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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. I don't support.


    It goes against her lore if she can miss with Peacemaker.

    Do you think old school Wild West gun slingers always never missed shots? They practiced religiously and spent years perfecting their aim to the point that they never missed, as legends say.

    If Mesa lore says she never misses, then let the Tenno prove that. Let us perfect our aim, and master the art of gunslinging. We, the gunslinging Tenno can validate her legend, by dominating the battlefield, with aim as sure as the sun, and the swing of her regulators as swift as the wind.

    I'm a big fan of lore as well. But I don't support keeping a stupidly OP ability just to fit lore.

    This rework would have two results for players -

    1.) Tenno has aim that is truly the aim of Mesa. The Tenno is highly rewarded with increased loot, and large damage multipliers that allow the Tenno to dominate the battlefield.

    2.) Tenno lacks the aim of Mesa. The Tenno does not reap in the rewards of a true Mesa.

    Do not forget that right now, the lore is leaning towards there being multiple frames, rather than one frame. Regarding Mesa - We had to beat a hallowed out Mesa. Then after the mission, we have to fight Alad V to find the components to build another Mesa.

    Mesa also covers up her Neuro Sensor for an added challenge. Whats to say that the only reason she can't miss is because of her Neuro Sensor? So by covering it up for an added challenge means that she is relying only on her skills as a gunslinger. Meaning she could still miss!

    So honestly. With Mesa's lore, this rework could easily be incorporated into her lore.

    Just remember, if you have the aim of a Mesa, you get rewarded for it.

    If your aim lacks the skill of a Mesa, you do not reap the rewards.

  2. Hey guys - so before I start. I am an avid Mesa user. I use the Mesa Warframe almost exclusively. While I do find her Peacemaker ability as it is to be very fun, I don't find it to be good for the long term of the game. Therefore, I would like to present my vision of what I imagine the perfect Peacemaker Ability would look like.


    - When the player activates Peacemaker, the player truly enters a gunslinger stance (the player enters a first person perspective with dual regulators equipped).

    - Movement is still restricted while her 4th is active

    - No changes to her energy drain

    - Removes 360 degree, rapid fire, auto aim AI that can shoot targets 50 yards away, even behind walls.

    Essentially, all that is being done is converting Peacemaker from an auto ability to a manual ability. Here is how I imagine it will be balanced.

    - Peacemaker damage at base will be the same as it is. It will still be affected both positively and negatively by Power Strength mods.

    - A damage multiplier will be visible in the lower right corner of the screen, similar to melee weapons.

    - Accumulated landed shots will build up the multiplier.

    - Head shots, rapid kills, and multi kills grant bonus to multiplier

    - Missing a shot resets the multiplier back to base and must be re-accumulated.

    - Since weapon accuracy is harder to keep than it is to keep successive hits going on melee, the rewards would be greater damage multipliers and would require less to achieve those multipliers.

    - All other abilities can still be activated while in Peacemaker.

    • This makes her a much more solid endgame frame, because Ballistic Battery can be used in conjunction with the Peacemaker damage multiplier to take care of Healing Ancients and Heavies.

    - Headshots could have a chance to drop additional loot.

    • This still allows her to be a viable frame for resource farming without giving the resources away for free

    - Augment mod could be added that increases or guarantees double drop on headshot

    This last idea could be good or bad. So I will suggest it and leave it to the community to judge.

    - Energy restoring abilities work while Peacemaker is active.

    • Energy Vampire, Energy Siphon, banish, energy restores, ect.

    • Doesn't promote additional AFK ability since this rework makes Mesa a manual frame.

  3. Mesa does need nerfed. This is coming from someone who uses Mesa almost exclusively.

    Shatter shield is fine. It requires a 5 forma build to have max duration with fully capable Peacemaker as well.

    - Immune to ballistics and Corpus energy weapons only. Melee, infested, and elemental still hit full force.

    - Shattershield falls off in end game. Therefore no immortal Mesa in T4.

    - Requires strict discipline to keep Shattershield up constantly. Forgetting it can lead to instant death

    The other abilities are fine as well. Ability 1 is tedious to use constantly, but does add a nice DPS boost when going against heavies and healers. Ability 2 is alright, but Staggering sheild augment does pretty much the same thing and to have a strong #2, you have to forfeit Shattershield duration and peacemaker strength.

    Peacemaker is OP. No other frame has the same killing power as Mesa. If you make ALL frames #4 ability on par with Mesa, then what is the point of playing? Peacemaker falls off hard in end game though. So my suggestion would be to rework Peacemaker and trade quantity over damage. I would prefer to have less range, no 360 degree auto aim AI, and no 3 minute duration for something that was more manual and rewarding. I would much prefer to truly enter a gunslinger stance and see from the Mesa's ( first person) perspective. Large damage bonus for accumulated accuracy while in Peacemaker.

  4. As a newby, my biggest issue with the game is the extreme amount of exclusives.

    I understand they are rewards from events and prime access and other sources. But it is highly discouraging as a new player to basically not have access to any of this stuff. This isn't a post complaining that they should add stuff back into the game for free that people paid for. This is a post from a new player who would have GLADLY purchased old prime accesses, had I known about Warframe months, even years ago.

    I feel punished for not knowing about Warframe sooner. Which is a major issue, considering you don't want new players to feel excluded or punished for being late to the party. Especially since new players are the life force of the game.

    That is why I suggest that all prime access exclusives should become timed exclusives. By purchasing prime accessories and utilities, players should get 6 months or a year of exclusivity. Then after that, the prime access should be incorporated back into the game for new players to enjoy as well.

    It could be in any form that the community sees fit.

