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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 10 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    I challenge you to play with Excalibur without corrupted mods and without using Exalted Blade at all, and using melee weapons he is attuned to (Nikanas, Swords, Dual Swords, Rapier) and then come back here and tell me if you feel he is less Fun without it.


    I've just came back. It was incredibly boring.

  2. Banshee. No one else can come even close to the amounts of damage she can dish out. The vast majority of it is lost against low levels, however, so during the regular content (including Sortie 3) anything that can move around fast enough and use either Atterax or Orthos will be the best option.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Pmueck3 said:


    i know the weapon dosn't matter except for the mods for exalted blade , but isn't there a melee weapon that outshines the rest if it comes to exalted blade ?


    Actually, there are a few. Some weapons' passives persist through Exalted Blade. For example - Mire's 10% extra damage as Toxic or Vaykor Sydon's passive knockdown resistance.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

    Yeah I can understand your frustration.
    Just to clarify though, are you saying you would rather the door animations to be just an aesthetic and the door mesh itself should have no collision with the player?


    Exactly. Unless doors are in a lock-down of course.

  5. Doors in Warframe were a bane of clients since forever. Given some lag between client and host, doors acquire various fun properties ranging from slowing down your level progression by a second or two for each door and up to downright locking you into a room or shoving you into a wall.

    The core of all these problems is the existence of the door physics. And I can not understand the reason for this mechanics to exist.

    Specifically, non-locked doors which cause all these problems: in-game they are supposed to open whenever a player comes close to them. If the game is working correctly, there should be zero cases of a player interacting with a non-locked door - it should be impossible. So why is it a thing? I understand doors blocking LoS, projectiles and enemy pathing - you don't need physics for that.

    If the game is lagging, I would rather be able to run through a seemingly closed door, then run around back and forth like an idiot, because the door is stuck or half-open.

  6. I won't talk about Ember, but Mirage is an extremely fun frame to play. Mainly because of the Hall of Mirrors and interactions it has with various weapons (Simulor included). Preventing such interactions won't make the game better

    I also see zero problems with damage-oriented frames doing damage. Ember is already in a sketchy position due to her limitation to low-level missions. Having a dedicated frame for low-level Extermination speed runs is good. I love it when I get a good Ember in my squad for such missions.

    However, the main idea I get from threads like this one is that the lack of skill and dedication results in blaming everything for being better than you. Surprise-surprise, but both Mirage and Ember can be outperformed by a variety of frames and weapons nowadays. Especially given you're addressing Telos Boltace here, which doesn't have too much of a synergy with Mirage due to the way HoM works.

  7. 2 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    only disputing the false statement from your earlier comment

    Which one? You can't be possibly disputing the irrefutable fact about dropping combo meaning very little to the Shadow Debt melee - that would be just stupid.

    I have no idea what kind of testing you've been doing and what had you tried to prove by wasting your time on hourly runs, but the fact is a fact. You can drop your melee combo against enemy level 200+ and you will have zero problems getting it back up. Yeah, you might be sad for not getting that x5 combo multiplier, but your x4 will do just fine for you.

    The "if you manage to survive" part makes no sense. Even if we are taking Naramon out of the equation (which is far from a smart thing to do) - if you managed to get to the combo somehow - you will be able to do it again. Killing stuff in a game with constant spawn does not equal CC. If you hadn't been one-shotted back then - you can spare a few seconds hitting stuff.

    And, darling, no one was talking anything about Simulacrum. I say that Excalibur can do over two hours of solo Mot because I've done it multiple times. I say that regular melee is plainly better than Exalted Blade for the purpose because it is, as I used it and I know it well. I say that dropping the combo doesn't mean a thing because I've dropped my combos plenty of times. ~30 seconds downtime and 11% DPS loss are not much. Meanwhile, outside of overextended gameplay, x1.5 - x2.5 combo multiplier range is all you would need.

