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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. would you just up and change your dog's name? I get that a dog and a bunch of 1's and 0's are worlds apart, but i think that is the idea DE was going for.

    Do you also spend 15 seconds naming your dog in real life that will also be its name forever? No - you think about it for a bit.

    Kubrow naming can catch us off guard, as we aren't allowed to bypass the menu without naming it. So lack of creative ideas in that single moment will lead to a horrible named Kubrow.

    Let us choose when to name it without being locked out of other menus, or let us change Kubrow names once per Kubrow. Not all of us know how or when we are going to use the Kubrow. Also we don't know if they are going to grow big or not. Maybe I want to have an red Omega named Clifford, but I don't want to name EVERY Kubrow Clifford because I don't know if it is going to be maxed size or not.

    See how this can be an issue?

  2. No it cannot and everyone that thinks this is actually a buff must be delusional:

    #1 Tentacles will kill anything instantly on lower levels, this so called "QOL" is supefluos.

    #1.2 Shooting enemies on tentacles is ridiculously hard

    #1.3 Nuking them will just take out too many not on tentacles for Hydroid to actually matter

    #1.4 There is no point in waiting till tentacles can no longer kill enemies instantly since... you could just restart

    #2 Speednovas Explosions will also kill anything on lower levels so she still cannot be used with hydroid

    #3 You could use Hydroid or... just don't. See this will probably break your heart but Mesa kills enemies 3x as fast and gets 2x Loot from Nekros: So she is now surpassing Hydroid.

    1.) I did say Hydroid NERF. I don't think this is a buff at all

    2.) Rare mats increase in drop rate as you go into higher rounds. This bypasses your "low level one hit" statement.

    3.) Mesa has too much loot scatter now without Mag.

    4.) solution to nuke frames killing too many mobs - cast every 5-10 seconds.

    5.) Try it before you rip it to shreds. This method is a no loot scatter method and also increases survivability, as team mates aren't scattered about the room, up to 50m apart with Mesa.

  3. I was very disappointed i haven't been on much since i got the new batman game. Anyone Know when we get Parkour 2.0. If its in another 2 months like this stupid Excal Rework I'm done.

    You must be new here.

    Here is what happens if DE updates all systems simotaniously:

    1.) Bugs appear, on all 3 systems

    2.) These bugs now have to be fixed. THREE TIMES

    3.) Patches for updates have to be submitted. THREE TIMES

    4.) Sony and Microsoft have contractual strings attached. Such as update agreements (DE pays them money for each update. In return, Sony and Microsoft supply everything they need to update on their consoles and also ensure smooth transition between previous and current patch).

    5.) DE now has less money and less manpower to work on new content

    6.) We get less content in turn, which promotes even less platinum purchases.

    7.) Now DE has even less funds available, and will be forced to make choices about the direction of future updates, which means cutting features, less platinum promotions, longer waits for Frames, Weapons, mods, reworks, maps, ect.

    So you see, the waiting period of what 4-8 weeks is required. If you don't like it, go to PC.

  4. Hey guys. So I know Hydroid hasn't been nerfed on consoles yet, but I LITERALLY JUST GOT HYDROID AFTER 10 HOURS OF FARMING YESTERDAY.

    So what does this mean? This means I'm not going to sit here and go belly up and let my Hydroid frame gather dust.

    So I got to thinking..

    The new Hydroid mechanics can POTENTIALLY GENERATE MORE LOOT if used properly.

    Speed Nova

    Any Nuke frame

    Desecrate Nekros

    Pilfering Hydroid

    How to setup:

    1.) Find a narrow corridor with a side room.

    2.) Traverse the corridors over and over again, until you force the spawns to come from multiple directions that funnel into that corridor (max enemy spawns)

    3.) setup in the side room, with tentacles at the enterence

    4.) Speed Nova places bubble outside to speed up kills

    5.) Nuke frame nukes every 5-10 seconds (ensures a good number of enemies on tentacles

    6.) Nekros desecrates for additional loot

    OPTIONAL: It's more work but will generate more loot - Hydroid/Nova/Nuke frame all stand near Tentacles with Polearms (Berserker crit slash proc Tipedo works best) and slash constantly.

    - Bodies slashed in half count as two corpses for Desecrate

    - Polearms are best because they have a very large swing radius, which counteracts the flailing tentacles, and also are very high in slash damage.

    - Using Finisher attacks for Polearn Stance combos almost guarantees that corpses will be chopped in half

    How this might be faster:

    The key is that while the tentacles generate less loot per kill, the time spent killing enemies is a lot less, now that the enemies can be killed the second they touch the tentacles.

    So in theory, the loot can essentially be the same, if not faster. If anyone wants to test and compare to old Hydroid, that would be awesome.

