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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. ...


    You can change contrast and brightness settings at any time.  They are not exclusive to anything within game.  They effect everything in-game.  Notice the crappy coloration outside of the kubrow.  A clear indication of altered settings.  Sometimes what seems to be to good to be true, is too good.

    Well think what you want. I love my Kubrow and I'm too greedy to let anyone else have the imprints. I regret calling him big ugly now. Because when he first hatched, he was a nasty grey! After I named him and that solid shell goes over him, his fur changed to that when it lifted. That's why I think it's some kind of bug.

  2. look bro if we don't nerf guns for being hit scan or for having unlimited range why would we nerf a power that based around using guns it would make no sense to say the bullet of your gun does not hit anything cause it disappears when it gets this far away when your clearly firing a projectile a rework would be best if the idea of a nerf is making it affect by range .

    Obviously the bullets don't have range. But clearly her 360 degree full field line of sight is much higher than what can be resonably capable, even of Tenno.

    If you've played Mesa, then you know that nearly the entire build is dedicated to power effeciency, energy pool, and power duration. I have two mods for power strength. Making Peacekeeper affected by range balances out a lot of things:

    Yes you could theoretically make a build that still has ultimate power and range, but you would have to sacrifice either power effeciency or power duration. Sacrificing power effeciency would mean you can't just fire for 2 minutes strait. Sacrificing power duration would mean to loose pretty much all survivability. Therefore AFK Mesa's would be highly at risk of dying. Which kinda makes it hard to AFK..

    If Peacemaker was affected by range, smart Mesa's would focus on survivability and power strength. With maybe one range mod. This prevents loot scattering, and this also allows other players to actually get kills.

    Just keep in mind - no other Warframe can have all 4 traits maxed at once. They must choose areas of focus, and they must choose to sacrifice one or more areas of focus as well.

    Power Range

    Power Effeciency

    Power Duration

    Energy Pool

    A great example of one who has to sacrifice is Loki. Loki either can be perma-invis, but then his radial disarm sucks. Or he can have a great radial disarm, but not the greatest invisibility. Or Loki can hybrid both builds and have decent invisibility and a decent radial disarm. Mesa in her current state is like Loki being able to have maxed ranged radial disarm and perma-invisiblity.

  3. Squishy and Shatter Shield should never go on the same sentence. Mesa can achieve a 95% damage reduction, very few frames can even make a claim to get higher then that (off the top of my head only, Chroma, Valkyr and Trinity con go higher) so by that standard every other warframe is squishy. Limiting Mesa's range on range Mods is TERRIBLE idea because it would force duration Mesa's to build for range while the AFK, press 4 to win Mesas will just build strictly for Peacemaker making absolutely no difference. If anything make peacemaker a duration build.

    1.) Shatter sheild ONLY reduces ballistic bullet damage. Go into a high round T4 survival and get one shotted by any elemental damage while your shatter shield is up. Not OP, zero end game survivability. Keep in mind: The longer survival goes, the more elemental dealing enemies there are, and the less ballistic dealing enemies are present. Basically Mesa has 95% damage reduction when she doesn't need it. Then she has 0% damage reduction when she actually needs it. Again, NOT OP.

    2.) If Mesa's make a range and power build, they essentially just destroyed their survivability. Have you ever played Draco with a Mesa who doesn't have power duration? They go down every two seconds and the mission usually fails! I have 6 mods dedicated to my energy effeciency, energy pool, and energy duration. Two mods for power strength. I need those 6 mods to be effective AT ALL in Draco farming. The two power duration mods is just to go to higher rounds.

    3.) You must have never played Mesa, if you think players can just make effective end-game press to win builds if they had to mod for range as well. Mesa players would only be able to get away with press to win in low level missions.

  4. There 2 kind of Mesa players, the duration build Mesa players (the ones that know what they are doing) and the AFK, "Mesa is too fragile" Meas players and its easy tell them apart. Unfortunately, the AFK Mesa players are the ones giving her a bad name. Although I still do think Peacemaker needs a change.

