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Posts posted by RistN

  1. On 2018-11-24 at 12:56 PM, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    PC has had Fortuna for a couple of weeks. They've maxed out standing, built all the kitguns, etc.

    If it's any consolation to you ,me and many more others can't even login normally for over 15 days now.After Fortuna went live DE upgraded their servers with some kind of "hi-tech,NSA,CIA,DEFCON4" protection that is banning certain ip addresses for reasons that are unknown because support is second guessing all the time and DE is not saying anything officialy.Only fact is that our ip is banned.

    I guess that server protection technology is so advanced and hush-hush because no other developer and other online game have it(sarcasm ofc)

  2. 23 minutes ago, AndouRaiton said:

    Can be abused by trolls to no end. "Oh hey, we're finally on the last (or 9th) mission", Troll: Fails mission on purpose. Everybody has to do it all again. Maybe make it if you fail you go to the previous mission instead of the start, this way trolls will have less of an impact whilst still punishing the team for losing.

    There are not that many trolls in this game and with difficulty of this missions hardly anyone would dare to play it on random.Doing all 10 in one go is what makes it so interesting,going back to previous mission would only make it like extended Sortie mission run.


    28 minutes ago, AndouRaiton said:

    These rewards need to be something amazing for all the trouble we have to go through to get them.

    ofc ,because this is a mission for more advanced team of players.I don't know about your choices but some rewards worth of playing it because in the end it all goes down to rewards...

  3. I had idea about new type of Sortie-like,Raid-like, daily mission that would be appreciated and welcomed by many veteran players.

    This mision would consist of 10 missions by order of missions difficulty.For example one of the first missions would be Exterminate and Capture and last ones would be Defence,Interception,Spy and final,10th mission would be Boss fight.It would be something like Mortal Kombat campaign,ladder mission.

    Now challenging part of this will be mission conditions:

    -if you fail one mission,you fail all and get back to mission no.1 again.

    - all missions are lvl 100

    -all missions have random Sortie-like conditions:Energy reduction,Elemental dmg resistance...

    -you can't change warframe and weapons

     -when you finish all of them you get 1 out of 3 rewards you can choose from.This rewards should be something valuable that would attract players.

    I think that these missions would be very fun and challenging given that there are many limitations,many unknown things and failure is not an option.


  4. 1 hour ago, HaVVocado said:

    Personally, I think it's less about "not having the capacity" but more about "handling the sudden spike" of users online. I'm not going to label what they did or did not do, but I'll left that up to you to think of "what happened". I think it's pretty crystal <insert 7 glory letters of swearing> clear.

    I thought the same as you ,you just said it better.Those spikes always naturally happen whenever new big update is out. Usually everyone has connection issues but I just had conspiracy theory that DE just said enough with this,we will just ban bunch of players randomly so others don't have any problems.That theory led me to belive our ip is banned and I was right...

    I also wouldn't be suprised if this just goes away when things get back to normal.

    I am only afraid that this will become their policy and that group of players will get banned whenever new updat3 comes.They are silent about this matter and that is not good.

    As for regions,I think all are affected.I am from Europe and as I already mentioned servers on Kaspersky Secure connection vpn that are in UK,Netherlands and Germany also have their ip banned by DE.

  5. @JCD89 @Aredator

    here is copy/paste response from Steam support:

    Hi there,

    While I can certainly appreciate how inconvenient that is, I'm not able to offer troubleshooting regarding Warframe's content or their private servers but I am happy to help you get in contact with them for further assistance.  You can reach Warframe support by using the information from the Official Support section here.

    As for the use of VPN or other IP proxying services, you can details about that in the Steam Subscriber Agreement 

    Best Regards,

    I found this in Steam subscriber agreement:

    You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, Valve may terminate your access to your Account.

    Same as @JCD89 said...

    So the best thing is not to use VPN with steam version of Warframe.

  6. 52 minutes ago, JCD89 said:

    Not only that, VPN IPs still be banned as soon as enough people start using it for Warframe. Dont forget that DE system bans a whole range at once, obviously to counter VPN and dynamic IP use. As long as their system stays the same, the problem will persist.

    Yes. https://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/#3

    You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, Valve may terminate your access to your Account.

    It is pretty stupid to ignore this statement because someone got away with it. You can play Warframe without Steam though.

    You may be right about the part that range of vpn ip will get banned also.

    As for Steam I still think you could use vpn to enter Warframe on Steam client but I do admit that I wasn't cautious when I said that you can use it as a fact,I should of said to contact Steam support first.

    I contacted Steam support about this and I will post their awnser here when it comes so we will know for certain.

  7. 5 hours ago, HaVVocado said:

    But until DE officially said any word on it, I'm not going to assume that that is the case (or anything is the case, really. Except "automated IP bans" since that is as close as you can get to an official response as of this post.)

    I would only add one more story to your list.What if DE deliberately blocks random ip because their servers dont have capacity to support all of players that are online right now?I mean they always had that problem whenever there is event or new big update.This is maybe their solution to that problem.Strange thing is that with Fortuna update no one has any connection issues on one side but on the other side bunch of people get banned from servers.

    Also did you ever hear any other game except Warframe does these ip bans because of some kind of server protection?Thats why I think all of this is shady.

