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Posts posted by Paradoxbomb

  1. They could maybe change the scythes stances into heavy blade stances. It'd probably look a bit awkward and would likely need some animation tweaks since not all them all completely compatible, but it'd be better than outright scrapping the stances entirely (plus as a bonus, scythes get to use heavy blade stances and vice versa).

  2. According to the Wiki, the duration on the ethereal Pyrana can't be refreshed while it's already wielded, so part of me wonders if it would be considered too OP for the dual Pyrana's too gain an endless clip for the duration (still consuming ammo from your reserves mind you, just without the need to reload) since it feels like a good portion of the buff always ends up being wasted on reloading the Pyranas, even with the doubled clip. So that the player still has to reload eventually, once the ethereal Pyrana dissipates the real Pyrana's clip could be restored to whatever was left in it prior to activating the buff.

    But I digress, as it stands I still enjoy the Pyrana Prime for what it is (or rather, what they are). The Vanilla Pyrana is already a beast of a sidearm and the Prime version sacrifices a negligible amount of damage for improved utility and the ability to double it's damage output if you use it proficiently, and personally I haven't had much trouble downing three targets in a clip until absurdly high enemy levels, so I think the buff activation requirement and duration is fair as is (besides, +magazine and punch-through mods do help better your odds). The only thing I do want (aside from the aforementioned endless clip, but that's not a necessity) is a UI indicator to keep track of how much time is remaining on the second Pyrana's duration.

  3. I'm hoping that, as a general glaive/gunblade improvement, the DEvs remove the need to perform a quick attack before initiating the charge to throw/fire them. It's a little thing but it really messed up the flow of these weapons for me, so it'd be nice to see their original fluidity restored.

    As for the Redeemer itself, I'd say it's okay for what it is, but the lack of both crit and status definitely does take it's toll on the weapon down the road. I'd be all for a Redeemer Prime in place of a buff; it's certainly been in the game for quite some time so I think we're well overdue for it.

  4. I always thought Vay Hek would be a much more appropriate boss for farming Equinox parts, since Earth has a day and night cycle that the respective parts could drop during. On the other hand, I find the boss fight super tedious and I'm sure many others share that sentiment, so it might not be the best change in practice. Just some food for thought. 😕

  5. Honestly the only hard part of this Riven is how infrequently the Condrocs spawn (I spent 20 minutes running around just trying to find a flock once), and for that reason I'd advocate for increased Condroc spawns. As for the challenge itself, it's pretty easy; frames and weapons with AoE damage are your friends for this one.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Kracken said:

    This is already in the codex... i don't see any necessity having it also elsewhere.

    It's a bit of a pain having to run over to the codex console every time you wanna double check which of your relics are vaulted and which aren't, especially when that information can easily be displayed on the spot when using the relic station or selecting one for a mission. I'd be all for this personally.

    Heck, another thing I'd love to see is a "search by rewards" options for relics, so that it isn't necessary to check the rewards of every relic on the Wiki or each individual codex entry just to find out which one or two relics drops the particular item you're looking to get.

  7. Maybe a limited amount so that thin railings won't completely nullify it's effect, but I don't think comparing the Zenistar to the Zenith is a sound comparison since one is a gun that requires you aim at individual targets whereas the other one is an AoE that flat-out damages and inflicts status effects on enemies all the while leaving you free to continue fighting as it does it's own thing.

    It definitely deploys too slow though, I'm really hoping Melee 3.0 removes the need to perform a standard attack just to perform a charged attack (and by extension lob the disc). Bonus points if it gets it's own separate buttons for melee attacks and disc deployment.

  8. I don't think Loki needs any buffs or changes, but I wouldn't argue against some improvements/QoL changes to his decoy and switch teleport, namely:

    • The decoy being invincible (at least for a few seconds) or allowing for multiple decoys to be placed
    • The decoy not blocking player's bullets, being a hologram and all
    • Switch Teleported enemies could become irradiated and be targeted by enemies originally targeting Loki

    And again, those are more like icing on the cake than actual necessities.