    All that needs to happen is they need to make Peacemaker affected by range. Give it a default starting range that is either positively or negatively effected by mods. Mesa can currently have max range (default), max power effeciency, max duration, and max strength (minus blind rage). This is the only frame that can have nearly all 4 of these traits maxed. By removing the default maxed ranged from the equation, that will balance out a lot of things, and make a lot more Mesa build variety out there. Power effeciency is an absolute must on Mesa. So this means players will be forced to go one of three directions with Mesa:

    - Power duration and range

    - Power range and strength

    - power strength and duration

    Each of these builds works better under certain scenarios. I would personally mod my Mesa to be power duration and power strength. This prevents the massive loot scatter, and also doesn't annoy every player in the game with Mesa basically stealing all of the kills.

    Once we smartly nerf Mesa's Peacemaker, we need to put Mesa back onto the Warframe rework list for a buff. Right now she has horrible damage falloff, even to the point that she starts to struggle on wave 8+ on Draco. She also has horrid energy consumption. She's insanely squishy and shatter shield only reflects ballistic ranged damage, and high level uses a lot more elemental than bullets. Damage reduction buff ancients and heavies also absolutely cripple Mesa. If one of these things is on the map buffing enemies, Mesa is hitting as low as 90-360 damage per enemy. Mesa also has to stand idle and vulnerable during her super. Infested MOA and Corrupted Lazer MAO absolutely wreck her. Let's not even get onto Ballistic Snipers who one shot her across the map because she's standing 100% still.

  5. Mesa is not OP, but we need to face the fact that her virtually unlimited range makes her usage a little wonky and broken. She has massive damage fall off, incredibly squishy even with maxed shatter shield duration, super high energy consumption, forced to be still in her ultimate, and damage reduction buff heavies and ancients basically cripple her to the point that she does 90 damage per shot to buffed enemies.

    But seeing as her unlimited range has lead people to believe she is insanely OP, it is highly likely that she gets the nerf gun. So instead of trying to PREVENT her nerf, we need to be helping both DE and the community understand how to SMARTLY nerf her. My suggestion is to leave her as is, but make her abilities affected by range.

    The only way it 'should' be nerfed is range. Give it a starting range that can be positively or negatively effected by mods. It's virtually unlimited range is what makes it OP on low levels.

    Using ranged mods would limit one of the three: Power effeciency, Power duration, and Power strength. In its current state, Mesa can have all 4 maxed!

    Power effeciency is a must hands down. Meaning that ranged mods would effect power duration and strength.

    Mesa users would be forced to increase survivability and range, or range and power, or power and survivability, ect.

  6. pm cost ton of energy to deal high damage.

    it has line of sight

    Mesa needs to be in stand still position to use pm

    Limited 50m range

    So how DE gonna nerf this?

    The only way it 'should' be nerfed is range. Give it a starting range that can be positively or negatively effected by mods. It's virtually unlimited range is what makes it OP on low levels.

    Using ranged mods would limit one of the three: Power effeciency, Power duration, and Power strength. In its current state, Mesa can have all 4 maxed!

    Power effeciency is a must hands down. Meaning that ranged mods would effect power duration and strength.

    Mesa users would be forced to increase survivability and range, or range and power, or power and survivability, ect.

  7. recently I tried getting into a pvp match and after 14 minutes of waiting no one joined.

    I might be missing the prime pvp time when most of the players get on but i doubt that.

    and if pvp is as dead as it is then its a real shame. I liked playing it even if I got my booty kicked across the other end of the room by expert mlg frost and volt players.

    it was still fun. that and I really wanted some of the mods.

    speaking of which, anybody got any ideas on how to get any of those pvp mods? you know besides asking in trade chat.

    I don't play it because I don't have a single Warframe out of the 5 I own that is allowed to PVP. Not about to make a frame just for PVP.

