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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. Dude really, dont need to be so desperate. First of all Coptering was the only attack on the mid air we had, when we didnt have mid air slash. Coptering stayed becouse rng/wall/grind back then. When you primes where not tradeables por whatever and you have FARM more than today to get one single braton prime stock you needed to farm keys and keys, and the most effective way to move arround the map without using Sprint was coptering/sliding and it's good, fool be the one who cant to remove it, becouse maybe started as a glitch but people will kill if some one remove it. But this is pvp.

    Second: you said all the others movements where slow and useless, and there is a problem, you have one overpowered movement in one hand and a lot slow movements on the other hand, of course people will use the most effective one, people is not stupid "why" they should use parkour right now? when they can go to the other side of the room in two coptering? THATS IS THE WHOLE PROBLEM, thats is why you need to nerf one (coptering nerf) and buff the other (parkour 2.0) i hope.

    Now, you dont need to be a smartass tryhard using fancy words, son, first try to read and understand the whole text, becouse when you try to make my argument less real i made yours "un-existing", get it son?

    Hm... I like your point of view , should give an eye to the problems it causes.

    We know of plans to reduce the momentum and distance coptering favor of parkour .
    That all movements are in sight to be changed, but there are still problems, and that's what we are , revealing .
    However , the unique responses we received from people who should take it seriously, are sarcastic answers.
  2. It is not a problem. What i see a lot in this forums is players who can't chase and can't hit coptering players, so they want it removed or nerfed. Nerfing a game mechanic that you have yet to master is never the answer.

    The only problem with coptering is that currently it ignores Stagger and Knockdowns. Same with spamming regular melee attacks. That is a problem that must be addressed. Not the coptering maneuver itself.


    Like Heart.Less. said, that old argument... "he is traveling fast so we cannot stop him from capturing" is null. The ''race'' ends when both teams have their opponents cephalons. Then the game turns into who can kill the other flag carrier to score. 


    . for few it is a problem , it remains , to be a problem .

    is not that " we can not reach it " is about of the problem causing lack of balance on  the game, mobility etc , I see no sense , that mobility is restricted by a melee .
    do not need to learn to use , it is clear that anyone knows how to use , so it is a problem.

     so that's what happened with the melee ?

    With the powers of warframes ?
    Please lately , we are seeing this kind of comments in most of the post about coptering and similar.
    There are people who see the problem, and raised from a point of view , more constructive and adult.
    Everyone has a point of view different about problems , in this case , is obvious , many are watching , the current problem of coptering , for some not for others , yes.
    Many people like how is now, it does not mean it is not a problem.
  4. Isn't it tactical to take a fast weapon on a slow frame? Or to use a faster frame if you want to use a slower weapon? Tactics involve compensating for weaknesses, too.


    More importantly, a coptering Ash/Loki will be faster than a coptering Rhino if they take the fastest route, because sprint speed matters. If they don't take the same route, then the slower one either needs to improve their coptering skill, or they made the tactical decision to take another route for an important tactical reason, like an enemy or energy. That's tactics.


    You can't make tactical decisions at the equipment screen because there's no situation to respond tactically to. All you can do is give yourself tools for later in the game, when there is a tactical decision to make. That's strategy, and that's important too. But reducing the skill-based elements of the game, like coptering (which also encourages better aim and tactical positioning), makes equipment stats more important - and picking equipment shouldn't be the more important part of playing PvP. Then it's just another MMO numbers game.

    This is the kind of response that few people give, something coherent.

  5. Melees are part of the game, including copter. I don't understand why some of you guys want to turn this into a turtle game with everyone stuck on the ground only using guns. That's not Warframe!

    Warframe, each has different speed, tactic is missing. Choose a fast warframe, not a slowly. But with coptering are all fast, are all ofensive and defensive...  I dont see the tactic in all warframes, with same speed. I dont see a turtle game, I see tactic, choosing a warframe for their speed, for their armor, no choose a rhino, a tank, use coptering, and be more faster than loki? Ash?

    If we ask for a reduction of coptering speed, and distance traveled its because ignore many basic aspects. In any case, as i have seen in many of your post, we dont going to ask about the nerf in sprint speed, because its something balanced, you think a rhino, a tank, faster than ash?

    Loki? because copter?

  6. What everyone knows, are the answers you are giving, Im showing the problems caused.


    I dont see the why they should close the topic because they are formulated questions, which perhaps, are answered at some point, in any case if u dont like to read this kind of comments, you could stop follow this topic and dont ask for delete.


    Probably, it will be repaired with parkour 2.0, but this topic is useful to have in view, to solve problems.
    Not simply reduce or improve some things, if not, look whats wrong with the current system. 
    The only thing we know is that the range of the coptering will be diminished, still missing the answers to the questions here.

  7. Well, you dont ONLY have to go fast, I agree, its mostly centered around 3 melee weapons right now, the Dex dakra, the bo prime, and the kogake, but the only reason you see so much bo prime, is because its a CTF game type. The "meta" of the load outs will change as they release more game modes. I see plenty of players running different melees. so the only reason that "flaw" exists right now, is because of the low variety of game types. It's balanced, there just isnt a game type to show off the "Niche" of each weapons yet. 

