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Posts posted by torint_man

  1. The only PvP I would actually play would be competitive PvE. For example, two players, in separate but identical maps are tasked with kill the most enemies in X time, or do thing in least amount of time, or survive in survival for the longest (with modified scaling so it doesn't go on forever). There would also be options for squad vs squad, but that would obviously bring the possibility of toxicity.

  2. Just now, (PS4)VagueWisdom said:

    So when changes & new content drops on PC, DE can (as in has the willingness to) yoink it back? This happens to the small stuff, sure, but what if something big turns into a colossal failure, & say, needs to be retconned? Does that happen on PC? Has it ever happened?

    I'm being sincere here. Idk, I'm a console peasant.

    The biggest thing they've ever yoinked back was raids (law of retribution and the other one) due to them breaking every update, their fundamental mission structure being terrible, and few people playing it. This was after multiple years.

  3. 37 minutes ago, kyori said:

    Does it mean Mass Vitrify's explosion damage and health is lower than a full complete expansion if we prematurely ending it by pressing 4 again?


    Use the wiki. The wiki exists. Use it. And like magic you never have to ask a question ever again.

  4. 2 hours ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    In the Arsenal. The attack speed is shown as attacks per second not seconds to finish a strike. Hope that clears it up.

    More accurately, it's a multiplier to the animation speed of the stance you are using. That's why a dagger and hammer can have the same attack speed but the dagger is clearly faster.

  5. I'm going to be covering stuff that isn't the shotgun status stuff.

    5 hours ago, Sintag said:

    Serration, Point Blank (And it's Primed counterpart), Hornet Strike, Pressure Point/Primed Pressure Point/Sacrificial Pressure are all removed from the game.

    The problem with this is it gets rid of a significant progression aspect of the game. Suddenly there isn't a 40k endo and 1 million credit sink for rifles and secondaries and two other sinks of that size for shotguns and melee. Also, saving up a mod slot gives a bigger increase to effectiveness than you would think, as mods that effect stats different than one another effectively multiply eachother. The only way I could see such a thing being reasonable is if you had to invest on a weapon by weapon basis (think along the lines of forma and potatoes).

    5 hours ago, Sintag said:

    Barrel Diffusion is now a 4-Rank Mod, capping at 100% Multishot (was 120%).

    No mods have 4 ranks, and I doubt DE is going to make mods that have other than 3, 5, or 10 ranks (besides coolant leak which has 0 ranks). Also I find this unnecessary, as the difference of the same mods between weapon types gives a little bit of flavor.

    5 hours ago, Sintag said:

    All 90% Cold Elemental Mods are - Polarity instead of D Polarity.

    No. Otherwise this makes literally every build in existence be 4 V and 2 -. I would much rather the 60/60 mods be made into D polarities.

    5 hours ago, Sintag said:

    Hunter Munitions: Only triggers once a second.

    Why? Hunter Munitions is not OP. I personally find adding a different mod to increase damage leads to similar kill times until beyond sortie 3 bar armor augmentation. Also, this unfairly nerfs its use in high rate of fire weapons and does literally nothing against sniper rifles. 

    5 hours ago, Sintag said:
    • Primary Shotguns lose all damage beyond 40 meters (fizzles out, no damage/procs)
    • The exceptions to the above rules are Arca Plasmor and Astila, due to their mechanics being different (one fires a giant slug-like wave, the other fires a glass slug that then shatters into an AoE
    • Secondary Shotguns lose all damage beyond 30 meters (fizzles out, no damage/procs)

    Why? Because of the "Tigris prime best sniper" meme? Also, it is clearly intended for shotguns to be usable past these ranges, as they all have a falloff range with specific ranges and max damage lost values. Forcing a magical and universal "You are not allowed to use this entire class of weapons past X range" is asinine. Also, the mara detron's max falloff range is 30 meters and is clearly designed to be used past that range. Also, I find it hilarious that you are excluding the arca plasmor from that when in reality it fizzles out at 30 meters.

    Also, this thread is too broad. It should have been two threads of your first half with general mods and second half with shotguns.

  6. 5 hours ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

    I suggest a prompt for interaction. Volt leaves behind a coil and Limbo leaves behind a portal. What if touching them isn't enough to proc their effect. What if you need to press a button or key to interact with them?

    This exact thing was tried before, and was horrible. People who want to benefit from volt's speed or can deal with it (which is the vast majority) don't want to have to pick up a specific thing at a specific location every 20 seconds, and makes speedrunning worse as you have to stop moving forward. All team buffs MUST be opt out, not opt in (except octavia due to how her 3 works), otherwise you are inconveniencing every player who wants to benefit, and those who want to benefit or can deal with it far outnumber those who have an actual problem with the team buffs. 

    On a secondary note, learn to handle volt's speed. It's not that hard. You are going out of your way to not learn. I would go so far as to say you are doing your teammates a slight disservice with your refusal to learn as you are potentially slowing down the missions.

