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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. You know that most people who will be at Tennocon didn't play the update yet. Telling them to complain about something they didn't try isn't logical

    12 minutes ago, Coverop said:

    The Warframe that we used to know is gone...

    This update has brought more problems than solutions for the Warframe.


    Was Market Rework NECESSARY? Couldn't Devs slightly improve what already exists?

    Are you seriously mad ? it looks way more clean and organized

  2. 1 hour ago, -----LegioN----- said:

    They have some tasks to complete and offer rewards in exchange. What bufsme is the shadow on the other side if an energy wall threatening me whenever I get too close l.

    I'm trying to complete mars junction, but one of the tasks makes me wait until an alert pops on earth on order to see what happens.

    Not gonna spoil the rest of it (:

    Any alert works

  3. 46 minutes ago, achromos said:

    Imagine if DE put out a fatal bug onto the Console systems?  One that had to be fixed with another update that you guys would have to wait on the Cert for.  I mean I'm not putting all the blame on them, but maybe about 85%ish.

    Bugs get fixes that doesn't  require cert processes  ( well most of them )

  4. 1 minute ago, achromos said:

    Sorry, though being honest Joe...  Blame the Cert process for Sony and Microsoft's Consoles.  They cannot handle the rapid-fire updates apparently.  You could say that they can slow the PC users down to let the Consoles catch up, but I'd rather yell at Sony/Microsoft to get their stuff fixed to where the consoles can keep pace.  Even if PC was slowed down, you'd have to wait out each new hotfix and eventually it would slow the consoles down again which is unfortunate.

    Yh it's sad how the Cert process is slow , but most console players have already gotten used to it

  5. 1 hour ago, vrdwrst2 said:

    Anybody else notice that the Saturn Junction tasks included "defeat Vor and Kril at War, Mars?"

    Does this mean DE is *finally* getting rid of The Sergeant? 


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    And maybe replacing him with Nef Anyo? I mean, probably not...

    Or Derf! Devs were talking about adding him, right? I mean, he was on the "Upcoming Features" wiki page...


    that wasn't junctions , that was the projections things , it was a tab that was opened while viewing saturn

  6. 2 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

    Sorry to crush your dreams, but this IS NOT, the Orbiter, this is one of the Solor Rails, if you look at the video they are also very Tenno looking/Orbiter Looking, same tubes and pipes  

    In the post it says that there will be some reveals about the war within  , and the rails are in specters of the rail  i dunno why they would show the rails in a different update , and there is the possibility of specters being  live this week for you guys soo , i dunno just what i think

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