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Posts posted by SpicyDinosaur

  1. I think there should be a window that pops up when you do a mercy kill on the larvaling. Maybe at least the first time you do it. Something like "You are about to create a lich, a nemesis that will stalk you on any sector it claims. Do you wish to do so. yes/no"


    I don't think it could be any clearer than that. As for people doing it when they meant to preview the weapon first, that's not really a problem usually


  2. I think a lot of communications problems could be solved if they would just make the chat window default to staying up (with a toggle to have it minimize in options.)


    It's hard to communicate when people can't see the chat.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    Wukong Prime? Equinox Prime? Etc. But yeah, they most likely won't go the Deluxe route, which will give us more variety since I doubt his Deluxe can be topped anyway. I just hope they trash the feminine aesthetic and make him godlike, since he's - you know - a god.

    Nezha takes the form of a child. It would be weird to make him "masculine," besides the fact that there's nothing wrong with boys that have a more feminine appearance. 

  4. You can valence fuse parts into another part until you max out the part being fused into.


    You want the part that you fuse other parts into to be an MKIII. You can fuse MKIII parts into that, as well as II or I. The reason I say to wait for MKIII is that fusing costs resources. Better to have the item you fully build be able to have enough resources.


    Valence fusion really isn't "endgame" or content that would be defined as something like that. You would use it to maximise the stats on your railjack components.

  5. 2 minutes ago, MollAgdeduba said:

    The problem about tennogen is this: the currency of the game is platinum and its value is equal for every player, for pay euro ther's the real life, and not of secondary importance, the 7 euro a tennogen skin cost are not the same everyehere, depending on your country and also the region of your country, you will discover that 7 euro could be a lot of money. If you are from a north country you will not have any problem with 7 euro, if oyu are from germany or france 7 euro could be a a decent price, italy, spain, portugal and some other country could see the 7 euro a high price, and there are other country where 7 euro are a lot of money.

    But that's off topic. I'm just asking more stupid skin, where the shape of the colors is disposed in different way.


    That was certainly a reasonable complaint once I understood better what you meant. Unfortunately, they can't pay the creators in plat. (at least I wouldn't accept that.) But the problem is is that with players creating a wide variety of skins and helms and such, there's less need for the artists at DE to do it.


    Even after Tennogen came into existence, I remember seeing a few immortal skins, but not for some time. And sometimes the Deluxe skins are just, well subject to personal taste they are so different.

  6. 17 minutes ago, MollAgdeduba said:

    I'm not talking of course about the totally overpriced tennogen, we have really enought of them. 

    We need more in-game platinum skin. 

    The skin i'm asking are not some super strange concept, but will be also good some "immortal skin-concept", where the warframe is the same but the colors have different disposition, so you could have a chance to make a decent aspect to some warframe.

    I like the slam on player made skins like you are being fleeced having to pay for the time and work they put into their skins.

    • Like 4
  7. 9 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    Consdieirng we had Railjack and Scarlet Spear, hyped and like 2 years in development, no one can say that was rushed can it and still was one of the bugiest updates we had so far, DE can take as much time they want, they lack beta testers, oh wait we as PC are those. so we can never  expect such, game is sitll in beta after all and still develops so it excuses it, this is no meme or joke anymore, it is a simply sad excuse to make things up by now.

    As much i love DE but the game has a already identity crisis and this way the more new thigns get added the more problems will occur, the only time they tested things know was for the Railjack rework, and that onyl lasted 1-2 weeks i tihnk was it?

    They abusing PC users i dare to say here, beta or free or not, it not matters here anymore, i love the game and DE is one of the most caring developers still i say, but there money givers aren't. People are simply done being the guinepigs for this experiments and seeing one buggy mess after the other with the same mistakes being repeated.

    Community is partly to blame still of course in pushing and putting pressure on, but they have NO testers, only themself and we often seen by now they have no idea about there game from a player perspective.

    It sounds like you have bigger issues than one thing coming out in what you consider as a timely manner. 

    You can't honestly say Railjack didn't need more time. There's one faction and one type of mission. 

    Also the last railjack release they did was beta tested. Unfortunately they don't yet seem to understand that that's supposed to be for more than two days and possibly by people who definitely have a railjack already.


