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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 8 hours ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

    speak for yourself. I've personally put over $400 into this game between prime accessory packs, prestige packs, and the purchase of plat to get extra odds and ends. I'd like to know that my money isn't gonna go towards overly drawn out ridiculous projects while they leave everyone bored outta their minds in anticipation. I mean whose the last frame we got? Inaros? How long ago was that? Like 4 months ago? And he didn't require some overblown story. I mean yeah, the mission was vague and the voiceover story over the gameplay with no visualization resulted in a jarring presentation but at the very least I enjoyed what I was doing. It wasn't a long boring grind I just went and did what I had to do, fought a satisfying boss battle and that's it.

    Please , bear in mind that DE isn't like EA or any other big company like that , When warframe started , DE was a really small company and even now it isn't a ginormous company that can work at the speed of light . DE has priorities  other than Umbra , What priorities may those be ? Fixing the game . DE are constantly fixing and reworking the game so it isn't broken and not playable , and reworking things that are bad is way more important than adding a new frame into  a game , it's more important to make a game fun than adding an aditional frame , yes , maybe that  frame will be really fun , but that will be the only thing fun in a broken game if DE doesn't do what they are doing righ now .

    Also , don't be one of those people who say that the spent a lot on the game but they don't like it , DE NEVER said that you had to use money on  the game , you chose to spend money on the game , so its not their fault that you now don't like warframe . 

  2. 1 hour ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

    well, it wouldn't have lasted nearly as long had de not drug this out to an eternity. I'd rather be playing with Excalibur umbra than continue to speculate about him and the damn lore still. Oh well, at least it will all be over soon.

    He will be available when he s ready , DE has presented us this beautiful game and it's contents , bear in mind that this isn't an AAA game that you paid 60 bucks for , this is free to play ,  Warframe is the only of it's kind , DE knows what they're doing , if they didn't know , you wouldn't be in this community and the game wouldn't even exist.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

    Have you tried going to mission with an abomination skin kubrow or kavats ?  I tried and it turn back into a normal kubrow /kavats when I go into mission. 

    I'm a PS4 peasant , Can;t test these things . But would be really cool to see them in missions , scaring the souls of their enemies out of their bodies XD

  4. 13 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    ...SOOO jealous.

    I remember DE steve saying that they will ship this bug to console he said that in prime time :D


    3 hours ago, Nijyumensou said:

    nah but most of the abomination will probably revert back to a normal kub/kav once it goes to mission(someone tried). ( restart the game to get back the abomination looks)(someone tried)

    DE said that they'll leave these things to the people who have em but will prevent them from happening again , in a future path

  5. 1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

    You mean confirmed by the player made and maintained wiki?


    There is nothing that supports that, it's just a player idea like we are too creatures moving between bodies.

    1st Wikis don't make up lore and they get it from either from the Game or the devs 

    2nd . They wouldn't put incorrect information cuz that would mislead players and it will fail being a wiki 

    3rd . Im sure DE said this in a stream but i don't remember which , 

    I'll get more info that helps what I say

    And btw if u ask experiened players from the community they would say what I said

  6. 19 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Other way around, the Primes were upgrades to the originals.

    Plus the ones we have as base are merely built off of basic blueprints made from scraps or early models, the primes use exact blueprints.

    That and lore wise the Primes were likely used only for certain ceremony, why waste the time making something you dispise till you absolutely needed too... Say towards the end of the war as the Warframe became well known and loved by the masses, at that point you'd make them all shiny is Orokin manner and make them yet another status symbol.

    I am not spewing things from my imagination  ... 

    It is confirmed ( not sure where tho ) that the primes were the original and our normals are tenno made . I'm sure of what im talking about

  7. I approve of this , Most of the time im the defender and the attacker AT tHE SAME TIME( most of the time my teamates are really bad ) .

    PASS THE DAMN BALL , pls , that is so important .

    And pls , defend the goal and don't try to spam checking like an idiot , it won't work , it fails , every.single.time.

    And the dribble thing ( didn't know it as called dribble ) is soo useful , use it , seriously.

    This post is like , Lunaro 101 , these are the fundamentals of Lunaro , practice and you will be good .

    As a really good Lunaro player myself I approve of this .

  8. I kept trying but i kept dying of air support thingies , then i thought of equinox , i made a range and duration build really quick and went , put them to sleep went to day , main , do finisher dmg ..... HOLY MOLY , The numbers were ridiculously CRAZY , i activated it and wiped the whole map . Was fun searching for a different method cuz most people were using covert lethality .

  9. 14 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    not negligence, it wasn't stated anywere they would make umbra the priority, just that it would get done

    and in all honesty improving the game overall should take priority, they were trying to address issues within the game and improve it as needed

    it will be a better release overal then imo , and we do know it will be relatively soon and have a impact as big or greater then the second dream

    if that vid at tennocon is a hint at anything we may have had some things right

    -room is not grineer

    -teshin in the NEW design appears 

    -operator is alone in ..snow? 


    the snow is really suspicious ,

    Anyway guys calm down , If DE had a crisis would you be mad if the game shut down and no release Umbra ? They know what they are doing , and if they think its ready they would release it but they know that it still needs work , also they said it will be this year if i recall correctly.

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