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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. Oh you mean like counterstrike? Where you have to scope to have a crosshair? Then given how fast people move in warframe I fully expect sniper rifles to be 1 hit bodyshots.

    Yes but it its not going to be Speammeable like Semi automatic rifles.

    So there its not going to be excuse to say "o men nerf snipers" no, because u have to Snipe to kill.

  2. Players still forget this is a grind game, its all about how fast you can repeat a mission.

    Want an slow and harder run? Go nightmare missions, if you run too much, enemies can just kill you punishing rushers.

    Or want to remove coptering? Them give better rewards end mission, so we spend like 3x-4x more time in a mission for a huge reward.

    Thats have no sense.

  3. You should be using mag's Pull range rather than the damage. The damage before combined with the stagger was insane. She has incredible range on it and it hits multiple targets. If used properly in a fight where shes outnumbered, you can hit everyone for the stagger. 


    Im surprised they have yet to touch bullet attractor tho. I mean 15 seconds on an overly huge hit box? really? 

    This guy know what he say.

  4. Still no Fix... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/441538-misa-syandana-through-the-body-and-random-neck-position-when-aiming-in-void/#entry4900965

    Question and i Hope i get a answer, why you nerf the damage on Bo but no his atack speed to make the game a little less speed rushing? So we can see the coptering/directional melee too with a tinny reduction, you are destroying the players who want to use his melee on pvp (im not one, i prefer using guns, and i do)...
    I dont fell you are doing something right with melee with constants nerfs and reductions, but what about that people who already say alot of things about the speed problem? We are still going to see alot of players doing directional melee without penalty and rushing the game in 2 or 3 minutes because a melee.
    You are making the melee players more and more useless, is that what you want? Because some of "old conclavers veterans auto called PRO" say and ask about a general nerf on melees, are u going to do it? Thank you for the balance on energy, we really wanted it, Hopefully I get an answer about what I say here, because sometimes i dont understand what are you trying to do, a reduction on atack speed in bo series, and maybe other weapons, its going to make the game less fast paced.
    Can I know something? Can I receive an answer? Thank You.

  5. Put 2 lokis or ash, your choice, One for example with Tipedo, or another "coptering" weapon.
    Another one with Scindo, because a melee, made for kill, the loki with Scindo its really Slow.
    The meta for DE its balance that lack of movement, so I really hope, they make coptering based on warframe speed and not from your melee, what you show out there its directional melee, and coptering with volt and his skill, in another of your videos, just connecting walls most of them with Directional melee, now, if u try to do most of that movements with parkour, u cant, so thats why DE its making a balance on both things.
    "Rush" its another problem, not coming from coptering parkour or something more, the mobility in warframe ever was fun, but sadly coptering never was called "coptering" for DE just for community, so they see a part of community like it, and they just let it in the game, it never was touched, worked in, NEVER was a work to make his animation equall or "custom", because that bug, its based on your melee, not in your warframe, making unnecesary the Stamina mods and speed, to make "coptering" fast, just put a fury mod on melee and enjoy.
    So now DE are working on coptering, now its coming a balance with it and parkour 2.0, hopefully as i say, based on warframe speed, and not in your melee.

  6. Down the channeling damage yes, down the damage from melee, no.
    They have already removed Spin damage from melees, making it on base damage, The maps desings (i think) they made in small scale for more "face to face" and not a "speed, rushing, hide" mode.
    Yes, remove or down the amount of energy in maps, like making the energy spawn every 3 minutes or 4 in CTC, actually 50 energy for pick up, make the game a warframe skill fest.

  7. Yes, TDM and DM its coming in 16.5 confirmed.
    Sadly today CTC its a coptering fest for rushers/ and no rusher, just copter around, who just see fun doing it, its his play style.


    More weapon variation its coming with that update, 2 new warframes allowed in pvp, Nyx and Ember (I think his Prime variation too).
    I dont know we just can sit and wait until all movement mechanic and modes get his balance.

  8. That entails separating them so that coptoring is a movement mechanism not connected to melee.  Once they are separate, they can then get the individual attention they deserve.

    Thats is what we want.

    Coptering its going to be balanced, for example, based on warframe speed and not from your melee weapon, it not make sense be faster for the atack speed from your melee weapon.

    Manage your warframe mods to be fast. No your melee.

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