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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. If they nerf or even worse remove her 4, i want Mesa's 4 to be nerfed/removed as well. Whenever a Mesa is in a game the ONLY skill they use is her 4 and is extremely more potent and useful.

    1.) Mesa's do use their other abilities. You just don't see it because they aren't as visual/effecting as Peacemaker.

    2,) Mesa's other abilities are beast.

    Ballistic Battery - Charges up damage to be released in a massive blow on detonation. It takes literally half a second of Peacemakering to charge ballistic battery. Whenever a Bombard or healing Ancient appears (at very high levels), releasing a quick headshot ballistic battery is a good way to drop 100,000 on them really quick.

    Shooting Gallery - Jams weapons and stuns melee enemies. While this isn't as useful since of Staggering augment for Shattershield, and also gets negatively effected (range) by maximizing Peacemaker, it still makes a great addition for its small energy consumption.

    Shatter Shield - The unsung hero of pro 5 forma Mesa's. Absorbs 95% of ballistic damage, and can cause a heavy stun effect on enemies with the incorporation of the Staggering Shield ability augment mod. This ability takes the place of Shooting Gallery with its heavy stun effect as well. 5 forma Mesa's can have a Shatter Sheild for up to 49-51 seconds, AND is insanely cheap to activate.

    Peacemaker - Well, we all know what it does :).

    Any Mesa who doesn't use their other abilities must not know how to use Mesa very well. My 5 forma Mesa can go into very long T4 missions. Rejuvination aura + guardian sentinel + infinite Staggering Shatter sheild = immortal. Ballistic Battery + Dread or Vaykor Marelok = shut down heavies and ancients. Soma // BRAKK or Mara Detron = shut down nullifiers in a second.

    So please don't tell me Mesa's don't use their other abilities

  2. I type in all caps so that I don't get flooded out of trade chat.

    I will continue to type in all caps in trade until they formally do something to stop all caps in trade chat.

    Competition 101 - I am not going to be at a disadvantage when competing with other players because I fear the risk of being 'kicked'.

    Generally - Someone talking in all caps is considered to be 'established'. Now I know this isn't true, but it's an unconscious mentality. When you have all the big dogs making posts like 'WTB - R10 PRIMED CONT. // WTS - R10 BLIND RAGE - PM ME OFFERS', it kind of stands out more than someone saying 'I need a flow mod. Please I will trade for it'.

    Of these two posts, who do you think is the player who will more likely know what they are doing and more likely to know their prices?

    Exactly. That is why I will continue cap spam until no one is allowed to cap spam

  3. Mastery rank should be more like mastery tests. Each rank should have a qualifier before you take the test.

    For example - Mastery rank 10 to 11 could require 10,000 kills before the rank up test is complete.

    11 to 12 could be 'Get 500 kills each with 10 weapons of your choice

    12 to 13 could be 'Advancement not possible until the Star chart has been cleared

    Ect.. Basically they should be challenges that actually make you play the game and experience different foccets of the game.

    Could incorporate -

    Cephalon Suda



    The old injector antidotes

    Incentive to revisit planets

    Incentive to complete planets


  4. I would say look at a combination of MR rank and time played.

    Long time played and low mastery rank usually means these are players who prefer ONE playstyle, and spent many many hours perfecting it. This was me when I first started. I was MR6 with my Loki and 300 hours played. Let's just say I get stuff done as Loki.

    Long time played and high mastery rank usually means people who have a large arsinel of items at their disposal, making them more flexible for party rearrangements. But they also probably spent time mastering a few weapons and frames. Meaning that they CAN play as other frames and builds, but they might not necessarily be GOOD at it

    Then you have players who've mastered pretty much every weapon and frame. Far and few but they are out there

    Then you have MR16+ players who have 500k exp on all items in the game w/ 0 kills on them and 100-200 hours played.

  5. Guys -

    1.) Too much detail isn't going to look good when you see it from far away (like looking at another Frame mid-game). Therefore it will look like a bunch of jumbled scribbles. That is why simple sigils are the best.

    2.) Apollo Phoenix will compliment Jade Excalibur the best! That is why you should vote for it. It's not just about the Sigil, it is also about the full package. Let's have something exclusive to us, that will make PS4 and PC envy.

  6. Okay I'm am tired of explaining this so I am going to be breif

    PC = It is free to update

    Xbox and Playstation = Updates cost money per patch

    Also -

    One update = one of each bug to fix.

    Three updates = 3 of the SAME bug to fix.

    Therefore, updating all platforms at the same time actually costs DE more money and also requires triple the man hours to fix the same bugs.

    So that, is why consoles get less updates, and also why consoles get later updates.

    BUT -

    All this means is that when consoles are updated is that

    1.) all major and game breaking bugs/balances have already been fixed

    2.) our updates usually are huge since it's a compilation of many PC updates

    3.) We get notice of buffs/patches weeks in advance. Example: Hydroid got nerfed suddenly and unexpectedly on PC. PC gamers had no time to use Hydroid to stock up. Now that XBOX and PS users know the Hydroid nerf is coming. That gives us weeks to farm with him and to stock up on rare crafting resources.

    So it's simple - If you don't like that we get updates later, go to PC. It's never going to change

  7. Something doesn't add up if it took you that long to get that many runs in.

    I soloed the sergeant the other day for Mag. 24 runs for the full set. Took me an hour and a half.

    RNG will be RNG. You have a 30% chance for the Warframe part you need to drop. Just because it's a one out of three drop chance doesn't mean that you will get it on your 3rd run.

    Come on man, do you not remember playing board games like Life as a kid? With the dice, you had a one out of 12 chance to roll a 2, yet you managed to get a 2 4 times in a row? Or that one friend who always rolls 10's consistently? Just because RNG has an average rule of attempts it follows, does not mean it will follow that. A one out of three drop chance could result in 40 attempts without a drop still. I have a buddy still farming for Mesa. 70+ runs in and he still doesn't have the bloody chassis. But RNG is RNG. We all have equal chance to either be lucky, average, or screwed.

    Wait until you see a real grind. Try earning something like Ash Prime by farming the void. That is the real definition of grind.

  8. Depends on how much time and resources DE allocated for the rework.


    The quick rework would change it to a 120 degree arc in front of Mesa.


    If I had it my way, I would simply make the player paint the targets before Peacemaker fired: Similar to scanning them, but about 10x faster. This would allow players to keep their "OP" ability, and fix the real problem that it creates - passive play.

    That's actually not a half bad idea. I would be fine if this was implemented as well.

  9. There is no skill ceiling to peacemaker, there's no skill involved.

    Excal is the master of swords but he still needs to aim.

    Did you read the post?

    Peacemaker as it stands is a skill'less ability.

    My rework incorporates a skill ceiling into her ability by removing her auto AI and replacing it with a more rewarding manual user control that gives bonuses for accuracy.

  10. Irrelevant.


    Look, I know you're trying to add a little more skill ceiling to Mesa, I just don't see your suggestion happening. Pun intended.

    How would you go about reworking Peacemaker then?

    I see a lot of people on the forums saying she doesn't need a rework and that the rework will never happen. I think they are foolish to think that something as OP as Peacemaker is not going to be nerfed. So the logic I've followed is if we know a nerf is coming, we might as well try and help find a good middle ground for DE to work on. Or else DE will just nerf Mesa so badly that she will become unusable until they finally get around to reworking her again.

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