  8. 43 minutes ago, Niffilum said:

    Anyone getting a problem in which the Update Failed Error shows up when using VPN?

    There are some vpn servers that have their ip banned too.Happened to me when i was using Kaspersky Secure Connection  ,for now Netherlands,Germany and UK servers are blocked by DE on that vpn.


    Maybe DE should say to Kaspersky Labs that their servers are compromised or used for DDoS😂

    Kaspersky is only one of the best internet,anti-malware and anti-virus security in the world....I should just send them a message about what DE tells us and post their reply here

  9. 21 minutes ago, Aredator said:

    Does any of this affect Steam accounts cos i really dont want my steam account to get banned @RistN

    I am sure you can use it.People talking about ban on Steam is a story where players used vpn to get special deals that were for some regions which is a clear misuse of vpn.

  10. Here are some free alternatives that work:

    -Kaspersky Secure Connection:


    It has daily data usage of 200MB it can be raised to 300MB by opening My Kaspersky account.That will let you play for about 5-6 hours a day,more than enough.

    Simple to install and use

    Free version doesnt let you choose server and it can only be chosen automatically

    Fast and reliable connection

    Noticed that I cant log in if server is set to Netherlands and Germany,ip blocked also.


    https://ref.hide.io/O35AoE(this is my referal link so pls get it from here)

    Has good and reliable connection and 3 servers you can choose from and they all work well without ip ban.

    Has limit of 2gb data(a month I think,doesnt say anywhere)but enough to last for 30 days.

    I had some trouble with their app which was disconecting me all the time but there is a nice and simple guide on how to set up vpn conection on every OS and that worked like a charm.For example:


    So this is how I login:If Kaspersky chooses some server automatically that has ip which is blocked by DE, I just use HideMe which always works.

  11. 5 hours ago, xhowl1 said:

    Here's a reply from Customer support


    Tried all their suggestions, but I still can't log in to the game. Also tried logging in using a different machine and mobile data connection (to get a different public IP), still no luck. I haven't played in a week now. :sadcry:

    They said bunch of bs if you ask me.

  12. 2 hours ago, Alphas said:

    I just hit Hurricane and got the Accord sigil I've been wanting.  I'm going to stick it through and get the Unity sigil just for that added "#*!% you I tortured myself for this."  After that I have literally no interest in playing it.

    Riv armors are good(You can buy elite on market ,so I mean other 2) , Conclave Opticor skin is the best of all for that gun and sigils are ok.The rest is meh.

  13. On 2018-11-25 at 1:42 AM, Alphas said:

    The networking doesn't work half the time and the player movement is too fast to make gunplay fun.  

    2 things that bothered me so much when I played conclave....Very well said.I did reach Typhoon rank and got all the things I wanted but I just quit with it after that.

  14. On 2018-11-19 at 4:50 PM, Pux19 said:

    i waited literally a day, he is still offline and i cant even report him, only when he is online, what happens next?

    Maybe he has his ip banned by de because his ip is compromised or whatever and he won't be able to login for days... 😂😂😂I'm trying to be funny but it could be possible the way are things are going with this "login failed.check your info" issue.

  15. @[DE]Rebecca

    What are you guys doing?It is 10 days by now I cant login normally.

    I did enter the game using vpn services but all of them are trial or with limited data and limited speed.Also on free versions of that services you can't pick a server,you can only use automaticly picked server and sometimes ip is blocked on them too.

    I don't know what kind of policy you guys have now with this blocking of peoples ip addresses but thats not cool at all.You are the only ones doing this since I don't have any problems with other online games or any connection problems generally.

    Also whats the most uncool thing about whole of this situation is that you guys are keeping us in the dark by not saying anything about this issue and these ip bans.

  16. 5 hours ago, Shalath said:

    DE did make an official statement though, It has been stickied in the PC matchmaking bugs section since the 17th of October.


    LoL.On October 1 till 17 I logged in just fine....In this post they say they are suspecting a DDoS attack.No word about our ip addresses being banned. 

    Reas this:

    [DE]Nero (WARFRAME Support)

    Nov 21, 04:03 EST

    Unfortunately this is a part of the IP protection that is enabled for the Warframe Servers and is a completely automated system. All of these bans are temporary, but Support does not have a means of sharing how long these bans can be, or removing them manually. In the mean time, using a fast and reliable VPN for your area can be a temporary fix until the ban is lifted from your IP. We would suggest trying once each day to login to Warframe so that you know when the ban has been lifted.

    Unfortunately aside from that the only other thing i can suggest at this point is asking your ISP for an IPv6 connection if you haven't gotten one already. These issues are sometimes caused by IPv4connections and changing your connection type could fix the issue.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Sorry that we can't be of more help in this situation

  17. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Let's try this again:

    Did you try unplugging your router as suggested? 

    Did that result in a change of IP? 

    Did that resolve the issue? 


    Man I don't know is my english bad or what.

    These kind of talks are only going to move this topic from general to bug reports.You are trying to help,I know,but you are not doing us a favor here.

    The sole purpose of this topic is to make DE issue official statement about login problem.That statement is long awaited by players who have this issue.

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