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Posts posted by Roble_Viejo

  1. hace 3 horas, (PSN)jaggerwanderer dijo:

    A new action needs a new keybind.

    No. This would be a Rwork to the Waypoint System.
    Tapping the Button works as it does right now.
    Holding the Button would allow Players to issue Commands.
    Pets Follow these Commands, but all Players can see someone
    is saying "Attack this Enemy" or "Protect this Zone"

    This is how pretty much EVERY Modern Game uses Pings

  2. Currently Companions are just AI Units that Players use for Vacuum and Animal Instinct
    All of them have Precepts, which are Mods with specific uses, however the activation of these
    Precepts is pretty much Random since Players can not Command Companions and their
    behavior is thus tied solely to RNG. This hasnt been addressed in the Companions Rework

    However there is a System in the Game right now to control Friendly Units and Command them
    to perform specific task, such as Attack Target / Protect Zone / Regroup, these are Khal's
    Commands, which work by tweaking the behavior of the "Mark Waypoint" Input mechanic

    Not only applying this System to Companions would give Players a way to activate Precepts and
    a mechanic for directly controlling their Companions behavior, but because this System is already
    in the Game, its implementation would be as simple as Copy-Pasting it from Khal to Pets

    Honestly this is something that DE should definitely consider, it would massively improve Companions
    not only Objectively by allowing Players to Manually Activate Precepts, but also Subjectively since
    being able to direct your Pet's Actions gives a real sense of having an Animal Sidekick trained for Battle

    As a sidenote:
    The Fur System has been broken since The New War, my Kubrows look Patchy and Balding,
    they look nothing like the gorgeous Kubrow from the New Player Experience trailer 😥

    r/Warframe - The Command Mechanic that Khal uses to control his Squad should be Copy-Pasted unto Companions

    • Like 1
  3. En 28/9/2023 a las 13:29, [DE]Taylor dijo:

    HUD Improvements

    When are we going to be able to Manually Move ANY HUD Item around the Screen
    Warframe is an extremely fast paced Game, I need to place my HP/Shield and Energy Bar
    closer to each other and move them towards the Center of the Screen, seriously

    I cant believe this Change wasnt even brought up during the Discussion, its almost mandatory

    Angry Fox Tv GIF by Hell's Kitchen

    • Like 3
  4. On 2023-09-13 at 11:42 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    attack speed will make for quicker animations, meaning you are back on the ground much quicker to start a new contagion attack.

    Lmao that is absolutely not true

    Melee Animations have NOTHING to do with Aim Glide time
    They are completely different parameters

    The Melee Animation is much shorter than the time it takes to Bullet Jump
    upwards and landing on the ground, REGARDLESS of Attack Speed



    On 2023-09-13 at 12:42 PM, CoffeeElemental said:

    Be glad DE didn't start banning people for using this.

    These White Knights are getting ridiculous
    Your armor is blinding me man! Is too shiny!

    Funny GIF


    On 2023-09-13 at 1:49 PM, -Krism- said:

    What a pathetic reaction, you have a whole game with hundreds, thousands of hours of content for completely free

    Yeah... Content that can get Nerfed, Fixed or Removed completely without warning
    And then all those hours of grinding go down the drain just like that

    God forbid an Arcane that is only available every two years
    and requires lots of grind is actually strong 🙄

  5. hace 12 minutos, VibingCat dijo:

    How would Wisp buff Glaive Prime?

    She is Permanently Invisible Mid-Air
    Meaning that if you use Aero Vantage and something like Patagium while using
    Glaive's Heavy Attack Detonated Explosion you are doing an absurd amount of
    Damage all the while you are Fully Invisible. All the Reward with no Risk.

    At least Exodia Contagion forces you to touch the ground.... 

  6. hace 21 minutos, kamisama85 dijo:

    So just use the simpler options and enjoy your QoL upgrade.

    Ah yes. Nothing like dumbing down Warframe's Gemplay as much as possible

    Do you understand I was using this Build because it was FUN, not because it was particularly powerful? 

    Aero Vantage Wisp with Glaive is still ten times stronger than this

    • Like 2
  7. hace 24 minutos, VibingCat dijo:

    One more reason to use Glaive Prime as the only decent melee, right?