  8. To be OP, something just needs to be better than anything out there.

    Peacemaker in it's current state is OP and borderline broken, Mesa+GMag was truly broken, as the only issue with Peacemaker was effectively alleviated.

    Which is fair to say. Mesa is OP on trash mobs and lower levels. The super-range and auto AI causes another issue of loot scattering. Loot scatter is the reason this build requires two Mesa's in the first place. Honestly if Peacemaker's range was affected by Range mods, that would balance a lot of things out. I would personally rather have a shorter Peacemaker range to prevent loot scatter, and that would also prevent Mesa from basically dominating the map.

  9. Maximized to prevent the most actual gameplay possible! Excellent work!

    I've already said this elsewhere, but it's still applicable here. If you don't have fun actually playing the game, that's fine. If you have fun standing in one spot and holding a button down, more power to you. But if you don't actually want to run around shooting things, Warframe probably isn't the game for you.

    Some of us just don't like the grind for keys. I don't mind either the AFK style or the active style, as I've played AFK grinders like Runescape my entire childhood, and I've diligently played hands on RPG's and too many FPS's to count. All I want are the keys and resources to make gear for when gameplay actually counts - T4. Mesa is the most effecient, and it just so happens she's AFK. Don't assume I want to AFK all of my gameplay just because I efficiently farm for keys and cells.

  10. So since Mag is getting the nerf soon, I've been trying various compositions to achieve the same style of farm, without the mag of course.

    Trinity/Limbo builds work well, but it is very punishing when you play as the Mesa - as you do not get to pick up any of the loot really. You are the heart of the operation, but no loot. Here is a solution I found:



    Frost Prime

    Loki Prime

    Dual Mesa allows for one Mesa to be firing at all times, and it allows for one Mesa to refuel on energy and pick up loot, without interrupting the flow of the mission. Dual Mesa also allows for doubling DPS when things get sticky.

    Frost for, well. Being Frost. I can't think of a scenario in which Frost shouldn't be used.

    Loki is probably the most varied class for usage. Which is why the Loki should be the most experienced and should be 100% clear of what his job should be. Loki plays the medic, the cleanup crew for when Nodes get taken, and the radial Disarmer when aura/heavy units get out of hand.

    Let me know what kind of results you guys have.

  11. It's obvious the colors are messed up.  The contrast and brightness have been altered to make the colors appear different.  It's a common "practice" for some imprint sellers.

    Oh I'm not selling it. I thought I had a broken Kubrow but nope. All mine.

  12. How well do these two work together?

    I've heard Dig Kubrows only dig once every 30 meters if all other criteria is met:

    - No alerted enemies

    - 15 second timer

    I'm strategizing whether or not my near perma-Peacemaker Mesa with no G-Mag can become even more effective.

    So ultimately, will dig Kubrow work for a Mesa whose objective is NOT to move?

  13. I'm making a new Mesa build that will counteract the energy problem now that G-Mag is being nerfed.

    1.) When the Kubrow digs, does it only dig for the owner, or are the drops visible for all players? Example: Say the dig pulls up energy. Is the energy only visible for me, or can all of my team mates pick up that dug up energy?

    2.) The Wiki says that Kubrows will not dig in the same spot. That the owner must move 30 meters away from the previous dig spot for the Kubrow to dig again. Is this true? Because if so, that voids the usability of Dig Kubrows on my Mesa. Because the goal of my Mesa is to not move for as long as possible, not so I can move around for my Kubrow to dig

  14. Any kind of bow. Best two being Dread and Paris Prime. Each with their own pro-cons, but both are capable of one shotting ancients/heavies/bombards in the head in very very very very long T4 missions.

    But a point to bring up is that since your primary won't be dealing as much crowd control, it is suggested to bring a melee or secondary that dishes out crowd control. Orthos Prime or crit status Tipedo will thin out the trash mobs while you have the bow to one shot any troublesome mobs you will encounter

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