  5. Alright so I got on today to play - and I immediately notice I cannot use my Warframe abilities, on any Warframe!

    I restarted the game - no work

    I restarted my console - no work

    I thought my controller joy stick broke. So I bought a new controller. Still doesn't work

    Then I remembered there was a console update today.

    Could the console update have bugged me?

    How do I fix it?

  6. Mesa is no different than say Hydroid, yet you don't see the community begging for a Hydroid nerd. Hydroid is EVEN more AFK'able than Mesa. Mesa may kill faster than Hydriod, but a proper Pilfering Hydroid generates x4 loot per kill.

    It's all about what Warframe utility and where to use it best. Mesa is only OP in a handful of situations, whereas she is pretty weak in the rest actually. So no, Mesa does not need a nerf. If they nerf her, then she will have no practical use anywhere and will become a dust collector frame.

    If they rework Peacemaker, they better incorporate better end game playability if they intend on removing her farming status right now.

  7. Ok, i have spent a lot of time with my Nekros so I can give you some advice. Mods that you want:

    Despoil - The efficiency this provides cannot be overstated, you can desecrate all game long without any efficiency mods at all.

    Vitality - Since you are using despoil you need to get those points up and since his shield are weak this is a no brainer

    Equilibrium - The synergy with this and Despoil is just incredible, you will CONSTANTLY have energy, you can spam all 3 other abilities to your heart's content

    Transient Fortitude - This will give you more Shadows, Soul Punch will deal more damage and Terrify will be more useful too

    Stretch - Since you are desecrating you will need this mod for range

    Natural Talent - Simply put Nekros animations are too slow and this mod is mandatory, specially for desecrate spamming

    Constitution - this will help offset transient fortitude and also provide you with some surviverability as Nekros has issues taking damage specially when he us downed

    Shield of Shadows - yet another augment and this one will help you take less damage as Nekros is real squishy. With transient foritude you will get a 66% damage reduction as long as your shadows stay alive.


    The build is a all around build which will make him very flexible for you, all abilities are useful and will give you good surviverability. Also, I recommend you use Carrier with him that way desecrate spam never ends and life loss wont be an issue as carrier will constantly replenish it with all the orbs around you.

    I dont recommend overextended because it will completely kill your shadows. Fleeting expertise will also kill your shadows so dont use it unless you want to add more duration mods.

    Thank you so much! This is pretty much exactly what I was looking for!

  8. Hey guys - I got Nekros a few weeks back just for the sole purpose of Desecrate. Meaning - I have a build that is focused solely for the purpose of Desecration and nothing else.

    I just ran a game with a Nekros who modded his differently and his 4th ability was insane! Plus he seemed like he was still able to do a bunch of desecrations.

    With Nekros, it's kind of a weird Warframe. I don't really know how I should go about modding him, so any help would be appreciated!

    What I'm looking for:

    1.) Shadows of the Dead can be used practically

    2.) Despoil still remains useful

    3.) Maybe squeeze a little energy effeciency in there?

    Thanks in advanced guys!

  9. When someone advertises on trade that they "WTB (item)" but then, when you pm them back saying "offer?" they just flat out don't pm you back. Words cannot describe how fricken rude this is.

    Reverse pet peeve.

    So when I AM on trade chat, I say something like "Buying Unranked Primed Continuity - PM me your price!"

    Then I have 8 people pm me with "offer". I always ignore these players, if they can't decipher a sentence correctly, how can I expect them to trade properly?

    Not saying that you are doing that, but sometimes players like me aren't looking to give an offer. We ask for your price because we don't know what price to offer. So it can be frustrating when looking for an item, and people only ever want you to cough up a price.

  10. Okay so I believe you may be cofusing Lottus rare imprints and Lottus rare COLOR imprints.

    Rare color Kubrows can sell for thousands.

    Lottus imprint on its own is worth like 100 plat, assuming it's anything but brown and grey.

    I have a gold/black/purple Kubrow that I refuse to sell. People tell me it's worth thousands, but I'm too greedy to sell it. It's my Kubrow :)


  11. Here is how I imagine Infested Manic -

    Instead of his punching finisher combo that he does, he would latch onto the Tenno and "throw up" that goo'y stuff that infested MOA's shoot right onto the Tenno. Instead of inflicting massive damage, the finisher slows the Tenno and deals toxin damage over time.

    Instead of turning invisibile, the infested Manic turns into a bigger and more obvious form of those 'infested bee's' that fly around everywhere. You can shoot them in the air to inflict a small amount of damage to the Infested Manic, and shooting the bee's also causes him to come out of invisibility.

    His teleport ability leaves a pad of goo behind when he teleports.