    Well, when DM or TDM comes, we will continue see the same problem. It is going to be limited in the same way, just wait and see when tipedo or ceramic dagguer are available.

    I dont think that has anything to do with game mode. Before, the problem was not as seen, for the ability to kill with one shot.

    Now just do not got the same chances of killing someone that does that.


  8. That is happening, most are using the same thing to be fast. The point is fix that Flaw. If not, we will see everyone again just with Zephyr/Tipedo/valkyr etc etc.
    Give each warframe a role  without otherwise ignoring these roles. I dont think this well balanced, otherwise they would not have so many different views, with the same problem, now there are more people centered in pvp. This Shows the interest, therefore, also show the interest in

    balancing the things that are wrong.

  9. That's the issue. Coptering is the most effective capping strategy, the most effective way to avoid damage from guns, and the most effective way to deal damage. It is literally everything at once.

    Coptering, its one thing and dont do damage. Spin do damage, the Issue is the Coptering.

    With current TTK its not easy to counter someone flying around the map, all u see now in CtC, its Bo prime Users.


  10. All I'm gonna say is that your idea, once again, goes against DE's business model. Imagine if every warframe had the same stats, same powers, and every weapon had the same stats, same utility. People would only buy one weapon and one warframe and be done with the game.

    But it would be equal... No man. NOT TO MENTION, if someone worked for a weapon, they deserve it. Someone who didn't work for said weapon doesn't deserve being able to use it "for the sake of equality".

    and once again: it is impossible to have a conversation with you, because you're so fixated on removing copter, and wall-running, and directional melee... Oh~ and we need to make ALL WEAPONS have the exact same stats, can't forget that tiny detail.

    What you are telling me, is what they are asking if they remove coptering, all warframes with same speed.

    Im not asking necessarily for removal, if u read well, are questions or request for balance.

    The idea of making all the weapons with the same copter is terrible. Each weapon should have different advantages and disadvantages. Like right now DE realized it and we have melees that are good for coptering (Bo Prime), for knockdowns (Kogake) and for spam melee attacks (Dex Dakra). There is nothing wrong with that difference. It doesn't mean it is unbalanced. If the Loki chooses to use Scindo instead of Tipedo, its his choice.

    So, what happens to the speed of the warframes?

    Each warframe has different advantajes and disadvantages in speed, but the coptering ignores these disadvantages.

    What u say is true, every weapon different advantages, but on the move?

    Movement and melee damage are two different things, but movement, dependent of the melee? And the disadvantage of those who prefer the damage?

    Why one Loki with Scindo is slower than another Loki with Skana, or Tipedo? If the 2 have the same speed?

    I don't like how you are using my videos (without authorization) as an example of why coptering is bad.

    But its ok since you are just making a fool out of yourself because on that first gif with the Zephyr im not even simply coptering, i'm doing a front-flip jump connecting a wallrun and then a directional melee with Tipedo. What you are doing in your gif example is not even close to what i did in the gif you stole from me without my consent.

    And in this second clip with the Valkyr, if you were an experienced Conclaver you would know that the copters following a Rip Line inherits its acceleration, which shows your lack of understanding on the game mechanics, and i'm using a Ceramic Dagger which is the fastest copter in the game, its not just any copter.

    The fact that you have to use my videos as example, is just proving the fact that you lack the skill to do it yourself, in the clips you tried to show something yourself its pathetic. Nerfing a game mechanic that you have yet to master before you have put in the proper time is never the answer.

    Never record, nothing in the old conclave, did not believe it was necessary.

    So i decided to share with others, some things I found on Internet.

    Now that you mention it, I imagine when we see valkyrs with ceramic dagguer.

    What I showed, is something that is happening today, as coptering used to travel distances or distances traveled.

    I prefer to play with Skana and Excalibur, and that does not make me worse than you, maybe slow, because of a melee.

    I hope DE can provide a solution.

    Thanks, but i think, please, some people need to leave behind personal atacks, reducing people for their playing experience.

  11. I'm not sure why you're talking about old conclave, but because we're on the subject, let me say this: people who played that game mode had to deal with the S#&$ hand DE dealt us. We played the game how it was and we got stupidly good at it. Sure it lacked balance, but I am pretty tired of continuously seeing these people who I never saw once, in a single match commenting on the balance of a gamemode that (no offense) I don't think you knew much about (I'm talking about Conclave 1.0)

    A mistake that many make is thinking they are the only ones who played conclave 1.0. My KD ratio, the majority was in 1.0.

    For lack of time could not devote much attention. Dont think that few people who u know, or saw, with shared that game are the only ones who play old mode.

    I know the lack of balance. And I hope DE dont make the same mistake two times. I dont like a ghost town.


    I seriously don't mean to be a smartass here, but where did you get that statistic...? >_> Sorry, it bugs me when people use fake statistics for the sole purpose of emphasis.


    That statistic is based on my time played, or u want i make a survey?