    Encouraging them to do legitimate beta testing and deliver content whole and with as few bugs as possible would be better than being bitter and just railing on them for not being fast enough. What are you expecting to get if they rushed stuff because you or anyone else wanted them to?


  8. 2 hours ago, arm4geddon-117 said:

    Smart, by saying just June you can potentially earn another 4 weeks of delays.

    June is long and a delay of 2 months is more than enough since it was schedule for April.

    This time many will accept the 1000000th Delay cus of covid but covid or not, every Mainline in your long career has been hyped up to the extreme just to start popping threads of " not coming this week "..

    And inevitably delayed lol

    So what about June, we'd like to know more...unless you don't even.

    The first week of June after 2 months of delays is acceptable.

    So do you want things to be shipped quickly, or functional? Because the playerbase can't expect to get both of those every single time. 


    Then complaining about DE botching things, well go play something else if you have to wait instead of rushing them and you won't experience that.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    Chinese also had Samurai. But yeah, that's not his backstory.

    Samurai is a Japanese word. If you mean there were warrior nobles in both China and Japan then yes. But I am going to hazard a guess with my limited knowledge that the two cultures were very different with regards to that.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

    It almost looks like a samurai face mask of the ancient times. Back story of Nezha, the lone Samurai that harnessed the fire within his soul to defeat his foes.

    Samurais are Japanese. Nezha is Chinese.


    That is also definitely not his back story.



    Also I think you are thinking of a oni mask, (oni being demon)


    • Like 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, Magus_Tahir said:

    Ignis with Range + Firestorm mod, Concealed Explosives on Hikou are a couple of my faves. 

    Its not a primary or secondary but Carrier with Looter mod can also help pick up stuff as you run by it.

    I think OP is looking for the ;largest explosion radius, not what people prefer. Unless I am misinterpreting what you are saying.


    But yea you can always make explosives bigger with stuff like firestorm or fulmination.

  12. 23 minutes ago, HoustonDragon said:

    Are you using Adaptation? It's seriously one of the best survival mods out there, especially if you're not running a tanky frame like Rhino or Nezha.

    actually you want to use something like rolling guard if the frame isn't "tanky"


    Basically if the frame can take a few hits use adaptation, if it can't, use rolling guard.


    Edit: and frames with invincibility type powers like Rhino and Nezha you'd probably waste the slot putting either on them.

    • Like 3
  13. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)northern_rebal said:

    I died again in arbitration. A disruption mission using Khora. I swear at was at max shields, max health and then I'm  dead. 

    How is that possible?

    I try to stay mobile, use hit n run, constantly checking my stats (all ways I've stupidly died before) ... what could I be doing?


    I mean it's kind of a vague question. What killed you, what were you doing, what build and weapons do you use?


    Even then it'd be hard for anyone else to pinpoint what is catching you up. Just keep trying, I guess.

  14. 5 minutes ago, gostawi said:

    Pvp in warframe is not what you call engaging

    What are you talking about? If DE would maintain it better it would definitely be engaging. It is engaging now. It's just an island of pvp in a pve game, leading it to be less popular and not receive the work it deserves.


    Whatever valid criticisms people have about PVP in this game, not engaging is not one of them. I haven't even played that much, I am just starting to play Conclave. But, I checked your profile, otoh, and you haven't played it... ever.


    Why make a suggestion for pvp when you'v enever tried pvp in the game to being with? 



    • Like 2
  15. 2 minutes ago, OwlOfJune said:

    Power creep is when players get more power.

    Having access more fluid build isn't more power, as the power limits are still same.


    And yes, I do sometimes keep normal frames so I can do some different build on it.

    But having option to just have more fluidity won't hurt anyone, at all.

    I disagree, Thanks for defining power creep for me though. 😉

  16. Just now, OwlOfJune said:

    How would it be power creep? You just give more options for changing builds. The amount of mods and capacities of mods you can put in is still same.

    One can already bypass this problem by farming dupe frame/weapon, in fact, that is what a handful of ppl did with Nova before Aura Forma was a thing.

    But now ppl can have just one Nova and change her build.

    It's just a convinence thing.

    I don't know how to explain how this is power creep because I don't know what you are seeing that is any different. 


    Not everything is supposed to be that easy. If making multiple of the frame is the same, then why not just do that?

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