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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Didn't realize how petty players for a game in beta were... Then again looking at Steam reviews should have made it clear kids have no idea what that entails.

    I disagree.

    Warframe currently offers one of the most complete horde mode experiences on the market, with hundreds of hours of gameplay just to scratch the surface. It has more progression routes than many full-fledged RPGs. And, more importantly, it's been taking money for microtransactions for years.

    I call shenanigans. As far as I'm concerned, Warframe isn't a "beta" anymore: it's a full game with a rich experience that has continued support and development. There are a lot of games out there that share these traits, among them some of the biggest games on the planet (DotA2, LoL). The digital age with its ease of patching, combined with funding for continued development via microtransactions, means that games don't neatly fit into 'beta' and 'release' molds. In my judgment, when a game delivers on its basic promise, and when it starts taking money for cosmetics/microtransactions, it's lost the right to protect itself with the excuse of being a 'beta'. All that to say, Warframe is currently one of the biggest games on Steam, with tens of thousands of concurrent players on at all times of the day. At this point, there's no excuse for half thought through measures. 

  2. Thrown Melee vs. Gunblades

    Currently, thrown melee weapons thrown hits do not add to the combo counter, whereas gunblade bullet attacks do, despite the latter being much easier to aim, and gunblades having relatively little cost for a whiff (a Glaive user has to wait for his weapon to return before he can attack again). Can you comment on this disparity and why it exists?

  3. They wanted to try a thing (community response to a mystery plague). They probably went a little too far with it, or simply underestimated how fast it would spread.

    I'm not going to call them incompetent because that's ridiculous.

  4. Why would they add a cosmetic to hide the cyst when it's always been part of the plan to remove it?

    I'm floored that so many of you actually think they would keep the cyst around permanently. They knew it was going to upset people, but it's a small part of whatever story they want to tell with this frame, and that it's temporary.

    Just wait. The cure is probably coming in the next few days.

  5. You'd think people would remember how to deal with those guards, but golly gee whiz does everyone just stand around while four of them are swarming, dying over and over. 

    My personal issues with Kuva missions at the moment are

    1) Finding the stupid thing can be a major hassle sometimes (it should show up on the map after five minutes, imo)

    2) Bugs with the jump. Any uneven floor can and will F*** you. Aiming up to catch the cloud? Too bad, you didn't see the two inch steel plate by your character's feet. BAMF, goes nowhere.

  6. "Operator, what is Cephalon Simaris like? I've heard such wonderful things!"


    "Operator, what is Cephalon Simaris like? I've heard such wonderful things!"


    "Operator, what is Cephalon Simaris like? I've heard such wonderful things!"


    "Operator, what is Cephalon Simaris like? I've heard such wonderful things!"


    ... And the quest chain just autocompleted itself after the synthesis of three lancers.


    .... And then bugged to being uncomplete, so I have to do it all over again.

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