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Posts posted by RistN

  1. On 2018-11-09 at 5:04 PM, Hetneo said:

    I hope that DE will be able to use this FUBAR to demand the price cut from who ever is providing download servers, as this whole thing happened after the server upgrade and many people have experience as if it was server downgrade last week instead of upgrade 

    Who knows...Maybe DE is the one cutting costs on their servers.One thing is for sure,since Sacrifice update and every major update that followed after that I can't log in for days.I get new update,new hotfix comes out and boom "Login failed.Check your info" for 7 days.I play Warframe for long time now and it never was like this.

  2. 2 hours ago, denis-ldv said:

    I think that their servers are being paranoid. :) They ban IPs for no reason. And it is not SEA region only. Russia too.

    You can workaround problem by changing your external IP (VPN or ask your ISP). Until new IP is banned :)

    I have conspiracy theory and it goes like this:For years DE had problems with number of players which overgrows capacity of their servers whenever some major update is launched,so as a solution they just they just ban random IP addresses so that rest of the players can play Warframe without problems.I noticed this happening since Sacrifice update.Before that servers were also overcrowded on every major update but it never took more than a day to log in and conection was very unstable that few days for everyone.And now lucky ones that can log in play without connection problems while those unlucky ones are always banned whenever their servers heat up and they stay banned until everything goes back to normal.

  3. Don't touch anything and wait for the day you can log in.As far as I know this game after 3,5 years of playing is that most likely DE servers can't support this many players, usually when some new update comes.New thing however is that "Login failed Check your info" which started to happen from Sacrifice uptade and every major update after that. Non the less this is also server side issue.

    So don't try to fix it when so many people are reporting this problem.Certanly not if you have other online games and they run fine.

  4. On 2018-07-12 at 11:21 PM, GamezombieLP said:

    You need to use VPN
    Best I found working well is:


    But you can't still login.

    I wouldnt call it a fix.Most of VPN services are not free and ones that are free ussualy are trial versions or with very limited amount of data.Last time this happened I used vpn and conection was very bad.I mostly had "Network not responding " message.Maybe it works better for someone who has vpn server in same country as they live in.

    I think DE should really check their hardware soon.

  5. For most of people it is a IP address issue.Issues with c++ redist is tied to windows update,usually if you don't have latest update.But if it is issue with Warframe it should be issue with every other games too.I have Warface and Destiny 2 installed and they run just fine.

    My proposal to all people that have that : Login failed.Check your info message and can't log in for days now(as me) shouldn't touch anything.You are more likely to mess up your pc then to fix Warframe.This seems to be server side. Last time it happened on beginning of this month I didn't touch anything and Warframe started to work all by itself after 5 days.So be patient and wait.

  6. Login failed.Check your info.

    This is happening to me...AGAIN...

    Somewhere around October 20th was first time it happened.I have seen tutorials on how to fix this and some of the tutorials said that using VPN networks can fix this.I installed AVG SECURE VPN and it worked.But the problem was that there is no free VPN provider,only trial versions and using this VPN had very bad connection,I was getting "Network not responding" all the time.So after 4 days I sent support ticket with my EE logs.This is what I got as an answer few days later:


    [DE]Nate (WARFRAME Support)

    Oct 27, 14:05 EDT

    Hello RistN,

    It seems something on your PC is blocking the connection attempt (usually a firewall or other security program).

    Please add an exception to all of your firewall and anti-virus software (including Windows Firewall) for the "Launcher.exe", "Warframe.x64.exe", and "Warframe.exe". Also please make sure to check your proxy settings: search for Internet Options on the Windows Control Panel, click on the “Connections – LAN Settings” tab and make sure that the “use automatic configuration script” and “proxy server” options are UN-checked.

    Third-party programs running in the background can interfere with the normal functioning of Warframe and may even prevent it from running at all. By temporarily disabling these programs from booting, they can be eliminated as the source of the problem. Please try following the steps below:

    1. Please press Windows key and R key on your keyboard at the same time
    2. In the new Run window popped up, type msconfig, and hit Enter
    3. On the General tab of the System configuration window, click the Selective startup option, and then click to clear the Load startup items check box.
    4. On the Services tab, click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then click Disable all.
    5. Note: This step lets Microsoft services continue to run. These services include Networking, Plug and Play, Event Logging, Error Reporting, and other services. If you disable these services, you may permanently delete all restore points. Do not do this if you want to use the System Restore utility together with existing restore points.
    6. Click OK, and then click Restart.

