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Posts posted by Ryden

  1. If we got railjack as early as months after it was first announced, we'd have the same result as what we had when archwing first launched. Steve made that clear himself, he's very weary of making that same mistake again. It's obvious they're really trying to integrate this system into the core of the game, so as to not be just another one-and-done gimmick of a mission.

    I'd rather they take as much time as needed to make this a fully realized game feature that adds meaningful depth and longevity to the warframe experience as a whole

    • Like 3
  2. Just now, Highlord83 said:

    Don't really like it, to be honest. The design is just too busy for my tastes.

    But I will say it looks pretty dammed good overall. The talent behind the design is amazing, and I think I can see what he was going for.  Just not really up my alley.

    I guess it's why I'm so enthralled by it- it really truly hits the exact *spot* in regards to my tastes and what deeply appeals to me

  3. Just now, KnossosTNC said:

    I still haven't dropped a single Forma into my Excalibur Umbra, so this skin isn't really for me. That said, I'm very interested to see how they'll implement the pipe.

    I'm worried Rebecca was all too serious when she suggested that the pipe promotes smoking, which they do not wish to condone. Would be a shame to let it go to waste, it really does accentuate the tone/theme of this look

    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, (XB1)A Excal Umbra said:

    This deluxe is okay but I still strongly prefer this skin: 




    Way cooler imo and looks like an appropriate Excal skin. 

    Gorgeous for sure, but too bulky for my taste. I feel a frame like Excalibur requires a little more room to breathe, this concept seemed too rigid and restrictive for Excal's agile movements

  5. 15 minutes ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

    I strongly suspect the final product will actually only vaguely look like that.  Thinking the upper-coat especially will be trimmed down considerably, if not outright removed.

    Overall, there's just something about this deluxe that seems off next to the other deluxe concepts.  Probably too much detail and fluff.

    I feel like the devs themselves were blown away and particularly excited to make this a reality. I have faith in their attention to detail but id be lying to myself if i said i dont share your skepticism, as partial as it is

  6. 3-N-Uc-VUIA6-VSf-MMZs1-Tbvgi-Ss9h-Kh-Mxu

    Yes, I'm absolutely obsessing over this deluxe skin and i just need to gush a bit. Join me, if you will.

     Let me be the first to say I'm willing to drop good money on this one, especially so if it's complete with a unique idle animation/pose, unique exalted blade skin, and if the nipple ring is still there on release. This design is top tier and i do hope it gets the extra attention.

    With regards to unique idles, i do hope his pose with his hand over the end of his nikana's hilt is implemented- if not as an out-of-combat idle, then perhaps as the idle for a new nikana stance. maybe an exclusive stance for the deluxe nikana itself?

    On that topic..

    I know we already have a number of nikanas to choose from- and i know what I'm about to bring up is justifiable by lore- but seeing as how Excal Umbra has a signature nikana (skiajati), wouldn't it be nice to also see this nikana be more than just a reskin? Complete with it's own combos and idle pose! I think it's fitting for Excal, as our poster-boy sword frame, to have this kind of special attention. (I see all your eyes rolling, just let me gush, i'm almost done)

    And lastly, exalted blade. Liger Inuzuka (praise be) did not include a design for it in their concept, but i hope DE will make the effort to adapt a fitting blade consistent with the beastly/samurai aesthetic.

    If nothing else, i really hope DE doesn't detract or compromise any of the details on the model itself. I'd be happy just to see that my precious excal looks true to the concept art ive been obsessively analyzing over the last couple weeks (and will continue to stare at for the next few months), if none of the aforementioned ideas came to be.

  7. 1 hour ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    It wasn't centered on the look of the skin, as it was a thread created to ask when the skin would be releasing, then derailed. I wanted to create a focused thread.

    Actually i created a focused thread on how he looked, my thread was just merged into that original thread for some reason- despite the different discussion i was trying to have, much like the one you're having here

  8. 1 minute ago, NovusNova said:

    I heard Geoff at 01:05:00 on the devstream say that Ray said "Rebecca is missing the shoulder armor on Wukong Deluxe" and that Ray is very upset.

