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Posts posted by Neptlude

  1. 1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

    I've long been an advocate of making Well of Life an ability that does one thing to a wider portion of enemies, and healing is just a secondary effect. Same with Energy Vampire, actually, but people may see that as a little less useful unless it's done right.

    The Well of Life would be to cast an area, a circular/spherical one at point of cast or from Trinity's location on cast. Enemies within that area suffer an effect, like a Stun, on cast and are debuffed in some way, either a slow or a puncture, something that stops them from dealing as much damage to the squad. All enemies that enter the Well are debuffed and all enemies affected by the ability marked for Life Steal on damage taken. The Pool of Life Augment would then mark enemies for dropping Health Orbs on death as usual, but one per enemy killed, really play into that combo with the Health Conversion mod ^^

    Balance the numbers to prevent players from modding this for instant god-like self sustain, probably make the life steal percentage unaffected by mods, but the debuff, range and duration are all fair game.

    A similar effect would also work for Energy Vampire. Trin casts an AoE that has a primary effect, like a knock back or CC on enemies, fast cast, repeatable to catch as many enemies as possible, and enemies within the area on cast return a small amount of energy each, but in addition are permanently marked to drop Energy Orbs on death in addition to their regular drop table (meaning it's possible for enemies to drop two energy orbs if the regular drop table rolls for that). The Augment would stay as generating shields/overshields for energy gained over Trin's maximum from the cast.

    What this allows for is more consistent, if sometimes lower, energy restore. Players using Drain abilities, like Oberon, Valkyr, Excal, Ember, Wukong, Ivara and so on, will be able to gain Energy from Trin's ability where they couldn't before thanks to the guaranteed Orb Drop (players that are able to use Arcane Energise will also benefit greatly), while always restoring energy on cast as long as there are enemies in range at a low level to ensure that everyone else gets an instant influx as they did before.

    It also means that, while Trin is currently able to generate an average amount of 200 Energy per cast only if you mod her for high Strength, this will allow Trin to mod for any level of Strength and still generate a minimum of 25 energy per enemy in a large radius. Warframes are perfectly able to self-sustain on energy orb drops if they're actually guaranteed from every enemy, so the return on the initial cast doesn't need to be very high, just high enough to cast the next ability ^^

    Any thoughts there?

    I do like this :)

  2. Im sorry but after the changes they did to her link(yeah I know its needed and it was OP) and still ignore well of life... It really annoyed me .- .

    Well of life for me is literally an eye sore on one of my favorite frames... She basically feel like a frame with only 3 skills, as blessing overwrites, well of life.


    "but its a good crowd control"

    No, buffing up enemy health is a big negative.... Some people even use it to troll (specially dragging defense missions on...) Also word "crowd" in crowd control...lol


    "its useful in trapping simaris target"

    So is any frame with actual siphon trap, or even as any frame with sleep like Equinox and Ivara.... They can even use those skill in practical ways....



    Since DE doesnt want to touch Well of life I suggest to tweak linker by allowing it to link with player allies. Any heals that trinity receive will also be transfered to her teammates making it something like a sustain heal over yer team. 

    I still want that HP buff out tho...


    But if they have to tweak well of life skill, I suggest making it similar to molecular prime where Trinity discharge a glowing aura that marks enemy. And when anyone attacks em the attacker gets heal...

    Still one of the real Issue is blessing a 1 button push that instantly heals everything... Making any other heal skill useless... .- .

    Suggestion on what to replace well of life is welcome....



  3. 2 hours ago, Nocam said:

    ...Makes sense, but it'd still be dumb to release them before the others got em. 

    I still hold that sniper skin would be best served on Ivara, if they don't want another bow skin.

    Nyx skin doesnt really count as a deluxe skin, since its based off one of their older games. Its more of a Proto skin... (Excal and Volt will probably get proper deluxe skins too)


    Edit I kinda find it weird we getting Vauban next since deluxe pattern goes male, male, female ,female.... And we got Nekros>Volt>Mesa > Octavia >Inaros>Nidus>Vauban>Nezha?

    Was waiting for Titania deluxe next after Nidus =3=

  4. 5 hours ago, Swiftroph said:

    I don't think you know what Umbra are if you think it's just the skin. First you have the polarities and they are sentient.

    It's not just a black color.

    I know excal umbra, but the original concept for excal umbra that steve said in on of the streams is from the black primes we already have..


  5. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    Doesn't the energy overlay on it after you dump max damage into it change colour based on your energy? 

    When I first shoot it I always get the same metal-ish looking ball - but when I dump a clip into it gets an overlay that's blue.  My Nova's colour.  Is it blue for everybody or?

    Null star has golden orbs too. 

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