    When you boot your computer in Selective Startup, you are disabling every application that normally starts up with your computer. This may include firewall and security software that you would normally want to have on. After you are finished testing, you should re-enable your security software in msconfig.exe. Please follow these steps to reset the computer to start normally.

    1. Please press Windows key and R key on your keyboard at the same time
    2. In the new Run window popped up, type msconfig, and hit Enter
    3. On the General tab of the System configuration window, click the Normal Startup option, and then click OK.
    4. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart.

    Please let me know the results, thanks!


    I decided to do everything support told me step by step.First step:check if you can login before changing anything.And I logged in first time after 7 days without using VPN.It just fixed itself without me touching anything in any settings.I didnt change anything and it was the same game,I didnt do reinstall.It was clear that all of this was from DE's side.Date was 27th October.

    On 15th November same thing starts happening.Before posting this I did everything what support told me (copy/paste text above) and nothing of this works.Day it happened I played Warframe somewhere around noon,turned of my PC,went to work and did my 8 hour shift,got back home and turned on my PC:Login failed.Check your info.No setting or whatever was changed in meanwhile and nobody else used my PC.


    -If you have some issues please post something and give us heads up,if we have to wait for fix we will wait but we need to know and not do multiple reinstalls,cache optimizations and cache verifications.This all takes hours to do and your lack of informing us of potential problems is just making us waste hours of our lives without any resaults in fixing the problem.

    -don't misguide players that some problems that you are very well aware of are caused from players side and make us change Windows or whatever else settings that won't change anything but may cause more other problems and...waste our time again.


    This issue seems to be influencing small number of players.Same players in my clan that had this issue around Oct 20 told me they cant login from around 2 days ago again.

    Here are some links to other topics where players reported this across all platforms.Without DE saying anything about it ofc... :




  7. I would advise using windows 7 if you mostly play games.Your specs are very good so that may not be the issue.I would advise next steps:

    -Check your connection(reset your modem and also see if you are set on server closest to you in game settings)

    -Enable fps counter(check fps and ping)

    -Check running processes on your computer(end some non system programs and see if anything changes)

    -Set windows update to check and install updates at time you are not playing(you cant turn it off on Win10)

    -Scan your pc for malware or viruses.

    -Use some softwate like AVG Tune up utilities,CC cleaner or some other to clean junk files and bad registry files...

    -Disable some effects in display settings one by one and see if it would change anything.You could really run everything on high with your specs,but just in case.People reported some wierd game lags when Antiscopic filtering is enabled in Fortuna.

  8. On 2018-11-12 at 10:16 AM, FuryI6I said:

    Hello Folks,
    Still Ok for me and for now after 25 days with that issue. But simple two questions if you don't mind. There's still something I don't understand with DE.
    - How many people (talking about peeps using that thread) got an answer from Digital Extreme's Support?
    - Did someone see some a help-post signed by DE somewhere on these forums and on Steam forums?

    I got the responce.They told me to change some windows settings and other stuff.I didn't touch anything and after couple of days it run just fine.So this is DE's side not ours.

    I could log in but only by using VPN.What does this mean, that my ip is banned for no reason.Is this DE's awnser to overcrowded servers or something.

    Whats worse it happened to me AGAIN today.This is getting out of hand.I am playing Warframe for 3,5 years and it never was like this before.Now last 3 updates I cant even play the game for days.


  9. 2 hours ago, Grimmstyler said:


    Time is of the essence..

    I was raised as a cheap skate and Warframe is free to play 😃

    I spent around 20k - 40 k platinum in this game by now,maybe more.I bought only 2k with money at beginning,rest was from trading.

  10. Why not just take Double drop chance booster?That booster makes 70% of deposits to be gem ones (blue).I use that and don't have any trouble with it.

    I would advise everyone to use both boosters,double drop chance and double resource booster.You could buy 3 day ones for 30p each.Earning 60p on trade chat would actually save you time when you are doing mining and fishing with boosters after that.