    So its likely it wasn't in the exact Dev build Rebecca was using on the devstream but will be in the final version that we get.

    I missed that bit, definitely good to know

  9. 4 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    There was a comment about not showing the armor with wukong so it's possible. 

    Having said that I can't say I envisaged the 'body' being basically a 'rocky' texture or at best similar to nidus deluxe sort of texture...

    My thoughts exactly; it's just a matter of expectations vs reality. There's controversy around this skin because this finalized rocky rendition is simply disappointing 

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, SmilingMad said:

    In the concept art it was already apparent his body was going to be made of stone, considering its roughly-hewn appearance.

    The current rendition is considerably different from the implied stone-like textures of the concept art and early sculpt, that's undeniable 

  11. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    So start rattling the cage!  My guess is that the pointy bits became an armor set.  We shall see.

    Too bad his hair isn’t quite the same as the concept...I’d like that or flowing fire.

    Genuinely just inquiring for some insight on the decision and voicing some valid concern, I'd argue. Not trying to boycott deluxe skins or anything 😉 Though it might be possible that the removed bits might be an armor set, these sorts of things are usually showcased as 'the whole' and later revealed to be optional add-ons. Still does not explain the difference in bodysuit textures, either. Very curious

  12. Screenshot-20190726-174905-You-Tube.jpgScreenshot-20190726-174852-You-Tube.jpg

    What happened to this look? It seems like the 3D model stayed true to the concept art in this first look, yet today's Wukong deluxe looks like he's made of stone, among other obvious aesthetic differences. He doesn't look terribly bad, but he definitely falls short of expectations, especially given that there did appear to be a fully realized sculpt of the concept art. I would understand taking liberties with the design if the intricacies of the concept proved to be too challenging to adapt to the game, but this just seemed like an artistic decision to deviate from the pre-established version. Creative freedom is nice, but not so much when you've already created hype/expectations.

    I sincerely hope, and beg, that this doesn't happen with Excal's upcoming deluxe skin, as far off as that might be. Please stay true and consistent to the concept art, as was the case with recent releases; namely nidus deluxe, atlas deluxe.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Mods can be reworked for new purpose, If channeling does completely go away, rest assured, such a mod will be looked into for a new method of use.

    I'd hope so. I understand channeling and blocking will be paired. Perhaps the mod would allow for heal on block, effectively making bullets mini health capsules being sprayed into you. That seems massively overpowered, come to think of it

  14. Edit:
    I just got back into the game and have only now just found out about melee 3.0. I'm curious to know if this issue has been addressed.

    I'd argue that the value of channeling is heavily dependent on this mod. I'm worried about what happens to life steal capabilities when channeling is removed. My EB Excal literally cannot survive without this ability

  15. The new cloth physics make the Misa Prime look like crap. It's a metal chain Syandana and DE have forced cloth physics on it. The links now stretch and wobble like rubber bands. The original physics worked because its a metal chain-link Syandana. Why do DE feel the need to force the new physics on every Syandana, no matter what they appear to be made of?


    Please DE, PBR the thing, but give it its original physics back. Some things are simply not meant to flow like cloth or rubber bands, especially metal.

    Hmm, you make a good point. At first i was pleased to see the new physics were implemented, but looking at it now and how it flows really doesnt make sense. The chains indeed look like rubber bands.

    Huh. So we got the physics rather than the PBR. How bout we swap that around, DE? :P

  16. What's the point of giving a bunch of exclusive cosmetics this treatment if the rest of the game looks dated? The main game should always come first.

    And it has. Many tilesets, objects, interiors, have received PBR. Our liset even got a PBR update with the U18 expansion of the ship. Just another example of things getting PBR'd in a while-we're-at-it situation.

    Point being, the Misa Prime is just more relevant now then it ever will be. Everything in the bundle has received PBR enhancements (the Latron Prime and Frost Prime). It's a 60$ bundle bringing back a very sought-after item. It's the best time for it to be fixed.

    How well does misa prime 'flow' now? Rigid or cloth physics?

    It flows really well, which surprises me. It seems to have gotten the new physics implemented, but hasn't been PBR'd.

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