    A special ability unique only to the infested Manic - Infested Dopplegangar. when dealt siginifcant damage, the infested possessing the Manic will mirror the image of a random player in the party to cause confusion. This ability is a compliment of the lore we know about infested, such as the juggernaut, in which the infested can literally start morph into other beings given enough time and power.

    Instead of the traditional manic laugh, it could be a distorted version of that. Almost like mixing Skrillex and the Manic Laugh, to make it sound like bugs or something.

  12. Primed = Original Orokin technology in its pure and original form

    Tenno Warframe = forged duplicates based on the old Orokin technology that was lost in the Great War. But not as good since its based on the concept and not actually constructed by the Orokin.

    That's why you have to go into the Void (the last place where the Orokin remain) in order to aquire the parts and the information for forging Prime.

    There is also a theory that the lore reason Prime stuff gets vaulted is because the Void technically 'runs out' of stuff. Especially since Tenno and all the other races are looting the hell out of a finite number of ancient and abandoned Orokin ships. The obvious answer is prime gets vaulted because 1.) it prevents the market from flooding and keeps balance 2.) marketing move on DE's end to promote platinum purchases for those who didn't aquire them in time.

  13. You didn't show versatility at all. All of you were too gentle with this guy. On your main post the impression, that I got, was like "YOU SEE IT?! HOW MUCH POWERFULL I AM?!".

    You don't need power, you need to be able to play in a team, knowing the mission and other things. On your arsenal you miss partially the 4 principal frame to bring on raids: Vauban, Nova, Trinity, Loki (owned).

    And from what you wrote, I didn't understand if you knew how to use a loki for CC (permanently invisibility = Narrow Minded, not a good idea if you should disarm the whole map). Probabily you knew it, but better say it, next time.

    Oh don't missunderstand me, usually I don't care the rank for raid, I do it with my clan's buddies and sometimes a rank 2 join the group (sometimes just with a excalibur not even at 30).

    What I'm trying to say, if you don't have friends to do a party on your own, try to get at least the principals warframes and mods that you will need for it. Ah ye, you should try to see a guide on youtube, so you know for which part you could be usefull (with a low range loki and a mesa you are partially useless, better bring an excalibur).

    Ah yes, I wouldn't have accepted you in my random raid, with that equipment. The other guys where too much kind.

    Did you miss the part where I said I had THREE Loki builds?

    Each build serves a different purpose.

    If the raid party needs a Radial Disarmer, I have a build made for max range and effeciency radial disarm. The rest of the mod slots are reserved for some invisibility and survivability

    If the raid needs a medic//hacker//utility Loki, I have a perma-invisibility Loki build designed just for that.

    Then I have a hybrid of both builds for a decent ranged radial disarm and decent duration invisibility.

    Then yes, you are right. This is a "LOOK AT MY POWER" type of thread. I am pissed that I dumped 150 hours into obtaining the gear, obtaining the mods, and obtaining the cores to make it POWERFUL. I am pissed that instead of grinding Draco, I spent my time running void missions, Derilect, nightmare, and high level planet nodes.

    Then on top of that, I got people telling me I'm not versatile nor experienced, because I only have a handful of maximized and tailored gear that is designated for surviving end game.

    Then I got the people telling me to learn my role in raids. Since I've made this post, I've farmed Draco to MR12 and now completed the raid 6 times. I know how to carry the bomb. I knew how to from the start, and I know how to even better now.

    So ultimately, I don't care what you or anyone else in this post has to say. Everyone treats me like some inexperienced noob for venting my frustrations FOR BEING TREATED LIKE AN INEXPERIENCED NOOB. This forum is so toxic to new players.

  14. Archwing itself is fun.

    What is not fun is that:

    1.) the loot sucks

    2.) the exp sucks

    3.) basically no variety at all in mobs for archwing

    4.) there's no incentive to play archwing after you have played it

    5.) some of us want to disable some of the features, as the over the top special effects make it painful (for the eyes) to play. Such as the sprint motion FX.

  15. What I would like to know if it's his first time doing raid or not, and if the squad he's trying to join in already have the 2(at most)loki needed for the raid.

    I have completed the raid on normal difficulty once. It went without a hitch. I studied the raid thoroughly before attempting it. Might also help to add that I used to play Destiny. Had 500+ hours on it and I lost track of my Vault of Glass completions after I hit the 50 raids achievement.

    Let me clarify what I mean by being rejected by raid parties:

    So if I am advertising on recruit, I will say something like "LOKI LF RAID GROUP" and I usually get a PM saying "MR?". When I say 7, they pretty much always go "No" or "bye".

    Then if I'm replying to an advertisement. It's usually along the lines of someone saying "RAID - NEED RADIAL LOKI". Then I'll reply with "I'm a radial Loki", and then they will drop the "Mastery Rank?" Question on me.