    Alright, I need to break this down because you are wrong. I will try to explain it as best I can...
    You say that the parkour in that Old Conclave video is using "copterring", even though that player is clearly shown connecting a wall sling-shot to a directional melee ***not copter***, then using a small copter to reverse his momentum, before using a full copter AS ZEPHYR to cross the map from atop a building. You see the hitch in your spoof there? It was a Zephyr. No other Warframe could copter that far, and you chose that clip because it seemed more effective.
    And now we look at this new Conclave clip... Firstly let me explain: you did not copter once in that clip, nor is your parkour even close in comparison with the first clip. Literally, all you are doing is doing a Directional melee upwards, then letting the game's gravity do the rest. You tried to cover it up by sliding at the end when you land to make it look smooth. 
    I think we both know that the old conclave parkour took real skill, and you weren't able to duplicate it (obviously because new conclave has no Rush). And I really am not trying to be a jerk here, just: I honestly don't think you could do what you see in that Old Conclave gif (that you stole).
    Seriously, if you're trying to sell the idea that those two clips are anything alike... wow. Just wow.

    You want to choose another Clip?


    I dont think there is difference, maybe zephyr? 

    I like Slide.,

    We are talking about the distance traveled, Really? you keep talking about the skill required to make coptering? 

    Connecting walls using the momentum of your melee its not necessarily parkour, or "skill".



    I actually do understand your point here. However, your fix doesn't really work with DE's business model. You say that players aren't on an equal playing field because they can't copter.... Sure, it's "unfair", but DE wants players to see other players kicking ! with weapons that they don't own yet. 


    : / There is no easy way to explain this without sounding like I'm spewing BS.



    -New player doesn't have any gear.

    -Old player has gear.


    That doesn't mean you take the gear away from the old player so that the new player DOESN'T HAVE TO BUY IT. You see? If you just remove the variety, then players only need ONE WEAPON, and that means they only need ONE WEAPON SLOT. NO. PLAT. NEEDED. RIP DE.



    Dont confuse, lack of gear, with lack of balance.

    Read again, the mechanics is so unbalanced, If it is official, there should be equal for all weapons? 

    Why i cant cover the same distance with a skana, if I choose to do damage, why i see os limited on movement?


    Movement and damage, should not depend on a melee.


    So if i want to be fast, I have to choose the same as everyone else? If I choose to do melee damage, why i cant move as fast as the others?

    I understand If we speak of a rhino against a Loki or Ash, but if we put a Loki with a Scindo, and Loki with Tipedo.

    See the lack of balance?

    Why is there a difference, The movement should not be independent of the melee?

    It should not be balanced for all?

  12. We can approach the topic in marked problems? not on who is right?


    In the end, the removal of coptering will only change how fast opponents lose. Especially if they add in "squad teams/Parties".

    That actually happens today, with coptering, but with more imbalance.

    The premade will ruin the experience of new people.

  13. Tribes, UT, Natural Selection all have splash weapons. Get a rocket and you don't need perfect aim. Hell most of Tribes fights involve shooting the spinfusor at someone's feet. 


    Also Tribes can't be compared to WF here. In Tribes if you're holding a chain gun and defending your base, you sometimes have several seconds to shoot an incoming enemy flying on a fixed trajectory. The flying guy can't do anything about it as he can't drastically change his flight course mid-flight. In WF you have people flying across half the map in one second and land, and then change flight direction again. You must be using oneshot weapons with perfect aim, otherwise your low-dmg machine gun just can't kill them quickly enough. 

    Right, with the current damage, impossible to kill someone who does coptering, but hey, maybe we do not have enought aim to kill someone, like those who dont see the problem.

  14. Wow man can you please stop referring to me on every topic? i'm starting to think you have something personal against me. You can argument without directing your attacks to a certain player..

    Read the topic, i Just Answered.

  15. Did u read the post? The current problems? Not about what that is, we know what coptering is, what DE say, we know all about it.
    It is not because we cant against it... its about the a general problem.
    When all warframes become available we will only see Zephyr/Tipedo/Zoren/Scoliac/Dagguers... Ocassional Excaliburs.
    You talk about the skill required to use it, right? Lets face it, anyone does coptering, easier airstrike.
    No diversity, where is the tactic if all fly with the same melee soon with the same warframes.
    every word u say, clarifies my point of view, all we are forced to use coptering to be as fast, or face someone who does that.

    If someone choose ash or loki to be fast, no one will going to ask for a speed reduction or nerf, they choose for speed, not as choose a rhino, someone slow for resistance, if they were all fast, what would be the point? If everyone had the same skills, what would be the fun?
    I dont think DE, make large maps to only come with coptering to reach the target and finish the mission in less than 5 minutes in pve, just because they see boring. In pvp, no difference, if u want to do against someone who uses coptering, or use coptering, or use coptering, there is no other choice, thats the problem.


    then, basically what you're saying is that if remove the coptering, make all warframes with the same speed etc ?

    It would be like asking all warframes, have the same skills, something there is diversity of movement, based on the tactic , and the election, continued without touching the point of topic, no, what is coptering, if not, the problem generated .

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