    Also, most importantly - no, against enemy level 150+ Exalted Blade will be nowhere close to the regular melee if you'll take damage amplifying (aka Blind) out of the equation. It will lose in killing the very first enemy - let alone in a long run. It's funny actually, how are you suggesting "Exalted Melee will perform roughly the same as a no-combo Shadow Debt weapon" as something adequate - after the very first enemy killed it will no longer be a "no-combo Shadow Debt weapon".

    By the way, I would love to hear details how modding for the Exalted melee ended up allowing to "actually see benefits to the entire frame", given min-maxing Exalted melee means throwing out all survivability and utility mods, while gimping your other abilities. Especially I would love to hear how is it supposed to be an advantage over the regular melee, which allows you to use literally any build you want.

  8. 9 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    I have to dispute

    Darling, weaker Shadow Debt melee hits 100 minutes of Mot effortlessly in hands of an unranked frame. By that point, you'll have to start wasting your energy pizzas if you're using Exalted Blade.The limit for EBlade would be around 2;20 nowadays, provided maxed-out loadouts and Arcanes. Frames with melee synergy can eclipse that with a fraction of effort and resources Excal will have to use. Banshee will be able to do 3 hours easily. More - if she'll start wasting pizzas.

    Exalted Blade can take down armored enemy level 500 relatively quickly - that's true. However, that's also true for quite a bunch of regular melee weapons. More to it, the reason why Exalted Blade can provide any competition to the regular melee lies not in the strength of the weapon itself, but in in the fact Excal has the second best access to stealth multipliers in the game, which are absurdly strong. Essentially, Excalibur without Exalted Blade is currently much stronger than the one with.

    And if we are talking not about the overextended content, but the regular one - EBlade can't even attempt to hold a candle to weapons like Atterax or Orthos Prime. It's impossible.


    Not to mention, I am only talking about Excalibur atm. Out of the three Exalted melee users - he's in the best position. The Blind is that good. Both Hysteria and Primal Fury are pathetic when compared to the regular melee. Hysteria's potential is limited to self-healing and reviving, while Primal Fury is worthless.

  9. On 11/25/2016 at 8:42 AM, Thaylien said:

    You have to build up that combo counter again

    Shadow Debt melee having any problems with re-building combo counter is a myth forged by people who don't use Shadow Debt melee. For the 99% of the game content, 5 hits are enough for regular melee to outperform Exalted melee.

    For the remaining 1% of the game, getting to x2.5 combo is normally enough and can be done over a span of a few seconds. By the time this combo will be required, Exalted melee will also start falling off.

  10. I like the new "press 5". The concept is interesting and it opens up a huge potential for the gameplay evolution.


    However, as it is - it still feels clunky and looks more like a gimmick than an actual mechanics. There are several suggestions right off the bat:

    1) Void Blast into Void Dash combo should have an effect on everyone - not just Kuva Guardians. For example - by applying a damage multiplier to the target and turning all incoming damage into finisher. It won't be overpowered as it's impossible to make a mechanically complex single-target damage buff too strong in a game like Warframe. It could be even better, if it allowed us to pierce immunity (at least partially) of enemies like Juggernaut and Bosses. The latter is a tougher decision, as it will drastically change the Boss design in the game. However, I had never heard compliments regarding invulnerability phases of bosses. Especially Vay Hek.

    2) As follows from the above - Void Blast and Void Dash shouldn't ragdoll enemies. Knock down and/or stun - sure. Ragdoll makes enemies fly all over the place, stuck in textures, fall off the map and so on. Not to mention, it normally prevents you from attacking the enemy you had just ragdolled, especially in melee.

    3) Make going in/out of the frame more consistent. Usually, the frame gets teleported to the position of the Operator, but sometimes the Operator gets dragged all the way back to the frame.

    4) Make the switching faster and more fluent. It's actually pretty decent at the moment, but it never hurts to be better. Read the inputs for the Operator as soon as "5" was pressed - to allow going into Void Mode after switching without any delay. If the lag of the switching, as well as the input lag, is reduced - the switch mode could be used for an input-heavy way of quick movement, thus rewarding the player for actually learning niche mechanics of the game. Transition also shouldn't toggle abilities off, as that makes doing it far less desirable.