    Yep. And you can do Heavy Attacks Mid-Air as many
    times as you want, not only once like Exodia Contagion

    Use Glaive Prime with Wisp Aviator + Aero Vantage and you
    can do much more dmg than Exodia Contagion, as many
    times as you want, and be completely Invisible while doing so

    Thats proof that DE doesnt care about how broken something is
    they only care about reinforcing what they deem Intentional

  8. hace 26 minutos, quxier dijo:

    Why? Because it's not intended. Who cares it was "fun" for some of us.

    Is not particularly strong. Requires more input that simply tapping 1 button.
    And above it all: It is Fun. But it deserves to be removed because is not intended?

    That will never make any sense to me. Actually, Bullet Jump was made into a 
    proper Mechanic because it was an Unintended Emergent Mechanic that required Tech.
    But because of Players Feedback it wasnt "fixed" but actually reinforced.

    Why did DE change? Why is Player's Fun secondary to "Intended Mechanics"? 
    When did Emergent Mechanics become Bugs to be Fixed? Why is this even an issue?

    This is so weird to me, because unlike Wukong Clone not using Ammo or
    Magus Lockdown freezing Eidolons this is not even game-breaking at all.

    Glaive Prime can literally do Heavy Attacks Mid-Air for MORE damage
    and you can do them as many times as you want, while Exodia Contagion
    can only happen ONCE per Aim Glide... I dont get it honestly...


    hace 31 minutos, quxier dijo:

    ps. change topic to Suggestion like someone said

    How do I do that? I cant only select "PC", "Community", and stuff like that
    I cant find the option to flair this Post as "Suggestion"

    • Like 1
  9. hace 5 minutos, (PSN)haphazardlynamed dijo:

    I'm assuming OP is using "tech" in the same context as a certain youtuber

    meaning: exploitable obscure interaction, likely unintended result of sphagetti code that DE themselves isn't fully aware of

    Have you ever heard the GameDev Term "Emergent Mechanics"? 

    And is not even an "unintended" mechanic result of "spaghetti code" as you say
    because I can do this exact same thing with the Glaive and it even does MORE damage

    • Like 4
  10. hace 9 minutos, Tiltskillet dijo:

    You have to force melee equip every time you want to do this?  Or just turn it on and leave it on?

    You cant use Quick Melee Attacks, so you need to Fully Equip your Melee
    Once your Melee is "Fully" Equipped you can do this as many times as you want
    (only ONCE per Aim Glide tho) and you cant use your Primary or Secondary

    If you also want to use Guns you need to manually
    unequip and re-equip your Melee every time

    I actually use Natural Talent and Holster Speed Mods to play this Build
    Is really fun compared to.... well, 90% of the rest of the Builds, which are
    far more simple than this. You can play something similar using Wisp
    and Glaive, casting Breach Surge and detonating the Glaive Mid-Air
    Actually, that Build is much stronger since it does more DMG
    with the Glaive Explosion and you are Invisible the whole time

    • Like 1
  11. hace 1 minuto, Pakaku dijo:

    This game could use more skill-based action inputs, it would definitely make melee feel less monotonous and boring.

    Exactly. I use Xaku with Natural Talent, Tauforged Yellow Archon Shard for Casting Speed,
    just so I can perform an Ensare + Gaze + Exodia Contagion/Zymos before touching the Ground

    I like to push Warframe's Mechanics, this is not particularly difficult to pull of or specially powerful
    But I love to Player with this Build because IT IS FUN

    I know "DE is the Fun Police" has always been a Meme, but this is getting ridiculous

    At this point is like DE wants Players to use the most mindless Gamestyles as possible
    I mean I can grab Mirage or Wukong, subsume Roar, equip an AoE Primary and do 
    even MORE DMG by simply running in a straight line tapping Left Click

    • Like 1
  12. hace 1 minuto, --F--NerevarCM dijo:

    Do you know what is hard to do? Play Street Fighter and do a Kara Demon cancel with Akuma, that requires pressing a sequence of 5 button while dashing during a 2 frame window.

    This is not hard dude.

