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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 1 hour ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    lol stalker fans be like B ) 

    im just contemplating the facts and what not, also had to clean the wiki, someone posted a bunch of junk to it ....

    Hmmm , i don't think that Umbra will have white frames , i mean it's supposed to be dark and shadowy , wouldn't make sense to have white ( unless it's grey , which is totally different )

  2. 1 hour ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

     is anyone else planning on using that on nyx with nemisis ...? or just me 

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    another thought occurred to me 

    as weve seen that prime variants are gold trimmed , but have either black or white base color ...

    does that also mean that some umbras will be white /gold trimmed and some will be black and gold trimmed .?


    Add some red for extra edginess 

  3. 55 minutes ago, Erebus_Nacht said:

    The Chinese Founder Nikana was "primed Nikana" We recieved Nikana Prime, The Kunai Prime we can't get do to Chinese Founders exclusivity was a skin swap and became Spira Prime. Ways to get around the Exclusivity while still giving global the same assets, since DE loves to make sure we all get to enjoy all the cool things they make. 

    The whole Umbra delay seems to be about getting in the game in a way people would enjoy, they've mentioned it being a focus choice, transform a warframe into umbra with umbra points. They seems to not want it to be another prime part farm, if anything it'll be some sort of resource power up that changes a warframe into it's Umbra Variant. All this umbra rambling is just wild speculation based on the very light explanations from past devstreams.

    Uuuuuuuuh whut

    12 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:


    I agree at everything u said . Everything . i Keep telling these things but people just ignore and continue do what they want to .

  4. 2 hours ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

    They really need to stop with these cinematic quests. While its definitely a good idea on PC, consoles get turned into a desolate wasteland with the wait we have to go through to get them. They need to concentrate on getting consistent content out, because people on consoles are bored out of their minds. This is why I've noticed such a heavy decline on console. The game is practically dead here. There are alotta people agreeing that this game is going down the tubes so their finding other things to do and just saying hell with it. I firmly believe that the war within is probably the last chance de has of saving the game from falling into oblivion on consoles.


    Yeah , consoles get really low attention , but the thing is , most of the community kept saying that they want more content like the second dream , so they are just doing what they are asked to do , which they are trying to do but are taking time , DE aren't a huge company to make content fast , so they are taking long time 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Redthirst said:

    I never understood these kind of "humble requests". "Yeah, I want this massive thing that will take you a few work-weeks to make, and add it to this quest that you will release in a month that should be mostly done".

    You never know if that already is a thing in the quest . Or they could do it in another quest in the future , i just hope it happens

  6. YES . I always wanted something like an epic cinematic fight scene , waving swords , being a badass

    15 minutes ago, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

    Sure. Complete with Quick Time Event (QTE) button presses that appears when least expected. If you miss the presses, you'll fail and have to restart a half hour talking dialogue that CANNOT be skip.

    Oh yes, I can see the forum salt. More SALT! :)

    I actually want that >_> , im so sadistic

  7. 1 hour ago, strickman101 said:

    im going to pray every day and hope that the frost deluxe skin will not look this messed up. I hope they make him as good as this.

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    Hmmmm , but that aleph skin looks like   trinity's skin AND loki's skin , like a mixture of both. Dunno if DE can make it , but it cann be a tennogen skin if the person made this made a model for it 

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