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Posts posted by SpicyDinosaur

  1. Sorry I misunderstood your question.


    It's more of a personal taste. I just seem to like how her skirt waves around during movement and when channeling. I like seeing dangling parts on frames as they complement the fast-paced movement of the game and adds some flair to it, making it really feel like you're moving quickly. Just like how syandanas do.

    I like the "skirt" as well. It would work on any gender frame I think. It's less of a garment and more just... I don't know, she';s based on a tree frog so transparent wobbly stuff might be part of that.

  2. mobile defense and defense should be on one list, and only one of them should be done per sortie. Also defenses are so boring, always, no matter what. 


    I use loki for everything but defenses. Probably going to test out mag on this mobile defense. Valkyr on the defense obviously. You know why she isn't OP? Because playing 15 waves like that is a chore. It's the only way to win, but not fun. 


    At least I can go back to loki on the survival.

  3. All of her abilities has its own uses. Quiver for utility arrows for various purposes, Navigator(Although it's a bit gimmicky to use for me) for accurate guided shots, Prowl is a different kind of invisibility that has limits compared to Ash and Loki but complements her low defenses, and Artemis Bow is straight up damage. Also, all her abilities can easily synergize with each other. Using Navigator in conjunction with her Quiver arrows, Prowl to let her remain hidden to use Navigator or line up shots with Artemis Bow,  Dashwire arrows to make vantage points to snipe enemies with Artemis Bow, etc. Her high energy pool encourages you to make the most out of her abilities and none of them really feel OP. And above it all, her abilities feel like it fits the theme for an Archer frame.

    my why was about the 'skirt' comment. I couldn't figure out if you wanted more female frames with semi transparent skirts or if it meant something more. If this paragraph explains it then disregard. Also, well thought out post.

  4. This question is perhaps too deep for a video game as it delves into the concept of gender identity and and sex assignment, and really, I can't even say 




    in region, so the likelihood of going even further and discussing gender roles and advanced gender theory, (which the OP is failing miserably at and I do not feel I am qualified to steer him best,) sounds like a horrible idea.

  5. I use speed on my desecrator nekros personally. I'm not sure if it adds on top of natural talent or not but the additional speed to cast time works well as far as I can tell though I haven't checked the numbers. 


    Parkour and sprint speed are pretty powerful and I think are the main draw to those particular mods or someone squeezing every bit of power they can out of their frame (that's not max base energy for the highest energy frame btw.) They are exilus slot mods, and are meant to be mods that are useful, but not worthy of a regular slot. 


    In other words, they seem fine to me. Exilus mods don't have to be powerful really. 

  6. We have nekros. They are warframes not mythological creatures. The idea of the entire gaming turning into one big goth fest is gross.


    Frames technically do feed off of energy and use it to use their powers. It would be a redundant mechanic either way.


    I think a partially infested frame (ignoring the infested thing inside the frame) is a lot more likely, but I really doubt lotus would take that kind of risk.

  7. next rotation I am hoping lenses will be switched with greater lenses and they will do away with these weapons, or at least put the imperator vandal in there. The problem I have with the weapons is all the pieces take up so much space on the table even if the individual parts have a low percentage drop chance. The pieces are worth practically nothing, and if I want the mastery, I'm stuck investing plat getting the rest of the parts. Maybe give us the weapons outright?


    These sorties need motivating rewards, I understand a few booby prizes but season 2 needs to draw us in. I am doing these now because I enjoy them. But my boyfriend isn't as motivated, and trying to convince him to repeatedly attempt a 4 wave bow only interception is really hard when the table has little of value.

  8. New egg sent me a non working mobo, and when I sent it back they tried to refuse me a refund because there were "bent pins in the cpu socket"


    Fortunately, the person I talked to seemed aware that was completely impossible, and a new one was sent to me.


    My dad is buying me a new computer and I'm just shoveling too much of his money at an alienware. 4 year replacement plan, accidental or otherwise. Now if only I could get win 7 pro on there without having to buy my own copy.


    BTW win 10 is way better than win 8, not sure why anyone would say otherwise. They both are monstrosities, but win 10 fixes some of 8s more problematic issues.


    xp was the end all be all and they should have just kept improving in that instead of destroying windows altogether with 8 imo.

  9. tbh the complaint does sound somewhat snobby, since you even put MRs in specific numbers. "Your MR must be this high not to be a scrub"


    I'm okay with playing with lower MR players as long as they play the frame they have the good stuff for etc.


    I have also done missions with low ranked frames that carried their weight. I think I had to rez one of them once. 