    Double drop chance booster:

    Fishing-makes more fish spawn

    Mining-Makes much more gem veins spawn.

    Double resource booster makes every fish you capture and vein you mine double.

    You can also use Smeeta Kavat for yet another bonus of x2 resources you get if you get that buff.

  11. To be honest these are all problems of inexperienced and new player .Any of these things are all not that relevant.Dont forget that 99,9 % of things in this game is for free.Only thing that you really need to spend money on is Prime accessories,Tennogen skins and some exclusive things from Tennocon.So with that said you can't really blame DE for having some systems that help them earn money.Other than that game would be too easy which equals to boring if you give everything to players on a silver platter.

  12. 33 minutes ago, (PS4)trixydog123 said:

    I have a 1050ti, a Ryzen 3 (3.2Ghz) and 8GB of DDR4 ram (3200MHz).

    Your machine should run game smoothly,any present game actually.Maybe not on high settings but it is solid machine.

    Something is definitely wrong with Fortuna.I can run any game and I never had any problems with Warframe,not even with PoE.Fortuna however ,is totally unplayable for me.

    AMD hexacore 3,2Mhz ,8gb DDR3,Radeon HD 7700 2 gb.


    Forgot to say that I have all settings on low and every effect on off.I even lowered my resolution from 1920x1080.

  13. On 2018-11-01 at 2:12 PM, (PS4)lagrue said:

    I have 1385 hours logged... I think that's dedication enough.  I too was around before Daily Tribute.  I'm a day 1 PS4 player.  I call that dedication.

    I call that dedication too.


    On 2018-11-01 at 2:12 PM, (PS4)lagrue said:

    Not really sure what the point of your comment was, didn't add anything useful and just seemed confrontational.  

    Point is that I hate the use of term "dedicated players" whenever there is talk about login rewards system.

  14. 7 hours ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    Changes like that reward the dedicated player who does logins daily and that's what I'm about

    I actually hate login rewards and think that players who only login/logout to farm them are not what I would call dedicated.I would call them only what they are,farmers.

    Real measurement of somone dedication is playing time and time from when you started to play.

    A lot of us started to play long before that system was a thing.


  15. Same problem here.I cant log in normally for straight 5 days now.I contacted support and waiting for reply.That new hotfix also didn't help.I installed non-steam version of the game and same thing happens so don't bother re-installing.

    On 2018-10-24 at 5:36 PM, ND999 said:

    So, I decided to come here with my plight. Can anyone help me out? 

    I can log in but ONLY by using VPN.Try out AVG Secure VPN it is free for 30 days.

  16. 13 hours ago, nokinoks said:

    Archwing sucks, it's not the whole, it's just the aggregate of these tiny things that compound and ruin the experience. To help alleviate this unfinished mechanic, just allow normal mods and remove most Archwing mods. 

    They have put Archwings and Arch weapons in Syndicates and Dojo labs.By that they made it easy to get all of its gear.Now you want to remove all mods too.Well how would you feel if you played hours of Archwing missions and farmed all of your gear and mods the hard way.I didn't buy any of older guns and wings from syndicates but actually farmed them all out and loved it.

    How much Archwing did you actually play?

    There are a lot of experts that will tell you how to rework archwing without 2h playing that missions

    8 hours ago, nokinoks said:

    NO ONE wants to grind Archwing mods because it is broken.

    Oh...I seen this in last moment.This explains about all I said above.

  17. The title is just wrong.It might as well say :"Now that we will be getting Day of the dead armor for Kavats ,could you take another "look" at AI?".Just doesn't make sense.AI is the most complicated thing and they can't just "take a look".They,as whole community,know AI is bad and DE is "looking in to it" for a long time now but its just not so simple,it requires some heavy programming.

  18. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)Herculxs said:

    Also I don't care about trophies. My clan members can't go into a mission wielding a trophy, but they can kill with the ignis wraith

    It is a kind of trophy that is why it is so touchy subject.

    I do relize that locking one weapon behind this is bad so I offered one solution which would overcome that:

    49 minutes ago, RistN said:

    Put Ignis wraith in Invasion missions but make it require parts to build,not just BP.Leave the BP from clans labs as it is,with only change of making it untradable.


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