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Everything posted by --UMBRA--Omega

  1. How can I get unbanned from Support? I was banned around 6~8 years ago.
  2. Please, give Noctua some fire rate and a couple more degrees; I have to use two fire rate mods, a fire rate arcane, not to mention a base damage arcane to make it good - good, not great, and certainly not amazing.
  3. Please, give Noctua more degrees and, basically, triple the fire rate; also, please allow his passive to reward Simaris standing.
  4. WTB Noctua buff and Noctua augment that rewards Simaris standing; also, WTT for Stynax augment for his four that rewards Conclave standing.
  5. Nevermind, I didn't check the Elite button :(.
  6. Deep Archimedea is bugged. I finished it with all the modifiers and only got three rewards (four, if you include the longhorns).
  7. I finished Deep Archimedea and I only got three rewards (one Arcane Adapter, one Amber Shard, one Tauforged Amber Shard, and the longhorns - I guess); wasn't I supposed to get five rewards? It didn't cross my mind to take a screenshot of my reward screen, and the Last Mission Results menu doesn't help either, and is most likely bugged because it shows a weird blend of rewards, most notably the Amber Shard from the second mission (Alchemy) and the Vessel Capillaries from the third one (Disruption). Please let me know if there's anything I can do to fix the issue. P.S. I would've liked to add some screenshots, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use the "Insert image from URL" option.
  8. Would you mind reconsidering the Netracell drops? I feel like the procurable arcanes from bird shouldn t be there.
  9. DE not even having attempted a response makes me scared; I feel like they're gonna ignore it and randomly delete it after only a few of the people that care for this situation will be left playing the game.
  10. I'm extremely disappointed in the way you guys handled the 10-year celebration; like Rebecca was on stage, to the point of tears and joy for the past and future of the game, and y'all gonna apply the FOMO formula, mixed in with some of those nasty inflated-to-heck currencies - after we've already been through this a while back with the regal aya shenanigans? HOT DAMN, BROTHER MAN, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! LET EVERYBODY CELEBRATE, VIA HARD-EARNED CURRENCY, BE IT REALLY REAL, OR JUST AS REAL AS THE EFFORT WE'VE PUT INTO PLAYING THE GAME!
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