  7. If you are using a crit weapon, you are using 6 mod slots right off the bat (+damage, +multishot, +CC, +CD, and the two 90% elementals). For primaries, adding a third 90% elemental is just as much of a DPS increase as vigilante armaments, except it isn't because more multishot means more of the first two elemental mods and status effects. The last slot ideally uses shred. For secondaries, you have lethal torrent for a seventh slot, then hydraulic crosshairs or sharpened bullets or augur pact. If you're using a status weapon, the 60/60 mods get used.

    You straight up don't have room when using optimized builds.

  8. This is "can't have your cake and eat it too" to a tee. Lets say you have prime parts. You can do three things with them, turn them into plat via trading, turn them into ducats via baro, or turn them into mastery by building them. You want to both get both mastery and ducats from prime parts. DE doesn't want you to do that, because they want their economy to be a certain way. Sure, this might be a little thing, but before you know it, they've given in to a dozen "little things" and it becomes an on the whole problem. DE has to draw the line somewhere when it comes to little things, and it is unlikely that this is on the side of the line you want it to be.

  9. 10 hours ago, RavingRoman said:

    Kinda makes one realized how screwed Rhino and Nezha really is at high level content 😭



    This was done with a void fissure against infested, but it was also done solo. I use health conversion + broken scepter. By abusing gas proc triple dipping into roar, with my riven kohm and an octavia specter I got to level 900 corpus last week. 

    https://goo.gl/hpv8Cp is the rhino prime build I use.

    You're right about Nezha though.

  10. Most: Saryn, Rhino, Mesa

    Least: Wukong, Hydroid, Nezha

    Saryn post reworks is great, getting to the focus cap in a single ESO run with booster. Rhino is great with my ironclad charge + health conversion build. Mesa is great due to her 4.

    Wukong has two abilities that do nothing useful, Nezha's abilities don't do enough, and I can't get Hydroid to work for me.

  11. Personally I think the veldt would be much better if the crit chance was 35-40 at base, even if the damage was decreased to keep the DPS the same. This video shows the biggest issue with the Veldt, inconsistency.

    When I shoot a level 50 butcher with a semi auto rifle and it doesn't die, that is a huge problem. When a zero forma MR 2 weapon (Vectis) vastly outperforms an MR 8 weapon with a forma'd out build, there is a big problem, so my suggestion to keep the DPS the same might not even be necessary. The other DMRs should either get more crit chance or more status, in order to differentiate them, as every DMR having perfect crit wouldn't be good. Every DMR should be either a status beast or crit beast bar vanilla latron because it's MR 0.


  12. 2 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

    If all you're thinking about is Tigris prime. Think of Akbronco, Detron (Mara), Boar.

    >Mara Detron


    The mara detron is an absolute beast against armored enemies with its status build (which is the only build you should use), due to 9 corrosive procs per shot and 60K burst and 35K sustained DPS. Compare that to a standard tiberon prime build with 45K burst and 30K sustained, the damage is undeniably there.

    3 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

    Arca Plasmor

    It's not even a shotgun. All it does is shoot one big ball. A shotgun shoots MULTIPLE pellets.

    Wrong. Ever heard of slug shotguns? I find it absolutely hilarious you complain about the arca plasmor of all things and not, you know, the convectrix or phage?

    3 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

    Please rework all of the shotgun sounds. This is all I hear when I shoot my massive Arca Plasmor...

    I disagree. The arca plasmor sounds great, it feels like how an actual plasma shotgun would sound. Are you sure that the sound quality issue isn't on your end? And when you say all, do you actually mean all? If you are bunching up the Corinth with that, then we are going to have a problem.

    3 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:


    I have never shot a shotgun and saw that it's spread was a 6ft radius. Sure, it's the future and everything's different, but in the future everything is better. So tell me, how does throwing a handful of lead balls everywhere better than throwing them in a small radius!? I'd say the max amount of spread should be the size of Sobek's, no larger.

    This applies to literally every shotgun in a video game ever bar simulators. IRL shotguns can hit things from 100 meters, but in a video game where balance takes precedent over realism, that's just how things work.

    3 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

    Fall off

    Fall off is rediculous. If shotguns should have it, then so should every other gun (not saying that they should). As a shotgun's projectiles fly out further, they spread out more. So how about instead of damage reduction, we get spread increase (but not a lot). If not, just make it longer, because a 8m falloff is pointless since you're in melee range. Minimum falloff should be 20m.

     See previous answer. 

    Have you considered that the problem is not so much the shotguns themselves, but what you personally want in weapons you use?

  13. I've had the exact same issue as well, for well over a year.

    5 hours ago, DeeDeetheSpy said:

    Oh yeah, I have had 60k+ armor numbers off of it. Though only screen shot I got was at 56k.

    I do the same thing, and with a fissure buff active I got this:


  14. orange and red crits aren't as amazing as you make them out to be. An orange crit deals slightly less than double damage, and red crits deal slightly less than triple. I haven't the slightest clue why people think orange crits are so amazing when in reality they merely double your damage. Do they think it deals the crit multiplier squared or something?

  15. PoE cannot be MR locked, as you have to go to the plains to get past earth, and DE wants PoE to be new player friendly. Also, bounties are MR locked, just not high enough. Even then, leechers and noobs would still find a way to exist. If you want to do a tridolon, you should do the tridolon bounty mission that konzu gives, which I think is locked out until you've done the war within.

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