  9. The Opticor and Lenz are noteworthy win-buttons, if you have the MR to use them. Pretty much any sniper can dish out sufficient damage against sortie level enemies as well, although bear in mind that they are a bit sluggish for dealing with swarms of fodder enemies.

    I'd also like to recommend the Quanta Vandal and Supra Vandal since they're both pretty beastly as well, though Baro sells them and as such it's up to chance when you can acquire them.

  10. Personally I think it would be a nice touch for the radio near the ramp to double as a spot where you can initiate conversation with Ordis, possibly discussing lore or providing tips and hints for players. Or just have him go off on a tangent.

    Either way I'd be all for Ordis having more dialogue outside his random comments, so long as they aren't obtrusive.

  11. Personally, I think abilities like Minelayer and Quiver should bring up their own little gear wheel when the ability button is held down, after which you can just click on your sub-ability of choice. The current cycling mechanic feels too slow, especially if you want to switch to a mine/arrow that's one space CCW to your current one.

  12. The two factors that make a Riven "good" or "bad" would be what weapon it's for and what stats it has. Generally speaking, most "trash" tier weapons aren't going to become top-tier even with an exceptionally good riven so rivens for them aren't considered all that valuable. Of course, you can still value a riven for a weapon you like even if it isn't considered meta.

    As for stats, people typically value stats that add damage, multishot, crit chance, status chance, etc. over more utility-based stats like magazine size, reload speed, and so on. But sometimes non-damage stats can make a weapon easier to handle for you, so once again it's a matter of the weapon's strengths and drawbacks as well as your personal preference that ultimately determine the quality of a riven.


  13. While not a buff to bows directly, it would be nice if the Thunderbolt mod finally scaled based on your bow's damage. Being able to exchange some raw single-target damage for lower damage dealt in an area would be a nice option to have, but with it's fixed damage and low chance to even take effect Thunderbolt is little more than a gimmick.

  14. 2 hours ago, (PS4)kingbrown2012 said:

    Hard to do when you 2 hours in on survival 



    Now if your Lenz just isn't killing enemies fast enough to generate ammo that far into Survival, that's probably a sign that it's damage is falling off and it's time to start turning tail. The Lenz is already a top-tier weapon with near-infinite ammo, a buff to it's max ammo so it can go an additional two hours into survival is just unnecessary. Of course, if ammo economy is really troubling you, Carrier, Ammo Restores, and *shudder* Ammo Drum are a thing as well.

  15. As mentioned already, Bursas are essentially heavy units, and while you'll probably get the hang of maneuvering around them in time, there are a few ways to make quick work of them:

    • Warframe abilities - pretty much any frame will have at least one ability in there arsenal that can help to CC them long enough to get behind them
    • Status effects - elemental status effects like electricity, ice, and even fire will briefly slow/daze them, so take advantage of your mods
    • Openings - the Denial (red) and Drover (blue) bursas are particularly easy to take down, since they leave a large opening to get behind them when they fire rocket/grenade salvos. Sadly the white Isolator bursas don't leave themselves exposed like the other two, so they're arguably the most difficult to deal with.
  16. While I definitely think WoF should be reworked from the ground up, most of the complaints I see about it seem to be in regards to the shortened range making Firequake less useful, so perhaps the could simply restore WoF's original range but give it damage falloff with distance. That way Ember can have her CC while still requiring her to be close to enemies to do optimal damage (and prevent her from killing enemies long before the rest of the squad can see them).

    It wouldn't be a permanent fix, but it'd at least be something while the DEvs come up with a better/revised World on Fire.

  17. I feel like the best course of action would be changing the alt-fire to a fire mode toggle a la the Zarr, seeing as the default middle mouse button isn't the most comfy button for charge weapons. With that said, I personally think the Stug's whole charging/stacking mechanic could use some improvement since making use of it is arguably worse than simply spamming tiny globs all over the place.

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