    5) Make Void Beam do something interesting, instead of only dealing plain damage. I would suggest allowing it to be used to heal/buff/energize your Warframe when used on it.

    6) Add more stuff (in a long run, of course). From the regular controls, we are still missing: roll, aerial attack, slam, alternative fire. All of these can be used to make our operator do something.

    Personal preference: revert the Void Dash into the short-range teleportation you get initially during the quest. It's infinitely cooler.



  11. I was completely sold as soon as I performed a short-range teleportation. And then, the next power unlock turned it into a mediocre dash instead.

    Come on! I have enjoyed the quest, and I think the new "press 5" has some great potential if tweaked, but short-range teleportation is infinitely cooler than a dash. Even if the speed remains the same and only the visuals are changed. Please, consider the teleportation option - it looks amazing.

    Another point that bothers me, that the mechanics that was used in the final part of the quest isn't transferred to the regular gameplay. If it's already implemented, why not to make it universal? Make it into something like x2 damage amplification on a target with all damage turned into the finisher type

  12. 11 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Drifting Contact applying to weapon ultimates that use melee mods (Exated Blade, Hysteria, etc.) is being treated as a bug at this time. 

    This is sad news. Especially in the light of all Exalted melee being plainly weaker and worse than several regular melees in hands of frames with zero melee synergies.

    I can understand not allowing Blood Rush and Maiming Strike on Exalted melee, but Drifting Contact on its own is still unlikely to boost them to the level of regular melee, to be honest. Abilities themselves were severely nerfed multiple times, while everything else got boosted by a few orders of magnitude.

    I already stopped hoping for Exalted melee to be "the best" option, despite requiring a constant energy sustain and the whole frame to be built around them to do a weapon's job. The only thing I'm hoping for now is for them not to become "irrelevant".

  13. Hysteria change paired with melee changes resulted in Valkyr going away from being a two-button frame with good Sortie and decent overextended potential and becoming a single-button frame with her main orientation being Sorties.

    In my opinion, design-wise the change was strictly for the worse. I had suggested previously a way to work around Hysteria's invulnerability being AFK-friendly, however, people preferred Hysteria being butchered.



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    Currently, Hysteria Valkyr still has to wait for more tools to be introduced to the game for her to become viable again.

  14. 1 minute ago, Trichouette said:

    If you do it, and it works, there is no "they don't know how to play him"

    The waves used to deal insane damage, they got nerfed, but they still deal insane damage on the first target.


    Mercury shouldn't be the balancing point of the game.

    The wave damage fall-off had achieved nothing. I've used to be able to sit in T4S for at least 40 minutes by using waves only, and so I can do currently on Mot. Excal was hit not by the change to his waves, but by a variety of other changes that resulted in him falling out of relevance.

  15. 2 minutes ago, iSmallfry said:

    While a previous comeback was referenced, the actual punchline was another one. My bad, to think that I expected you to grasp that much...

    Then again, I might have been too much in awe of your creativity, when it comes to comebacks, to come up with a better one, myself.

    "Y u b talkin 2 urself" is just so very clever and overflows with originality.

    On a side note, I can't believe I'm actually sitting here, wondering whether you're going to get the sarcasm. So yeah, in case you didn't get it, there you have it. It was supposed to be a sarcastic remark.

    Also, because it never gets old:



    It actually amuses me, how far can you degrade in self-humiliation only to save the last word for yourself. It might not appeal to the oh so great mind of yours, that after you resorted to idiotic attempts of twisting my words in a way not every kindergartener would do, I had ceased trying to talk any sense to you seeing as it was completely meaningless.

    And here you are, the one who asked for the end of a conversation at least three times in a row - replying to all my posts, trying to think up some sort of a "burn" and using the memes in attempts to be seen ironical. Barking like a trained dog.

    Will the dog answer to this post as well? The last word has to be saved after all.

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