    - Reincorperated into future prime access

    - Strait up platinum purchase

    - Baro reward

    - Rare star chart 3.0 rewards

    - Rare boss reward as incentive to replay bosses

    - Rare alert rewards

    Whatever the community wants for their reincorporation.

    Vaulted Primes is also highly discouraging. It honestly seems like a way to milk money out of new players who aren't willing to wait a basically undisclosed amount of time for the prime to be unvaulted.

    Let's not even get started on the long list of weapons that new players will never ever have access to ever again.

  5. As title says - please include ALL secondary weapons such as Lato Prime, Lato Vandal, Twin Wraith Vipers, ect. So far I've counted 64 secondaries but I am curious if I missed any.


    Here is my list I've found so far for reference -





    Rakta Ballistica



    Telos Akbolto




    Bronco prime

    Akbronco prime


    Santi Castanas


    Dual cestras

    Secura dual cestra



    Mara Detron



    MK1 Furis


    Dex Furis


    Synoid Gammacor

    Twin gremlins


    Hokou prime





    MK1 Kunai



    Lato Vandal

    Lato Prime



    Lex Prime




    Vaykor Marelok






    Sicarus prime







    Vasto prime


    Twin vipers

    Wraith twin vipers


  6. "Only loyal to themselves"

    Why would the Tenno waste time talking to Grineer and Corpus? Those factions run their mouths way too much, going as low as calling us "Mute peasants" - Alad V.

    We are space ninjas. We are incredibly disciplined in the ways of the old. We are the twisted rejects whom the void shaped. We've seen countless battles. We took a very long nap, and woke up to another never ending battle.

    Would you talk much if you were in their shoes?

  7. I thought the Snipetron Vandal was an event weapon? That also means it might make a reappearance.

    I doubt the Boar will make a reappearance, but we can always hope.

    It appears the Snipetron Vandal was an apology to the players for the original weapons sudden disappearance. I guess there was quite some community outrage when that occurred, so that is why the weapon was put into an event right after the removal from the market.

    That is why I am curious if it will ever circulate again due to the circumstances on why the weapon was created in the first place.

    Also, has DE stated why the Boar was removed in the first place? All I can find are old threads where players believed all other weapons would follow suit and get discontinued once their prime variant came out, but time has proven that wrong as there really hasn't been any other weapons with prime variants to get discontinued

  8. Boar - Will Boar ever become available again? I know it is in the Wrecking Rhino pack, but 545 platinum does not justify purchasing just a completionist weapon and mastery fodder. PS4 got it as a gift for their anniversary. Will Xbox/PC get it too?

    Snipetron Vandal - I know the original Snipetron was removed for Lore reasons. So this isn't about the original Snipetron. This is about the Snipetron Vandal that followed shortly after the Snipetron's sudden disapearence. As far as I am aware, DE has stated that all Tac Alert weapons and items have a chance to return eventually. Does this also apply for the Snipetron, seeing as it was a Tac Alert reward?

  9. It was echoes of the sentient because it wasn't ready.Im sure that u18 will be called tombs of the sentient.[/quote

    The Sentient remind me of the Vex from Destiny (obviously like how Destiny copied pretty much everything from Warframe...) the Vex were my favorite to fight and they also had the most mind boggling lore, with the whole 'one beating heart and one mind' and time dimensional warps and what not. I think the Sentient are going to be like that.

  10. The issue is that we will eventually get Umbra Excaliber. It is not exclusive to them as the exclusivity is limited to 30 days, and then it is considered 'global build'.

    Umbra Excalibers looks and stats are stepping on the toes of Excaliber Prime. In a sense, the Founders are mad because it removes the appeal to their exclusive items for their contributions to the game a very long time ago.

  11. I need to consult the community, A friend of mine and I got into a discussion about mastery. I said you cannot get mastery from using Formas But he Vehemently disagrees.

    I told him that is has been like that since the begining of the game he says maybe it changed.

    So my question to you all is: Has the Mastery system changed to Include using formas?

    As everyone said in this post - you can only ever earn mastery points on frames and weapons once.

    But I'm going to add something that has not been mentioned yet -

    In your codex, go to weapons. Weapons that you have 'mastered' will have a little green wing Sigil type of thing on them. Once you have this Sigil next to the weapon in the codex, it is forever leveled and forever not going to give you any MP

  12. Seriously? Draco is still a thing in PC with or without Mag's GP.

    Not sure if you have been affected by the Defense change, this greatly reduced the exp in that mode.

    I honestly cannot think of anything but Draco.

    I think it might be because PC is generally a more extreme, organized, and mature player base.

    Here on Xbox One, we have lots of kids, casual players, and just strait out trolls. The level of organization that can be expected when playing with Pub's isn't very high. Not many players have Trinity, nor know about her Energy Utility, or how it can positively support Mesa.

    So I'm quite sure that deeper in the more organized play on Xbox that people are farming Draco. I just don't have the time to join an organized group, and public recruiting never works anymore when I try to start up Draco w/ Trinity.

  13. Honestly, I would like to see both. Scythes are portrayed as both long and short in many different cultures.

    The only issue is how do you balance a long scythe? How do we make it practical, without also stepping on the toes of staves and Polearms?

    Another question: How do we fix Scythes in the first place? Scythes have been collecting dust for a lot of players ever since the Scythe nerf.

  14. Why do we have to go to PC if we don't like it?

    Because DE uses PC as the 'test subjects' for new updates. DE doesn't have to pay money to update PC version, and they also only have to fix bugs once, since there is only one new version vs. the 3 new versions they would have to fix if it was on all 3 consoles at the same time.

    So it's a trade off - PC gets updates first, but also have to deal with any annoying and potentially game breaking bugs. While consoles have to wait, but get clean and mostly bug free versions.

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