    It's more noticeable when lowbies do this, but there are a lot of high MR people that are about as big a problem in this regard. Making the game less accessible seems like a poor solution.

  10. With how the typical gamer complains that China dares to get anything first, I hope everything gets pre-released there, and that all their stuff is better versions.


    Also I hope we never get excal umbra. Well that part is true.


    I don't understand this odd hate for China. Is it based in weird nationalism, racism, entitlement? Where does it come from? Who cares who gets it first.


    Learn mandarin and go play warframe china if you want early access. I bet the storyline is entirely different anyway. I'd be interested to see the changes.


    If the game got released in france and they got some special stuff, no one would be saying these things. Half this thread is pushing the envelope imo.

  11. just to be clear, I disagree with iztal being great for interceptions. The invis, being stationary, is really best for warping away and hiding to recover. Itzal is too fragile to take a beating the interception will give. You shouldn't really be sitting in one place invis just guarding a single point or you are going to lose or at least have to be carried by your team. Plus shield dargyens will come right up on you and electrocute you because everything knows you are somewhere around there (which is, of course, why it is a good idea to blink off.)


    Fluctus actually has poor range and quick damage fall off. It's a great trash clearer and good for all the missions but interception and defense. I wouldn't use it for the open space ones either, mostly the corpus ones with tight pathways. 


    Grattler is THE gun for J3 golem. A must. It is also sufficient for interceptions and defenses. No experience with the velocitus here. 


    I would put a magazine increase on the fluctus, btw, that thing has like no ammo in its clip.


    Interception and defense are great places to get the good cards but I got a lot of really good mods doing jupiter mobile defense (I think that's right, or was it mars, whichever is a corpus MD.) That is also a great place to level up things you can't level up in the interception.


    Kazsas and knux have the highesy base melee damage in game. Both are nice but the knux takes a lot of resources to research in the lab. Less to build. The grattler is the hard one to build with something like 3.5k required oxium. I saved up for a long time for that.


    Veritux is perfectly good, and centaur is just fine as are the other melees. There is, btw, no block animation. So you will only know you are blocking because you are pushing the button.

  12. oh I forgot to add, the itzal is... limited in what you will do well at. Odanata prime is what you need to aim for. Elytron is kind of limited too, though fun when you learn its tricks. 


    I am an itzal fan all the way, but I rarely use it, because it is made of glass. Not even a paper canon. just paper. The invis is purely defensive to hide while you recover from many near death experiences. The speed is the real win and that is great for one of the mastery tests. 


    If the itzal gets you into archwing mores the better though, but look into the odanata prime and consider farming the elytron. You want as much versatility as possible. Though frame wise, I think you could do it all with prime. Maybe not the mastery test if you didn't have like a high ranked hyperion thrusters. 


    Farm or buy the mods because that makes a huge difference. When I was going off what I found early on, it wasn't fun, As I started doing higher end stuff and bought some of the mods, I enjoyed it more overall,

  13. grattler and fluctus, imo, can cover pretty much everything you need to kill. 


    I'd murder for the imperator vandal, but I didn't even see one piece last go around.


    If you are making grattler, be prepared to farm oxium hardcore though.


    I have heard good things about the velocitus, have it, but haven't played with it due to it being a charge weapon, despite having shell rush on it. 


    Fluctus is great for clearing trash, but it generates lag like crazy, especially if you fly into its beam. 


    Personally I prefer melee, kazsas and prisma veratux.

  14. forget sprint, you can't even jump. Small stones will stop you in your path. Despite you floating. For all the powers, the tenno just has to have a range of up and down they can float how far they can float before sinking towards the ground, etc. I think Madurai is the only one with the movement speed increase though. I won't say for certain if madurai is useless damage wise until I max everything, but I am doing the slash/puncture/impact passives them doing zenurik for awhile so that opinion will take some time to form.

  15. I do think the warframe slots and weapon and sentinel slots should be free, maybe unlocked by MR. That's one thing you can't FtPlay your way around as easily and limits you too early on for you to have become a know it all savvy merchant.


    And good luck moving most void items for more than a plat. I sell most stuff for ducats.


    This game can be easily FtP if you don't get hooked on shinies, but those two things are still a problem and stink of shortchanging players.

  16. This might be great for your purposes, but I use survivals and their gradual ramp up for leveling weapons that will be a pain to level naturally. I also need rotation a x2 a lot. Especially if I get rare fusion cores or if somehow forma are in rotation a. 


    This seems like a suggestion based on you getting what you want faster and not something overall beneficial.

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