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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. Now while i understand their is logic behind what i said i was just suggesting to the OP a way that we can explain the damage we receive when we block.i have not mention my side on the topic were i am for reduction or for full 100% absorb so i have no clue why your telling "It's not logic that makes this a bad decision;its gameplay." 

    Now i would like to add while the Blocking is now damage reduction is possible that the intention of this change is that other aspect of the game can shine to be use as survival.

    Since as we mention if your a pure melee user this is a bad move for you so DE could be making this change to make other melee weapon classes more special then other and to encourage gun & sword fighting.Not just pure melee which this move does not make it impossible to pure melee just makes it less encouraging since now you got to do so much more.


    I very much doubt that this was intentionally targeted to stop people from meleeing. If anything, DE has tried to get people to melee more and make pure melee a more viable choice. It just doesn't seem like they thought out the numbers on Blocking very much.

  2. Dual Ether: 7->3

    Dual Fang: 7->5

    Dark Dagger: 7->5


    Dual Weapons don't seem to block any more than their single weapon counterparts. The only thing that matters is the size of the weapon.


    I don't have a Sword and Shield to test on but I'd have to assume they're in the Heavy weapon categories. I'm also going to guess that my results are skewed thanks to the low incoming damage and rounding, and that if I were to repeat the tests with higher incoming damage, there would probably be three distinct tiers (Heavy 75%, Medium 50%, Light 25%), but I can't be sure yet.

  3. Doing some rough testing/recording in game and comparing frame to frame against Level 15 Elite Lancer on Janus/Saturn with my Ash Prime. Galatine/Scindo appear to have ~75% reduction (7->2), Jaw Sword at ~60% (7->3), while the Obex has ~30% reduction (7->5). All drain energy through Channelblocking at the same rate.


    It seems, in this update, use heavy weapons. You're hosing yourself if you don't. Going to see how Dual weapons fare.


    Kind of sucks because Obex is my jam.

  4. I run Focus Energy and Reflex Coil and it doesn't seem to help very much, if at all. Some of the worst offenders are shotgun mobs - even a basic enemy with a shotgun will tank your energy reserves by 20+ per shot, because the game is taking energy per pellet.


    I imagine this system scales better against higher level targets than Stamina did (energy drain seems to be flat, stamina drained more the higher the damage was), but it hardly seems worth it. This also has the knock-on effect that Channel will no longer be viable as a toggle. If you want to use channeling for DPS, you have to go back to holding it down when attacking. Not the biggest deal in the world, but annoying when you're already having to deal with the Toggle Block dropping all the time with the new parkour, the new movement options, and doing your melee combos.

  5. How about Channeling effiency

    I run Focus Energy and Reflex Coil and the drain is still so much that it's unviable. It doesn't matter if it only costs 1 energy to block a shot if the enemy is pumping dozens of rounds in your direction.


    The only thing I can think of is that this maybe scales better against extremely high level enemies than Stamina, and you're not supposed to channelblock against the vast majority of encounters. Of course this means Channel is coming off the toggle button, as well, since you can't have it on all the time. If you just want it for DPS, you'll have to weave it in when you're attacking so that blocking doesn't ravenously tank your energy. Have fun doing this on top of having to do your existing melee combos.  

  6. I'm rather confused by this notion that I'm asking the game to 'hold my hand' for me. Like, Block is already a toggle. I set it and forget it generally now anyways, and I only need to worry about it when Stamina runs out. 


    Stamina won't exist anymore, though, so I'm just going to click it ONCE during a mission and bam, I won't need to worry about it at all ever. There's no gameplay there, which is a problem. I mean, ideally, I'd like blocking to have a more complicated functionality than what we have now, but that doesn't seem to be the direction that DE is going with the removal of Stamina.

  7. * Since there will be no Stamina to drain, it seems that Blocking is something you will be able to do forever with the new patch. Given this, there is literally no reason to not be Blocking at all times. There is no element of choice in gameplay, and thus, no reason to have the choice at all. A player should get the Blocking damage reduction bonus as long as they have their melee weapons out. 

  8. Currently, there are several points in the game where a player using the toggle option for blocking will find that their character no longer blocks after suffering a hit that forces an animation, like being knocked over by a fireball or dragged by a Scorpion.


    This doesn't appear to be an intended behavior, because the toggle itself still thinks it is active. As evidence, after one of these incidents, it takes two clicks of the toggle to start blocking again, indicating that the game still thinks you are in 'blocking' mode, despite this not being the case.

  9. Extremely packed close together, and in most cases being too bright, leads to some serious eye strain in a lot of menus. The new foundry in particular is horrible compared to the old one.


    None of it is fun to use or streamlined for efficiency. In most cases, the ship has led to things being MORE clunky, not less.


    Let's take mission selection as an example. Mission selection used to be a case of finding the planet on its orbit and clicking on it, then clicking on the mission. Now you have to walk to the navigation console (eating up many seconds if you're in the lower part of the ship since for some reason they decided you can't run), finding the planet and clicking on it, potentially rotating the mission wheel around, and clicking on the mission. Even ignoring the fact that the new mission wheel is just WORSE at getting information about the mission to you across, it's already inferior at the first step, which eats up a huge amount of time.


    I'm sure a counter to this will be 'you can just hit escape and use the menus there.' And it's true, it does cut out the immense inconvenience that walking around the ship is. This isn't really a defense of the system, though. It's just more damning evidence that the entire project was poorly thought out in the first place. If my best option for dealing with the ship is to ignore it completely in favor of a simple tile menu, then I think it's fair to say that it's a failure.

  10. The Obex currently animates during running as if there is a pistol equipped in the main hand, even if there isn't one. Quality of life issue. Not sure if the Obex was ever given a proper animation set of its own.


    It also behaves this way when recovering from a melee attack animation, with the character pausing to 'grab' a nonexistent pistol in their right hand. This is a gameplay affecting issue. While the animation is playing, the character cannot Block.


    I tested with the Bo, Furax, Fang, and Dark Sword, and they do not have a similar issue. If someone else can test other Hands+Feet weapons, we might be able to see if this is an Obex specific issue, or whether the Hands+Feet weapons in general are missing a complete dedicated animation set. 

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