mods, even if there isn't active loot to pick up.

    If I put striker in priority 1 - the Vaccum mod stops working at all

    Also - Striker does not work while I'm invisible, ever. Which is an issue since I'm a perma-invisib. Loki

    I've never ever had regen work, regardless of where I place it

    Sanctuary ONLY works if it is in priority one. I even tried having Sanctuary as the ONLY mod on my carrier, but as a priority 2 mod, and it just doesn't work. It only works if it is Priority one, but nullifies both striker and Vaccum.

    So I'm at a loss guys, and honestly just about to scrap the damn thing..

    Does anyone have some sort of magic combination to make these mods all work in unison?

  8. Just curious how everyone is liking their Karak Wraiths so far!

    I personally love the structural look of the gun, but I hate the colors!

    I think this gun sounds beast when you fire it, especially if you slap some fire rate mods on it!

    I think this gun will be a good low level to mid level weapon for Tenno. I just don't see this thing being used in T4 anytime soon.

    Idea: The magazine looks like a Carrier sentinel. I think it would be cool to add a rare mod just for this weapon into the game drop table called "Ammo Sweeper". Basically it would be like the Carrier sentinel, but it would only suck up rifle ammo. This + Rifle Mutagen mod = never run out of ammo, and equip a new companion for other utility benefit. Maybe this mod could also add a small chance that picked up ammo will go right back into the clip and not just the reserve ammo?


  9. :( oh well im sure there will be a way to obtain it later..I have just about every other weapon worth having...not going to lose too much sleep over it!

    Don't worry man. Karak Wraith is a low-mid level weapon. It certainly doesn't suck, but you're not going to see players rocking this weapon in T4.

    It looks pretty cool, but I hate the colors on it.

    It has good accuracy, fire rate, mag size, and pretty decent damage. But there isn't much you can do except make this into a DPS weapon.

  10. Hello guys. I am looking for up to date prices on the following:

    High Voltage

    Rime Rounds

    Piercing Caliber

    Jagged Edge

    Voltaic Strike

    Basically, what would you buy/sell it for? All of the price checks I'm finding online are severely outdated (2013-2014).

    Thanks in advanced guys!

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