  16. How is that ego? He felt rejected and it seems like its happened a few times so he came to the forums to voice something that many have also had issue with. Being elite in a few things need versatility? Is that a joke? Unless your going a long long endless there is no versatility even needed in this game let along Raid. Also master gear? I'm sorry I didn't know draco runs, void missions or other endless for lvls = skill. Sweet jesuz the only one who sounds like they riding high is you. This was completely stupid~



    But to the OP, in your spoiler you said you almost had a max loki? Well loki''s are the bomb carriers or disarmers and when it comes to that you absolutely NEED a good one (bomb carrier) because lord knows a bad one can be like a stick in a bike wheel. Also mesa is kinda moot on a Raid with randoms unless they were going for something different which I doubt. Everything as weapon wise checks out~

    I should clarify what I meant by near max Loki. I have a rank 9 Primed Flow, rank 8 Primed Continuity, and a rank 8 Narrow Minded. So I'm just a total of 5 mod upgrades away from being 100% maxed on all 3 of my different Loki builds.

    As for Mesa - I would never bring Mesa into the raid. I just figured I would get crap on the forums if people only thought I focused on my Loki. The Mesa was to try showing some versatility :p.

  17. TL:DR

    Basically I am complaining that I am getting rejected from raid groups because my Mastery Rank isn't high enough. Even though I have nearly maxed both my Mesa and Loki, who also have a big arsenal of powerful and multi-forma'ed weapons at their disposal.

    Hey guys - I have been trying to join raid parties with my Loki Prime, which has the following gear at its disposal:

    5 forma Soma Prime

    5 forma Boltor Prime

    4 forma Dread

    3 forma Akvasto

    3 forma Orthos Prime

    3 forma Dakra Prime WITH Crimson Dervish AND Loki's bonus 400% melee damage.

    3 forma Tipedo

    3 forma Galantine

    3 forma Scindo

    It might also help to note that I also have 3 Loki builds. Perma, and I mean PERMA invisibility, then a radial disarm build, and then finally a hybrid of the two.

    Now to the point of the thread. I keep getting rejected from raid groups for being MR7.


    It's like it doesn't even exist anymore because I'm not one of the elite "Mastery Rank 12 or more hardcore players".

    I'm getting sick and tired of it. So I'm basically just going to grind out Draco with a Mesa / Frost / G-Mag for like 6 hours, just so I can earn the title of "Mastery Rank Elite". This is utterly pathetic that I'm getting discluded from content and being punished for narrowing in and mastering my Loki and my Mesa builds. Just because I don't have a bunch of non-forma'd and non-potatoed level 30 gear, I'm considered a noob. I'm sick of carrying the entire party every mission, just to find out that I'm the only Mastery Rank in the party that is below MR10.

    So are you happy now? Am I now going to be a skilled player? Does a number next to my name make me worthy of your raid party?

    - end rant.

  18. I don't even think you can get those colors from any of the packs. As far as I know, Kubrows use a smaller, separate pool of colors than Warframes and the likes use- as in not the standard color pickers, but they use preset colors that are possibilities upon random incubation. The glitch is definitely a possibility though - not one I would complain about though :P. Interesting that it would change like that- maybe it turned into a cocoon and hatched really quickly when you weren't looking :)


    Again, congrats on the glorious Kubrow. Huras too? That's a perfect Kubrow. Just out of curiosity, what energy color does it have? (You can test by using Ash/Loki and using Smokescreen/Invis, or if you can look at it's eyes they should be the same color.

    Yeah I think it glitched somehow. It was for sure grey when it first hatched. But after naming and claiming it, that thing popped out of the incubation pod.

    The energy seems like a lighter version of the yellow stripes .

  19. Sorry bud, but that is NOT an Omega. Omega is Tallest + Bulky. your's is an athletic build and I've seen ones as tall as Mag's head.

    Otherwise, It is a nice looking doge!!! is that his natural colors? It looks like Lotus Purple and Eris black mask?

    I thought Omega just meant max height, since pretty much everyone wants maxed height, but tastes vary on bulky/skinny.

    Yeah that's the colors he was born with. I honestly think the colors glitched somehow, because he was grey when he hatched, but after I named him and the solid incubation chamber covers him, when he popped, he was those colors. I've heard people say that it could be copying one of my Warframes/sentinels/weapons coloring somehow, but the thing is I don't have anything that I've colored with those combinations. In the photo, I actually made my Mesa's colors to compliment my Kubrow after the fact. Here's him as a puppy.


  20. Hundreds? Think thousands.

    In this instance, priceless. As learning that this thing is either incredibly rare OR a bug, I have decided I will take no price for it. I like my one of a kind. It's my precious!


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