    Is it Hard? Of course not. As you said other Games have much Harder Combos

    Is it Tech? Yes, absolutely. And is one of the very few forms of Tech remaining in Warframe

    You know whats a lot stronger than this?
    Wisp with Glaive using Heavy Attack Explosions during Aim-Glide
    Or Mirage pressing 1 and then Left Click when using an AoE Primary Weapon

    It literally makes no sense at all to "fix" Exodia Contagion when
    there are lots of easier ways to do absurd amounts of dmg

    Im defending this because I consider Warframe's Gameplay too simple
    and I use different forms of Tech to have fun, Im not a Kuva Bramma + Wukong Main
    Im a Xaku Player who uses the Zymos + Xata Whisper, who uses Ensare + Gaze + Exodia Contagion

    These are Builds that are fun because they are more complex than other forms of Gameplay
    and even then this is extremely easy and simple compared to other Games

    • Like 1
  13. hace 1 minuto, TARINunit9 dijo:

    Hang on I gotta check which one Contagion is...

    ...Space + Space + E, while holding right click. It does not require setup or heavy attack, or sliding, or bullet jumping, or hold-F equipping at all

    And Space + Space + E is incredibly spammable, on the same level as Kuva Bramma

    Yes, The regular Attack is much easier to do but is also much weaker. It does less DMG than Kuva Bramma or Zarr.
    In fact the Exodia Contagion Mid-Air Heavy Attack does LESS DMG than Glaives's heavy Attack Explosion

    Literally makes no sense to remove this using the "exploit" excuse, because is not even that strong

    hace 2 minutos, TARINunit9 dijo:

    Sounds more like they're fixing another big and this "midair heavy attack" bug (which isn't even the only or indeed intended way to do Contagion) got caught in the crossfire

    No. DE specifically said this was a "fix" to Exodia Contagion (which by the way has been nerfed a dozen of times already)

    • Like 3
  14. hace 4 minutos, Pakaku dijo:

    So, before we start this debate, tell me step-by-step how I was supposed to perform this exploit

    I included it the Post, then I realized DE might use that knowledge to actually remove it

    I will tell you the Inputs in the worng order and then you try to do it yourself, this way
    I can prove it actually requires Skill and Mindful use of Mechanics

    - Fully Equip your Melee by Holding the Swap Weapon Button
    - Press the Heavy Attack input
    - Aim Glide by Holding Right Click
    - Slide Mid-Air
    - Move Backwards

    You have to do all of this before touching the Ground and you have to do it in the right order

    And even then you can only do this ONCE in a single Aim Glide

    Honestly Im baffled DE unironically thinks this is an "exploit"
    When I can equip the Incarnon Skana and mindlessly mash Melee until I hit DAMAGE CAP


    • Like 1
  15. DE wants to Nerf the Ability for Players to perform a Heavy Attack Mid-Air when using Exodia Contagion
    which requires a Series of specific Parkour Movements, which means this is a form of TECH

    I can equip the Kuva Bramma and do more DMG simply tapping a button
    I can equip Incarnon Skana and hit DMG Cap by mashing the Melee button
    So... why is performing a series of specific Parkour Movements to do lots of DMG "wrong"??? 

    This is one of the few forms of Tech remaining in Warframe, because DE has "fixed" every other
    Remember Coptering? Remember Zooming? These are all maneuvers that require the Player
    to know how to use every input and how to weave them in the right order in an specific window of time

    Tech is a form of SKILL, this is one of the very few things in Warframe that actually require a bit of skill
    to pull off, so why in the name of Lotus is DE attempting to "fix" it? Specially since I can do a LOT more
    damage with AoE Weapons that simply require me to tap a single button...

    Reasons why Heavy Attacks Mid-Air are OBJECTIVELY GOOD FOR THE GAME:
    A. You need to fully equip your Melee, so you cant use other Weapons when doing so
    B. You need to learn how to perform these Maneuvers in the right order, otherwise it wont work
    C. It opens the possibility for a whole different Build instead of the staple raw DMG build
    D. Exodia Contagion is a RARE Arcane that is only available every other year and requires a lot of grinding to get

    In resume, If DE "fixes" Mid-Air Heavy Attacks they would be:
    A. Removing a form of Tech from the Game
    B. Punishing Players who grinded for Exodia Contagion
    C. Removing a whole Build from the Player's Option
    D. Pushing Players to use other AoE methods which do more dmg and are easier to use

    Basically DE would be dumbing down the Gameplay for those of us who actually care about Tech

    DE said it themselves: This requires a Series of Specific Parkour Movements to pull off

    Why is Performing a Combo that requires the Player to press specific Button in the right order something "Bad"???
    In any case its one of the very few examples on the type of Mechanics Warframe should have more of !


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